kes $650 rly Home " On the Inside ~ Coem1c Te.ta TheWeathel , , , Page 2 Gen&ra1I,. fair and war Summer nec:iter er toda,. and Sund , .. Paqe 3 Rlrb teda,.. 15: low. Red Sox !edt Ycmb ow:an at Rlrh FrIda,.. If; low. ' , , Paqe 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 7, 1951 - Vol. 85, No. 230 I I____ ~_------~-------------~------~-----------------------'~~------- Truman Ex~endsDutyOfMen ~~~~i;:n~:~ff Communist ,Envoys Unreporte ~,~~~,~~~r Or Less To~erve ~~:~i~~!~~~;'~ ,,~:: Believed ,' ~n Route To Kaeson Friday the enllstment~ of an esti But but but on Russia and four satellites it is mated 300,000 to 400,000 service· , , I I I canceling all American tariff con- men whose terms exrre betweer GOLDEN, COLO. (.4") _ Jefferson county commissioners are cessions on goods they ship to the 1 * * * with two sman Sunday and next Ju y 1. Nondering it the truth has come out at last. They're studying a U. S. It means all enlisted men - nol ;>etHion signed by 13 county road employes seeking a pay raise due This action, announced Friday, Red Soldiers Clean Allied Aircr counting draftees - must serVE was dictated by Congress, along t~;d r;;~ b;~ ur4 their hitch plus an extra year iJ 'lot to cost olllv!ng, but "to the cost of high living." , with another mOve the state de- lrtenu. they were due to get out in the partment plans to take shorl',y, Kaesong City Hall Staying nextReservists 12 mon thsalso. are technicalll Court-Order Asked tursbanning from the Russ importationia and Communist of most For Peace Meeting IDeluded but those who servei China. IDOre than a year durl ... WOTlcl What effect the removal of SOMEWHERE TN KOREA IU'I-- Of Reds' Ro War II may apply lor Inactive duty I' n H0 S P .- t a I' S. t r .- ke tarill concessions will have could Allied patrols scouting near Kae- TOKYO (SATURDAY) after servlnr a total Jf 1'7 months not be determined Friday, partly song reported Friday that Com- Iinee outbreak of the KOrean war because of the length and variety Red negotiators were · t f d' I d 0 munist soldiers were cleaning out be moving south The White House order was is. 0 t th e IIS 0 goo S IOVO ve. e- sued under authority of the ne", MINNEAPOLIS MINN. (UP) _ Minnpanolis hosp'tals ent partment otticials generally were and dressing up the red brick Pvon"vanJ( in a 10-vehic ( , . " • - I W skeptical that there would be any two-story city hall, presumably voy, bound tor a Sunday draft bill signed in'o law lesf to court Friday to seek jll,'unctions against st,riking AFL service great change. at Kaesong with Allied than three weeks ago. There was tor the forthcoming truce talks. tives to discuss prelimi 1 t· f h d f workers.' , 1& was taken for rranted that The city hall is near the center no exp ana Ion 0 t e nee or 1 h' h b . 'k . since the Russians have a rovern- a Korean cease-tire t'nr,fM· ..1 additional manpower at this time. They acted under a state aw W IC ans stn es agamst chart- ment t'rade monopoly they will ot Kaesong, next to the police SOUTH Several hours after even though recent draft calls table hospitals. I continue shipments, even at staton and behind the city hos- KOREA scheduled to depart this have been drastically diminished. hi b ts· th d Id th from the North Korean Asbury hospital was the first Et I f C t I ' er cos • If ey t'l; e ev 'pital. Defense department officiah f 10 str. ike-cripp.led in.sti.tutio.ns X enslon 0 on ro s Wbralnnrt.the dol1ar8 the roods would TJ.,;ted Nati?ns patrols went there was no word could offer no specific reason 0 within 4,000 yards, a little over actually had left. other than the proviSion of the to file an injunction SUit In dls- Moreover despite the with- E I d t StOff , wo miles, of Knesong again Fri­ Allied aircraft are not law permittlnr the action "to 'tri~t court. Three others followed xpec e 0 e· drawal of 'concesions, the actual pick up movement ot maintain the level of the armed qUl rklv. tariff treatment" ot some goods (Jay. returning later to their own lines. Earlier this week scouts en­ munist convoy. An Ameri forces." District Jucke D. E. Labelle will remain the same. The .. cason heard the pleas of three of ten BaHle lin Congress is thl's' tered the town attel' it had been torce oUicer said: Mr. Truman's order does not h ltal I I j ti t d . selected in preliminary messal[e, "We are .tayln, so far extend the service of men whose Osp s or an nunc on 0 en The concessions grew out of " the strike, then adjourned court WASHINGTON (.4") - Worried the reciprocal trade law, u~er for the peace talks, and lound it frOm lJJat road wUh our enlistments expired durin, the past IntiJ 9 CST tod H will oeserted. that I doube eha' we'll l'ear and were extendd by a simi- . a.m. ay. e Democratic leaders sent out an which the duties on many com- Sel'urity does not oermit the word on the movement of Ia d f J I "1 Tb' bear tbe pleas 01 tlte otber hos- SOS for "arass roots" support moditles have been drastically re­ r or er 0 u",.. a. order "Uals tomorrow before takin,.