[Read fhe Her* Id for Local Hem Summit for it fan trdng Ikl».a»<J mild today, and probably all and Summit FUcvr4 64th Year—No. 21 In Two s«f Honi relrphont •i BMOD* CUM Matter at ts« I. Summit M3M $imilf+tl,4ti«kSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1952 ' tf A YEAR 10 C£9rrS . -... & .... &L•r,..«__... —_•._ •• *;- . »>•..'• kJi' :.fe-_„ U" (summit, N. J,, Vi»d«f th« Act «f *U»CB 3, ltll Jaltonstall Lunch Stevenson Group to Oak Knoll School Gels City OK lay Open Headquarters GOP Wive In Summit Today For 5500,000 New Building A Voiunteera f or Stevenson City Engineer FYank J. Murray yesterday issued * quarters will open.here todfty with .permit for tlieierei^iorit)ffr;$ a formal reception from 3 to 5 Knoll School of the Holy Child at Lamed and Ashland p.m. at.suite 405>O7 in tho Baasett- roads. • Central building at ^hc southwest corner of Springfield avenue and This followed; approval of the plan* .by Commoo Coia- Beechwood road. ci! at their roectlsf Tuta4ay elflit. Perched on the top of the build- Oak Knoll's main buiMIng «t ing in this Republican atrorighold Plans Completed present H on Blackburn rmd. Tim will be a large bantter bearing the •chool la operated by th« Sisters i>f Holy Jesuf .The ijew legend, "For art A-l Candidate .the g Vottf 1-A Row A for A<fiai."; For City's Annual Kihoolf will be c€as»t«irt«d hf earn '..Literature* buttons and oth<r th« O. A. Petewea Comstfttetka-1 « ;n.ik in .the <.oun carnpaigji material wlll.be avail- Halloween Party Co, of Newark and wtl!'-g«i lU&cr' the ahje at the headquarters, . ; Witches are busy ihlning up Immediately. Tlie .mrehHectti" at A br Mrs. Richard L. Gieger and Dr James F. D^laney o! New Yetfc , which ' brouf ht an straightening out their wings, and Plans." call- i(or a. ofce-s&Siy and the Summit unit of Volunteers for gpdoka shaking out thelr white1 -, 7 vo to the con ers Stevenson, said yesterday ther are vi basement building with t.he c«nter e robes, It MJS beeb reported, froni *\<r.je and Brottd street ! many persons who formerly "liked section tidnt to two fjeoti. Hh» a reliable source. Thla Is In an- •.'v:,i to j>r»e the GOPi Ike" ewitchlng to Stevenson. first floor wtU contain * librsuy, Lions Club Will ticipation of tho city sponsored -". •; r, and «n « Mra. Qeige.r declared, "Governor kindergarteR, *ight tkmrmw*, Halloween celebration to be held' • *> nioro who Jin ] the Stevenson's incisive mind and fear- business office*, reeejuion xooia, October 31. - • i A.I> fiuough Pay Honor to less, articulate candor in spe,akin(f chapel and faculty room. ngage- common sense, regardless of pres- The Board of Recreation, which A cafeteria, k!tch«a as4 play*- . r.'o:it in N sure from special interest groups, annually sponsor* the affair, bsi room will be in the basement. Tbn Past President have gained phenomenal support two parties this year be- second floor will centals an ait Mon> tho main one at the feign ;: by 'California's gover- from large segments of Republican room, music room and Members of-the Summit Lions and Independents throughout the . The parade will 1» Wd"m» ', Wurwni who, s at lu1i> wi!1 pa V trlbutc t0 thcir im land," , No Decision on Oil Bi<*» ••••'.* r rally in 'horna* *" - " Meanwhile, the Summit Op- H ;h School, E »ah*th, rwu-t president, 'William At the reception tape recordings Bids were rcceJred bj- Conunoa timist dub have completed plans Council for the f»ttrcfe&#t of fuel -•• .i.«ir.ship of t Eliz- B.. (Innnon, «t a dinner dance to will be made of expressions for for the fourth annual Halloween oil for city buildtaga and SB*»UB« ,; :• r_<* for Eiser Stevenson's success. hdwerrjbc hdd m-xt" Wednesday at the window painting conteit, for d& reiJtel** Tttey wert re ' ahvh Harold C Hoff-1I Hotel Suburban; Mayor and Mrs. A partial list of those on the Arthur Baker, chelrman of the ferred to the Fabllc Worlai Com* hn.rman VltS STATE MVStC ROXOBS-The sbove Summit entering. Seated, left to right, are Udlth Howard, | IVrcival M. Bland iuufo Lion .dis- Committee from Summit follows: High School students wen »cl««ted for participation project, s«ld that tt will be sim- mittee and to the- city engineer. Charles S. Mallard, J. Henry Kruse, Linda Robinson, Susan Leach, Barbara Sttteel and ;. r..g!it was .'ma tcli by i trict governor, John Motz tmd Mrs. in the All-State High School Orchestra ant! Chorus Connie Eberhardt. Standing, Robert Koch, Donald ilar to thase in piut ymm. Ut. r Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Wil- •.:. \ir.'