t Volume 6-Number 3 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l, 1946 4 Pages Story, Page 2 ' · Here is. a front cl~se-up. of the c r of The Future new Kaiser car which will com- pete in the low-priced field. The simple yet beautiful front grill work keeps harmony with the flowing body lines. Crowds in New York jammed traffic to place orders for the front-wheel-drive car. Production Giant Here i_s an air view of the ~100,000,000 Willow Ru~, Mich., plant of Kaiser-Frazer corporation where new automobiles are to be produced. Willow Run is the largest building in the world under a single roof. There are parking facilities for 20,000 cars, multi-lane super-highways and railroad spurs for shipping. - Traffic Jammed As New Yorkers View l{aiser Car On Sunday, January 20, approximately 50,000 New York­ ers blocked traffic over a four-block area, lined up four abreast in long lines despite frigid weather, necessitated calling out some 70 extra policemen and firemen to clear the blocked streets, and, according to New York newspapers, over-ran the foyer, three flights of stairs, and the vicinity of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. They had come to the first public showing of the new Kaiser KAISER-FRAZER and Frazer automobiles. In the first four hours 25,000 persons inspected the cars on display at the hotel. PLANT HAS TOP They placed 1000 orders. By the time the show ended in the mictdle of the week, 156,500 per­ LABOR FACILITIES sons had seen the new cars and ap- The giant $100.000,000 Willow • This cut-away drawing shows "packaged power" front wheel di;ive proximately 10,000 had placed or- Run plant, where the Kaiser-Frazer Ph an t Om VleW and new "torsionetic" suspension of the new Kaiser car. The "p~ck­ ders, 68 per cent of them for Kai- corporation will produce its auto­ aged power" assembly combines engine (1), clutch (2), transmission (3) , and final drive sers. mobiles. is the largest in the world assembly ( 4) in a single unit which can be lifted clear of the integral body-and-frame for The Sunday showing was sched- under a single roof. uled to start at 6 p.m., but so nu- Considered by many architectural easy service. The "torsionetic" suspension provides independent springing for each wheel merous was the throng gathered engineers to be the finest structure through spindle (A), supporting arm (B), and torsion-bar spring (C), anchored at (D). about the hotel and extending of its kind ever built, Willow Run Assembly also includes hydraulic shock absorbers. through the lobby that the doors has 2,650,000 square feet of ground were opened at 3 p. m. Among those floor space in the main manufactur­ pushed around in the crowd were ing building. which is ideal for Bing Crosby, Bert Lahr and a num- automobile manufacture. SPECIFICATIONS ber of other well known figures in In addition to the 3,120-foot long Car Stock Sales Bring both the entertainment and busi- main manufacturing bu i 1 ding, ness world. Kaiser-Frazer has leased the admin- ARE REVEALED H AND-TOOL ED MODELS istration and training school build- In the hotel. two cal'S-a green, ings, power house, service and ga­ $54,000,000 in Funds FOR 2 NEW CA SJ four-door Kaiser sedan and a red, rage system building, and commis­ four-door Frazer sedan-were dis- sary building. Two issues of common stock shares, which both were played on revolving, felt-covered ' The plant has the finest and clean­ over-subscribed within a few hours after being offered on platforms. Both were hand-tooled est facilities for its labor of any the market, have given Kaiser-Frazer corporation nearly KAISER models. plant in the world, with stainless ENGi N E-"Packaged Power" Front­ In describing the new Kaiser car, steel cafeterias, a modern hospital, $54,000,000 in liquid funds. Of this sum, $19,500,000 was Wheel Drive, with engine, clut ch, Henry J. Kaiser said: "Our engi- huge locker and washrooms. Fluor­ obtained from the first stock offering of 1,700,000 shares at transmission and fina l drive built 1 neers on the West Coast and en- escent lighting is used throughout $10 a share, and $34,470,000 was ---------------­ as a unit ; 6-cylinder, L-head ; gineers of Kaiser-Frazer Corpora- the entire plant. Approximately realized from the second offering of S.A.E. horsepower rating 25.3 ; tion at Willow Run concentrated on 156-000 lamps are required to light 1,800,000 shares at $20.25 a share. Bore 34" ; Stroke 3f; ; Drop-forge. the goal of providing the American Willow Run, almost as many as the The underwriting syndicate is New Cars Have counter-weighted crankshaft with people with the finest and most pro- entire industry produced in 1938. managed