.............. =_--..='" - - ............. ~:} . , • LEGZSLAT£V¢- LZ~R~.R¥. CO! • ??/78 - ':•. -.. !-i ~ : !,~ "" . ;.:.:~ ,.; ~,~'. F~RL;,[~M~N'£ BU[LDIt~G~ ~ ' ..... ' ' : ' ,., '.... d westtour, st attraCtionclosedb: ¢o '" ~f''~" "' i~'~" :" ~' " J ~' : ~"" """ " " 'i'''M ' q ' "" ~"' ~ "' f J' " B r " I ~ ''id ~vo:lawmen- onearmed':I ,ry:::~na,.~s~".~m,~tY I from fed~l" "...~..~o.~Ued LI~ the,~e~l~",S~¢k _H~.,.o . ~:'No.,,l,0'.'embth "1 .b~.nedon~eftouta,~d.~e., " • :..DEADWOOD,....... S,D. (UPI) ~Theguys atth e , Wi~ " " " " ' " ' " " : " " "J ' .... ' ..... we~ filed ...... ue telchurch ! 'groups reee~Uy started a dead~d'= mane hand.:-- the ac~oyer-e . : ... ..... " ' , " ' • • s kin i aeled ehommer--ranupthestepsofone .prosecutlon ,No charges, against . v# .. .... .,..... ~.~.t aft. N 0. 1o,salonn were glum, Nothing so hoc g. w th g.'.. .... -:....._.,,.,... .....:-. ,. .... :.. ........ , houseHick0kheldwhenhewasshot .... .~. - . had Imnnan~d in nendwnad s|n~e Jack McCall of the town's tour..known brothels Wednesday,... th=,.... - .-. ._..... ..... .... ..._...ddve to have .tl~:.:,~.~ clmmd . ~ ,;~,,,,a.,,, ,,,,~ hJ~,~ • . .... ' " ' . bad.happenedinDeadw0edsinceJackMcCall, ofthetoW~ ..... ~nbmthel _ _ ty, ...... ....... -a_,_-_...msod_rev_iled. :....... -::! . --~ted,on th#back. "neddownWild Bill Hickok during a poker. arrested about .a. nozenwomen ann usnerou :..-..w.~nesoay mgn~,. '~,,y p ~u.¢, " '~rh,i li~.,~- I,-,,,, ,~.,..... ~,,,,~ * b ,~,d/ Ann~lly a "Dave of '76" rally drains • . ...,gtm.me at .....the No 10 . ' ,. • them into• a.waitmg-....... van, • ..., - -..- . atthe l~storlc• .- bar~ Of' the No. 10,where H(ckox s" ......... _ _ : _, . ,o,,,: =,,,oa,,.,,=uv,,---., .,-..; .. ....~ . ,- and• n attend With., ' . , '. ~,ga : ' , , - :. ." ' ' . • ...... ........ ." ................. .~ business because ot the towns locatlm..-In thou~u~ds of v~Itors ma y ..... .., : : That.was ~ Jtdy, of '76-- 1876,tSat is.--tbe..: :i,~..;: i,- .':: ~ -:" ;~ - ~;-:., ; .... .___..:_' Z"./.-e .,h~,r,.~.h~.g.,s.0_ve.~,~,~e.,d__onr_'_L,. ,,.._,., _ ~._.". ' adai,,,,,totheHomm~GddMbminnearby b0pon of caSddng a glimpse of Deedwood's : ' - :" • .. .... , .,- ' ' ,,:. " - • " ........ ..- "z®n t K~Ow'wny mey mO'l[~ ~ WlU~Dsa. ,"/',,.~o~y 5 ~ylxl ~ mu~sz, ~tu .~ ~[,-,, -- . r-=. • ~" "-'-'-' .~t" - ' ' '-' ". : ....'-zzl~ ~.~,,--.' v •........ ..............he madams '--------"-~',-.. and their' -~...... Federal~" offtcials.in~¢ated-" '' "" ~ the arrests ,had ...."~ ..happen.in ,-' " ~'an~l go'- back tO' drink~" " n~ their.beer .........,~,'"".,,Normern. uemmpnero " --.e~ ~ . • ~ . U .elpan......08 .....,WJ~llr, ~H~Ct ~ t~t~.~wn the~ celchratlonM~. ~,~ .,'" ~"brothels ,, e~ er sinde.................. T .............no TO do'with i lion The women ...... ..... Like the No. .10, the brothels hed beon amoin heavii y o n tour lot' traffic.., ....... houses of Ill fame will have on , .. •• ~. girls.he,Ida ..plled t~eir. trade. ' with impunity--. ' until.. ,~were . ~ ordered-to• . appear~ ~e ' a ~'federai, " gr~nd-.... ...attraction-" . on. Maizl.Street....... ~ the historie mining... .' The No.." 10 dora a g ond business........ In T-shirts remains....... to he. seen.... : ...