Marching Song to Glee Club Sings in Be Presented Intercollegiate*. Saturday. THE March 10th. 9. New York, N. Y.( March 9, 1928 No. 21 liversity's Graduate Department Harvester Club Sponsors Amateur Is Model of Educational Methods Boxing Tournament in Gymnasium Concentration Areas Accepted Version of 'TAe Sp*alwr* CAeoM Topic* for Proceeds to Buy Motor for f Prepare Way for Finer Ram" Variet From Original Annual Oratorical Contut Rev. James Hayes—Event Dissertation Work. In preparing his orchestration of "The Pordham Ram Seng," which Each contestant in the Annual Slated for March 29. will be playtd along with some Oratorical Contest has already se- N. V. U. songs at the bouts this lected ths subject for his speech. SEARCH STRESSED coming Saturday, Howard Lilly The chosen topics and their au- F. LAWLESS CHAIRMAN eonsultsd ths original copy of the thors follow: song preserved In the Fordham Li- "Is America Selfish?" by James - Tests for Ph. D. and brary archives. It wss discovered, H. Burns, '2S; "Lincoln" by James Fr. Deane Permits Use of Gym that the aoceptsd way of singing K. Seery, VS; "Governor Smith" by (Department Heads Feature "Ths Ram" was different from the Harold J. McAulay, '21; "Ths Con- and A. A. Moderator Aids Perfected System. original. The trio usually sung— stitution" by James J. McCarthy, "With a Ram, etc."—should read: Jr., '21; "Hamilton" by. Edward J. Committee. i Lst us cheer with s Ram, a Ram, MeNally, '2»i "Ireland's Indepen- a Ram for loyalty; and again with dence" by James •>. Cssey, 'SO; The Graduate Department of Ford-1 The Harvester Club is sponsoring am University, situated In the Wool- a Ram, a Ram, a Ram for victory; "Woodrow Wilson" by Francis A. let us off to ths fight, to the fight, Dshn, '30, and "Ths World Court" an Amateur Boxing Tournament to be orth Building and numbering on Its to win our Isurels bright. Tht by William It. White, '30. held in the College Gymnasium on I some four hundred and fifty grad- present-day abbreviated version, With all ths subjects In at such students, has about completed Thursday evening, March 29. The however, was retained, on the an early date, everything ought to revision work which tor the past ground that It had acquired by now Harvester Club is the one club in the run off vsry smoothly. Each man University actively interested in sup- onths has been maturing under the prescriptive rights and was further- Rameses' head, which now aur- Is fully a week ahsad of schedule more both easier and more Incisive. upervlslon ol the Dean of the Grad- veys Ths RAM Office, from plaque and has begun Intensive prepara- porting the foreign missions and fos- The new orchestration was pre- ate School, Rev. Miles O'Mallla, S. J. upon which It Is mounted. tion. Ths contest Is to be held on tering interest in their cause. Speaking of It recently, the Dean pared In accordance with this same the evening of March 23, 1S2S. In accordance with the high aims ketched the following points as sa- decision. of the society, the proceeds of the ent features of the present system: tournament are to be donated tor a The flrat task at hand was to shift FRANK CRONIN WINNER charitable and practical cause. All Ithe Immediate responsibility for the the Seniors remember with affection i character of graduate teaching, nnd OF PRIZE FOR LYRIC Chemistry Research and gratitude Father James T. Hayes, [especially for the quality of research 5.000 Tickets Ready who so endeared himself by his sym- pathetic manner and understanding I work and the final dissertation, from For Immediate Sale To Be Awarded at N. Y. U. Laboratory Workers heart. He Is now laboring In the | the Dean's office to the various de- Island of Mindanao in the Philippines. i partments in which graduate work Is Boxing Meet on Get New Substances The Harvester Club hopes to buy [ done. For Big Card Party March 10 Father Hayes a car to facilitate travel Study Fields Flxtd among his flock. At present the only means of locomotion in by foot or i Department heads were designated Ladies of Committee Eager Francis S. Cronln, '29, is the author Journal of Amor. Chemical donkey. This mode of travel Is so tor the direction of the various de- of the winning lyric which was select- Society Publishes Dr. extremely slow that Father Hayes can partments, and where these were Urge to Make Event Largest ed by the judges of the College Song cover a scant few miles a day, where- enough a Committee or Board of Pro- Ever at Fordham. Contest sponsored by The KAM for Bacharach's Study. as his parish extends for countless fessors was appointed for the same words of a new Fordham air. There miles. With a motor, any portion of purpose. Large departments of study were nineteen entrants in the contest the palish can be reached in a few wen In turn sub-dlvlded Into smaller A very spirited meeting of the Com- who submitted a total of