Rev. FCA UNCUYO. 2016. XX(X): XXX-XXX. ISSN impreso 0370-4661. ISSN (en línea) 1853-8665. First record of Diploscapter coronata (Rhabditida), a possible health significance nematode associated with tomato crops in Argentina Primer registro de Diploscapter coronata (Rhabditida), un posible nematodo de importancia sanitaria asociado a cultivos de tomate en Argentina Augusto Salas 1, José Matías Rusconi 1, Nora Camino 1, 2, Daiana Eliceche 1, María Fernanda Achinelly 1, 3 Originales: Recepción: 21/03/2016 - Aceptación: 08/10/2016 Nota científica Abstract Diploscapter coronata is a free-living soil bacterial-feeding nematode found in compost, sewage or agricultural soil and as a facultative parasite of insects and verte- brates, even humans. The clinical symptoms include epigastric tenderness, diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, weakness and nauseas. Also, they have been considered as potential carriers of bacteria pathogenic to the surface of preharvest fruits and vegetables in contact with soil. In this note, we reported the presence of D. coronata in the framework Argentina. Soil samples taken from tomato growing (Lycopersicon esculentum) were processedof diverse soilin the nematodes laboratory samplings by the centrifugationin orchards of Abastomethod, town, while Buenos collected Aires roots province, were observed directly under stereomicroscope in order to isolate nematodes. Specimens presence of D. coronata in agricultural soil and in association with root galls, caused by thewere plant-parasitic identified by morphologicalnematode, Nacobbus and morphometric aberrans. Females characteristics. were the Resultsonly isolated showed stage. the The detection of this nematode in greenhouses where dogs, cats and poultry live together without any health control highlights the importance of applying proper hygiene measures during agricultural practices to avoid contamination of fruits and vegetables and prevent Diploscapter genus with the species D. coronata in Argentina. infections in domestic animals and humans. This report constitutes the first record of the Keywords Diploscapter coronata • Lycopersicon esculentum Nacobbus aberrans • soil nematodes • facultative parasite • root galls • 1 Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores, (CEPAVE). CONICET, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina. [email protected] 2 CEPAVE Miembro de la carrera de Investigación de la Comisión de (CCT, La Plata, CONICET). 3 CEPAVEInvestigaciones Miembro Científicas de la carrera (CIC) de de Investigación Buenos Aires. de CONICET A. Salas et al. Resumen Diploscapter coronata es un nematodo de vida libre que habita el suelo y se alimenta de bacterias. Se ha encontrado en compost, alcantarillas o suelos agrícolas y como parásito facultativo de insectos y vertebrados, incluyendo al hombre. Los síntomas clínicos incluyen: sensibilidad epigástrica, diarrea, dolor abdominal y náuseas. Incluso, han sido considerados potenciales portadores de bacterias patogénicas asociadas con la se reporta la presencia de D. coronata en el marco de diversos muestreos de nematodos superficie de frutas y vegetales pre-cosechadas en contacto con el suelo. En esta nota, Las muestras de suelo tomadas de cultivo de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) se procesaronde suelo, en en huertas el laboratorio de la localidad mediante de elAbasto, método provincia de centrifugación, de Buenos mientrasAires, Argentina. que las raíces recolectadas fueron observadas directamente bajo microscopio estereoscópico - terísticas morfológicas y morfométricas. Los resultados mostraron la presencia de D. coronatacon el fin en de suelos aislar agrícolas los nematodos. y en agallas Los especímenesradicales causadas fueron por identificados el nematodo por parásito carac de plantas Nacobbus aberrans. Las hembras fueron el único estadio aislado. La detección de este nematodo en invernaderos donde gatos, perros y aves de corral viven juntos sin ningún control sanitario, realza la importancia de adoptar medidas apropiadas de higiene durante las prácticas agrícolas para evitar la contaminación de frutas y verduras y prevenir infecciones en animales domésticos y el hombre. Este informe constituye el primer registro del género Diploscapter con la especie D. coronata en Argentina. Palabras claves Diploscapter coronata • Lycopersicon esculentum • Nacobbus aberrans nematodos de suelo • parásito facultativo • agallas radicales • Introduction Rhabditid nematodes are very abundant with clinical signs of the gastrointestinal or in all types of soil and sediments of fresh- genitourinary systems (5, 6, 10, 12, 13). In water bodies and play important ecological addition, their potential as vectors of food- roles mainly as primary consumers, but borne pathogenic bacteria, to the surface of also as animal parasites (1). preharvest