•., " .. ,,Wed .y. ,,. ,. ,, .... , .... ...•......... ....... ..... ...... ..... .... , , . .- . ,, . - . .- ............ ..':' '. ;, ' " , . ' ' ......... , _. '#~:.,,-....,-.,~..:~ ...., . , . ....... ~..;. :,.. ~:-.: .......... ., .,... ~.' .... .. ,.: .' ,.. ....... .: ,.,.,.-... ,!.'.,.... ,.,...:.: .... ..... • ...... : .'~t'- " ' ', ' '- '~ " ~ " I • ~_ . , • . • . ~ ~,.~h:,~,'/.~-.~:i,:,~:',< ~,, ",.::,.,:,.~.':.'..,,: . .-: ~..',:,~ ',~'~....,.'~.;.:.. :. ,, .].,.~.,.....~:; ;. ~..,,',:,~..~,,',/.:.,.'...-.~..,~ !.. ,:-, .,..-..,,:, .~. ' ' ' .... .... West0 ] '. .- ' • .... .. ' .* .,•.;,, ~.'., ..... ~, ,.; .... f.,,,, ':, .~ , = ..... ,.'~ .... - ..... ., '. • ~ • [, , , : . ', ...~:~,:,.'~ .. ,."' ,< .~. ( ;: .~-~.~ .,. ,~ ' ., .-, • , ,:,,..c'~,~ , ..,,." .., ~,.':.,: .., • ." " ' ":", .' ,. • " SALVA6[ LTD • • "' • ::'..'". .........~ ".. ," ' / ......................."~ "'. 5 ;;" "/, ~ . • Fo , , Service • .~ ":.' ': '' ~ " ' " ' " " .... :" i( , .~. :~ .;i .:'-j.;: ~ : .... ~ "~' ~,,|i 6:30am-llpm •. ~: o.pen I. • ;,~'-' ; . '~C. • ' . ' " " '- / I.'.:?.'.:':~'. ":" -'.: ; '~ " ' " " '- ::i'./.; "..';'': _7~,,~',:'.:.~..~:: ', ..... :~ ,"" .~ ",'-:,".'.~..' '.~'.::..- .:. • ' ; I', ...... ' / 1..4'. ..... ~ '" "" '" ' -"W/.', -: ~" ,"~:I,,'- ;:~''- ", ..... " , " ' ' '. • '. " , - "~ .'/ • • '.' - '." • ' ; .... :,-'," • . .... .',.-' : ...... .'~ .'. ." ':,",.' ~,,~:.~.,'. T~'...~.','" /'~..''," :.,-~ . "". ,~:j. • . : ........ ', , : "I!'..,- . W| |U¥ c0pDr,:|rass, all.|itals,. ... | |~/::!-,:.:....,........:.... :.. " J ~ " : ' ' .... ~ J' : : :' : 'J~" ';~" :' : ~""'' I'' : ~~':':' '~ *J "I" J~:' :J' : ~' ' " Jq I ' : :'L "J~ ~'":' : I~' ~" ;'' ~ ~' :.j'~ ' :'' '~'" !::'i:]i " .".W.d'Satis;fyTummy&Tank. " " ' |, ' ' :I:: " '.... as,.0 ', " m. j .... "'" ...... " I No;', . ' : -" " ....... • ........ ~'=:# -,~ -" ", ,:~:./"- " ", :.:" :;, .'~Yi.:...~.y'1,,|W@ ~L"Ii '. .' .~ ,.3~DAYS'AYEAR" " , . |" .... i . tO. Call Is.- Wl vo m,, .. • . ........... ... .... o¢ ............... , ..... , ..... ......... ,, ,. ............. • -: ,0pin Nil. Ihrll|~ SIL, 8. I.n.-Sp.n. • %,-,~.:~•::,.....: ..-:., ,'.. .~.:.•-• .. ::~ -,,,;,•.~:,.:i;~::i , " ":•/ •.••)'"-::".,:: • ' ' ' " " ...~,~i ' , ' '- " " ' , _ ' , , ". " i PS found, .... Filre forces ! .':! set for pets evacuation .- , ~ •:~A61mal control has been,a contimdng eontrovarsy Jn - ~- -....... - - " ' !~ ~i~iS area for Some eonsiderabkl time now; i Military ttm~sport aircraft ':There are vary .severe The fire has been burning " The':Herald• looks at some of tl~ onpage 5 of today'a heBah'/aidiRing ~.. Fort candit~,tbeyarecriticai, for over two weeks and ....:newspaper. Hope, Ont. ren[deato from. extremely dty,":l~. ~id. forced the closure of:the. " By¢:.~LAWILSON. ontopb!~it'.~e:identifiedthe their.tiny."town, which Is -There'sheenooralnlora Trans-C~nada •Highway, Herald Staff Walter . trap ks a'~.onibear trap, threatened by; immense month or moce and no relief burned down hydro.• ' and Thecathadbeeneau~hton for~t fires bumin~ Out of from above average tom- phone lines and~cut off raft . ~Some .,Terrace. residents .... ": ~r~ using- drastic measures its hind;leg~ and On its neck- control In northwea.tern psratm'ea,:' lines, Oisen said. Ontario today, •. " tO'~'make. sure'" d?medtie said bothBolton and Stoyka. animals •do•not trespass on They saidthe Cat ran away ~rhe populace of the • _ th,ir property. .'