Lists of Members University of Melbourne Governing Bodies, Faculties, Boards, Academic and Administrative Staff 2007 http://www.unimelb.edu.au/Members/index.html [Note: The conventions of the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook have been followed in listing the names and degrees of University staff and the abbreviations used for the names of universities and other degree-awarding institutions. Degrees with honours are not recorded, for example, Bachelor of Science with honours is shown as the basic degree BSc. It should be noted that the abbreviations of institutions used in these lists are not necessarily identical with those employed byth e institutions.] Lists of Members University ofMelbourn e 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Senior Office Bearers 1 Council 3 Committees 5 Committees (Committees of Council) 6 Councils of Halls of Residence 11 Committee of Convocation 13 Academic Board 16 Committees ofthe Academic Board : 16 Faculties 24 Boards 34 Professors 36 Readers 49 Professors Emeritus 51 Laureate Professors 58 Laureate Professorial Fellow 58 Vice-Chancellor's Fellows 59 Federation Fellows 60 Headso f Affiliated Colleges 61 Headso f Hallso f Residence 61 Teaching and Research Staff. , 62 Architecture, Building and Planning 62 Arts 63 Economics and Commerce 78 Education 83 Engineering 87 Land and Food Resources 95 Law 98 Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences 101 Melbourne Business School 156 Music ; 157 Science 159 Veterinary Science 170 Victorian College ofthe Arts 172 Faculty Administration 175 Graduate School Administration 180 Central Administration 181 Vice-Chancellor's Division 181 Senior Vice-Principal's Division 182 University Secretary's Department 183 Vice-Principal &Academi c Registrar .- 184 Vice-Principal &Chie f Financial Officer 185 Vice-Principal &Genera l Counsel : 187 Vice-Principal (Information) 187 Vice-Principal (Human Resources) 189 Vice-Principal (International Development) 190 Vice-Principal (Marketing andCommunications ) 191 Vice-Principal (Property and Campus Services) 191 Vice-Principal (Reserach) 192 Chaplains : 193 The Ian Potter Museum of Art 194 Melbourne Theatre Company 194 Melbourne University Bookshop ; 194 University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association 194 Staff from Clinical Schools ; 195 RecognisedGenera l andSpecia lHospitals : Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre and theNorther n Hospital Clinical School 195 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical School 199 Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute Clinical School 202 Royal Children's Hospital Clinical School 203 Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne Clinical School 205 Royal Melbourne Hospital and Western Hospital Clinical Schools 206 Royal Melbourne Hospital - Royal Park Campus 210 Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Clinical School 210 Rural Clinical School 213 St Vincent's Hospital and Barwon Health Clinical School 214 Staff from Recognised Institutions 218 Arthritis Foundation of Victoria Centre for Rheumatic Diseases 218 Austin Research Institute 218 Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health 219 Australian Institute of Family Studies 219 Australian Research Centre in Sex,Healt h and Society 219 Bernard O'Brien Institute ofMicrosurger y 220 Bionic Ear Institute 221 Brain Research Institute 222 Centre for Eye Research Australia..... 222 Centre for Palliative Care 222 Genomic Disorders Research Centre 223 Heart Research Centre 223 Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine 223 Institute for Breathing and Sleep 225 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 225 Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research Ltd 227 Melbourne Sexual Health Centre 228 Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria 228 Murdoch Childrens Research Institute 228 National Ageing Research Institute Inc 228 National Stroke Research Centre 229 St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research 230 Skin and Cancer Foundation Inc 232 Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc 232 Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine 232 Victorian Rehabilitation Research Institute at Cedar Court 233 University Companies and Other Bodies 234 Australian International Health Institute 234 Australian Music Examination Board (Vic) Ltd 234 Australian National Academy of Music 234 Hawthorn Edinburgh Ltd 234 Hawthorn English Language Centres (Canada) Ltd 234 Land and Food Services Ltd 234 Meanjin Company Ltd 234 Melbourne Business School Ltd 234 Melbourne Business School Foundation Ltd 235 Melbourne Enterprises International Ltd 235 Melbourne Health Information Pty Ltd 235 Melbourne Information Management Pty Ltd 235 Melbourne University Private Ltd 235 Melbourne University Private (NewZealand ) Ltd 235 Melbourne University Publishing Ltd 235 MU Student Union Ltd (MUSUL)....: [ 235 MUP Services Ltd 235 Melbourne Ventures Pty Ltd 235 UMME 235 UMMEUK [..[["'.'.'.'.'".'