PORTLAND, MAINE, JULY 11)04. I KJTTt 9JLD A* «rco-1> THURSDAY, 21, I CLAM MAIL MATTER. I PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHANGE IN TIME. Collision In Fog. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL Steamer Aucocisco will Make Three STEAMER SEBASCODEGAN% AND House SOUTH HARPSWELL, ME. Round Tripe Daily. REVENUE CUTTER WOOD- Merriconeag Owing to the collision of the cuttor BURY BADLY SMASHED. GEO. W. CAMPBELL. Jr.. Prop. Woodbury with steamer Sebascode- South Me. gan of the Harpswell, Harpswell line, the.5.45 Accident Occurred Monday Afternoon and 10.40 ai. m. from Portland to trips in Portland Harbor. GEO. W. Orr's island will be cancelled. The CAMPBELL, Jr.. Prop. trips 8.45 a. m.t 1.30 and 6 p. m.. from The steamer Sebascodegan of the Portland to Orr's Island and interme- Harpswell line is off duty for a week diate landings will be run. Also the as a result of a collision in the thick return trips. 7.50 a. m.. and 2 p. m.. tog off Fbrt Gorges Monday afternoon from Orr's Island to Portland will be at about 1.15 o'clock. Capt. Morrill of cancelled. The 5.30. 10.50 a. m.. anl the Sebascodegan says he was 3.40 p. m. from Orr's Island to Port- making the regular course for the land will be run. channel mark on his way up the har- It Is expected that the repairs to bor while Capt. Willey of the U. 3. the Sebascodegan will be completed Revenue cutter Woodbury was also last of this week, and the full summer steering for the same point In an op- time table will be restored the first of posite direction. The fog signals of next week. the Sebascodegan were heard on board the Woodbury as were also oc- casionally the Woodbury's signals. FLASHES OF COMMON SENSE. :!iough none of the passengers on the former boat say they could hear tho Woodbury's whistle. The Fourth in a Series of Contributions collision came without more than sufficient for the Written Expressly for the warning forty passengers on the Sebascodegan to Breeze Grace M. by | get out of the way when the cutter Brown. crashed in the starboard side of the All rights reserved. passenger boat demolishing the upper works including the pilot house In There are infinite things to learn which were Capt. Morrill and Mate about ourselves. Webber and carrying away one half There are infinite things to learn of the superstructure of the steamer to about about the universe. amidship. Situated at the in South The captain and mate had rathe- highest point Harpswell. There is a There are infinite to learn things narrow escapes from the for- about God. injury, freshness in the air and a mer the and reverse diversity of scenery not found at • • • ringing stop bells before jumping out of the pilot Life is a glorious radiant force lesser elevations. Facilities for such as tennis house, not a second too soon. A games and golf which it is the duty of human every resident of Philadelphia. Pa., beic; to appropriate and radiate ac- are Electric bell bath and who Is summering at the Ocean View handy. service, sanitary drainage. cording to bis strength. • • • hotel. Bailey Island received a cut Large Dining hall and dance floor, music room, etc. on the hand, but there was no serious I to October 1. My way cannot be your way. Your Open June accident to any one on board, all of way cannot be mine. But there is whom were transferred to the cutter room, so much room for us all. which landed them at Central wharf. modern and the house of the • • • Thoroughly popular Bay. Every room The Sebascodegan is seriously dam- and The spirit of independence is in the above ■ aged the and Boating, V •* wat£f lifle only a Bathing has view ocean. Fishing. air. The time has come when .each clear of the and service first class. is expectfd.«?4>£ ready for Furnishings soul recognizes Its own settled priesthood a week or now on L"^ whether so, being the rail^~ Bath House for It is outwardly conscious of^t at Quests. way South Portland. The cutter Private- boat for the accommodation of the of the house. or not. was landing guests • • • badly Injured about the bow. her tw ! being broken off and her OcuT6j^iriCc Ttic Mmrav free io tt w»»ultl 1h. a (bins for wmp fax -k Quests* *-art» rigging torn away. Une tenuis court, am! folks If they would take a off and fcathing beacS, dressing"rooms day The for the Rates on get acquainted with responsibility accident Application. themselves. They is hard to as be place the fog was so might astonished to And how real- a lawn within 100 feet of the thick that it was impossible to see