CURRENTFAITH MEETS LIFE AND CULTURE FALL 2014 - Vol. 2 WHAT’S NEXT? IN STEP Insight on the future of WITH CHRIST women’s ordination. pg. 7 In this closing time of our world’s history, God calls His remnant to reestablish the ideals of His original plan of equality between men and women. (Gal. 3:28-29). pg.2 HISTORY MODERN IS MADE FASHION Dr. Teresa Reeve and modesty in the accepts the Adventist community. position of pg. 16 Associate Dean. pg. 4, 20 Current Programs include: • MA: Religion • Master of Divinity • Doctor of Ministry • PhD/ThD • MA: Religious Education • MA in Youth & Young Adult Ministry • MA in Pastoral Ministry Newly Added Programs: • Doctor of Missiology • Postdoctoral Fellowship Newly Added Dual Degrees: • MDiv & Master of Public Health • MA: Rel. Ed (Family Life Emphasis) Seminary | 269.471.3537 & Master of Social Work Graduate Enrollment | 269.471.6321 • MA in Youth and Young Adult Ministry & Master of Community http://bulletin.andrews.edu/index.php?catoid=10 2 FALL 2014 & International Development GOD CALLS WOMEN DABARRuach ve BY THE Dr. Jiří Moskala The Bible mentions in the sanctuary (Num be “a kingdom of priests.” pour out my Spirit in those numerous examples of 3:7–8; 18:3–7). They were However, the apostle Peter days” (Joel 2:28–30 NIV). dedicated and sancti- priests even after their in 1 Pet 2:9 applies this The Spirit of God tears fied women who fulfilled fall: “The LORD God made commission of Exodus 19 to down all barriers between God’s purpose in their garments [kotnot] of skin the priesthood of all believ- different groups of people lives. In the Old Testament [‘or] for Adam and his wife ers in Christ. in the church and gives era, godly women not only and clothed [labash] them” Scripture foresees a freely His spiritual gifts to were “mothers” in Israel, (Gen 3:21 NIV). God clothed multitude of women all in order to accomplish but faithfully served in Dean(labash) Adam and his preachers: “The Lord gives the mission God calls all of leadership positions; wife with “coats” (ketonet, the word; the women who us to accomplish. for example, Miriam pl. kotnot), and these announce the news are a In this closing time of (Exod 15:20–21), Deborah are the exact words great host” ( P s 6 8 :1 1 our world’s history, God (Judg 4–5), Huldah (2 Kgs employed ESV, NASB). calls His remnant to rees- 22:13–14; 2 Chr 34:22–28), to define May Seventh- tablish the ideals of God’s and Esther. In the New the clothing day Adventist original plan of equality Testament Church, we note of Aaron and women be between men and women Phoebe, a deacon (Rom his sons the fulfill- (Gal 3:28–29). The Advent 16:1) or Junia, a female (Lev 8:7, 13; ment of this movement should be an apostle (Rom 16:7), and in Num 20:28; reality by example of this true human the church in Philippi, the cf. Exod 28:4; being women relationship and genu- leaders were women (Phil 29:5; 40:14). who not only ine worship. Even though 4:2–3). Priscilla assumed Both proclaim men and women are bio- an authoritative teaching Israelite God’s mes- logically different and thus role (Acts 18; see especially men and sage, but fear have different physiologi- Rom 16:3), and the “Elect women were Him, give Him cal functions, the spiritual Lady” (2 John) was probably to form a glory, and role for both genders is the a church leader in a congre- kingdom worship the same: to be the leaders in gation under her care. of priests: Creator (Rev God’s church today. Adam and Eve were “Now if you 14:7)! May Seventh-day Adventist priests in the Garden of obey me fully I am glad women pursue His will for Eden which was a sanctu- and keep my covenant, then that God controls to whom their lives and joyfully and ary: “The LORD God took out of all nations you will be the Holy Spirit is given faithfully serve the Lord the man and put him in the my treasured possession. because we may be selec- and His church because He Garden of Eden to work it Although the whole earth tive, but He gives His Spirit is always faithful. He has and take care of it” (Gen is mine, you will be for me to all faithful believers, great plans for each dedi- 2:15 NIV)! The assigned a kingdom of priests and a including women: “And cated woman and is count- task was actually to “serve” holy nation. These are the afterward, I will pour out ing on each of you! (‘abad = serve, till) and words you are to speak to my Spirit on all people. “In all your ways “keep” (shamar) the gar- the Israelites” (Exod 19:5–6 Your sons and daughters acknowledge him, and he den (2:15), and it is more NIV). Because of