.236 University House 236 Uniseed Management 236 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre 236 Staff from Associated Institutions 237 ACIL Tasman Pty Ltd 237 Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute Ltd 237 Institute of Postcolonial Studies : 237 Leo Cussen Institute for Continuing Legal Education 237 Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute 238 Melbourne College of Divinity 238 Museum Victoria 238 Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne 239 Victorian Collegeo f Optometry 239 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute ofMedica l Research 240 Zoological Parksan d Gardens Board 241 Senior Office Bearers VISITOR His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Professor David de Krester, AO MBBS Melb. MD Monash. FRACP FAA FTSE. CHANCELLOR Ian Andrew Renard, BA Melb. LLM Melb. Appointed to Council 1 January 1994. Elected Deputy Chancellor 1 January 2001. Elected Chancellor 1 January2005 . DEPUTY CHANCELLORS The Hon Justice Alex Chernov, BCom Melb. LLB(Hons) Melb. Appointed to Council 1 January 1992.Electe dDeput yChancello r8 Marc h2004 . Re-elected 1 January2006 . Ms Rosa Storelli, Bed Ade CAE GradDipStudWelf Hawthorn MEducStud Monash MACEFACE A AFAIM. Appointed 1 January2001 . Re-appointed 1 January2005 . VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL Professor Glyn Conrad Davis,A C BANS WPh DANU . Appointed 10 January2005 . DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR/PROVOST Professor Peter Balshaw McPhee, MA PhD DipEd Melb. FAHA FASSA. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) 1 October 2003. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor Vijoleta Braach-Maksvytis, BSc NSW PhD Syd. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chance|lor (Innovation and Development) 30Novembe r2005 . Professor John Alexander McKenzie, BSc PhD LaTrobe FAA.Appointe d Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 1 January2006 . Professor Francis Patrick Larkins, AM BEd Melb. DSc Melb. DPhil Oxf. DipAdvMath Oxf. FRACI FAIE FAIP FAA FTSE. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 1 October 1990.Appointe d Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) 1 January2006 . PRO-VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor PipPattison , BScPh DMelb . FASSA.Appointe d 1 August2004 . Professor Geoffrey WayneStevens ,B ERMI TPh DMelb . FL ChemEFAu s IMMFTS ECEng . PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (GLOBAL RELATIONS) Professor Warren Bebbington, MA Queens(NY) MPhil MMus PhD CUNY. Appointed 1Januar y 2006. - ' •• PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH TRAINING) Professor BarbaraKa yEvans ,BS cPh DMelb . DipPETSTC . Appointed 1 January2006 . PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (GRADUATE RESEARCH) Professor Richard Strugnell, BScPh DMonash . FASM.Appointe d December2007 . PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH) Professor JoyDamousi ,B ALaTrob e PhDANU .FAH AFASS AAppointe d 1 January2006 . Professor LynYates ,B AMelb . DipEd Melb.Me dPh DLatrob eAppointe d 26Marc h2007 . PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (TEACHING, LEARNING AND EQUITY) Professor Susan Elliott, MBBS Melb.M DFRAC PAppointe d 1 August2005 . SENIOR VICE-PRINCIPAL Ray Ian Arthur Marshman, BA(Hons) Melb. LLB ANU. Appointed 5 March 200L Previously appointed Vice-Principal (Administration) 1 March 1999. VICE-PRINCIPAL & HEAD OF UNIVERSITY SERVICES Elizabeth Bare, BAMelb . DipLib NSWGDipBusAdm Swinburne.Appointe d 7Apri l 2003. VICE-PRINCIPAL & ACADEMIC REGISTRAR Gillian Luck, BBus USQMPubPo l Griffith DipCompDirAICD . Appointed 1 January 2006. 2007 001 VICE-PRINCIPAL & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER David Rowland Percival, BEcAdel . MBAAdel .ACI SACI M MACS.Appointe d 1 March 1999. VICE-PRINCIPAL (COMMERCIALISATION) Allan Tait. Appointed 2006 VICE-PRINCIPAL & GENERAL COUNSEL Christopher Bruce Penman, LLB Syd. LLM Lond. GDipNatRes Melb. Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria Appointed 4Augus t 2003. VICE-PRINCIPAL (HUMAN RESOURCES) Nigel Waugh Appointed 1 December 2007 VICE-PRINCIPAL (INFORMATION) Linda Suzanne O'Brien, BEd Syd. MPA Canberra. Appointed 12Marc h 2004. VICE-PRINCIPAL (INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT) Bruce Bayley, BE Melb. MBA Melb.Appointe d 1 January 2006.. VICE-PRINCIPAL (MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS) Patrick Freeland-Small, BAMonas h GDipAppPsych Monash VICE-PRINCIPAL (PROPERTY AND CAMPUS SERVICES) Russell Elliott, BScMelb ,ME d Melb. Appointed 1 January2006 . VICE-PRINCIPAL (RESEARCH) David Cookson Appointed November 2007 UNIVERSITY SECRETARY Janet White. 002 2007 Council Chancellor MR IAN ANDREW RENARD, BA Melb. LLMMelb . Appointed to Council 1 January 1994. Re-appointed 1 January 2004. Elected Chancellor 1 January 2005. Vice-Chancellor PROFESSOR GLYN CONRAD DAVIS,A C BA NSWPh DANU . Appointed 10Januar y 2005. President ofthe Academic Board PROFESSOR PHILIPPA PATTISON, BSc PhD Melb Elected 1Januar y 2007. One Person appointed by the Ministerfo r Education Term expiring 31 December 2009 Vacancy. Sixperson s appointed by the Governor-in-Council Term expiring 31 December 2009 - DR MEREDITH DOlG, BA MEdStud Monash PhD RMITDipE d Melb. GDipMgt RMIT. Appointed 23 October
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