July, 1988 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS We're Building An Airline From The Ground Up. or more than 80 years, UPS has been the leader in small parcel delivery. [. \ Now, as we climb to the top in the air, we have many aviation oppor­ tunities for women. To find out more about these outstanding oppor­ tunitiesF for women pilots, please send your resume to: United Parcel Service, P.O. Box 24265, Louisville, KY 40224 Attn: Air Employment. Wfe are an equal opportunity employer m/f. BARBARA SESTITO r n e Politics and fun do mix From the very first meeting, there were bantering and discussion she said, “ I hope Secretary: Doris Abbate disagreements. The minutes of meetings you don’t take this personally.” Treasurer: Pat Forbes held in early 1930 chronicle the discussions “ Never,” I said. of our strong - willed and independent Nothing we do is so earth shattering as to The election of Gene Nora Jessen as your predecessors. For the ensuing 51 years, we lose a friend over. We can disagree without new international president culminates her have pretty much carried on their tradition. being disagreeable, and we can usually find long career of service to the Ninety-Nines. Our members are still strong - willed, in­ some middle ground on which we can both Gene Nora has served on the board of dependent and opinionated on almost any operate. directors for a total of 10 years, and has subject. The important thing to remember is that held every office. I have enjoyed working A very good friend called, basically to let we need to spend more time doing fun with her throughout. me know she disagreed with me on a things like flying, and less on organizational She was responsible for writing and forthcoming bylaw proposal. After much problems. Case in point: assembling the fiftieth anniversary history At our annual business meeting in book in 1979. The information received Shangri La, Oklahoma, we’ll vote on seven from that project was the basis for our THE 99 NEWS bylaw proposals. Many of them are new resource center, which she has chaired Magazine of the International Women Pilots ideas, and ones which will take our since its inception. Gene Nora and Marie organization in a bit different direction than Christensen were also responsible for the July 1988 Vol. 14, No. 6 we're used to. Since discussion during the successful grant proposal that added business meeting will be very limited, I urge $100,000 to our building fund. Editorial Director: Marie Christensen you to attend the pre - business meeting Gene Nora is knowledgeable and ex­ Editor: Robyn Sclair communication session to hear all sides of perienced in all phases of the organization BOARD of D IRECTORS, the issues. and will represent you with intelligence and The Ninety-Nines, Inc. I happen to believe we need to make charm. President: Barbara Sestito these changes for the good of the Vice President: Gene Nora lessen organization. If you disagree, don’t get Secretary: Marie Christensen angry. Come to Shangri La and join in the Treasurer: Carole Sue Wheeler discussion. But be sure to have fun along This issue of THE 99 NEWS is dedicated Director: Chanda Budhabhatti the way. to women airline pilots. We have solicited Director: Harriet Fuller advertising from many major airlines which Director: Roberta T aylor Director: Joyce Wells employ women as pilots or flight engineers. Immediate Past President: Hazel Jones Our election process is complete. The Chanda Budhabatti was responsible for results are as follows: obtaining much of this advertising, we are SECTION REPORTERS President: Gene Nora Jessen grateful to Chanda for her diligence and Australia: Thelma Pye Vice President: Marie Christensen effort in this project. East Canadian: Donna Deaken Western Canadian: Barbara Meredith 25th anniversary National Cham­ New England: Peggy Davidson pionship Air Races. PO Box 1429, Reno New York/NewJersey: Harriet Bregman d AUGUST 89505 (702)826-7500. Middle East: Evie Washington 16 ASHLAND, OR_______________ 9 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK_ Southeast: Lucy Young Northwest Fall Section meeting. New Headquarters dedication at North Central: Martha Norman Contact Pegge Blinco. Will Rogers World Airport. Info: Barb Ses­ South Central: Charlene Davis 16-18 GOLDEN, CO_ tito. Northwest: Wanda Joyner Mile High Air Derby from Watkins 8-14 AFTON, OK__________________ Southwest: Mary MacDonald (Front Range), CO to Saratoga, WY. Spon­ International Convention at Shan­ sored by Colorado chapter. For race info gri-La Resort. Info: Marilyn Copeland. The 99 NEWS is published monthly by The send $3 to 14437 W 32nd Ave., Golden CO Ninety-Nines, Inc. at PO Box 98654, Tacoma 18-19 LOUISVILLE, KY_____________ 80401-1475. Entries close Aug. 6. WA 98498-0654. (206)588-1743. Bowman Air Fair Pancake Break­ 23-25 LIBERAL, KS________________ The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is a non-profit fast. Contact Sandy Morgan, address w/ Centennial air event and reunion, organization engaged in education, charitable next listing. and scientific activities and purposes. dedication of Liberal Air Museum, airshow. 