DOCUMENT RESUME ED 055 243 52 VT 014 106 AUTHOR Bartel, Carl R. TITLE Coordination of Supportive Programs for Vocational Education Students in Metropolitan Areas. Institute V, Final Report. INSTITUTION Arizona State Univ., Tempe. SPONS AGENCY National Center for Educational Research and Development (DHEW/CE), Washington, D.C. BUREAU NO BR-9-0524 PUB DATE May 71 GRANT OEG-0-150524-4520 NOTE 188p.; Part of Short Term Institutes for Inservice Training of Professional Personnel Responsible for Vocational Technical Education in Western Metropolitan Areas EDRS PRICE MF-a.65 MC-$6,53 DESCRIPTORS *Ancillary Services; Disadvantaged Youth; Educational Administration; *Educational Coordination,' Educational Needs; Educational Planning; Institutes (Training Programs); *Metropolitan Areas; *Professional Continuing Education; Technical Education; *Vocational Education ABSTRACT This one-week institute emphasized the developmentof patterns of administration and coordination ofsupportive services to help students who find it difficult to obtain adequateoccupational training for reasons beyond their control. The instituteprovid:d participants the opportunity to develop strategies and models that could be followed or adapted for use in their respective homestates. Pour working groups were organized to develop guidelines and/or wodels adaptable to various geographic locations in metropolitln areas. The group reports which weremade on the final day re' ted in meaningful suggestions for more effective coordination of upi ive services.(BH) FINAL REPORT institute V Project No. 9-0524 Grant No. OEG.0-9-150524-4520 (725) COORDINATION OF SUPPORTWE PROGRAMS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION STUDENTS IN WESTERN METROPOLITAN AREAS Part of Short Term Institutes for lnserv;ce Training of Professional Personnel Responsible for Vocational- Technical Education in Western Metropolitan Areas Carl R. Bartel Arizona Sta*-- sity Tempe, Arizona May, 1971 U.S. DEPARTMENT co OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE =ri Office of Education Nationol Center for Educational, Researzh and Development U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- re% DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INAT;NG IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY etiall F.EPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- 111 CATION POSITION OR POLICY. LIN C: FINAL REPORT Institute V Prime Grant No. OEG-0-150524-4520 COORDINATION OF SUPTCTIVE PROGRAMS FORVOCATIONAL EDUCATION STULTI-TS IN METROPOLITAN AREAS Part of Short-term InsvLtl_tes for 1nseryiceTraining of Professional Personnel.Responsible for Vocational Technical Education in Western Metropolitan Areas Carl R. B rtel Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85281 June 1070 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Office of Education National Center for Educational Research andDevelopment PREFACE Sixty-three participants from twenty Wastern Statesattended the Western Regional Institute onCoordination of Supportive Programs for Vocational Education Students in MetropolitanAreas. The Institute was conducted on the campus of Arizona StateUniversity, June 1-5, 1970. The Institute addressed itself to theproblem of coordinating supportive services that might assistin providing more adequate train- ing of youth in metropolitan areas. Major presentations were made during the institute to set the toneand provide information in the area of slApportive services. The institute participants were charged with the responsibility ofdeveloping guidelines and/or patterns of administration and coordination ofsupportive services, especially designed for students who havefound it difficult to obtain adequate occupational training. Four participant committee reports,consisting of models and guidelines thatcould be used by administrative personnel in metropolitan areas toaccomplish the coordination function, were developed and presented dia-ing theinstitute. Included in this report are the majorspeeches delivered during the institute, and the committee reportsmade by the four assigned committees. Also included aTe the results of theevaluation made by the participants during the instituteand again six months following the completion of the institute. Particular recognition is due the InstitutePlanning Committee, the Arizona State Department for VocationalEducation Staff, the Division of Technology of Arizona StateUniversity Faculty, and the many others who contributedtheir time and ideas that helped tomake this a successful institute. Carl R. Bartel Institute Director ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 3 The Problem 4 Purposes and Obje_Lves 4 General Plan 5 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 6 Selection of Participants 6 Conduct of the Institute . 7 Presentations (Abstracts) 8 Group Reports 21 Institute Evaluation Procedure 49 SUNDIARY 50 EVALUATION OF THE INSTITUTE 51 Pre-Institute Post Institute Evaluation 51 ,st-Institute Evaluation . 52 Six-Month Post-Institute Evaluation 58 APPENDIXES 64 Application Form 66 Letter to Participants 67 Menlo to Applicants 63 Participant Roster Participants by State 77 Category by Participant Responsibility 7C Daily Schedule 79 Institute Staff, Advisory Committee 34 Institute Groups Leaders and Consultants 85 Presentations (Edited Full Texts) 87 Evaluation Instruments 167 Form 1 (Pre-Post Institute) 163 Form 2 (Pre-Post Institute) 173 Form 3 (Post Institute) 177 Six-Month Final Evaluation Form 181 iii it CnCf) G(1) (...) u) r) cr. i ivU) rl- 0 a a) Izr CI) 0 0 cn 'V 'V < 01 t7 tri P 00--3 rh tri 0 0 r P It 0 0 0 0 rh 0 (I H CD (1- rh 0 rh O 0 0 d (D ( 1 ) 0 Ifi O 0 a 0 i R (1itil1(.1ij U[11h (D H G 0 '0 0 '0fa/ '0 0 a, a (1) l- l- 00. l'S 11 0 (D 0 0' 0 0, r+ PLJ CI) 0, I-1* r+ r r rF ct 'V '71 0 < (D (D (D 0 (-1-11)a)00' H 0 (D tl o V a 0 a)cn tl Pi 0 CM 0 CI) 1-- ri-cn a a`V50acior),(1'11,-)a)0 1-3 P. 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