NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CLARK COUNTY FLOODCONTROL DISTRICT NOVEMBER 13,1986 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2200 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE NORTH US VEGAS, NEVADA 89030 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: VIRGINIA BAX, P*E* GENERAL MANAGER 230 LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD SOUTH LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 386-4481 POSTED: NOVEMBER 6, 1986 CLARKCOUNTY COURTHOUSE NORTH LAS VEGAS CITY HALL CITY OF LAS VEGAS CITY HALL REGIONAL TRANSPORTATIONCOMMISSION \ LT:NOTICE4 AGENDA , CLARK COUNTY REGIONAL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT November 13, 1986 -. -. ACTION ITE?4S : 1 ) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of October 9, 1986 2) REPORT ON FEDERALLEGISLATION 3) CORPSOF ENGINEERS STATUS REPORT 4) POSSIBLE ACTION TO ACCEPTTHE CORPS' RECOMMENDATIONS FORFURTHER STUDY 5) AUTHORIZECHIEF ENGINEER TO REQUEST STATEMENT OFQUALIFICATIONS OR AUTHORIZE TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERINGSERVICES WITH A CONSULTING FIRM 91 AUTHORIZE CHIEF ENGINEER TO REQUEST THE ARMY CORPSOF ENGINEER TO STUDY MFSQUITE, NEVADA 10) APPOINT CHIEF ENGINEER/GENERAL MANAGER 11) CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT 12) REPORT ON LEGISLATIVEOVERSITE COMMITTEE WORKSHOP LT:AGENDA:! CLARK COUNTY REGIONAL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT P.O. Box 396 Las Vegas, Nevada 89125 (702) 386-4481 VIRGINIA E. BAX, P.E. [;enera1 Manager November 6,1986 TO : ClarkCounty Regional Flood Control District FROM : VirginiaBax-Valentine, P.E., General Manager SUBJECT: Meetingof November 13, 1986 ACTION ITEMS : 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval is requested for theminutes of theregularly scheduled meeting of October 9, 1986. 2. REPORT ON FED- LEGISLATION: Included in yourbackup material are excerpts from the Water ResourcesDevelopment Act of 1986 which pertain to the Las Vegas Valley. The Act includes $2 million for planning,engineering, and design of flood control facilities in the Las Vegas Valley,in additon to thefeasibility study. This Act willenable the Corps tobegin actual planning and design of flood control facilities beforethe projects are authorized for construction. Genericlanguage included in the bill will allow for federalcost- sharing credit oneligible projects which the Flood Control District funds prior to theCorps' authorization. Guidelines will be developedfor determining eligibility within one year from the date (10-17-86) of the Act by the Secretary of the Army. The Act further states thatprojects constructed within the last fiveyears may be eligible for cost-sharing credit. Inorder to receive credit for projectseligible under this section of the Act, we mustsubmit a listing ofthese projects to theCorps by March 31, 1987. Staff will be workingwith the Technical Committee to determinewhich of the 1981 and1984 Bond Projects may be eligiblefor credit againstthe non-federal share of the cost ofthe Las Vegas Valleyprojects under this provision. Board Members Bruce L Woodbury, Charrman, Clark County. AI Levy, Vlce-Chairman. Clty of Las Vegas jay fllngham, Clark Countv. Chr~s Chr~stensen. Clty ot Boulder Cltv. Theron Covnes. City of North Las Vegas Carlton Lawrence, Cltv of Henderson, Craig Pulslpher. Cltv ot Mesquite, Ron Lune. Cltv of Las Vepas Memorandum Page 2 November 6, 1986 3. CORPS OF ENGINEERS' STATUS REPORTS: A representative of the Corps of Engineers will be present to report on the Corps of Engineers' Feasibility Study progress. 4. POSSIBLE ACTION TO ACCEPT THE CORPS' RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: Projectsidentified for further study by the Corps in the Las Vegas Valley areindicated on a map included in yourbackup material. These projectsare Phase I Master Plan projects which have been identified by the Corps as beingeconomically justi- fiableas required for federal funding. The Technical Committee has reviewed theprojects identified on the Corps' map.The Corps hasincluded additional projects at therequest of the staff and the Technical Committee. 5. AUTHORIZE CHIEF ENGINEER TO REQUEST STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES AUTHORIZE TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH A CONSULTING FIRM: The Corps of Engineerssuggested that the Flood ControlDistrict contract with consulting firms to perform the task of extending overflowcross-sections on the floodways identified by the Corps in theirfeasibility study. A draft scope ofwork is included in the backup material.This task is on the critical path for timelycompletion of the feasibilitystudy. The Corps will refund cost of this task out of the $1 60,000 fiscal year 1987 share of the study paid by the Flood Control District. The Corps has recommended that the District contractfor these servicesrather than the Corps to expeditethe selection process. TheBoard may authorizethe ChiefEngineer to negotiate a contract forengineering services with oneof three Eirms recommended, authorizethe Chief Engineer to issue a formal request for state- mentof qualifications, or directthe Corps to contract with a consulting firm through their process. 