· duced below the levels of the detailing ot the activity in this VOy. We are even keepin kept 295,000 men of ali servfc~ '1ny action to mnt the injunc- Friday il) on attempt to turn the Smoot-Hawley tariff act of 1930. area where Allied and Communist plan", oul of that In uniform fqr an extra "ea.. undel tions. tide in the congressional battle But some goods, manganese for representatives finally are about The Communists had impetus of the Korean rlrhtln,. NegotIatIOns were deadlocked. over controls. example were free 01 duty in to get together to talk peace after 'Where Armistice Will Be Discussed themselves su!liclent time Present enlistment terms rur Representatives of both sides Rep. Leslie C. Arends of Illi- 1930 and are lree now. hence a little over a year of fighting in COMMUNIST REPRESENTATIVES WERE EN ROUTE Frldu to most snail's pace from a three-year minimum to could agree at a morning meeting nois, acting Republican leader In Russia · can ship manganese on the Rorea. KaetOnr In the center of a nve-miJ& neutral area where thel' will the bomb-pitted Pv'rln~rva .n" ~ sil( years maximum. only to appoint. n.ew negotiators. " ." same terms as formerly, it she so Talking with soldiers of varied meet wilJJ Allied emissaries Sunday lor preliminary armlsUee dll­ highwal used by North Some Pentagon officials were Afternoon negotIatlons wete called the house, promptly cried POlltlCS desires. military units on the way to this c1JNlolJII. The Red representatives were iravelin, via the road in invading South Korea caught by surprise by the WhitE' 1tf 'lnd rescheduled t?r today. and said his party would accept She once eXported large quan- northernmQst advance post tapped (heavy Jlne) from Pyonryanr. Allied representallves were scheduled outset of the 54-weeks-old House order. An "educated esti- The hospitals Said tha.t the the challenge. tities of this strategic material to no jubilation at the prospective to atart fro ... Seoul SUJlday, either b,. the road (soUd arrow) or They were to meet at mate" given by one spokesman strike against them was a viola- Other Republicans took the the United States but has shlppeC\ cease-fire. bellcopter air route (broken arrow) dependlnr on lJJe weather. three miles south of was that it would apply to some tion of state law forbidding work none since last Decembel·. The general opinion was that with three Allied colonels 300,000 to 400,000 men. More than stoppages at charitable hospitals. house floor to denounce the ad- In IDother action. disclosed Frl- the United Nations would be Iiminary cease-flre talks. 3 million are now under arms, and They asked Labelle to order p~ck- ministration for waiting so long day by the s~te department, the lucky to get through the negotia­ North Koreans captul'ed the overall goal is a.5 million. ets removed from the hospitals to invoke the controls authorized U. S. sent two more notes de- tions without running into trick­ Allies Roll into Triangle song, andent Cormer cap The best explanation offered by and make the union show cause by congress last year. mandlnr thd Russia stop stalUnc ery. that some sort 01 a cease-fire the outset of the invasion unofficial sources Is the need for why a permanent injunction Reo. Hqward H. Beffett (R- on Its overdue ,11 billion lend- probably would result but this 25. ]950. " trained manpower in the present shouldn't be issued. Neb.) attao~ed price controls as an leaae account and return Immed- was not the end of the crisis per. Unchallenged by Reds Seven days of radio emergency. Dr. Carl Klicka, administrator "economic ' narcotic" that mere!" latel,. 67~ U. S, Dlval vessels iod for the United States and end" late Friday 'DIehl With the likelihood tha' hun. at St. 'Barnabas hospital, said the deadens and ppstpones the evU I'Jtnecl til the- Soviets In World proba bly not the end ~f \lIllI tary TOKYO (SATU RDA Y) (UP) - Allied tanks rumbled un- time) with arreemen' cYreds 'of ,thoulik"nli8 .'bf 'men will strlke has "disrupted services!' ' effect.
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