'The unofficial student newspaper of the '84 Olympics' Volume 34, Number 25 - Students scramble for place among 3000 ~ ...... by Heather Roberts higher marks. Many high school graduates may be Collins says there wJll be no trouble denied their basic right to an education havoc will take place when the com­ as Memorial university prepares to ac­ puter tries to give everyone a cept only 3000 first year students this schedule." · September. This enrollment problem is not Registrar Glenn Collins says that restricted to Memorial, other post­ once this quota is reached the remain­ secondary institutions in the city are ing students will be warned that they facing the same difficulties. The may not get the courses they desire. Registrar at the College of Fisheries sGuid says the school will be at its capacity Junior devision, now renamed the Turner is in favour of putting more school of general studies, has told the and cannot take everyone that applies. by Maura Hanrahan money into the military and honouring Registrar's Office they can only ac­ Certain areas such as technology are The race is on. John Turner, Brian our committments to NATO. He plans commodate 3000 first year--students. expected to be more competitive than Mulroney and Ed Broadbent are pitted to ask president Reagan to reduce acid In previous years the Registrar's Of­ others. Since the College of Trades and against each other in what promises to rain emissions by 500fo; Trudeau has fice allowed people to bring in applica­ Technology has a limited number of be an exciting contest. already done this. tions up to the first day of classes but openings in each field, hundreds of ap­ The most recent polls show that the While Finance Minister Marc since the 3000 limit has almost been plications are expected to be rejected. Liberals under Turner are ahead in the Lalonde defends the falling dollar, reached, this is not likely. In recent years MUN has been for­ popular vote but within individual Turner says he is willing to let the Bank Most of the applying students are re­ tunate as other universities have been ridings the two major parties are runn­ of Canada follow its course and raise cent graduates of grade 12. However, setting quotas for some time. At the ing neck and neck. Gallup places the interest rates. He appears not to be many are mature people coming to University of British Columbia this fall NDP at a distant third but in districts moved by calls from the other parties Memorial for the first time or 'students the administration will accept only represented by New Democrat MP's to order Governor Bouey of the Bank who were unable to get ten credits last 3500 students. Other universities, such the party is running first. of Canada to lower interest rates. year and are still considered first-year as Trent in Peterborough, Ontario, are Image matters in this campaign. Before he became prime minister, students. not allowing students that apply to · Leadership has become an issue. Who Turner served on the boards of direc- The decision of who gets accepted is other universities as their prime choice. are the three men who want to be prime done on a first come-first serve basis Still other universities are restricting minister and what is their vision of Continued to Page 7 and no preference is given to those with courses as enrollments continue to soar Canada? across the country. Turner's problem is disassociating Experts attribute the increased himself from the Trudeau years. At enrollment in universities to the first glance this seems an easy task widespread unemployment among since Turner hasn't held office since Peace ca01paign you~g people in the country. 1976. However, during his leadership campaign, Turner received the support of over 20 Trudeau ministers and he by Kirk Oates ject Ploughshares, another peace ac­ appointed many of them to his cabinet. A few simple promotion tactics have tivist organization. Several dozen As prime minister, Turner reduced paid off well for the organizers of the volunteers distribute petitions around the size of cabinet and gave more P2C2 campaign. Posters around the the province in churches, trade unions, power to his inner core of ministers; university and across town are found schools, and from door-to-door. INSIDE: "as long as they do a good job." on bulletin boards, in car windows, on The Campaign has a four-fold man­ Several portfolios, such as the new the doors of special-interest clubs and date. Organizers want to have cruise Youth unemployment ...... 3 Youth Ministry, were incorporated in­ organizations, and on utility poles. The testing stopped in Canadian territory, Shadow peeved ........... 3 widespread use of the posters has and have the country named a nuclear to others. Turner received criticism for Health plan .............. 