December 5, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 2283 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MOVEMENT TOWARD PERMANENT talks in late February, can not, and must not, Earl was born in a sod-roofed log cabin on PEACE IN NORTHERN IRELAND become a moving target. a ranch near Vernal, UT, on June 19, 1906. The delegation is commended for its firm His grandfather, Joel Bascom, was one of the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN statement and understanding of what needs to very first frontier lawmen, and his father, dep- OF NEW YORK be done. Talks must soon begin in earnest, uty sheriff John Bascom, chased the outlaw and the future of all Ireland settled at the bar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Butch Cassidy in the late 1880's. Earl showed gaining table by the warm and generous peo- an early interest in art, drawing scenes of his Tuesday, December 5, 1995 ple of Ireland, not by any bombs or guns. young cowboy life on pieces of scrap paper. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, President Clin- The future generations of Irish youth and This interest blossomed when his family left ton's recent visit to the north and south of Ire- Ireland's many friends here and all around the Utah by covered wagon to start a new ranch land, has enhanced the momentum toward world will be following very closely the life in Alberta, Canada in 1914. There he finding lasting peace and justice on the whole progress toward lasting peace which President worked as a cowhand for a dollar a day and island. The President is to be commended for Clinton's visit has stimulated once again. We furthered his dream under the direction of re- his efforts in this important cause. in the Congress will do all in our power to see nowned western artist Charlie Russell. The peace process that has seen a cease- that this momentum does not slip away. In 1933, at the age of 27, and having never fire in the north of Ireland honored on all sides Mr. Speaker, I request that the full text of graduated from high school, Earl was accept- for more than 15 months, has yet to produce the bi-partisan delegation's statement be in- ed to study art at Brigham Young University. the critical all-party inclusive talks essential to cluded at this point in the RECORD. He was the first student to pay his way finding through political dialogue, a lasting rec- CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION APPLAUDS MOVE- through college exclusively as a rodeo cow- onciliation and a permanent peace. The peo- MENT TOWARD PERMANENT PEACE AND REC- boy, giving him the title of ``Rodeo's First Col- ONCILIATION; URGES CONTINUED PROGRESS ple of all Ireland clearly desire those goals, as legiate Cowboy.'' As an early pioneer of (Dublin, Ireland, December 1, 1995) was demonstrated by the joyous, supportive, rodeo, he invented innovative rodeo equip- and warm reception the President's peace visit Chairman James Walsh (R±NY)ÐHead of ment still used today. He graduated as one of the Bi-Partisan Delegation accompanying received in both parts of the island. President Clinton's visit to Ireland issued the great rodeo legends, with his art degree, The Congress was well represented on this the following statement on behalf of the del- in 1940. important, historical trip of President Clinton to egation. Earl retired from rodeo, married Nadine help advance the peace process in Ireland, at ``The enormous celebration of Peace we Diffey, and moved to Los Angeles in 1940 to a point in time when it was stalled, the mo- have all witnessed among people of both the pursue his art career. As that developed, he mentum lost, and a return to violence a real north and south of Ireland is a reflection of worked in construction, ranched, taught, and possibility. the enormous desire to make the current even did some film work with Roy Rogers. In peace permanent, and find lasting justice on A strong bipartisan delegation of both the whole island of Ireland. The young peo- 1968, Earl began sculpting, and 5 years later, House and Senate members led by my good ple of Ireland's future must be secured he and his youngest son, John, set up their friend JAMES WALSH (R±NY), the chairman of through the removal of violence as a means own bronze casting foundry to produce mag- the Friends of Ireland accompanied the Presi- for change. nificent works of western art. dent. The congressional delegation met with ``After seeing an obvious display of support Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our col- all the parties in the north and south, and en- for peace by the people of Ireland, and after leagues, Earl's family and many friends in rec- gaged in an important and further dialogue to meeting with all political parties, north and ognizing Earl Bascom's extraordinary work south, the delegation is firmly convinced help sustain the progress toward peace, which that a lasting political solution can, and and remarkable life. Earl lived one of the most President Clinton's visit had motivated. must, be found through political dialogue. interesting lives ever known in modern cowboy The bipartisan congressional delegation is- Specifically, we support the recent twin history. ``I've tried to portray the West as I sued a statement, which in part unanimously track agreement. knew itÐrough and rugged and tough as an stated, that the delegation urges that ``* * * a Mr. Walsh went on to say, ``I applaud old boot but with a good heart and honest as fixed and concrete date be promptly set for all President Clinton's continued leadership in the day is long,'' he said. It is only fitting that party inclusive talks following the completion helping move the peace process forward and the House recognize Earl Bascom today. of the International Body's findings under the using the influence and moral will of Amer- ica to help advance the peace process.'' f leadership of former United States Senator Mr Walsh concluded by saying, ``The dele- George Mitchell of Maine.'' gation was unanimous in urging that a fixed TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM F. The arms decommissioning issue that this and concrete date be promptly set for all- ARMSTRONG International Body will address by mid-January party inclusive talks following the comple- 1996 has sadly too often been a smoke tion of the International Body's findings HON. JOSEPH P. KENNEDY II under the leadership of former United States screen, and unfortunately used as a totally un- OF MASSACHUSETTS Senator George Mitchell of Maine.'' warranted precondition by many to stall and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prevent critical all-party inclusive talks and dia- f Tuesday, December 5, 1995 logue. What the north of Ireland needs in A TRIBUTE TO EARL WESLEY order to truly get the arms held by both sides BASCOM Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr. out of the process, is really a decommission- Speaker, I rise today in honor and recognition ing of the mind set of the many who are re- HON. JERRY LEWIS of Mr. William F. Armstrong and 1995 marks sistant to change on both sides. That must Mr. Armstrong's 50th anniversary of being OF CALIFORNIA and can only take place across the bargaining founder and president of Armstrong Ambu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES table in this long, tragic, and deeply divisive lance Services. ``troubles'' that must come to a permanent Tuesday, December 5, 1995 Mr. Armstrong is certainly dedicated. He du- end. Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I am tifully served his tour of duty in the U.S. Ma- Once the arms issue report is completed by proud, yet saddened, to bring to your attention rine Corps. Upon his return, he established his the International Body in mid-January next today the recent passing of Earl Wesley very own ambulatory service. This personal year, it is hoped that no more excuses, delay- Bascom of Victorville, CA. Earl was a cowboy service currently thrives as the Armstrong Am- ing tactics, nor any one side's veto will be tol- hero and a true inspiration to many of us, par- bulance Service. erated by the interested governments. We ticularly in the West. I'd like to take a moment Mr. Armstrong's perseverance and hard must soon thereafter have a fixed concrete to share with you a glimpse of Earl's remark- work to benefit and safeguard the well-being and nonnegotiable date set for all party talks able life and the legacy he has left for future of others is exemplary. He lived on call for at the peace table. The target date for these generations. others 24 hours a day, for over five decades. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 2284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks December 5, 1995 Due to his unwavering leadership, Armstrong Edward Gibson on the occasion of his 104th CFC ban is debatable'' and the agreement to Ambulance Service has grown to accommo- birthday and for his tireless dedication as terminate the use of CFC's ``is the result of a date the medical transportation for over trustee emeritus of the New Central Baptist media scare.'' 40,000 people a year in the Greater Boston Church of Philadelphia. Brother Gibson has A couple of weeks later, the Royal Swedish area. lived a life of service to God and the church.
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