30-A R.C. .1~17.10 Ohio Campaign Finance Report Prescribedhy Socn,lary of S1a103/0~ - !FullNamcofCommmcc Rogisua1ionNumber. if PAC Friends of Nan Whaley !FullNam• of Cand1da10 Nan Whaley IStrocll\dd=< Otnco S.,ughl Oistricl 443 E. 6th Street Mayor City of Dayton l\.lly SI* Zip c,;5402 Dayton OH I Annual Y.~ tfypeotReport 1. Pre-Primary i P1>sl-Primary i Pre-General i Posl•Goncral i ~ .~ place X lo the left or report lluly fAugust S..p1embcr Sc11.1.illlmllill. lype) ~ Mon1hly i Monlhly r. Monlhly I. Tcnninalion I• ~•1 . ll AmL-ndcdRepor1 '/ lo Yes ONo R•'P"r1F.l<clrunically FilL-d'/ fi Yes @ No Date ofElcc:tion 1 i1 lo i 7 1 '71 for candidaie, only, during an elcc1ianyear : if IOlalron1rihu1ioos and c,pcndi1un:, each 1o1alS~OO or leu during 1hccombined pre· and posl•pcriodsal on• cledion. •h•cl< hux rJ No other ronns arc required for a post-primary or ('<>Sl•G•.,,.ralpcrind. if ahu,·• Sl"1cmentapplies. s« R.C. 3517.10(11)ror details. I. Amount brouaht forwardrrvm lul report s $147,844 03 2. Total monetary eonlrlbullons (from Form No. 31-A) $455,131 81 s D' ~ 3. lblal other Income (from Form No. 31-A-2) s $4,966 ';19 ri cc c= t-i C: -., ) r:5 (_ -1 4. Total lands avaRable(sum orllnes I, Z, 3) s $607,942 ~3 c::: "'-- ~ r- fT1 :;; ("") <' w 5. Total monetary npendlllll'ft (fn,m Form No. 31-B) s $213,279 53 fTj ') i- , ,.: ,.., < 6. Balance on band (llne 4 minus llne 5) s $394,662 80 ,~ ::I: , " fil......... , ca 7. Value ofln-ldnd contributions received (Frvm Form No. 31+1) s $10,635 71 . c.n ~ CX) 8. Value or ln-ldnd contributions made (frvm Form No. 31.J-2) s 9. Outstanding loons owed by commllles (From Form No. 31-<:) s 10. Outstanding debts owed b)' committee (frvm Form No. 31-N) s II, Outstanding loans owed lo commlllee (frvm Form No. 31-K) s 12. Value of Independent npendllura made (frvm Form No. 31-U) s 13, For Electronic Flllng Enlllles only Sam of llnes 2. 7, and amountor any newloans received this period s THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS MADE UNDER TIIE PENALTY OF ELECTION •· IFICATION. WHOEVER COMMITS EI.ECTION FALSIFICATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTII DEGREE. v Sc.II -5'o.S ~ -(,"''' ---=---='---- -I,- -...\..--- 7/31/2017 Dale Coo1ribu1ion Expendilure 3 Other To1al pagc-s___ 42 _ pages.___ _ pages_6) __ _ 31-A R.C. .1517.10 l'agc __ _ Statement of Contributions Received Prcscribcd by Secretary of Slate 03/0S Name ofComminee in Full Friends of Nan Whaley full Name of Contributor Registration Number, if PAC See attached General Contributions 31-A spreadsheet. Street Address Employer/Occupation/Labor Organization . Form (Cash, Check, etc.) City Stake I Zip Code 9 Amount $455,131.81 OH I 1 I I Full Name of Contributor Regiscmtion Number. ,f PAC Sln,ct Addttss Emph>ycr/Occupation/1.abor ~ni1.a11on Form (Cash, Check, etc.I City Stale IZipC:odc ~ Amount OH I I ~ 11 full Name of Contributor Regiscmtion Number. if PAC Sln,ct Addn,ss Employcrl()ccupation/1.abor Organization Form (Cash. Check. etc.) City