4 including only two women in cabinet helped the Alberta-born anti-nuclear free zone. Petition signees also want to although he pledges to work for organization Peace Petition Caravan end wasteful spending related to Papal visit details ........ ·.. 5 womens' rights. Campaign to become more visible in human needs, and have a free vote in Seehesue sa~a ........ , .... 6 Turner wants to change the incen­ the local eye. Parliament on the above demands. South Africa ............ 10 . Keith Davis, a local organizer for the Although the group has only been tives for oil exploration from grants to Prince & the body politic .. 11 tax breaks. He also wants to revise the Campaign, says public response so far active locally since April, project National Energy Program to benefit has been good with about 75 to 80 per volunteers hope to collect as many peti­ Selling Michael Jackson ... 13 more Western Canadians. cent of those approached signing. tions as possible by the tentative Clamping the Daily ....... 14 Reporters have had. some difficulty Operating from an office in the deadline of September 29. The Social Action Commission on deadline may be changed due to :the Hynde learns to crawl ..... 15 in discerning Turner's policy on the Mr. Newfoundland ....... 16 cruise missile. The Trudeau govern­ Bonaventure Avenue, the Campaign in federal election. All petitions will be ment allowed the United States to test Newfoundland is an offshoot of Pro- sent to national organizers in Ottawa. the missile in Alberta. However, 1------------------------------ Friday, July 20, 1984 Page 2 ON THE OUR ED M£NTION€D To I HAVE. ro /(c£P ~£/tlllltJDUvCr PAGS THER£'S A FEDERAL. M£ THAT H£ 'D LOVE To HIM THAT FoR THE TIME t.'L£CTION THIS RUrv FoR PRIME: 8£/AJG HE's ALR£"AOY GOT-. SEPTEMBER. SOM£DAY. A VERY fMPoi\»TAAJT JoB, RIGHT HERE ... r c _L HIT THE RAILS and see Canada u At your own Pace this summer 13 Now available at Campus Travel YOUTH CANRAIL PASSES for 8, 15, 22 or 30 days UNLIMITED TRAVEL at low, low prices A CALL US NOW '"X 1st Floor TSC 737-8127 Campus [j~PJ~~D\ Travel 1.5~~ Iff~~ 130 ~- - ::::: '=" = ...-~';:· =· §§§~§§§§§§§§§§§~§E lndependtlfft Travel WATER STREET . I.J.:: :: RetaDets Associated LeaveYour Roll of Colour Print Film for Processing and ONEOF5 TRI toDispey li' ~"'~'i .. Entry forms inside each (C41) 1 photofinishing envelope. Leave your roll of film* herB TODAY and you may be a WINNER! *110, 126, disc or 135 0 JulyJ6h-Sept.Bth 0 CAMERAMUN ,,• ,.,,.. -d ... 1st Floor, TSC e" •Corpo<ate ExChange Se<voces MUN Campus ·' Friday, July 20, 1984 Page 3 .., Youth out of work ..· first time in history the young make up by Maura Hanrahan "..•,.,.,. ,.,,,,,,,~~' Although June saw a .4 per ce~t · a significant proportion of the long­ drop in the provincial unemployment term unemployed. In many New­ rate the proportion of out-of-work foundland communities unemploy­ youth remains extremely high. ment precedes employment. ,~ Statistics Canada says the figure Some sociologists say that as the hovers around 40 per cent but the ac­ recession worsens, structural tual figure is difficult to determine. unemployment will become entrenched Unemployment statistics do not in­ in the economy. There are more oppor­ clude those on welfare or those who tunities for temporary work experience have stopped looking for work. Un­ and training but fewer jobs available. doubtedly, a number of youth fit into Some researchers say the fundamental these categories. problem is structural and it is a mistake Young people are always vulnerable to treat it by temporary, piecemeal to high unemployment in a recession solutions such as make-work projects which qualify people for unemploy­ such as the one we are experiencing THE MUSE PROUDLY PRESENTS the second in a series of suggestions for a new Stu­ now. Youth unemployment results ment insurance and little else. What will continuing high rates of ~ent Union Building. Pictured above is the Britannia, sometime Royal Yacht. Although from cuts in recruitment, like the hir­ tt comes attached with a fairly hefty rental fee, this winner of a boat features a hearty, ing freezes Premier Peckford announc­ youth unemployment mean for society in general? Long periods of joblessness muscular crew (complete with Paris-trained chefs), plenty of deck space, an excellent ed this winter, and, to a lesser extent, wardrobe room for intimate private dinners, and a superb life support system. Student layoffs of junior personnel. threaten the survival of the work ethic and the well-being of individuals and union would also benefit with numerous royal beer bashes held in the royal ball room ~, With this situation there has been a complete with Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. ·growth in sociological research on families. Poverty is on the rise and unemployment. One study done in Bri­ more and more young people are ap­ tain demonstrates that a 1 per cent rise plying for social assistance.
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