HACQUETIA 13/2 • 2014, 355–357 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2014-0011 short communication Manihot esculenta (EuphorbiacEaE), a nEw aliEn spEciEs in italy Adriano StIncA1,*, Giuseppe D’AurIA2 & riccardo MOttI1 abstract In the present work the presence of Manihot esculenta crantz is reported for the first time for Italy and Europe, a neophyte native to South America: ecology and invasive status are presented. Keywords: alien status, exotic species, invasiveness, vascular flora. izvleček V članku poročamo o prvem pojavljanju vrste Manihot esculenta crantz, neofita iz Južne Amerike, v Italiji in Evropi in predstavljamo njegovo ekologijo in invazivni status. Ključne besede: tujerodna vrsta, eksotična vrsta, invazivnost, cevnice. 1. INTRODUCTIOn Standley & Steyermark (1949), Macbride (1951), and rogers & Appan (1973). the protologue by During floristic research in campania region crantz (1766) was also examined. the collected (Southern Italy, July 2013), one population re- specimen are kept in Herbarium Porticense (PO- ferred the genus Manihot Mill. was found. the RUN – acronym according to thiers, 2011). Ital- genus is not reported in the European floras (e.g. ian literature was examined to detect previous in- tutin 1968, chrtek & Křísa 1982, Davis 1982, dications of the species in Italy and in campania 1988, Lid 1987, Benedí 1997, Polatschek 1999, (e.g. Fiori 1926, Pignatti 1982, conti et al. 2005, Frederiksen et al. 2006, Stace 2010), and Italian 2007, celesti-Grapow et al. 2010, Stinca et al. floras and checklist (e.g. Fiori 1926, Zangheri 2012a, 2013). the status of naturalization was de- 1979, Pignatti 1982, conti et al. 2005, 2007, ce- fined according to richardson et al. (2000) and lesti-Grapow et al. 2009), but Iberite & Iamonico Pyšek et al. (2004). (in press) have recently discovered a naturalized population of Manihot grahamii Hook. in Lazio region (central Italy). 3. ResuLtS AnD discussion In this paper Manihot esculenta crantz. (verna- cular name cassava, tapioca or Yuca) (Euphor- Manihot esculenta (lectotype designated by rog- biaceae) is reported for the first time in Italy and ers & Appan, 1973: fig. 4 and 5 in Merian, 1726) Europe. Its invasive status and ecological notes is a species native to the South America, probably are provided. from Peru and Brazil (e. g. Allem 1994, Olsen & Schaal 1999), it is extensively cultivated as annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its ed- 2. MAtErials AnD methods ible starchy tuberous root. In Europe it is rarely grown as ornamental plant (pers. obs.). the identification of the species was made on Manihot esculenta was collected in the royal the basis of the description by Standley (1937), Park of Portici (campania region, Southern It- 1 Dipartimento di Agraria, università di napoli Federico II, via università 100, 80055-Portici (naples), Italy 2 Servizio Fitosanitario regionale, regione campania (SeSIrcA), via Don Bosco 9/E, 80141-naples, Italy * E-mail: [email protected] 355 Hacquetia 13/2 • 2014, 355–357 aly). the area is situated on the Bay of naples specimina visa on the southwestern foothills of Mt. Vesuvius, at 60 m a.s.l. (WGS84 coordinates: 33t 444717 E ITALY: campania, Portici al Parco reale 4518087 n). climate is Mediterranean type that (napoli), WGS84 33t 444717 E 4518087 n, mar- is characterized by an average annual tempera- gine lecceta, 60 m a.s.l., 14-07-2013, leg. A. Stinca, ture