1 9 Connecticut Daily Campus a Sewing Storrs Since 1896 TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1962 v VOL. CXVI, No- 111 STORRS. CONNECTICUT Six Resident Advisors South Hall To Engage By HARRIET SHAPIRO , Under the coordinator and her met by the girls who will hold South Hall, the women's resi- assistant will be six senier worn- these positions. They must have dence hall to open in the fall,! men filling the position of senior senior status in the University will engage in a new system of resident advisors. These women upon the approaching fall se- student government. With this are to work wth the coordinator mester and their residence in system, women undergraduate and girls. Each of the six will South Hall and a minimum students will be actively par- be responsible for one floor—ap- academic of 25 q.p.r. ticipating as members of the Uni- proximately 50 girls. The girls Will be expected to versity residence hall staff. Unties work 15 hours a week and should The dorm will employ a staff The women will have various intend to spend most weekends of eight persons. A resident co- duties in conjunction with their at the University. As a member ordinator will be in charge. This problems on the floor to the co- of the staff, the girls will not ordinator and to close the resi- coordinator will not be a stu- 1 he eligible for a student counsel- dent but a full time member of donee hall at night. They also ing position or government office the University Staff. A graduate 'are to work with the programs in the dorm. student carrying a reduced num- | of student counseling and stu- In re'urn for her services, each «. ber of courses will serve as asj jdent government set up on the girl will receive free room and sistant to the resident coordi- ] individual floors. hoard. nator. I Several qualifications must bo Applications v Instructions for applying for the position of senior resident ad- visor are in the process of be- TKE Wins Contest; ing sent out to senior South Hall women. Miss Noftskcr will appoint the six girls on the basis of their Extend Float Deadline applications. Any interested yirls who meet the required qualifica- the 1962 Campus Community the World of TV," presents a tions are encouraged to a poly. THK FOUR PREPS appeared at the Albert N. Jorgenson Applications must be in Mis* Auditorium to climax the annual Green Week festivities on Sun- Carnival has announced that the vide variety of ideas on which lo base a float. This year's parade Nbftsker's office. Room 311 in day afternoon here at Uconn. (Campus Photo Hovvlandi. winner of the annual Queens- the Administration building, by Float Contest is Tau Kappa Ep- can be the best m CCC history, April 13. silon. In the estimation of the and APO encourages as many committee, TKE submitted the Graduate Studrnt Four Preps Concert best and most adaptable of sev- entries as possible so that this The ivoma'i graduate student eral entries in a very close con- may be accomplished. who will serve as assistant to test. Trophies Awarded the'resident coordinator shall also receive her room and board Other houses entering were: Trophies will be awarded at Climaxes Greek Week Chi Phi; Delta Chi; Delta Pi and from the University with a Tau Epsilon Phi (combined the carnical for the best float* monthly salary. Any interested "Greek Week 1962 was a great Elliott Prillig, Alpha Zeta entry); Theta Chi; and Zeta Psi- and midway booths in three di- graduate students planning to re- success," according ot co-chair- Omega; Bernie Kagan, Tau Ep- According to the committee, all visions: individual men's house, turn in the fall may contact the women'.-, office in Administration man Susan Slater, Delta Zeta, silon Phi; Dennis Lcpak, Tau these living units should be com- individual women's house; and and Stu Heller, Alpha Zeta Kappa Epsilon; Andy Suliic, Tau mended for their careful work Room 311 for further informa- Omega as the Week ended Sun- Kappa Tau; and Bill Lepls, Alpha and originality of entries. combined entries by a men's and tion. day afternoon with tlie Four Kappa Epsilon; Tom Davis, Phi TKE Wins a women's dorm. Houses can also Applications have been filed by Preps Concert in the Auditorium. Gamma Rho. keep in mind the unity, spirit 1~0 upperclassmen for residence TKE, >u the winning house, will I in South Hall. The remainder The week began with a new Greek Sing was held Thursday use their design in the construc- and fun produced by a coopera. addition to Greek Week ... a of rooms will be occupied by the night at Minor Lake. Pi Beta Phi tion of a float on which Miss tive effort in