DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 12, No. 43, Whole No. 694 SUMMERLAND, B.C., FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 1921 $2.50, Payable in Advance CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF CANA. MR. E. R. PEACOCK DIAN RED CROSS HI Excellent Program of Sports This is the Unanimous Expression of Recent Visitors to Summerland's Splendid New Quality of Fruit will Depend Weil Carried Through Institution For the Care the Sick. Contractors Complimented on Thinning Done OPENED BY MINISTER OF HEALTH YESTERDAY Attend All Day Event at Cres Growing Conditions Ideal Fol• cent Beach. The Prize List Crowd Estimated Close to One Thousand Attends Ceremony. Three Hundred and Fifty A'Canadian who has risen from a lowing Heavy Bloom'.' Fruit barefoot boy in a Glengarry county Setting Well Guests Register. Minister Acknowledges Obligation of Province. Promises parsonage to a director of the Bank Summerland has again estab of England He reached this final lished her right to Victoria (Day, Further Grants. Splendid Institution Made Possible by Magnificent pinnacle a few days ago. Throughout the orchard districts* as Summerland's <Jay. Dr. James W. Robertson, C.M.G., of Summerland, Peachland and Nar• On Victoria Day everybody seemed well known in Canadian agricultural Donation of Mrs. Van Allen and educational circles in Canada, amata, crop prospects/ are of the to be on holiday at Crescent Beach, Providing Storage. best. Continued cool weather, is chief executive of the Canadian Local frost proof storage build• even Jupiter Pluvius, Old Sol being threatening, but not actually bring• Red Cross which is at present put• ings are now ' becoming general the only one on the job, and he cer- Thursday afternoon the Summer- all of which had not been taken up, of their income or 15 cents ner ing killing frosts, which prevailed ting on a Dominion wide Member• land Hospital was opened in the pre throughout the- Oka'nagan.^, Two ' tainly was there as the subsequent and .a -Government grant. Mr. head, if Vancouver was eliminated for a time, really benefited the sence of about 350 or more inter• years ago the Vernon Fruit Union sale of lotions testifies. ship Enrollment Campaign; He is Kelly said that an additional sum of He said that he appreciated the del• orchardists by delaying the blossom• : ested persons from Vernon, Ke• built a large hollow tile frost proof It was an exceedingly pleasant a brother of R. Robertson, organiz• $14,000 was required to clean the icate approach to his speech made ing period. Everywhere the bloom lowna, Peachland, Naramata, Pen• warehouse, and Kelowna and Sum• day, with the events well run off er of the Okanagan United Growers. building up, exclusive of the furn• by the earlier speakers and that he has been or is, heavy and with pract• ticton and Oliver, as well as Sum• merland both have similar struc• and something doing all the time, ishings, which the ladies had under• would have been, disappointed had ically all danger of frost passed and merland. tures in process of building. Last particularly between twelve and one taken to supply. The hospital will no request been, made for govern under ideal growing conditions, big as the ladies of the W. A. of the Walden, Ivor Harris; 2nd S. Tay• —The Hospital was a bower of flow• ment assistance. He said that the Friday, the Penticton Co-operative lor, Cam. McAlpine. look after the needs of Peachland, crops are looked for. Generally - G.W.V.A. and Mr. and Mrs. Scott ers and showed a lot of work on the Provincial Government had already Growers let the contract for a frost Boys sack race, 1st, Creighton Naramata and Mineola, as well as speaking similar conditions pre• •,. Darkis couldl bear witness, to whom part of the L.H.A. as regards dec• made a small beginning, but that proof building. Rines; 2nd, Ken. Walden. the district of Summerland.' Mr. vailed throughout the Okanagan and great credit is due and universally orations, but this was only a fore• Kelly pointed out that the popular he saw no reason why it should stop adjacent districts. High School Tournament All of these buildings will be con• given. runner of the most enjoyable tea idea in matters of this kind was to and that it would be one of his first 100 yards dash, 1st, Warren Gay• trolled by the local organizations The following is from a news let• which was served in the basement "letGeorge do it," but "George" duties on his return to Victoria to It would be hard to pick the out- ton ; 2nd, Mosy Marshall. ffiliated with the Okanagan Unit• ter furnished tfiis and other papers after the hospital had been form• had already done his share and it add his own rtppiesewtationg to , standing of the day, as all events High jump, 1st, Hatfield; 2nd, ed Grawers. .