of 18.0 °c, average annual rainfall of 929.1 det. A. Stinca et R. Motti (PORUN). mm, and a summer period of drought which lasts from June to August (Stinca & Motti 2009). Manihot esculenta was found in a natural wood of holm oak (that characterizes the royal Park) 4. ReferEnces and can be referred to Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934. Frequent taxa are: Quercus ilex L. Allem, A.c. 1994: the origin of Manihot esculenta subsp. ilex, Acanthus mollis L. subsp. mollis, Hedera crantz (Euphorbiaceae). Genetic resources helix L. subsp. helix, Fraxinus ornus L. subsp. or- and crop Evolution 41 (3): 133–150. nus, Parietaria judaica L., Rubus ulmifolius Schott, Benedí, c. 1997: Euphorbiaceae. In: castroviejo, Sambucus nigra L., Celtis australis L. subsp. austra- S., Aedo, c., Benedí, c., Laínz, M., Muñoz lis, Arum italicum Mill. subsp. italicum, Ruscus ac- Garmendia, F., nieto Feliner, G. & Paiva, J. uleatus L., Euphorbia platyphyllos L. subsp. platy- (eds.), Flora iberica: plantas vasculares de la phyllos, Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) coss. subsp. Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares 8.real Jardín miliaceum, Silene latifolia Poir. subsp. alba (Mill.) Botánico, cSIc, Madrid, pp. 190–297. Greuter & Burdet, Laurus nobilis L., Ballota nigra celesti-Grapow, L., Alessandrini, A., Arrigoni, L. subsp. meridionalis (Bég.) Bég., Chelidonium P.V., Banfi, E., Bernardo, L., Bovio, M., Brun- majus L., Viola alba Besser subsp. dehnhardtii du, G., cagiotti, M.r., camarda, I., carli, E., (ten.) W. Becker, Aristolochia sempervirens L., and conti, F., Fascetti, S., Galasso, G., Gubellini, Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. Furthermore, L., La Valva, V., Lucchese, F., Marchiori, S., ruderal (Chenopodium album L. subsp. album, Mazzola, P., Peccenini, S., Poldini, L., Pretto, Mercurialis annua L., Artemisia vulgaris L. and So- F., Prosser, F., Siniscalco, c., Villani, M.c., lanum nigrum L.) and alien taxa (Phytolacca ameri- Viegi, L., Wilhalm, t. & Blasi, c. (eds.) 2009: cana L., Ehrharta erecta Lam., Erigeron sumatrensis Inventory of the non-native flora of Italy. retz., Oxalis incarnata L., Salpichroa origanifolia Plant Biosystems 143 (2): 386–430. (Lam.) thell., Solanum chenopodioides Lam., Oxa- celesti-Grapow, L., Pretto, F., carli, E. & Blasi, lis latifolia Kunth and seedlings of Phoenix canar- c. (eds.). 2010: Flora alloctona e invasiva iensis Hort ex chabaud) occur, highlighting the d’Italia. casa Editrice università La Sapienza, human impact on the area. really, the royal Park roma, 208 pp. of Portici is placed within the urban continuum chrtek, J. & Křísa, B. 1982: Euphorbiaceae Juss. of the towns Portici and Ercolano (province of In: Futák, J. & Bertová, L., Flóra Slovenska 3. naples), and its flora has a high percentage of ex- VEDA, vydavatel’stvo Slovenskej akadémie otic species (Stinca & Motti 2009, Motti & Stinca vied, pp. 406–462. 2011, Stinca et al. 2012a, 2012b, 2013). conti, F., Abbate, G., Alessandrini, A. & Blasi, c. the Manihot esculenta population consists of (eds.). 