jointly by Otis & Co., Inc., 4 main bearings; ~ber engine gressive and roomiest automobile Willow Run has parking facilities and the First California Company . mountings; Rifle-w~d connect­ in history of low-cost transporta- for 20,000 cars and multi-lane super and includes Allen & Co. Safety Features ing rods; Aluminum alloy pis­ tion. I believe we have now achiev- highways leading to and from the Henry J. Kaiser interests pur­ Door handles on which it's im­ toAs; Compression ratio 7.3: 1 ed that goal in an automobile to plant, making heavy traffic no prob­ chased 45,000 shares of the block possible to catch clothing, wide­ (ideal for today's im proved gaso­ which I am proud to give my name." lem at all. As for railroad shipping recently offered and Jo s e p h W . open driving visibility, new-type line); Gear shift under steering The Kaiser, first low-price Ameri- facilities, the plant is served by a Frazer, president, will acquire brakes and safety tire rims are new wheel; Automatic choke; Hand can automobile to have front-wheel spur track from the New York Cen­ 5,000 of the new shares. Kaiser accident - prevention features of throttle; Piston displacement, 187 - drive, is a full-size, six-passenger. tral railroad. Tracks inside the is chairman of the concern. The Kaiser and Frazer automobiles. cu. in. six,cylinder 85-horsepower car with plant will make it possible to load Kaiser voup acquired 250,000 Trigger-action handles, which un­ BRAKES-Weather-protected, dou­ streamlined body and new engineer- automobiles without exposing them shares and Graham-Paige Motors lock the doors when gently ble-acting hydraulic; Mechanical ing features. The engine with to the weather. corporation a like amount up·on squeezed, have no clothing-catching parking brake, left of driver. hooks or points. The side supports clutch, transmission and final drive Willow Run has many advantages formation of Kaiser-Frazer corpora­ SPRI NGS-"Torsionetic" independ· of the wide windshields are moved assembly, forms a single "packaged for automobile manufacture. It is tion, which are additional to the ent suspension. power" unit that can be lifted clear possible for entire manufacture and amounts offered publicly. Since back, rear windows are exception­ FRAME-Unit- type, integral with of the integral body-and-frame for production to take place on the then the Kaiser interests increased ally large, \.~nd the cars have great­ body. easy service. same level. There will be few their holdings to 325,000 shares, er safety-glass vision area than any The rear seat, 62 inches wide, is transit problems for various parts, and now will own 370,000 shares, other American sedans. Both cars BODY - All - steel, integral with well forward of the rear wheels, so and company engineers believe sub­ slightly over 9 per cent of the to­ have hydraulic brakes of new d e­ frame; Safety glass throughout; that all passengers can ride com- stantial savings in automobile pro­ tal. sign which are self-centering a nd Large curved glass rear window; fortably. The unusually wide rear duction costs may result. weather-protected. Wide-base r ims Large-capacity luggage compart­ seats are made possible by place- WEST COAST PLANT lengthen tire life and provide grea t ment in rear holds spare ti re; ment ahead of the rear wheel hous- The approximate 1 y 1,000,000 Firebug Causes More stability on corner s, even at high Upholstery in specially chosen ings and will easily hold four square feet on the mezzanine in speeds. fabrics. persons. the main manufacturing building Damage at Vanport HEATER - Takes fresh a ir from PRICES UNDECIDED are considered ideal for upholstery (VANPORT CITYJ-Fire damage Vanport Bus Line To front grill. The new "torsionetic suspension" making and other small assemblies at the Vanport City housing project Be Re-routed Feb. MUFFLER- Oval-type, 3- pass. method of springing is used. Each which can slide down to their prop­ continued to grow during the last 3 DIMENSIONS -Over · a ll length wheel is given independent spring- er place on the line. Kaiser-Fr~zer The Vanport bus line is to be re­ fortnight. A blaze set January 19 197"; Height unl'd'd 63 1"; Wheel ing, a cc om pl is he d through a considers the plant so suited for the routed February 3. The Portland caused $3,000 in damage to two un­ base 117"; Width at widest point spindle, supporting arm, and an- type of manufacture contemplated Traction company has announced occupied apartments at 10829 N. 72%"; Front tread 58" ; Rear chored torsion-bar spring. Twisting that an option to renew the lease that the outbound trip will follow Lake avenue.
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