Comprehensive National Review Report, for Beijing + 25 Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995 JULY 22, 2019 Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Women and Children Affairs List of Abbreviations 7thFYP Seventh Five Year Plan 2016-2020 A2I Access to Information ACC Asian Cricket Council AEC Atomic Energy Commission AI Artificial insemination APON Adolescent peer organised network ARSS Agriculture and rural statistics survey ASA Association for Social Advancement ASK Ain O Salish Kendra ATMs Automated teller machines BACCO Bangladesh Association of call centres and Outsourcing BAEC Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission B-SEP Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity BASIS Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BCCSAP Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan BCCTF Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund BDHS Bangladesh Demography and Health Survey BDRCS Bangladesh Red Crescent Society BCC Behavior change communication BGB Border Guards Bangladesh BGISP Bangladesh GIS Platform BGMEA Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association BIGD BRAC University's Institute of Governance and Development BLAST Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust BMBS Bangladesh Manabadhikar Bastabayan Shangstha BMBS Bangladesh Manabadhikar Bastabayan Shangsth BMET Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training BMP Bangladesh Mahila Parishad BNWLA Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association BPfA Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action BR Business Register BRIDGE Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Election BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority BRTC Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation BSC Bangladesh Shipping Corporation BSC Bangladesh Shipping Corporation B-SEP Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity BSMRAU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Raman Agriculture University BTV Bangladesh Television CAP Country Action Plan CBHRTG Community Based Human Rights Theatre Groups CBN Cost of Basic Needs CBO Community based organizations i CBWG Community Based Working Groups CCA Controller of Certifying Authorities CCGAP Climate Change and Gender Action Plan CCOAB Cyber Cafe Owner's Association of Bangladesh CCs Community clinics CEDAW Convention on the elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women CEP Community Empowerment Programme CFIS Child Friendly Interview Skills CHT Chittagong Hill Tract CIC-BD Citizen’s Initiative on CEDAW Bangladesh CID Crime Investigation Department CIVD Citizens’ Initiatives for Domestic Violence CMC Central Monitoring Committee CMNS Child and Mother Nutrition Survey CMSME Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises COEL Center of Excellence for Leather and Leather Goods CPD Centre for Policy Dialogue CPI Consumer Price Index CRAF Cyber Research Analysis Foundation CRDF Child Rights Defenders Forum CRI Bangladeshi Center for Research and Information CSBA Community-based skilled birth attendant CSW Commission on the Status of Women DAE Department of Agriculture Extension DAM Department of Agriculture Marketing DCC Dhaka City Corporation DCCI Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry DLS Department of Livestock Services DEPB Develop Evidence-based Planning and Budgeting DLS Department of Livestock Services DoF Department of Forestry DP Development partner DPHE Department of Public Health and Engineering DSCC Dhaka South City Corporation DSF Demand-side financing DSHE Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education DTE Department of Technical Education DW Democracy Watch DWA Department of Women Affairs DWASA Dhaka Water Supply Authority ECCDS Environment, Climate Change Impacts and Disaster-related Statistics EGPP Employment Generation for Programme for the Poorest EPB Export Promotion Bureau EPI Expanded Program on Immunization EPZs Export Processing Zones ii FBCCI Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry FDI Foreign direct investments FFW Food for Work FWVs Family welfare visitors G2P Government to Person GAP Gender Action Plans GBV Gender Based Violence GCM Growth Centre Markets GDP Gross domestic product GED General Economics Division GiHA Gender in Humanitarian Action GiHA-WG Gender in Humanitarian Actions Working Group GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft International Zusammenarbe GLAF Govt. Legal Aid Fund GNI Gross national income GPS Global Positioning System GPSs Government Primary Schools GRB Gender responsive budget HCTT Humanitarian Coordination Task Team HDI Human Development Index HIES Household Income & Expenditure Survey HNPSP Health Nutrition and Population Sector Programme HPN Health, nutrition and population HRDF Human Rights Defenders’ Forum HRLF Human Rights Lawyers Forum IAGD-SDGs Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators IAP Indoor air pollution ICC Bangladesh International Chamber of Commerce ICS Improved cook stoves ICT Information and communications technology IDCOL Infrastructure Development Company Ltd IEC Information, education and communication IGAs Income Generating Activities IHR International Health Regulations ILO International Labour organization INMAS Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences IMT Institutions of Marine Technologies ICVGD Investment Component for Vulnerable Group Development IPWS Improvement of Price and Wage Statistics IRESPPW Integrated Rural Employment Support Project for the Poor Women IRSOP Improvement of the Real Situation Overcrowding in Prisons in Bangladesh ISP Internet Service Providers ISS Informal Sectors Statistics JATI Judicial Administration Training Institute JMS Jatiya Mahila Sanghsha iii KSF Kazi Shahid Foundation LAS Literacy Assessment Survey LCG-WAGE Local Consultative Sub-Group for Women’s Advancement and Gender Equality LDC Least Developed Countries LEDP Learning and Earning Development LFPR Labour Force Participation Rate LFS Labor Force Survey LGD Local Government Division LGED Local Government Engineering Department LICT Levaraging Information and Communication Technology LJD Law and Justice Division MBF Ministry Budget Framework MCH Medical College Hospital MDG Millennium Development Goals MEBWGC Making Every Bangladeshi Women and Girls Count MEIs Microeconomic Initiatives MFA - Marine Fisheries Academy MFF Mangroves for the Future MIC Middle income country MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MIS-DGHS Management Information System-Directorate General of Health Services MMC Market Management Committees MNAS Modernization of National Accounts Statistics MNHI Maternal and New born Health Initiative MOEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change MOF Ministry of Finance MOHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MOLE Ministry of Labor and Employment MOST Ministry of Science and Technology MOSW Ministry of Social Welfare MOU Memorandum of understanding MOWCA Ministry of Women and Children Affairs MOWR Ministry of Water Resources MPs Members of Parliament MPWC Multi-Purpose Women’s Centres MRDI Management and Resources Development Initiative MSPVAW Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence Against Women MSVSB Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statistics of Bangladesh MTBF Medium Term Budgetary Framework NAPWD National Action Plan for Women’s Development NBFIs Non-bank financial institutions NCWCD National Council for Women and Children Development NEET Not in employment, education or training NGO Non-government Organization iv NHD National Household Database NHRC National Human Rights Commission NIMC National Institute of Mass Communication NSSS National Social Security Strategy NST National Science and Technology NTCC National Trauma Counseling Centre NWDP National Women Development Policy 2011 OAA Old Age Allowance OCC One-Stop Crisis Centres OCCs One-Stop Crisis Cells OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OWG Open Working Group PEDP Primary Education Development Programme PKSF Palli Karma Shahayak Foundation PMO Prime Minister’s Office PO Partner organization PPP Public Private Partnership RERMP-II The Rural Employment and Road Maintenance Program (Phase-II) RMNCAH-N Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition ROSC Reaching Out of School Children ROSCAs Rotating Savings and Credit Associations RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SAIEVAC South Asian Initiative to End Violence against Children SAM Share a Motorcycle SCANU Special Care New-born Units SCAPAND Strategic and Convergent Action Plan on Autism and Neuro development Disabilities SDG Sustainable Development Goals SDI Survey of Decent work indicator SECDI Survey on Early Childhood Development Index SEEA System of Environmental-Economic Accounting SEIP Skills for Employment Investment Program SEN Special education needs SGF Small Grants Facility SHPC Sexual Harassment prevention committees SID Statistics and Informatics Division SMI Survey of Manufacturing Industries SOFI State of Food Insecurity 2015 SOPs Standard operating procedures Stat4Dev Strengthening Statistical Capacity of BBS for Collecting Data on Population and Development STEM Science, technology, engineering and math STEP Skills and Training Enhancement Project STG School Theatre Groups STIs Sexually transmitted infections SVRS Sample Vital Registration System v SWAP Sector wide approach TIP Trafficking in Persons TOT Training of Trainers TR Test Relief TSER Transforming Secondary Education for Results TTCs Technical Training Centers TUS Time Use Survey TVET Technical and vocational education and training UDC Union Digital Centres UHC Upazila Health Complex UNSC UN Statistical Commission UP Union Parishad UPHCSDP
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