••../• by the District Horticulturist. ally opened by the Minister of Ed- was necessary that the people of those of the local hospital board and from the Children's Events early in Gayton and Layton tied at 4 feet Most varieties of apples are in full cation and Public Health, Dr. J. D. this district think of this hospital as municipality, which he knew would the morning, to the Tug-of-war in 11 inches. McLean. MIGRATORY BIRDS bloom now, and- the show is .very "My Hospital," keeping Summerlar-, already be there. Dr. McLean the evening, were contested hard, 1 mile rel^y, (4men), 1st, Pentic• heavy. Weather conditions have jr. H. C. Mellor opened the gath• in its foremost position in this re• liked the spirit exhibited and pledged in a clean sportsmanlike manner and ton; 2nd, Summerland. \ ncreasd Penalty for Violations of I been favorable'so far for a good set ering, very tactfully suggesting gard also, supporting the hospital himself to work for some additional seemed to be alike interesting to the 220 yards dash, 1st, Warren Gay• - the Convention Act of fruit. brevity to the speakers who followed. •from their pocket books, their hearts grant. crowd- of spectators. The jumping ton; 2nd, Hatfield. The: temperature is much higher events carried 1 their usual interest He eulogized the work and spirit of .•and their heads. •• » Rev. H. A. Solly concluded, pro Broad jump, 1st, Warren Gayton, the contractors, quoting Mr. Bert An amendment to' the Migratory than last week, and- several heavy ^ '^ , \ and 'were, well contested, both jnorn- 17 feet 8 inches; 2nd, Mallery, 16 Mr. J. W. Jones, M.L.A., followed, posing a vote of thanks to Drj^Mc showers -have fallen. ^^.•^-•'-•^.•r:- . i C ing af&iafternooh, the sa*nie, howev- Harvey as saying at the outset that stating his pleasure at being pre• Lean for the way he had taken the Birds Convention Act increases the feet 3 3-4 inches. the building would be "a standing penalty for violation of the act, Both spring and- fall' grairf.crops V 'ru'-y.;.} er; applies .to-the obstacle race. The sent, and seeing such a fine building, matter up and pointed out that are in fine 'condition. Half mile run, 1st, Irvine Adams; monument of what the people^ of Summerland had always supported from $100 to $300." Section 12;'now " boxing' events, were of no small ..in- v which he considered the best locat• , Express shipments-of asparagus 2nd, "Russ" Munn. Sumerland could do." Mr. Mellor its hospital locally in the past, arid reads as follows: ."Every person t. terest, , but,-were not second to the Results on points, Summerland ed in B.C. He had already met the and' rhubarb are - going forward. • <e| <_ stated that the contractors had al• who violates any .provision -of "this - * \' /baU game,, while no' one will deny nurses and' how that he had enjoyed proposed to-do so in the>future} but 1st with 31 1-2 points; Penticton Act or any regulation shalf, for .fS.'tneViRterest' taken in "the battle .hey ways met the Board's views artd the view from thi-.' hospital, he pointing out the present need ;qfj'_a (Continued on Page 6) ! publicly ,, thanked-.,;them,.'--Vn^n,tidnr. thpught'.*-that patieiSs^wpuld benefit grant'"4owaV^ ..- „.j^S'fyee&>J^^^ ElUott^^Stiffe'^^o^ ing "pLr/ Galbraith'''Sr-d^-Messrs Bar• 'mary conviction, to a fine of/not , more mentally than from- the medi• -. The . Hon. Dr. McLean then de• ib>ie^^hfe''o^s"^^ryear"ih tne history - gariized-by Jack Ritchie and the tholomew. and Atkinson^. Healso more than three hundred dollars of the district. The weather" has cal profession,, while in the Summer- clared the beautiful hospital form-; W.V.A. team of "Poor Pish." To stated that they had all done more and not less than ten dollars^ or to been fine and as the trees are show• some, however, "the first swim of GROWERS WILL GO land Hospital-. Mr. Jones pointed ally opened. than their specifications called for, out that the 'Government was con• The hospital staffs from Kelowna imprisonment; for ajterm not exceed• ing, more vitality this year than at the season"'made the greatest hit. : the electricians doing> upwards of tributing 2-3 of the funds expend• and Penticton were very well, re• ing six months; or..:to...both fine and this time lastyear,-there is.no reason' Thebase ball game started off $200 worth of work for -which no imprisonment."' ' ' why a splendid set of fruit should to be fairly close, but, after the ed by. the 100 hospitals in B. C. presented. , ' charge' had been made. Mr. Mellor $1,500,000 had been raised in B.C.
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