2005: An Annotated checklist of the 22 specimens with an average diameter of 1.7 Italian Vascular Flora. Palombi Editori, roma, cm, the largest 2.1 cm. One specimen of Manihot 420 pp. esculenta is grown in the Botanical Gardens far conti, F., Alessandrini, A., Bacchetta, G., Banfi, from the area about 300 m and surrounding by E., Barberis, G., Bartolucci, F., Bernardo, L., high walls. According to richardson et al. (2000) Bonacquisti, S., Bouvet, D., Bovio, M., Brusa, and Pyšek et al. (2004), Manihot esculenta can be G., Del Guacchio, E., Foggi, B., Frattini, S., considered a casual alien plant in Italy, because Galasso, G., Gallo, L., Gangale, c., Gott- it does not form self-replacing populations (pers. schlich, G., Grünanger, P., Gubellini, L., Iiriti, obs.). therefore, its persistence relies on repeated G., Lucarini, D., Marchetti, D., Moraldo, B., introductions. However, because of the length of Peruzzi, L., Poldini, L., Prosser, F., raffaelli, the reproductive cycle of this species further field M., Santangelo, A., Scassellati, E., Scortega- investigations are necessary for the proper attri- gna, S., Selvi, F., Soldano, A., tinti, D., ubal- bution of the invasive status. di, D., uzunov, D. & Vidali, M. 2007: Integra- 356 A. Stinca, G. D’Auria & R. Motti: Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae), a new alien species in Italy zioni alla checklist della flora vascolare italia- naturalization and invasion of alien plants: na. natura Vicentina, 10 (2006): 5–74. concept and definitions. Diversity and Distri- crantz, H.J.n. von 1766: Insitutiones rei Herba- butions 6 (2): 93–107. riae juxta nutum natur naturae digestae ex ha- rogers, D.J. & Appan, S.G. 1973: Flora neotrop- bitu 1. I.P. Kravs, p. 167. ica. Monograph no. 13. Manihot Manihotoides Davis, P.H. (ed.) 1982: Flora of turkey and East (Euphorbiaceae), pp. 25–34. Aegean Islands 7. Edinburgh university Press, Stace, c. 2010: new flora of the British Isles. Edinburgh, pp. 566–630. cambridge university Press, cambridge, pp. Davis, P.H. (ed.) 1988: Flora of turkey and East 306–311. Aegean Islands 10 (supplement). Edinburgh Standley, P.c. & Steyermark, J.A. 1949: Flora of university Press, Edinburgh, pp. 213–214. Guatemala. Fieldiana: botany 24 (6): 133–138. Fiori, A., 1926: nuova Flora Analitica d’Italia Standley, P.c. 1937: Flora of costa rica. Part II. contenente la descrizione delle piante vasco- Field Museum of natural History. Botanical lari indigene, inselvatichite e largamente colti- Series 18 (2): 615–616. vate in Italia 2. tipografia di M. ricci, Firen- Stinca, A., D’Auria & G., Motti, r. 2012a: Inte- ze, pp. 167–190. grazioni alla flora vascolare aliena della cam- Frederiksen, S., rasmussen, F.n. & Seberg, O. pania (Sud Italia). Informatore Botanico 2006: Dansk flora. Gyldendal, København, Italiano 44 (2): 287–293. pp. 366–369. Stinca, A., D’Auria, G. & Motti, r. 2012b: Sullo Iberite, M & Iamonico, D. in press. Manihot gra- status invasivo di Bidens bipinnata, Phoenix ca- hamii Hook. (Euphorbiaceae) a new alien spe- nariensis, Pistia stratiotes e Tradescantia flumin- cies for the Eurasian area with notes on its tax- ensis in campania (Sud Italia). Informatore onomy, morphology and ecology. Acta Bota- Botanico Italiano 44 (2): 295–299. nica croatica. Stinca, A., D’Auria, G., Salerno & G., Motti, r. Lid, J. 1987: norsk, svensk, finsk flora. De norske 2013: ulteriori integrazioni alla flora vascolare Samlaget, Oslo, pp. 304–306. aliena della campania (Sud Italia). Informa- Macbride, J.F. 1951: Flora of Peru. Field Museum tore Botanico Italiano 45 (1): 71–81. of natural History. Botanical Series 13, part. Stinca, A. & Motti, r. 2009: the vascular flora of IIIA, number 1: 168–173.
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