THE th SOUTH AMBOY 11 ★★★★ SAYREVILLE ANNIVERSARY Date: October 26, 2002 PRICELESS Vol. 12 Issue 1 Poll To Retire Safe and Sound Sayreville’s School Business Admin- istrator and Board Secretary, Michael Poll Registry will retire in November after over 40 years The South Amboy Police is starting a in the education field. Poll, 62, of Sayreville program called Safe and Sound Registry. taught Math for 17 years at Hoffman High If you are a caretaker of an Alzheimer School. He then went on to become district patient, and autistic child or a person with administrator for South Amboy. As dis- any form of dementia or mentally chal- lenged, contact South Amboy Police and trict vice principal, he worked at the high register that person. The registry will be school, middle school, and elementary used in case the person should wander school. He then became Business Admin- away from home. istrator at South Amboy for 10 years, and Once the police are notified, a detailed moved to the same position in Sayreville description and photo on file will aid the where he has worked for the past 11 years. officers on patrol to get that person back Poll has positively touched countless lives home “Safe and Sound.” Contact Capt. G. in the educational field through the years in Pizzillo at 732-525-5946 to register a loved South Amboy and Sayreville, and will be one. missed. Good luck, and may God Bless! This program is based on a recent $28.8 Million Construction program started in Woodbridge Twp. Lt. Tom Garley of Woodbridge Twp. PD Project At Sayreville The New Jersey Laborers’ Union & the Building Trades came out in full force at Waterfront started this program. It is the same idea but A $28.8 million construction project Park to show their support for South Amboy Mayor John T. O’Leary(C). City Council low tech compared to the computerized has begun on the former Samsel School on President, Fred Henry(L) stands next to the Mayor. (Photo by Brian Stratton) version that Woodbridge has. In the end, Ernston Road in Sayreville. The facility O’Leary Endorsed By NJ Laborers Union the same results are accomplished, to get was closed by the district in 1981, and then the person or child home, “Safe and Sound.” leased by the Middlesex County Educa- One of the state’s most powerful unions, ers’ District Council Business Manager The family will be reassured that the police tional Service Commission, who used it as the New Jersey Laborers Union, endorsed Ralph Gianfrancesco is committed to Mayor are doing everything in their power to find a school for autistic children. Jack O’Leary for Mayor of South Amboy O’Leary’s reelection as well. “He is a fighter for the working men and women of their loved ones. So, please register today. Borough of Sayreville voters approved recently, citing his ability to work closely with union officials to rebuild South Amboy Middlesex County and South Amboy,” said the project in a December 2001 referen- th and create jobs for city residents. Gianfrancesco. 8 Annual dum. The school will be changed into an With more than 25,000 members state- Laborers Local 594 Business Manager upper elementary school for fourth and wide, the New Jersey Laborers Union is John Adams also had high praise for Mayor Christmas Dinner fifth graders. committing its resources to Mayor O’Leary’s O’Leary. “The members of Middlesex The South Amboy Knights of Colum- After the renovation, the school, which re-election campaign. It is anticipated that County and South Amboy Local 594 are bus #426 will sponsor its 8th Annual Christ- is scheduled to open in September 2004, hundreds of laborers will volunteer time to committed to helping Mayor O’Leary win mas Dinner. Tickets will be given to those will be able to hold 1,200 pupils, as op- the campaign through phone banking, get re-election. We live here. And we support with the following updated documents: posed to the previous 250 capacity. The out the vote drives, and political education. Mayor Jack O’Leary,” said Adams. PAAD-Pharmacy cards for Senior Citi- The New Jersey Laborers Union is project will alleviate over-crowded class- Laborers Vice-President and Eastern zens; Middlesex County Welfare cards; affiliated with the Laborers International rooms at the Borough’s four elementary Regional Manager Raymond M. Pocino St. Vincent DePaul Society; Sayreville or calls the endorsement both an act of thanks Union of North America (LIUNA), and schools, and Sayreville Middle School, represents more than 25,000 members state- South Amboy Welfare; also bring your for O’Leary’s leadership in rebuilding South driver’s license, social security card or which houses pupils from 5-8 grades. Amboy and a vote of confidence for his wide