Journal of Dental Hygiene THE AMERICAN DENtaL HYGIENISTS’ ASSOCIatION FEBRUARY 2015 VOLUME 89 SUPPLEMENT 1 SUPPLEMENT TO ACCESS MAGAZINE Proceedings from the 3rd North American/Global Dental Hygiene Research Conference: “Beyond the Boundaries: Discovery, Innovation and Transformation” Bethesda, MD, October 16-19, 2014 Sponsored by the National Center for Dental Hygiene Research & Practice Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Funded by an unrestricted educational grant from: Vol. 89 • Suppl. 1 • February 2015 The Journal of Dental Hygiene 1 2 The Journal of Dental Hygiene Vol. 89 • Suppl. 1 • February 2015 Journal of Dental Hygiene VOLUME 89 • SUPPLEMENT 1 • FEBRUARY 2015 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 2014 – 2015 ADHA OFFICERS The Journal of Dental Hygiene is the refereed, scientific PRESIDENT TREASURER publication of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Kelli Swanson Jaecks, MA, Louann M. Goodnough, It promotes the publication of original research related to the RDH RDH, BS profession, the education, and the practice of dental hygiene. The Journal supports the development and dissemination PRESIDENT–ELECT IMMEDIATE PAST of a dental hygiene body of knowledge through scientific Jill Rethman, RDH, BA PRESIDENT inquiry in basic, applied and clinical research. Denise Bowers, RDH, MSEd VICE PRESIDENT Betty A. Kabel, RDH, BS SUBSCRIPTIONS The Journal of Dental Hygiene is published quarterly online EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, 444 N. Ann Battrell, RDH, BS, MSDH DIRECTOR Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. Copyright 2010 by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Reproduction [email protected] John Iwanski in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. [email protected] Subscription rates for nonmembers are one year, $60. EDITOR–IN–CHIEF Rebecca S. Wilder, RDH, BS, STAFF EDITOR MS Josh Snyder [email protected] [email protected] SUBMISSIONS Please submit manuscripts for possible publication in the EDITOR EMERITUS Journal of Dental Hygiene to [email protected]. Mary Alice Gaston, RDH, MS EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Celeste M. Abraham, DDS, MS Mary Jacks, MS, RDH Cynthia C. Amyot, MSDH, EdD Heather Jared, RDH, MS, BS Joanna Asadoorian, AAS, BScD, MSc, PhD candidate Wendy Kerschbaum, BS, MA, MPH Caren M. Barnes, RDH, MS Janet Kinney, RDH, MS Phyllis L. Beemsterboer, RDH, MS, EdD Salme Lavigne, RDH, BA, MSDH Stephanie Bossenberger, RDH, MS Jessica Y. Lee, DDS, MPH, PhD Linda D. Boyd, RDH, RD, EdD Deborah Lyle, RDH, BS, MS Kimberly S. Bray, RDH, MS Deborah S. Manne, RDH, RN, MSN, OCN Colleen Brickle, RDH, RF, EdD Ann L. McCann, RDH, MS, PhD Lorraine Brockmann, RDH, MS Stacy McCauley, RDH, MS Patricia Regener Campbell, RDH, MS Gayle McCombs, RDH, MS Dan Caplan, DDS, PhD Shannon Mitchell, RDH, MS Marie Collins, EdD, RDH Tanya Villalpando Mitchell, RDH, MS Barbara H. Connolly, DPT, EdD, FAPTA Tricia Moore, EdD MaryAnn Cugini, RDH, MHP Christine Nathe, RDH, MS Susan J. Daniel, BS, MS Johanna Odrich, RDH, MS, PhD, MPH Michele Darby, BSDH, MSDH Jodi Olmsted, RDH, BS, MS, EdS, PhD Janice DeWald, BSDH, DDS, MS Pamela Overman, BS, MS, EdD Susan Duley, EdD, LPC, CEDS, RDH, EdS Vickie Overman, RDH, Med Jacquelyn M. Dylla, DPT, PT Ceib Phillips, MPH, PhD Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP Marjorie Reveal, RDH, MS, MBA Deborah E. Fleming, RDH, MS Kathi R. Shepherd, RDH, MS Jane L. Forrest, BSDH, MS, EdD Deanne Shuman, BSDH, MS, PhD Jacquelyn L. Fried, RDH, MS Judith Skeleton, RDH, Med, PhD, BSDH Mary George, RDH, BSDH, MED Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD Kathy Geurink, RDH, MA Rebecca Stolberg, RDH, BS, MSDH Joan Gluch, RDH, PhD Julie Sutton, RDH, MS Maria Perno Goldie, MS, RDH Sheryl L. Ernest Syme, RDH, MS Ellen B. Grimes, RDH, MA, MPA, EdD Terri Tilliss, RDH, PhD JoAnn R. Gurenlian, RDH, PhD Lynn Tolle, BSDH, MS Anne Gwozdek, RDH, BA, MA Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD Linda L. Hanlon, RDH, PhD, BS, Med Pat Walters, RDH, BSDH, BSOB Kitty Harkleroad, RDH, MS Donna Warren-Morris, RDH, MeD Lisa F. Harper Mallonee, BSDH, MPH, RD/LD Cheryl Westphal, RDH, MS Harold A. Henson, RDH, MED Karen B. Williams, RDH, MS, PhD Alice M. Horowitz, PhD Nancy Williams, RDH, EdD Laura Jansen Howerton, RDH, MS Pamela Zarkowski, BSDH, MPH, JD Olga A. C. Ibsen, RDH, MS Vol. 89 • Suppl. 1 • February 2015 The Journal of Dental Hygiene 3 Inside Journal of Dental Hygiene Vol. 89 • Supplement 1 • February 2015 Features Research 9 Dental Hygiene’s Scholarly Identity and Roadblocks to Achieving It Margaret M. Walsh RDH, MS, MA, EdD; Elena Ortega RDH, MS; Barbara Heckman RDH, MS 13 Advancing the Profession JoAnn R. Gurenlian, RDH, PhD 16 Interrupting the Disease of Tobacco Addiction Charl Els, MBChB, FCPsych, MMedPsych, ABAM, MROCC 20 The Oral Microbiome and Cancer A. Ross Kerr DDS, MSD 24 Creating a Risk-Based Model for Dental Benefit Design Shannon E. Mills, DDS 27 Using Prevention and Measurement to Drive Quality Improvement Christopher J. Smiley, DDS 30 Opportunities to Increase Prevention in Dentistry Robert Compton, DDS 33 Interprofessional Practice: Translating Evidence-Based Oral Care to Hospital Care Virginia Prendergast, PhD, NP-C, FAAN; Cindy Kleiman, RDH, BS 36 Poor Oral Health Literacy: Why Nobody Understands You William Smith, EdD, PhD; Cindy Brach, MPA; Alice M. Horowitz, PhD 39 Using the Best Evidence to Enhance Dental Hygiene Decision Making Julie Frantsve-Hawley, RDH, PhD; Janet E Clarkson, BDS, PhD; Dagmar E. Slot, RDH, MSc 43 Overcoming the Fear of Statistics: Survival Skills for Researchers Karen B. Williams PhD, RDH 46 Millennials and Dental Education: Utilizing Educational Technology for Effective Teaching Christine Blue, BSDH, MS; Harold Henson, RDH, PhD 48 Getting Your Name in Print Jacquelyn L. Fried, RDH, MS; Katy E. Battani, RDH, MS 51 Becoming an Effective Journal Reviewer Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD; Rebecca S. Wilder, RDH, MS 54 Successfully Navigating the Human Subjects Approval Process MaryAnn Cugini, RDH, MHP 57 Data Management 101: How to Construct and Maintain a Usable Dataset R. Curtis Bay, PhD Abstracts 59 Abstract Titles – Poster Presentations 82 Abstract Titles – Oral Free Papers Editorial 5 Foreword J. Leslie Winston, DDS, PhD 6 The 3rd North American/Global Dental Hygiene Research Conference Jane L. Forrest, RDH, EdD; Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD 8 Beyond the Boundaries: Discovery, Innovation and Transformation Through Collaboration Rebecca S. Wilder, RDH, MS; Katherine Zmetana, DipDH, DipDT, EdD 4 The Journal of Dental Hygiene Vol. 89 • Suppl. 1 • February 2015 Foreword J. Leslie Winston, DDS, PhD Director, Global Oral Care Professional and Clinical Operations Procter & Gamble Oral Health On behalf of Procter & Gamble Professional The conference continues to bring together Oral Health, we are pleased to support the Pro- the international dental hygiene research com- ceedings from the 3rd North American/Global munity, with original research being presented Dental Hygiene Research conference as a spe- by dental hygienists from Australia, Canada, cial supplement to the Journal of Dental Hy- the Netherlands, Portugal, South Korea and the giene. Our relationship with the National Center United States. The level of scientific exchange for Dental Hygiene Research & Practice has been is impressive, with a wide range of topics and in place for many years and we are proud to methodologies used to study problems of direct have provided three educational grants to sup- significance to dental hygiene practice and edu- port the North American/Global Dental Hygiene cation. In addition there continues to be a large Research Conferences. As a company, we are group of dental hygiene students from both un- working to help advance the profession of dental dergraduate and graduate dental hygiene pro- hygiene around the world and we are committed grams. It is essential to continue to fuel their to research and development initiatives that are energy and enthusiasm as they are a critical part relevant to the prevention of oral diseases. of the research infrastructure going forward. We believe that in order to deliver the best For those that had the opportunity to attend oral health prevention and patient care for the the conference, we hope you enjoy revisiting the world’s consumers that the foundation needs to great research you learned about and discussed. be science based. The National Center for Den- Importantly, for those who were unable to join, tal Hygiene Research & Practice shares similar we trust that these Proceedings will help you goals with their mission to promote the public’s get a sense of the depth and breadth of top- oral health by fostering the development, imple- ics covered and learn something new from your mentation and the dissemination of oral health colleagues. We would be remiss if we did not ac- research; establishing an infrastructure to sup- knowledge the tireless work of Drs. Jane Forrest port dental hygiene research; and strengthen- and Ann Spolarich in bringing these research ing the scientific foundation for the discipline of conferences to life! dental hygiene. Vol. 89 • Suppl. 1 • February 2015 The Journal of Dental Hygiene 5 Editorial Jane L. Forrest, RDH, EdD Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD The 3rd North American/Global Dental Hygiene Research Conference The 3rd North American/Global Dental Hygiene In order to achieve these objectives, a program Research Conference, “Beyond the Boundaries: devoted to a wide range of topics was created. Discovery, Innovation and Transformation,” was Invited senior scientists presented their ideas and held from October 16 to 18, 2014, in Bethesda, summaries of ongoing research efforts related to Maryland. An additional half-day session was tobacco addiction and treatment, and the role of held on October 19, 2014 for educators entitled, the oral microbiome in oral cancer development. “A Practical Guide to Incorporating Research & Distinguished dental hygiene scientists discussed Evidence-Based Decision Making into the Dental the development of a scholarly identity and its Hygiene Curriculum.” The Conference provided relationship to advancing the profession.
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