6. STATUS REPORT ON THE PROJECT PRIORITY LIST: The Technical Committee hasappointed a subcommittee, chaired by Richard GOecke, to developthe criteria for evaluatingpriority and to developthe short- and long-range projectpriority lists. The Subcommittee has met three times and has developed a listing of prioritycriteria which is included in the backup material. The subcommittee is in theprocess now of evaluating every Phase I project identified in the Master Planaccording to these criteria. Also included in the backup is a draft of a Go-No Go formwhich could be used by other agencies or private citizens as a method of -2- Memorandum Page 3 November 6, 1986 communicating publicinterest in theirparticular flood control priorities to theTechnical Committeeand the Board. The subcommittee will report to the Technical Committee attheir December meeting andmake recommendations to the Board attheir January 1987 meeting. 7. STATUS REPORT ON THE UNIFORM FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE AND RYLICY COMMITTEE: The Technical Committee hasappointed a subcommittee, chaired by Richard Holmes, to work on developing a Uniform Floodplain Ordinance and OperatingPolicy for the Flood ControlDistrict. The subommittee has met three times and has reviewed the Model Ordinancesubnmitted by Montgomeryand numerous otherordinances from around the county. The subcommittee membershad several suggestions onwhat should andwhat shouldnot be included in the ordinance. A partiallisting of theseitems is included in your backup material. The Chief Engineer and John Murchiefrom the City of North LasVegas are in theprocess of drafting theordi- nance to send to theTechnical Committee attheir December mee ti ng . The subcommittee has also beenworking on developingoperating policyfor the District. The subcommittee has begun this task by defininglocal versus regional functions. Listings of the regional and localfunctions discussed so farare included in the backup material.Ultimately, these functions will be worked into the Flood ControlDistrict Policies and Procedures. Also included in the backup material is a draftpolicy which definesthe Flood Control Districts' role in reviewingland development projects. 8. MASTER PLAN DISTRIBUTION: Master Plan Volumes I and I1 have been printed and areavailable at the Flood Control District office. They will be distributed free of charge to publicagencies and will be sold atprinting cost to localconsultants and otherinterested parties. Check-out copies will be availablefor the general public at thepublic libraries and at the Flood Control District office. 9. AUTHORIZE CHIEF ENGINEER TO REQUEST THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER TO STUDY MESQUITE, NEVADA: Staffrequests authorization requestto that the Corps of Engineersconduct a reconnaissancelevel study of Mesquite, Nevada. Mesquite is eligiblefor potential study as a smallpro- ject and does notrequire congressional action to be studied. Reconnaissance studies are funded entirely by thefederal govern- -3- :leaorandurn Page 4 November 6, 1986 ment todetermine if there is a federal interestin solving the problem.Ifthe results of thereconnaissance study indicates there is federal interest,then the Flood Control District would be asked to participate in a cost shared feasibility studysimilar to the study underway in the Las Vegas Valley. 10. APPOINT A CHIEF ENGINEER/GENERAL .rlANAGER: The Board previouslyextended the Chief Engineer/General Manager contractthrough Novewmber 15, 1986. At this time, staff request that the Board take action to appointthe interim Chief Engineer andGeneral tanager as permanent. The agreementoutlining the previouslynegotiated salary and a recommendation from the origi- nalsix members of the Citizen'sAdvisory Committee are included in the backup material. 11. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT: Ann Zorn will be present to report on the activities of the CitizensAdvisory Committee. The Citizens Committee has been actively involved in working with the Technical Committee in deve- lopingthe Model Ordinanceand the Priority List. Additionally, the Citizens Committee hasbeen working with staff to recommend changes to the state flood control law. 12. REPORT ON LEGISLATIVE OVERSITE COMMITTEE WORKSHOP: The Legislative Oversite Committee held a workshopon October 28, 1986, to discuss the contents of a draft bill to amend NRS 543. Includedin the backup material for this item are the recommen- dations of the Nevada TaxpayersAssociation and the recommen- dationsdeveloped by the staff and the Citizens Committee. The recommendations were discussed at lengthand the Committee agreed to incorporate some of the Taxpayersrecommendations into the bill draft.
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