Abbreviation in Database Translation 1/2YO 1 & 2 Year-Olds 1D, 2D, 3D, etc. 1st Division, 2nd Division, 3rd Division, etc. 1K, 2K, etc. $1,000, $2,000, etc. 1Y- 1-Year-Old & Under 2/3YO 2 & 3 Year-Olds 2/4YO 2 to 4 Year-Olds 2-HND Two-Hand 4/6YO 4 to 6 Year-Olds 5/6YO 5 & 6 Year-Olds 5Y- 5 & Under 5Y+ 5 & Over 5YO 5-Year-Old 6Y- 6 & Under 6Y+ 6-Year-Old & Over 6YO 6-Year-Old 7-UP 7 & Up (sometimes called "Uncola") A/A All-Age A/D All Divisions ABI Atlantic Breeders Incentive ADLT Adult ADVTG Advantage AFF Affiliate AGD Aged AGG Aggregate AICH NCHA of Italy AK Alaska AL Alabama AL-ARND All-Around AL-BRED Alabama Bred ALB Alberta ALL/AMER All-American AM Amateur AMELITE Elite Amateur AMER American AM-OWNER Amateur-Owner AM-TX Amateur of Texas AMPR Amateur Progeny Rewards (Breeders Halter Futurity) ANHA American Novice Horse Association ANYBODY/WIN Anybody Can Win ApCHA Appaloosa CHA ApCHAHF Appaloosa CHA Hall of Fame APHA American Paint Horse Association APHC Appaloosa Horse Club AQANZ AQHA of New Zealand AQHA American Quarter Horse Association AQHYA American Quarter Horse Youth Association AQQH Quebec Quarter Horse Association AR Arkansas ARAB Arabian ARG Argentina ARHFA American Rope Horse Futurity Association ARNHA American Ranch Horse Association AROAHA American Roan Horse Association ASHA American Stock Horse Association ASSN Association A-T All-Time ATL Atlantic AUG August AUP Australian Paint AUS Australia AUS N CHA Australia NCHA (cutting) AUSQHA Australia QHA (Quarter Horse Assoc.) AVG Average AWD Award AZ Arizona AZ-OWNED Arizona-Owned BANK/ALBUQUE Bank of Albuquerque BATL/SDL Battle in the Saddle BBI Barrel Breeders Incentive BBR Better Barrel Races BC British Columbia BCKROO Buckaroo BDM Broodmare BDRS Breeders BDRSCUP Breeders Cup BEL Belgium BFA Barrel Futurities of America BGNR Beginner BGNR/RDR Beginner Rider BGNRAM Beginner Amateur BGNRHRS Beginner Horse BHN Barrel Horse News BINGO/GREYHND Itsa Bingo Greyhound BIP Breeders' Incentive Program BKL Buckle BKN Buckskin BKNB Buckskin Bred BKN/PAL Buckskin/Palomino BOAH Best of America's Horse BOX Boxing (a working cow horse event) BOYSTOWN Boys Town BRA Barrel Racing Association BRDG Breeding BRDL Bridle BRDLESS Bridleless BRIF Barrel Racing Incentive Fund BRKT Bracket (as in Barrel Race tournament-style event) BRL Barrel Racing BRN Brown BS Solid Paint-Bred BTL Battle BW RPG Breakaway Roping BY/BAY by the Bay CA California CALG Calgary CAMPDRAFT Camp Drafting CAN Canada CARD HLDR WPRA Card Holder CBF Canadian Barrel Futurities CC Central California CELEB Celebrity CELN Celebration CEN Center CEN/NATION Center of the Nation CFR Canadian Finals Rodeo CH Cutting Horse CH BDRS/CANADA Cutting Horse Breeders of Canada CH/CHS Champion of Champions CHA Cutting Horse Association CHAMP Champion CHB Cutting Horse Breeders CHLG Challenge CHSHP Championship CHSHPS Championships CL class CL1, CL2, CL3, etc. class #1, class #2, class #3, etc. CLR Color CLSC Classic CLSC/CHLG Classic/Challenge CLSD Closed CMNWEALTH Commonwealth CMPTN Competition CMS Cowboy Mounted Shooting CMSA Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association CNFR College National Finals Rodeo CNTR Center CNTRL Central CNTRY Country CNTRYSIDE