THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY ANNUAL NUMBER FEBRUARY 1962 One Europe? (From a Continental Correspondent) What is most striking to an impartial observer of the European scene is the manner in which the old political Europe coexists with the new political Europe. Everything coexists in Europe to an asto­ nishing degree colonial sentiment with and colonial sentiment ; One-Europe sentiment with nationalist sentiment. De Gaulle represents one type of European; there are other types. Some are incorrigible federa­ lists who are in favour of a completely united Europe; some are confederalists who advocate much looser ties, and there are the nationalists who think the Common Market is a fraud intended to deprive them of their national patrimony. And yet; in numerous ways unity, at least in action in certain narrow fields, is being seen. The Common Market idea is gathering momentum though what shape it will ultimately take is too early to say. Will the removal of Customs barriers, the standardisation of laws relating to prices, salaries and wages and the prevention of cartels usher in political unity ? ARNAUD de Borchgrave, Chief The Western European Union and sharp : "I don't like Germans," European Correspondent for Assembly, consisting of the Inner he said, and in those three words Newsweek tells the story of how, Six and Britain. he poured the hatred of genera­ as he was crossing the Franco- The Council of Europe, which is tions. German frontier some days ago, the Inner Six. plus Britain, plus Can a United Western Europe, he was dutifully stopped by a 21- the European neutrals (Sweden, which is the dream of the West year old Customs' Inspector and Switzerland and Austria) plus German Defence Minister, Herr asked to open his hags. Borchgrave most of the other Western European Franz Josef Strauss, ever be a recounts that his first thought was countries and Cyprus, with Com­ reality ? How long will it take for how come a 21-year old European monwealth countries as observers. such a unity to be hammered out? should choose the Customs service The N A T O. And what will be the contributory as a career when it was being The new Organisation for Econo- causes ? shouted from the house-tops that .rnic Cooperation for Development Once upon a time ----- and that the aim of the Common Market (OECD). was not so very long ago —Europe was to close down inter-European Nationalism : Rockhed of Policy was a seething mass of growing Customs. Borchgrave's reportorial All of them proclaim one aim, nations, each jealous of the other, sense finally got the better of him one goal the close working together each trying to do the other in the of Western Europe and yet the and he queried the Inspector. "I eve. The defeat of Hitler in the signs are that, despite all talk of looked into that carefully," Broch Second World War and the rise of unity, there is still a long way to grave quotes the Inspector as sav­ the Soviet colossus contributed to go before that unity is achieved. ing, "and I am reasonably sure of two things : the disappearance, he- Nationalism is not just an Asian or spending the next 40 years in the hind the Iron Curtain, of a large African phenomenon. It remains Customs service. We graduated 950 number of countries and the band­ the rockbed of policy in many cadets from the Customs School ing together of Western Europe countries in Western Europe. this year, more than ever before'. out of sheer fear of its eastern What is most striking to an im­ neighbour. And vet everywhere in Europe partial observer of the European scene, however, is the manner in Industrial Progress : Leavening there is talk of a Tbnted Europe— which the old political Europe co­ Force or. to be more specific, of a United exists with the new political Europe. At the same time another force Western Europe. There are all man. Everything co-exists in Europe to was acting as a leaven : indus­ ner of organisations intended to an astonishing degree. Colonial trial progress. The disappearance promote just that. Indeed, right sentiment with anti-colonial senti­ of the eastern countries behind the now. there are no fewer than five, ment, one-Europe sentiment with so-called assemblies or parliamen­ nationalist sentiment. I was driving Iron Curtain and the rise of the tary bodies in Europe, none of one day from Germany to Belgium Soviet Union as a major military power spurred the West European which has real power and some of and stopped at the border town for countries to join NATO. Though which at least are at cross purposes. a glass of beer. The proprietor of NATO's content is reportedly To name them : the little cafeteria saw my car and its German number-plate first and positive, in fact it is there solely The European Parliamentary stiffened up. When I approached to meet any possible future Soviet Assembly, consisting of Members him. he was still visibly annoyed. challenge. In outlook and principles of Parliament from the Six Com. To my inquiry about the cause of it is negative as many instances mon Market countries. his annoyance, his reply was quick will illustrate. 165 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY ANNUAL NUMBER FEBRUARY 1962 Attending NATO Army manoeu- De Gaulle represents one kind of NATO. NATO particularly, is vrea, some time in 1960, I chanced European; there are other kinds : taking an interest in Portugal, to ask one of the Army observers some are incorrigible federalists southern Italy and Greece. In the why the French forces seemed to who are in favour of a completely Common Market jobs are made be indifferent. "Did you notice united Europe ; some are confeder­ available to nationals of the mem­ that, too ?" replied the observer, alists who advocate much looser ber countries irrespective of where and added : "But that is well ties and there are nationalists who they come from, even though the known here. The French are not think the Common Market is a system is working none too well. over-enthusiastic about N A T O". fraud intended to deprive them of But there are thousands of Italians their national patrimony. working in Germany and in France. Then there is the time when Ger­ When they put in the necessary man forces were trying to negotiate According to the Rome Treaty, number of months on a particular with Spain for training facilities there should have been agreement job, they become entitled to social for German armed forces. The among members of the Common service benefit prevailing in the story somehow leaked out and there Market on a common agricultural country where they are working. was a hue and cry all over Wes­ policy by January 1, 1962. The Disparities are most noticeable in tern Europe that Germany was Germans hedged in this because agricultural employment. In Italy, teaming up with General Franco. they wanted to protect their far­ 44.8 people are employed in agri­ The German project had to be mers. The French kept pressing the culture out of every 100 of work­ dropped. Bonn would have nothing Germans to open their markets for ing population. In France, the num­ to do with Madrid. But Bonn could French agricultural goods but en­ ber is 28.9, in Luxembourg 22.8, not understand the incongruity of countered stubborn resistance. Itali­ in West Germany 17.9 and in the United States flirting with ans have been very reluctant to Belgium and the Netherlands 14.2, Franco. Why, it was asked in concede the right to Germany to a sure guide to labour "efficiency" Bonn, was it right for Washington suspend imports of fruits and vege­ in the field of agriculture, costs to deal with Madrid and wrong tables. Every country fighting to and standards of living. But the for Bonn to follow suit ? serve its national interests : that is matter is complicated by the fact the picture one sees at Brussels. Then there is the question of that in Germany, labour is heavily German armament itself. Germany Unity : In Narrow Fields subsidised and were a common may be a member of N A T 0, but agricultural policy to be decided Brussels itself is a study in con­ it is still suspect in the eyes of upon, German farmers would be trasts. It is the capital of a coun­ the West. The West European the first to protest. Indeed, as re­ try in transition, which even when Union would like West Germany to cently as January 1 this year. Herr it is striving to work towards One be a member of N A T 0, but if Werner Schwarz, the West German Europe has to struggle against it comes to Germany manufacturing Minister of Agriculture, was telling fissiparous tendencies within its guns and tanks, ships and sub­ German farmers that any curtail­ borders. The differences between marines, then size and tonnage is ment of the transitional period the Flamands and the Walloons in­ carefully specified. For all one provided for by the Rome Treaties side such a small territory as Bel­ knows, West Germany is really not in the pooling of agricultural re­ gium make one wonder whether an independent country. sources would be rejected. Hi- European unity can ever really be emphasised further that he would France : "Mystery Wrapped in attained. not accept the accelerated scaling- an Enigma" And yet, in numerous ways, uni­ down of protective measures for No one really knows where ty, at least in action in certain German agriculture demanded by France stands.
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