the people’s will prophesy, your old men will make straight your than coincidence that unfaithfulness, an alternate will dream dreams, your paths” (Prov 3:6 ESV). these are the very terms plan had to be instituted young men will see visions. used to describe the work where only one family from Even on my servants, both of the priests and Levites one tribe of Israel was to men and women, I will CURRENT MAGAZINE 1 12 CONTENTS 2 8 4 FALL 2014 FALL Women in leadership positions “Urban Evangelism: A Renewed “Fashion: The Cry of Modesty” pages 3, 15, 20, 27, 41, 49 Focus” by Jeanne Mogusu pg. 24 by Geraldine Sigué pg.16 13 9 1 5 WCN: The Women’s Clergy “Authority of the Christian Leader” Did You Know? Facts and Stats. “God’s Call for Dedicated Network of Andrews University pg. 44 by Darius Jankiewicz pg. 28 pg. 26, 28, 40 Women” by Jiří Moskala pg.1 10 14 2 6 “Seven Reasons the Bible Supports “Summit on Poverty in America: Dedication of the magazine to Coming and going faculty and Ordination” by Dr. Davidson pg. 8 The Poor Next Door” pg. 42 women in ministry pg. 6 staff at the Seminary pg. 4 11 published annually in the Fall. intheFall. published annually USA MI 49104 Springs, Berrien Dr 4145 ECampus Circle Seminary Theological Adventist Seventh-day [email protected] Williamsat: Hyveth Dr. contact information, andmore subscriptions For CURRENT 3 7 Magazine is “2013/14 Publications by “God’s Scandal in the Book of “Called” Professors” pg. 46 Job” by Jiří Moskala pg. 21 by Endri Misho pg. 12 Daughter of missionary parents, Jo Ann Davidson is of the Adventist Theological Society, along with a also a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist. She column, “Let’s Face It,” in the journal Perspective recalls her mother saying to her, “the blessings of Digest. She has also authored the books Jonah: The being a Seventh-day Adventist have surely seeped Inside Story (Review and Herald), Toward a Theology into your genes and chromosomes by now!” of Beauty: A Biblical Perspective (University Press of America), and Glimpses of Our God (Pacific Press). Formerly a home schooling mom and music instruc- tor, Jo Ann now teaches in the Seventh-day Adventist Jo Ann finds great fulfillment in her many roles as Theological Seminary–the first woman to teach in the wife, mother, daughter, sister, auntie, teacher, musi- Theology and Christian Philosophy department. She cian, student and Seventh-day Adventist Christian. earned her PhD in systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL) in 2000. Articles she has written have appeared in the JO ANN DAVIDSON Adventist Review, Signs of the Times, and the Journal CURRENT MAGAZINE 3 COMING and GOING DR. TERESA REEVE DR. R. CLIFFORD JONES JEANIE CRAIG 4 FALL INCOMING OUTGOING Dr. Teresa Reeve became the first female to be appointed Dr. R. Clifford Jones, associate dean, ended his tenure associate dean in the more than one hundred-year his- on June 30, 2014, as a leader at our Seminary. After nine- tory of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. teen years of dedicated service as professor of Christian On July 1, 2014, she replaced Dr. R. Clifford Jones, whose Ministry and teacher of classes in leadership, homilet- departure created the opportunity for a distinguished ics and conflict management and ten years as Associate scholar and theologian such as Dr. Reeve. Dean, Dr. Jones accepted the call to be President of the Prior to her appointment as Associate Dean, Teresa Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reeve served as associate professor of New Testament headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Contexts. She was born and raised in British Columbia, “We will greatly miss you as a person and your exper- Canada, and earned her first academic degrees in educa- tise,” wrote Dr. Moskala, Dean, in an open farewell let- tion (BA) and in educational and developmental psychol- ter. “The only comfort,” he added, “is that you will still ogy (MA). Later, as Scripture study grew from a Christian live in Berrien Springs and do contract teaching for us discipline to a central and joyful passion in her life, she as an adjunct professor, for which I am very grateful.” completed her Master of Divinity at our Seminary and Seminarians have also expressed their surprise and then a PhD in Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity from sorrow at the departure of Dr. Jones, a favorite who took Notre Dame University. time from his busy schedule to sit, talk and eat with them Dr.
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