fruits and vegetables in contact The genus Diploscapter Cobb, 1913, with soil has been determined (9). includes free-living bacterivorous nematodes In South-America, the presence of characterized by an unusual head with this nematode has been reported for hook-like appendages and membrane-like lateral lips (4). Among them Diploscapter In this work, we extend this distri- coronata (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1913 is a cosmo- bution,Venezuela, with Brazil, the Perureport and of Paraguay Diploscapter (4). politan rhabditid nematode obtained from coronata in the framework of a nematode decaying banana roots in Fiji Island (7), and soil study of different crop areas including later from agricultural soils, compost, sewage tomato samplings in Argentina, consti- and as a facultative parasite of vertebrates (cats, dogs, snakes, tigers), even humans, species for this country. tuting the first report of the genus and Materials and methods Diploscapter coronata has been collected previously from soil and Specimens were isolated during 2015, decaying plant material in association in a survey of Phytophagous nematodes with forest and horticultural crops, and associated with tomato crops, from four as a facultative parasite of animals, even orchards located in the Abasto town humans (1, 12). However, morphometric data of these nematode populations are province, Argentina. Twenty sub-samples scarce in the world (table 1, page XXX). of(34°56'35" 20 cm deepS 58°5'30" were W),taken Buenos to form Aires a In this work, females were isolated from composed sample from each site. Roots agricultural soil and in association with of tomato plants with signs of damage by root galls, caused by the plant-parasitic phytonematodes were also collected. nematode, Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne, In the laboratory, each composed 1935) Thorne & Allen, 1944. Specimens sample was homogenized and sieved. were observed inside and over the surface Nematodes were isolated from soil by of galls. Phytophagous nematodes cause sugar centrifugation method (100-cm3 soil wounds in the roots favoring the penetration by each site) for 5 minutes at 2700 rpm, of other pathogens, and are mainly respon- and from roots by examination and sible for major damage to plants (2, 11). dissection under stereoscopic microscope Diploscapter coronata (10). Characterization was carried out could be one of the reasons of the presence of by a morphometric and morphological thisBacterial-feeding nematode in association of with root galls analysis, using a light microscope, of tomato crops, which may be attracted by bacteria of the rhizosphere being able Measurements were given in micrometers. to penetrate plant tissues through wounds Photographsfollowing specific were taken bibliography using an Olympus (4). produced by plant parasitic nematodes. DP-71 microscope camera. Males of D. coronata were not observed in our study. The causes are unknown, although may be due to the low or nule Results and discussion occurrence of these nematodes in soil. According to this, the only description of Adults of the rhabditid nematode males for this species was presented by Ali Diploscapter coronata were observed in Asghar Shah and Shavish Vaid, 2015. two of the four sampled orchards. A total Cats, dogs, and human infections by of nine females were obtained: six from D. coronata were also reported (5, 12). In the agricultural soil for tomato growing this case, the life cycle is characterized by and three from roots. Nematodes were an adult worm, generally inhabiting the characterized by annulated cuticle, two stomach wall. Mature female produces pairs of lips in the mouth region; lips trans- fertilized ova that are excreted with the formed into a pair of medial, outwardly host's feces; eggs are spread by rain into acting, distally bifurcate fossores and a ponds, canals and rivers, where they pair of lateral lamellae; rhabditoidal type of oral cavity and absence of glottoid larvae are then ingested accidentally by a apparatus, vulva median with a crosswise host.hatch Therefore, into first stagepotentially larvae; serious the infective conse- quences could be produced when people presented in table 1 (page XXX). are exposed to contaminated environ- slit (figure 1 A-C, page XXX). Measures are ments with infected feces. A. Salas et al. Figure 1. Light micrographs of Diploscapter coronata female: A. Anterior end. Note the Vulval region. C. Entire worm. Figura 1. Fotos al microscopio óptico de hembras de Diploscapter coronata. A. twoExtremo fossores anterior. and the pairNótese of lamellae los dos fosores in the head y el parregion. de lamellas B. en la región cefálica. B. Región vulvar. C. Nematodo vista general. The clinical symptoms include Worms may establish themselves and epigastric
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