in various industries, including con- agenda for the future. “Jack O’Leary has struction, environmental remediation, sani- valid proof. Mechanicsville Hose demonstrated his ability to think resource- tation and recycling, security, and educa- You must register and pick up tickets th th fully to create opportunities for South tion. The New Jersey Laborers are widely on Saturday, November 30 from 10 a.m. Bus Trip-Jan. 18 Amboy residents,” said Pocino. “We sup- viewed as having been instrumental in help- to 1 p.m. at the South Amboy Knights of The Mechanicsville Hose Co. will port his candidacy for mayor, and more ing to lift living standards and workplace Columbus, Fourth St. and Stevens Ave., sponsor a bus trip to the Trenton Titans vs. importantly, we support his vision for the safety for employees in construction and South Amboy. No phone calls. The date Atlantic City Boardwalk Bullies hockey future.” hazardous materials removal, and for devel- of the dinner will be announced. oping innovative cooperative relationships game on January 18, 2003. The bus leaves Central New Jersey Building Labor- with employers. at 5 p.m. from St. Mary’s parking lot. Morgan Halloween Refreshments will be served. Cost is $30 Bon Jovi Bounces Onto The Charts At #2 Parade per person. For more information, call th th was deeply affected by the September 11 732-525-0265. Bon Jovi released their 8 studio al- A Halloween Parade will be held on bum, “Bounce” on Oct. 8th, and it quickly tragedy. When Jon and Richie sat down to Sunday, October 27, starting at 2 p.m. at th PGK Dinner Nov. 15 added another milestone to their multi- write in the days that followed, what flowed Selover School on Lincoln Street in Mor- forth were songs that started as heavy South Amboy Knights of Columbus platinum career by debuting at #2 on the gan. The event sponsored by the Morgan hearted but evolved to become deeply Council #426 will hold its annual PGK Billboard charts. This marks the highest Lions Club, and will offer candy, prizes, rooted in the resolve to move forward and Dinner on Fri., Nov. 15th to honor Past debut ever for the international superstars, and lots of fun! live life to the fullest. Songs like “Undi- Grand Knight, Steve Schmid. The event, who have earned sales in excess of 93 vided,” and “Everyday,” speak directly to South Amboy which will be held at the K of C Hall, 308 million albums worldwide. Co-produced everyone who has had the strength to move Fourth St., South Amboy, kicks off with by Sayreville’s Jon Bon Jovi, on. While the title track “Bounce” cel- Halloween Parade cocktails at 7 p.m. and is followed by Woodbridge’s Richie Sambora, and Luke ebrates the resiliency of America as well as The South Amboy Lions Club along dinner and dancing with The Paul Dehnz Ebbin, the same team responsible for the the longevity of the band. with the City of South Amboy Recreation Band. Tickets are $35 per person. multi-platinum “Crush,” the new album, Other tracks are instant Bon Jovi clas- Dept. will be co-sponsoring the Annual For tickets or more info call 732-727- “Bounce” is a big rock n’ roll record that sics such as “All About Loving You,” Halloween Parade on Sunday, Oct. 27. 1707, 732-721-4828, or 732-721-2025. harkens to the bands roots with powerful The parade will begin at 1 p.m. at Progres- songs and the inspiring, optimistic and “Love Me Back to Life,” and “You Had Me From Hello” with their simple yet sive Fire House on Bordentown Ave., and hopeful lyrics that Bon Jovi is known for. proceed down Bordentown Ave. to Broad- As with many Americans, Bon Jovi appealing messages. While songs like continued on Page 16 way past the reviewing stand in front of City Hall. Prizes will be given out for the best costumes, and ONLY children will be NEXT ISSUE awarded prizes. rd Veterans Day November 23 Program-Nov.11 Featuring Sayreville Memorial VFW Post #4699 • Thankgiving and its Ladies Auxiliary will conduct their annual Veterans Day program, Mon. evening Special Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. Services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, 172 Main St., All Deadlines Sayreville. Lineup for massing of colors will Nov. 11th take place outside church at 6:30 p.m. Follow- ing the ceremony, refreshments will be served Call 732-727-0398 at Post Home, Jernee Mill Rd., Sayreville. Bon Jovi-The super group pictured (l-r) are Tico Torres, Sayreville’s Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Please take time to come out and help honor Sambora, and David Bryan. (Photo Credit Kevin Westenberg).See”Locals Remember Bon those who served our country, so we can enjoy Jovi” on Page 14.
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