Sl:ile I Zip Code Amount OH 1 1~i I Full NilfflCofConlributor Kcgiscmtion Number, if PAC: Street Address Employer/Occupation/labor Organization . Form (Cash . Check. etc.) City Staie rip Code Amount OH 1 11I Full Name of Contributor Registration Number, if PAC Strcct Address P.mployer/Occupation/labor Organization Funn (Cash, Check. etc.) City Stale ripCode M D Amount OH I I I 11 Full Nameof Contributor Registration Number, if PAC Street Addrcss l:mploycr/Clccupation'labor 0'1!"ni,.ation Funn (Cash. Check. etc.) City Slll!c IZip Cude D Amount OH 1 I I 11 Full Nome ofContrihutor Registration Number. if PAC Stn:c1Address Employer/Clccupation/labor Organi1.ation Form (Cash, Check, etc.) City Staje 'Zip Code Amount OH Ml 1~I ~ !full Nnme of Contributor Reg1.ira11onNumber, if PA~ Street Address Employer/Occupation/Labor Organization . Form (Ca.,h, Check, etc.) City Stoic IZip Code D Yj Amount OH : 1 I I I • Rcquin:d for contributions from individuals over $100 lo statewide 11ndgeneral assembly candida1cs. If con1ributoris self-employed, lhe occupalion and the name of lhe individual's business, if any, rather lhon employer should be listed. If lwo or more employees contribute viii payroll deduction and ex~-cedlhc uggregate of$ I 00, the labor organization of which 1hcemployees arc members, if any, must also aJIPCnr. (R.C. 3517.10(8)(4)) Page Total $455,131.81 Friends of Nan Whaley 31-A Statement of Contributions Received, Semiannual 2017 EmptoyerOccupa ContrlbutorName Commltteeld Address c~ State zie tlon Method Month Dal Year Amount Leib Lurie 1102 Peters Rd Troy OH 45373-3815 Credit Card 1 30 17 $50 .00 Rich Cohen 532 Coy Dr Beaveraeek OH 45434-5823 CraditCard 2 2 17 $20.00 Amelia Rodriguez 405W1stSt Dayton OH 45402-3007 Check 2 2 17 $100.00 Kettering Health Network Fred Manchur 3500 StonebridgeRd Kettering OH 45419-1133 CEO Check 2 16 17 $250.00 JaredKamrass 4237 PaxtonAve Apt 206 Cincinnati OH 45209-1450 Credit Card 2 19 17 $100.00 Miami Valley Hospllal 100 I/VestMonument Physician/Medical H. Todd Kepler Avenue Dayton OH 45402-3010 Director Credit Card 2 24 17 $500.00 HER Realtors Mark Kottman 7625 Paragon Rd Ste E Dayton OH 45459-4063 Realtor Credit Card 2 24 17 $250.00 Tom Tornatore 259 Wayne Ave Dayton OH 45402-2939 Credit Card 2 24 17 $100.00 Kit C. Cooper Law OfficeslRetlred Kitt Cooper Sr. 3035 SummerviewPl Galena OH 43021-8001 Solo Practitioner Check 2 26 17 $2,500.00 Becker Electric Supply Co Thomas J Becker 1341 E 4th St Dayton OH 45402-2235 CEO Credit Card 2 27 17 S500 .00 CityWde Economic Steve Budd 1621 Ruskin Rd _Dayton OH 45406-4019 Development Check 2 27 17 $250.0Q Henny Penny Corporation Steve Cobb 2475 Deep HonowRd oakwood OH 45419-1304 Chainnan Credit Card 2 27 17 S500 .00 The Connor Group Real Estate . Larry Connor 10510Springboro Pike Miamisburg OH 45342-4956 Investor Credit Card 2 27 17 $1,000.00 JBK Manufacturing & DevelopmentCo Mike Gearhardt 4471 Southern Blvd Kettering OH 45429-1116 Vice President Check 2 27 17 $500.00 