Countryside CNTY County CO Colorado COA Certificate of Ability CO-CHAMP Co-Champion COM Certificate of Merit COMB Combined COMP Composite CONS Consolation CONTNTL Continental CO-OWNED Colorado-Owned COW HRS/CURE Cow Horse for a Cure COWBOY/RNCHHND Cowboy Ranch Hand COWCTRS Cow Cutters COW WK Cow Work CPRA Canadian Professional Rodeo Association CRBC Canadian Reining Breeders Classic CRCT Circuit CRI Concours de Reining International CRIO Concours de Reining International Officiel CT Connecticut CT-CH Circuit Champion CTBRA Central Texas Barrel Racing Association CTG Cutting CTG/DIXIE Cutting in Dixie CTG/SEA Cutting by the Sea CTL Cattle CTLMNS Cattlemens CTR Cutter CTRS Cutters CTRS/ID Cutters of Idaho DBG Daubing DBL Double DBY Derby DBY/MAT Derby/Maturity DBY/WEST Derby in the West DE Delaware DIR/SPONSOR Director/Sponsor race (barrels) DISP RAIL Disciplined Rail DIST District DIV Division DNA DNA DQ Disqualified DRESG Dressage DRV Driving DVLPG Developing DWNS Downs E TX East Texas E/W East/West EC Equestrian Center ECSIF East Coast Stallion Incentive Fund (Barrel) END/SMR End of Summer END/YR End of Year ENG English ENG/STOCK English/Stock Horse ENG/WP English/Western Pleasure ENG/WSTRN English/Western EQ Equitation EQ/FEN Equitation Over Fences EQ-ST Equi-Stat ESTRN Eastern ESTRN CAN CHA Eastern Canada CHA ESTRN/WSTRN Eastern/Western EURO European EURO CHA European CHA EWD Equestrians w/Disabilities EWPL English/Western Pleasure EXB Exhibitor EXTRV Extravaganza EXTRM Extreme FARM/RANCH Farmers & Ranchers FEI Federation Equestre Internationale FEN Fence FEQHA Federation of European Quarter Horse Associations FIN Finalist FL Florida FL-BRED Florida Bred FNL Final FNLS Finals FQHR Foundation Quarter Horse Registry FR Flag Race FRA France FRCKR Firecracker FRG Futurity Riders Guild (BBR) FRI Friday FRSTYL Freestyle FRTN Fortune FSTVL Festival FT Fort FUN/SUN Fun in the Sun FUT Futurity FUTR Future FUTR FRTN Future Fortunes GA Georgia GA-BRED Georgia Bred GARDEN/ENGLAND Garden of England GATEWAY/BRANSON Gateway to Branson GATEWAY/WORLD Gateway to the World GB Great Britain GC Grand Champion GER Germany GET/GOLD Get of Gold GET/SIRE Get of Sire GHQHA Georgia Horseman's QHA GLD Gelding GMS Games GO1, GO2, etc. Go-round #1, Go-round #2, etc. GO/GOLD Go for the Gold GOOD/GOLD Good as Gold GR CH Grand Champion GR CH-1ST 1st & Grand Champion GR/GRS Green as Grass GRN Green GRNDSLM Grandslam GRNHRS Green Horse GRNRDR Green Rider GRNRK Green Rookie GRNRNR Green Reiner GRS Grass GRSTST Greatest GRSW Graded Stakes Winners GRT Great GRTR Greater GRTST Greatest GT Goat Tying GTWY/BRANSON Gateway to Branson H/R Horse & Rider HALL/FAME Hall of Fame HD Herd HD WK Herd Work HDG Heading HDG/HLG Heading & Heeling HEART/AMERICA Heart of America HEART/DIXIE Heart of Dixie HEART/OZARKS Heart of the Ozarks HEART/TX Heart of Texas HEARTBEAT/AMERICA Heartbeat of America HF Hall of Fame HH Hunter Hack HI-PT High Point HK Hackamore HK/BRDL Hackamore/Bridle HK/SB Snaffle Bit/Hackamore HLG Heeling HLR Heeler HLT Halter HLT/PERF Halter/Performance HND Hand HNDY Handy HNR MNTN Honorable Mention HRS Horse HRS/CURE Horse for a Cure HRS/RIDER Horse and Rider HRS/YR Horse of the Year HRSMN Horseman