19-20 OWENSBORO, KY___________ Non-member subscriptions are available for Info: James Bert (316)624-5263. Kentucky Air Derby. Contact $ 12 per year. Please send changes of address to: 24 LAS VEGAS, NV_____________ Sandy Morgan, 308 Chamberlain Dr, Lex­ Loretta Gragg, Executive Director Scavenger hunt, Las Vegas Val­ ington KY 40503. The Ninety-Nines, Inc. ley chapter. Contact Kathleen Snaper PO Box 59965 Will Rogers World Airport (702)870-8227 or Linda Gagnon (702)438- Oklahoma City OK 73159 d SEPTEMBER! 7021. (405)685-7969 Please see CALENDAR, back page. 15-18 RENO, NV___________________ I ■ rwV I ■ fc3 By SYLVIA PAOLI Changing laws call for efforts at clarity In a recent article, I advised chapter many of which are running businesses - Nines, Inc., nor for the purchase of any members to keep careful chapter minutes almost totally unrelated to their primary real property, nor purchase of personal of the assignments given each of their purposes. Organizations like ours are, property in excess of $500 per item convention delegates. In paying careful unfortunately, within the same tax - without the prior approval of the BOD. attention to this, keep in mind a recently exempt classification and will also bear They also may not contract with at­ issued guideline by the IRS which says: the brunt of any adverse legislation. It is torneys, nor participate in lawsuits or in "Charitable travel expenses, which include especially important, therefore, to keep political activities, nor operate businesses transportation, meals and lodging, may accurate records of your chapter’s ac­ for profit. only be deducted if there is no significant tivities, finances and delegate status. element of personal pleasure, recreation, Partially as a result of this increased Needless to say, most of our chapters or vacation in the travel. It does not attention to tax - exempt organizations, as are not going to be involved in any of matter whether the taxpayer pays the well as for liability purposes, the Board of these activities, but the issues have been expenses directly, or indirectly through a Directors has adopted several policies raised in the past, and the BOD has contribution to the charitable organization, relating to the activities of chapters, sought to clarify the organization’s which then pays for those travel ex­ including a policy that chapters shall not position and hopefully to prevent legal penses.” enter into contracts obligating The Ninety entanglements of any kind. There is a movement afoot to get Congress to enact legislation limiting the broad tax - exempt privileges of 501(c)(3) St. Onge will help at headquarters organizations. The greatest objections are being made by an organization of small OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - International regular basis and we are delighted to have businesses, objecting primarily to what headquarters has its first docent. her. Ruby’s warm, charming personality they consider an infringement of their and hard work have won a place in our trade rights by universities and hospitals, Ruby St. Onge, Minnesota chapter and hearts, and of course, our archives! a 99 since 1963 now volunteers on a -Loretta Gragg CESSNA OWNERS 0 * STOP SEAT SLIPPAGE Yoi1 don’t have ito try of]her Lorans . I T .1 But it can be very, convincing, • with FAA-PMA Seat Stop APPROVED SAF-T-STOP Mechanism Simply Slide On Seat Rail KIT PRICES Not many manufac­ | Visit your local NEW! Adjust & Tighten *29.95 *49.95 turers urge their Northstar dealer customers to try a competitor’s product, but for a 'hands-on' demonstration Northstar encourages it. Why? It’s the only and receive a complimentary way that you can really see the superiority of operator's manual (a 40-page * Eaafy Adjustable * Aluminum AAo a Northstar Loran over all the others. You’ll booklet on how to operate * Easy to Instal * Bright Red Anodized see one reason Northstar is called the “piece- the Northstar). And please, it IT W ORK S! of cake” Loran when you experience the free­ try some other Lorans STC'd 150. 152. 170. 172, R172. 175. 180, 182, 185 dom that a 'Direct Access’ database can provide before you buy. It will 188, 190, 195, 205, 206. 207, 210. 303. & 337 be very convincing. APPROVED FOR USE IN COMPLIANCE WITH (you can find any o f20,000 waypoints in a C IM N A SEAT TRACK A.D. • 17-20-03 matter o f seconds). Try as many Lorans as you (PARAGRAPH B OPTION NO. 1) want, but don’t lay down any cash until you’ve For the name of your nearest authorized Northstar Dealer please catI toll-free ASK YOUR F.B.O. FOR SAF-T-STOPS OR CALL: put your hands on a Northstar.
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