building floats and incoming students. torch run Monday afternoon from won first place in the sorority Uconn and her court will ride in Hartford to Storrs. Governor competition with Alpha Epsilon booths. Float entries will be Floors the CCC parade on April 30. Tke . d on Dempsey, with the aid of a few Phi and Delta Pi placing second will also receive a trophy as its * ■ * The set up for the floors has books of matches and various and third. Tau Kappa Epsilon award, at the carnival festivities. basls of adaptability to theme. i been planned and announced. Of cigarette lighters, lit the cere- was first in the fraternity com- A copy of the winning entry was originality and overall appear- I the six floors, there will lie monial torch which was then car- petition with Phi Kappa Tau and j shared by freshmen and upper- printed in yesterday's Dally anee. ried by marathon runners to Chi Phi copping second and third Campus. classmen. Upperclassmen will re- campus. Upon arrival, variousI places, Living units are also to be re- side together on one floor, and ceremonies in the manner of j A scholarship will be establish- Eric Collett, CCC Parade Chair- minded that the deadline for mid- there will !>e two entirely fresh- Greeks were celebrated. The cere, ed from the proceeds of the Four man, has announced that the way entries is Friday, April 13. men floors. monies ended with the "bathing" Props concert held Sunday after- deadline for regular float entries There are plans to api>oint 20 Of a few Greeks and the lighting noon in the Jorgonsen Audito- to the parade has been extended i student counselors on each floor. Of a ceremonial raft. rium. Names of eligible students to Friday, April 13. Living units' The student government system are urged to get their entries in j Tuesday Workday have been submitted to the Uni- Essay Contest will be as follows: each floor will as soon as possible. Tuesday was Mansfield Train- versity and the winners will be have ifs own council of officers ing School Day. Various Greek announced at a later day. The 1962 theme. -CCC Visits The English !>• |>.iri men! an- consisting of about 7 members. men and women volunteered nounces that the Ratcliffe There also will be an all dorm their services to giving the chil- llii U- Prise Essay Contest is council composed of different members dren at the training school a ISO Social Commitee now open to undergraduate Floor Presidents little enjoyment. At night the competitors. There is an aim for a high de- card parties were held in the gree of interaction among the HUB. Steve Leibman and Dave Sponsors Folk Concert Three OMh priz.es in the floors. It is hoped to be achieved Cohn of Phi Epsilon Pi won the The ISO social committee is ly appeared in clubs around amount., of thirty dollars, through the meetings of each set-back tournament and Bertha sponsoring a Midweek Folk Con- twenty dollars and ten dollars, Duke and Judy Chick of Alpha Chicago and the Midwest. floor office under their respective cert tonight from 8-10 in the HUB respectively, will be awarded head dorm officer. For example, Oelta Pi and Terry Rush anfl Ballroom. Sons Of Whiskey Rebellion Ronald Zucehi of Alpha Sigma Dave Smalley and Mike Levy at Commencement time lo the each floor president will meet Phi won the bridge tournament. The program features Tom with the head dorm president to Banjo and the Fonton River Val- make up the Sons of the Whiskey authors of the essays judged discuss dorm affairs. The Greek Banquet was hold as outstanding. Wednesday night. Dick Kuzmtrk, ley Boys, Tom Mcrmal, and the Rebellion group. They are best Opportunities |>resident of IFC, presented the Sons of the Whiskey Rebellion. known from their folk and coun- Original essays on any sub- Giils interested in employment [during the school year will find scholarship trophy to Alpha IVnl.m River Valley Boys try music radio program on ject of general Interest are Gamma Rho with an average The Fenton River Valley Boys many opportunities at South WHUS. They are interested in eligible for prizes. Only re- [Hall. Girls are needed to op- ft.p.r. of over 25. The second high- are a new group to the country pure folk music and are current- ' «-st average was attained by music field. They are sponsored search papers, technical in- erate the switchboard and worlc ' Alpha Epsilon Pi. It was an- by Tom Banjo who is considered ly doing research in the Blues quires, statistical analyses are in the dining loom. There is also nounced that the fraternity ave- by many to be the finest 5 string area.
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