.. when |t.waslet.loose,. •. i. community .we,". hein,. m n,cC, -- ':n~',~,~,o,;~"-said She was. Sto~ka" .allxo"i.said "when moved to Geraldton, Ont., - ~:HAZARD north" of Tl~nderBay, 0at/ /S!LOWHERE: .....house on 46o6 Scott St,. at ,~ .." ...." "~.... .. • . "The.first planela.due.to. : • ~,,,,,,n,-~n~m S',,,,kasaid nang!-n~ re'me .u:ee.aneut land,1~.~re at,8:l§ this mor- . .... i-. .~-:"'": :".... - .'~'~, - thr~ feet off t~e::pTound one nearaner manns ca= .... ' .... ,.:., ning,. SafdGeraldtenmayog:: . The Prince Rupert fores~ re~ion repsris low to meowing• ' " ana" rose"" ov ereu--~ i"~' .. ~,,,~Bolton o. k,,a.;~ ¢~t'me~ *~.,,= me ,,~nos lisa Michael.. Power. "We have " ..... "~' '- "--= in the ......... " ...... " ~ " " : moderato'fire hazard conditions. A Cool mass of was caul~ m a ~mp ' ..... mobilized :all of ogr com- l i/: ':n,~,,~,-ur'sback ~,'~ dat4608 and sozd it looked as though molat air-over the region continues to give "_'~'~'~ .'. ,.. 'the act upwas for trapping cemniodationreunite ... to andprovl~e food ac-..for. showers"aitdthe rain keeps hazards low, , ~ott t.. •..... " cats~-Hes~dthebobkcaught these people. ; " '~The twodrtest areas are Francois Lake and Stoyka sold.she climbed' 0n hla~.]acket af~er/i~e.~at; ".We will do,. everytid~ north ofth~ L/ard River...Fortunately, all.fires • the fence bot~veen the h0uses was ~t free and he was - sindtri~ ~to release.thei~at walking away. '• ..... .. po~sibleiadonetoensureti}e are underc0ntrol. Some regions, however, are ,. but ;didn't know hQw to'open ~'%,::/ ~ .'.;: ; :: . "-e Ole Gilbertson holds M~ax, his cat:thafa friend said,Was caughL in a orderly-reception of people, not SO ,fortutmte..~ Extreme. fire .hazards are [ • the trap . : .' ~: ' Stoyka ~am she put m , -toltty .to make them com- I rel~edinthePeace River-region and fires are.' "... No one• Was at either ho~se tra=) ~nd th~ fish hook in her , conibear trap. A local vetex ressed.surpriSe that a Cat cou!d survive , remus. - ¢o _try to ca~:, j .stmbdm~¢.there. .... •. ~,"~....: ::" Stovka said so she .,went • friend's green Souseand,!eft. :.: iaf~ri, b~,!~g ' ~aught:.zn./~! ,pe.of.f~ap;:i~.../..= ,:i:::... .,~.,~ /,. /.. .: .,.... ......... l ' ' . -=.-. .... ..... , D E, L~ou lena, a .T race ; :.i '• ;/:" '~'; ::" '; :" '.%~i ~,~'i',:: ';" •~ ~'~'"~ '":":" " :':~'•~ • "" '": " "~"":'/ ~:'-~~". !.... - ;,.~,~ ~,~,,,,.,w~! " I . i ........... " w '"o trama ~"°O~':b~tnO't"'~"~~~!;'r~i~}~'':'~"~";'/':!':';;tC~ 'm"'q;~qrst'; a"na: ..... " :-d~.dl(~p. '~i~ii"d:;A'.n=: ~nd,~:neat~ .. meg; :and:= • I " ;,...... •. •DaY~c~.Bolton,, . ........... ~.,.,...the man .. ii ~~,~,...... ;,,;. '.haa..th!.s'y~r: ....... Max'iS eafing'.well but 'm. "n ,aSbLiti " ." ....":" =•ew." their ...h~ : .'wasquJUng the:l~ ~s s spld a' '.....'- . chep~ 0f.5026t... ~ar. "~ trden wa~::~ rippL~ up...thre~t~ e ed, ~y" o'ti(-~ i . ' ~ii h~d~dhm u ,:'tb hl~ ~elr' rabbits. bl~z01."ih.-the t~ 7.1 'worn o_. o.o..,:-
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