a sloping piazzas. Dining room seats 100. ly interesting they are. bout's • • • length ahead. Capt. Chas. W. Morrill of the Sebascodegan is recog- Some people do not seem to be nli'-d by everyone as a most aware of it. but there efficient really are more anil careful commander in j and no man things this world than dust and in Casco dollars. Bay has more admirers. • • • / "Go." A certain minister of our acquain- Responsibility Possibly on Cutter. tance proclaims with men great fervor Further details seem to show that young want Suits with "Go" that the era of the common at marked people is the time the Harpswell steamer at hand. The common people may have was running under half speed and into them. It the era all right but the xigjt takes skill and artistic tail*- trusts man- Capt. Merrill had given the for age to have most signal everything else. full speed reverse. Just before the to • • • or*ig build such Suits. crash, bringing his boat to a The world needs stop people with cou*^ almost within her length; the force of age. enough to tell the The makers of our truth what- the impact thus coming from the cut- understand ever the effect of Clothing their truth telling. ter. That this was Is • • • considerable .heir business ■town by the fact that it was heard and we The truth a Comfort perfectly, have the of thing is the essence at Chair just Willard Beach. The hull of the Made of the entirely of metal and fancySwing colored canvas. The thing. That part of It which is material is light Suits men S<>l>asrodegan is uninjured, giving tes- aad firmly braced, ftniabed io black enamel. Folds i young everlasting. of > compactly, occupy- ..... timony to its staunchness under such ing space only aS 3> inches. la aet up or folded • • • four stove bolts by removing only a scrore shock. Perfectly simple. Truth needs no label. The genulno Mate Herbert Webber had the nar- truth student does not to Wear. desire to i>e row. -nt escape from left Delight ticketed j Injury, having by any "ism." the pilot house on the side which the IT'S EASY • • • I To be Comfortable in bowsprit of the cutter entered and the Comfort Chair. You learn Humanity must be aroused. Too i alrmmt at the same the secret of it all THE BI6 STORE WITH SMALL instant. Ho when PROFITS. long have men and women you're in the chair. You can sit staggered ran down the deck to the gangway. and stumbled when in the chair just as in they should have th<« broken bowsprit following him, any ordinary walked in chair and then if too stretch uprightness and strength. »s It wrecked and tore everything ?n like, your- • • • ► ielf out into a full Its path until the momentum of the > reclining position. How are The Chair we using our was just follows every movement opportuni- Woodbury overcome. of the ties when we. who should be the lov- bodv, without any effort on your Ira can F. ers or Clark of all part; you not as & use our swing you please. living things, Go! ; «-nu Co., given energies to or and sit in It i*H destroy to blight untlsfy yourself. j OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. This 26 and with our condemnation our brother coats you nothing. 28 Monument whos Ths Chnir lts*M "««»* vo<» 5q., every heart throb Is our own. • • $4i0O« • SOUTH HARPSWCLL'8 LARGEST It la to do easy big things and to HOUSE ENTERTAINED ME. endure CUM- PORTLAND, great sorrow. But It takes a R. S. DAVIS CO. great, soul to BERLAND BAR ASSOCI- Cor. serenely live the life of Exchange and Federal Sts., Portland, Me. detail and trifling disappointments. ATION SATURDAY. Tolman, Bradford Furniture Co. • • • A woman who Is too spiritual to July Business and August Bookings to 17 and 17 1-2 Preble 8t. attend her home life and her dally Are Most has Encouraging. • • household work, never had th« Dealers in The and Mrs. faintest glimpse of true spirituality. Cumberland Bar Association MERRIC0NEA6 HOUSE. Campbell and daughter from "pent a most Mr. and Mrs. Artbar N«w and Second Hand She Is feeding on the husks and miss- enjoyable day here Sat- Palmer is attract- Furniture, Antique Goods of all on ing much ing the joy of the love work. urday, arriving an early boot attention and is a beauti- kind* and sold • • • and THE ful ornament bought also Auctioneers and Appraisers. returning to Portland MERRICONEAQ 18 DOINQ AN to the lobby. A card on a attached A mother who neglects her children special boat about EXCELLENT BUSINESS. designates the source of the for hef "even o'clock.
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