HSSHP Horsemanship HRT Heart HRT/AMERICA Heart of America HRT/PLNS Heart of the Plains HRTG Heritage HS Hunt Seat HSDISPRAIL Hunt Seat Disciplined Rail HSEQ Equitation HSLL Hunt Seat Longe Line HSMN Horseman HSMNSHP Horsemanship HSRODEO High School Rodeo HUN/FEN Hunter Over Fences HUN/HAND Hunter in Hand HUS Hunter Under Saddle IA Iowa IA-EXB Iowa Exhibitor IA-MO Iowa-Missouri IA-OWNED Iowa-Owned IBHA International Buckskin Horse Association IBRA International Barrel Racing Association ID Idaho ID-BRED Idaho Bred IF Incentive Fund IFR International Finals Rodeo IL Illinois IL-OWNED Illinois Owned IN Indiana IN/HAND In-Hand INCEN Incentive INDEP Independence INDRWD Independent Rider with Disabilities INCL including INS Insurance INT Intermediate INTAM Int. Amateur INTAMGLD Int. Amateur Gelding INTL International INTNP Intermediate Non-Pro INTNPGLD Intermediate Non-Pro Gelding INTOP Intermediate Open INTOPGLD Intermediate Open Gelding INTRDR Int. Rider INTRMTN Intermountain INTRO Introductory INTRST Interstate INTSRAM Intermediate Senior Amateur INV Invitational IP Incentive Program IPRA International Professional Rodeo Association ISR Israel J1, J2, J3, etc. Judge #1, Judge #2, Judge #3, etc. JGD Judged JMP Jumping JP Jackpot JR Junior JRYTHLIM Junior Youth Limited JUNCT Junction JUV Juvenile KY Kentucky L4OP Level 4 Open L3OP LEVEL 3 OPEN L2OP LEVEL 2 OPEN L1OP LEVEL 1 OPEN L4NP LEVEL 4 NON PRO L3NP LEVEL 3 NON PRO L2NP LEVEL 2 NON-PRO L1NP LEVEL 1 NON-PRO LA-BRED Louisiana Bred LADIESRNCHR Ladies Rancher LAE Limited Aged Event LDG Leading LEAG League LFTM Lifetime LIM Limited LIMAM Limited Amateur LIMAMGLD Limited Amateur Gelding LIMBRDL Limited Bridle LIMNOV Limited Novice LIMNOVHRS Limited Novice Horse LIMNP Limited Non-Pro LIMRDR Limited Rider LIMSLCTAM Limited Select Amateur LIMSRAM Limited Senior Amateur LIMSRYTH Limited Senior Youth LIMYTH Limited Youth LTE Life Time Earnings LTL Little LVL Level LVL1 Level 1 LVL1AM Level 1 Amateur LVL1JRYTH Level 1 Junior Youth LVL1LIMOP Level 1 Limited Open LVL1OP Level 1 Open LVL1RDRNP Level 1 Rider Non-Pro LVL1RDROP Level 1 Rider Open LVL1SLCTAM Level 1 Select Amateur LVL1SRYTH Level 1 Senior Youth LVL1YTH Level 1 Youth LVL2 Level 2 LVL2AM Level 2 Amateur LVL2GRNRNR Level 2 Green Rider LVL2OP Level 2 Open LVL2RDRNP Level 2 Rider Non-Pro LVL2RDROP Level 2 Rider Open LVL2RDRYTH Level 2 Rider Youth LVL2SLCTAM Level 2 Select Amateur LVL2YTH Level 2 Youth LVL3 Level 3 LVL3AM Level 3 Amateur LVL3JRYTH Level 3 Junior Youth LVL3OP Level 3 Open LVL3SLCTAM Level 3 Select Amateur LVL3SRYTH Level 3 Senior Youth LVL3YTH Level 3 Youth LVL4 Level 4 LVST Livestock M Mare M/FOAL Mare/Foal M/GLD Mare/Gelding MA Massachusetts MARE PWR Mare Power Incentive MAT Maturity MBBO Michigan Born, Bred & Owned MD Maryland MD-ST Mid-State ME Money-Earner ME QHA Maine QHA MEM Memorial MGSIRE Maternal Grandsire MHBHA Mile Hi Barrel Horse Association MI Michigan MIDSMR Mid-Summer MI-EXH Michigan Exhibitor MI-OWNED Michigan Owned MN Minnesota MN-BRED Minnesota-Bred MO Missouri MO-BDRS Missouri Breeders MO-BRED Missouri Bred M-OWN Mare Owners MS Mississippi MS-BRED Mississippi-Bred MS-OWNED Mississippi Owned
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