«ary dinnc in tin- I M'-'tz ar'* expected to attend as sponsored by the department of music of tjte New B&kcr's committee conalaia of »reh F«rt Oil liams, Mrs, Herbert Kamm, Wil- Everett, Arthur Westenberger mi RoWrt Brodsky. C'irti-rrt Hotd •f the ! gu<-»tfi of honor. Jersey Education Association «$ part of a 300-voice On Sunday, November 16, the groupi will give a Glen a Miller, Jr., Allen Batter* Standard, Ell»ab*tb, asd Crown liam Howe, Harry F. Bonnell, Mr». ;ounty. | During Mr. Gannon's admini#- chorus and 150-piece orchestra whkh will present concert at the Mosque Thefttcr, Newark. lnlatm&' ROM Doyle, Ge«r|fl ICxwsaa tod Oil Corp., Chatham. Monarch acd. J. Preston West, Mra, Thomas Don MacLeod. ; >>;* U at I trution the local club became the k concert November 8 at 3 p m. at the fall meeting tion concerning tickets for thin concert tn»y be ob- Crown also bid on the ftse! 0!! m Madigan, John Long, John I* Ac- Tho additional partle* will b» J*t.c Neil 3 j largest .service organization In the of tho Education Association to be held at Atlantic tained from Daniel Kautiman, chairman ©f music did Eastern Fuel Go. of Summit kernwin, R Cade Wilson, Mra. held at Rooaevcli and Washing- ! city. H received one international City. Try-outs for the coreted positions. wen can- department at Summit High School. An ordinance appropriating IIS,- Frederick J. Schneider, Mrs. Mc-ducted last spring with more than 2,000 students ton schools atart^jig at 1 p.m. and 200 for the purchase of the Spin- ..t saw another urnout | award and '..one district citation Gill Hunter, Mr, and Mra. J. -1- U A Taft wh continuing to 8:15 p.ra. when the ning property on the ws«t *M« «f during this period, Mr, Gannon Jerome Kaplon, John L. Barker, "characters." will join the parade s.'iiated meeting Him fttreet between Broad «r*et in the \\Us ateo •inMrum''nlal In epark- Mr. and Mrs. William which starts at the Uocoln school • Aihoul auditoi Uin. ing the dub's drive for $1,500 aad Morris aveaoe was passe*} oa Mr. and Mrs, Joseph South Pacific Workers Reporf $77J44 or at 8:30 p.tn, third and final reading. The .r.tv'a liveliest lepub- which was .used for the purchase 1 Prentice- C. Ford. Mra, At tha two ctctoftatftr) «e1iools «5ty I* to t . » gn will re* :h It9 j of a city ambulance, ailing ;'i- Fearon, Mrs. Daniel J. Flt2patric|| tliere will be movlea, rcfreihraenU r.)un>day whci j rianoially to wart H program of Also, Emerson B. Haines, J. Le- Author to Open - <5Y Goa/ in Campaign and costume Judging. Anthony Zotte of Sxjtniait ap- i ir.viidate will oln in ! sending Summit Her,ild« to local Roy Jordan, Jewett D. McCray, \Vsth the Usited Campaign ap- The p«r«de will Mart tnm Xt» i . ... waj 9I-. C4fi«rte<3 th&'j & per cent plied for pcr?$!tf»k>a to baM » t^>jr, visiting \ servicemen and women nnd eon- Robert Mack, John E. "Neville, peal *ch€;duled fe> close this Sun- ofthp prospects for thdt division corner of Me»p!-i ytr*«$ *n4 .De KasoHne ttt&k-T] on Athwood *xt- Lester M. Reeve, William J. Shaw, j day evening-, dojiatloiia^and pledges il-i.ity in. the ounty. '( Uniting the club's sight and wel- Athenaeum Series had been called upon. Forest avenue and will continue nue between Broad «&n"<f jrfarri» United fare work. Mrs. Herbert B. Smith, Mrs. Theo- Pulitaer Prize winner Jara« Af!sof >-«t«d«y amounted to only Outstanding work during the down Maple atrcet to marching streets. The hmrSr.g will fee <m .•."•".or will b dore F. Van Dyck, Samuel k. 177,741.29 or 63 per cent of the music of the Summit Hl«h School Salton- Mr. Gannon is active in .several Michenet will open the 45th rea- first week of the general phase of November §. ' Viespole, Miss Jean A. West, Mftr- foal of $146 666, Hugo Relmer, Band to the high school. M •- i, husetts. ho will other organizations He in chair- son of the Summit Athenaeum the campaign was done by the Granted Uommm lowe Young, Mrs. Wilfred C. 'chairman, announced following a Southslde organization, headed by The costume Judging at the high ' «. , inrh< on at Hotel man of the ..Servicemen'.-? Nevva- Thursday night, November $ at, . .,,... „,„,„» Taxi driver* license* wem Campbell, Mrs. Richard Hopkins, Ie orl sefiS10n held Mr. and Mra, Rudd A. Crawford. school will be under the direc- ' .1 Summit,' ft paper Committee, vice-president of the high school auditorium He ? f ^ JWCA. (Tranted on th? rec«tnm«!d»Uo« • * «• tile wind-i Mrs.
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