CBD Advisors Vlc;kiGiembr'Ona 1199 Pickett_ Ridge Ct Beaveraaak OH 45434-7084 Public Affairs Credit Card 2 27 17 $500.00 Danis Construction Tom Alan Haverkos 8681 ForestpineDr Cincinnati OH 45255-4761 President Check 2 27 17 $500.00 Jobs America PAC C00554055 C00554055 8415 Pulsar Pl Ste 300 Columbus OH 43240-4032 Check 2 27 17 $2,500.00 McGohan Brabender P. Scott McGohan 165 MeadowBrk Springboro OH 45066-9469 CEO Check 2 27 17 $1,000.00 OAPSE AFSCMETurnAround Ohio PAC LA 1269 6805 Oak Creek Dr Columbus OH 43229-1591 Check 2 27 17 $10,000.00 Boost Technology, LLC Michael Emoff POBox36 Dayton OH 45401-0036 Chairman Credit Card 2 28 17 $500.00 DLZ Robert Kirkley 7548 OverlandTri Delaware OH 43015-7037 President Check 2 28 17 $1,000.00 Leib Lurie 1102 Peters Rd Troy OH 45373-3815 Credit Card 2 28 17 $50.00 None Steve Petitjean 20Martinln Springboro OH 45066-7456 None Credit Card 2 28 17 $250.00 charfesv slmms devcorp Charles Simms 2785 OrchardRun Rd Dayton OH 45449-2831 home builder Credit Card 2 28 17 $250.00 E Town Landfill& Recycling Jason W WIiis 2129 SeeleyRd VVestHarrison IN 47060-9020 _Ma~ Check 2 28 17 $2,500.00 Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO Diane Walsh 3997 ReinwoodDr Dayton OH 45414-2447 President Check 3 1 17 $200.00 Alan weck8f1y 4515 IMchitaAve Cleveland OH 44144-3664 Credit Card 3 1 17 $100.00 Karen Whaley 1904 E SunsetTri Mooresville IN 46158-6278 Check 3 1 17 $50.00 CrawfordHoying Brent Crawford 6028 DublinRd Dublin OH 43017-1404 . Principal Credit Card 3 3 17 $2,500.00 LIAC Incorporated BearMonlta 667 Renolds'I.bods Ct Kettering OH 45429-3491 Executive Credit Card 3 3 17 $500.00 Akin Gump Sean D'Arcy 5700 RooseveltSt Bethesda MO 20817-6742 . ~ttomey Check 3 5 17 $2,000.00 SSK Communities Nathan Smith 330 Iris Rd Ft Mitchell KY 41011-2629 Partner Credit Card 3 7 17 $1,000.00 NIA Stanley Ross 3030 StoneyBridge Ln Columbus OH 43221-4938 Retired Check 3 8 17 $2,000.00 Greater Columbus Arts Council Tom Katzenmeyer . 808 Yard St Apt 334 Columbus OH 43212-3909 CEO Credit Card 3 9 17 $1,000.00 Giffen & Kaminski Jan L. Roller 10418Edgewater Dr Cleveland OH 44102-6126 Attorney Check 3 10 17 $500.00 BONBRIGHT · DISTRIBUTORS Brock Anderson 1 Arena Park Dr Dayton OH 45417-4678 CEO Check 3 15 17 $1,000.00 CuyahogaCounty CharleneBurges 31 LuikartOr Euclid OH 44123-1131 Retired Check 3 15 17 $1,000.00 CEO Roundtable on Cancer special project Lynda Goldberg 3029 Greystone Dr Morgantown WJ 26508-8600 director Credit Card 3 15 17 $1,000.00 Sebaly ShDlito& Oyer BeverlyShillito . 3212 Vv1ndingW., Dayton OH 45419-1247 Attorney Check 3 15 17 $2,000.00 Ohio State University Cllnlcal Associate Robert Crane 5600 DubllnRd Dublin OH 43017-1508 Professor Credit Card 3 17 17 $1,000.00 MillerValentine Goup Real Estate & David Dickerson 137 N Main St Ste 900 Dayton OH 45402-1846 construction Credit Card 3 17 17 $1,000.00 Self Employed Scott Knox 2311 FairviewAve Cincinnati OH 45219-1113 .
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