twenty-three The Organic Chemistry Research hours. fields of research with a divisional mittee in charge of the' Gala Card lyrics. A twenty-five dollar prise will Laboratory, located in the Science head. The Department of Education, A group of students at Holy Cross Party to be given In the Gymnasium be awarded Mr. Cronln at the N. Y. V.Building under the direction of Dr. O. first thought of this excellent plan of tor Instance, was divided as follows: Friday evening, March 23, for the Boxing Meet, the evening of March Bacharach, has been enjoying a suc-sending such a suitable gift. They Divisions—Philosophy and History, benefit of the School of Sociology and 10th, when the song will be played Psychology and Measurements, Man- cessful year In that the problems un- raised enough at a benefit to ship an Social Service, was held Sunday for the first time by Howard Lally's auto to a struggling mission worker, agement and Administration, Meth- afternoon, February 26, with Rev. Lakewood Band, especially assembled der investigation have produced in- ods, Vocational Education. Bub-ill- who had previously taught at the Matthew L. Fortler, S. J., Dean, pre- for the occasion. teresting results. New England Institution. visions of the above Include such sep- siding. The lyric is as follows: arate groups as: History of Educa- The first phase of Dr. Bacharach's The sanction of the A. A. U. has Mra. Harry P. Bomervllle reported tion—Philosophy of Education—Psy- study on nitrations with metallic ni- been obtained through the courtesy of that 5.nno tickets had been printed Forward, Fordham marches on to chology— Meaaurements —Administra- trates has shown definite results and Father Mulligan, Director of Athletics. for Immediate iliUabiiUon. Tirk.U brittle, tion and Management—Methods In has received publication In the Jour Father Deane expressed his hearty at one dollar and fifty cents each are Armor gleaming clear and bright; Elementary Schools—Methoda In Sec- nal of the American Chemical Socie- approval of the affair nnd gave bis now on sale at the Administration Moving banners flash the watchword— ondary Schools—Vocational Educa- ty. The problem is still being contin- permission for the use of the Clym- Building, at the Bronx, where the Fight to win, but fight, fight, fight. tion. ued, and new results have already naslum. Mr. Joseph A. Rellly, Presi- Secretary, Miss Katherine Coition, has Foemen before us won't deter us, been obtained. dent of the Metropolitan A. A. U , and The History Department was rear- an office, and also at 811 Woolworth Fordham strikes with four-square The laboratory, which Is Intended principal organizer of the Brooklyn ranged as follows: Science and Meth- Building, the headquarters of the might. for graduate study, has now eight College Meets, has promised his uctivo od of History—Oriental, Greek-Roman School. It is the ambition of the Com- Sound the challenge Fordham heroes candidates for higher degrees work- co-operation ami support. and Christian Antiquities — Middle mittee in charge of this party, where cherish— Ing on different Important problems The tournament will consist of Ages—Protestant Revolt and Catholic participation in all card games will Forward, Fordham, fight. under the leadership of Dr. O. Bacha- three four-men classes, three bouts in Reformation—Saracen, Ottoman, Sla- be encouraged, to make It the largest rach. Borne of the Professor's col- each clasH, making a totnl of nine vonic and Far Eastern Clvllliatlons— and most entertaining affair of Its (Continued on page 9) laborators are members of the Col-bouts. There will bo two bouta ill History of Western Hemisphere (ex- kind ever held at the University. To lege Chemistry staff, as, for example, each class, the winner of each bout cept V. S.)—History of TJ. S.—Con- this end, Mrs. James Cunnlon, 2850 Mr. Leo K. Yanowski, who Is working meeting to exchange blown in a third, dtltutlonal History of the U. 8.—Ec- Valentine avenue, was appointed chair- on molecular derivatives of Dibenza- and thus deciding the victor in each clesiastical History—Political Science. man of the Publicity Committee. Fr. Mahony Discovers lacetone and to date has been HIICCUHH- class. Ill all likelihood two special In the department of Engllih the fol- The successful outcome of this party ful In synthesizing two new organic A. A. U. bouts will also hi; run off. lowing fields of concentration were ar- should add a material Bum towards New Import in Locke compounds. Mr. Brogan, who la do-The committee on prizes lias not yet ranged: Old English—Historical Stir- the Endowment Fund, aiming at u ing work on a new mot hod of syn-definitely decided what the uwards (Continued on page !•) (Continued on page 8) Finds He Was an Idealist (Contlnued on page 8) (Continued on page S) and Forbear of Kant.
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