DATE: July 11,2OOB TO: lnterested Persons FROM: Office of the CitY Clerk SUBJECT: NOTICE OF EXPIRED FILE STATUS ln 2005, the council approved a policy wherein all council files pending Oefoie in" City Council, which have not been placed on a Council or commiftee agenda for consideration for a pe_rio{ o{ two years or more, are deemed "re&ived and filed.' The City Clerk is responsible for the administration of this Process. Quarterly, on the last day of March, June, September and December of and filed ;h i;;r, the City Cleik administratively 9los9g all received Counif fibs. This letter provides notice that this Council file, and its rrUi""i matter, is no longei active as of July 1, 2008. This Council File is deemed closed. .l p -f F'LE8 /, , /rn PLACIE II{ FILES JUL 2 { 2008 DEFUTY TBAIIKT. MASrINEZ OF LOS ANGELL- OfEce ofthe Clty Clert -:ITY CALIFORNIA CITY CLEBK Coundl and Publlc Servlceo KAf,ENE. KAI.N\YIN Boom 896, Clty IIaU Eroqrth3 OfEccr I^oo Angelee, CA 9fl)f2 Councll FlIe Informatton - (218) 07&l(X:! General Informadon - (2f8) 97&1f8{l ffien maldnglnqulrlee Far: (2r8) 97&1040 relath! to rhL ma,tter No. refer to Fllo rrEr_n:N GnvstsutBc JAMES K. HAHN Chlcf, Cou[.[l ard Publlc Scvle Dlvtdon MAYOR o4-2468 Nilt=Jcr7-€+Og RE: I-,OS AITGEITES WORr-,D ATRPORTS PIJBTTTC SAFETY/SECURITY AIID LAW ENFORCEMMfiT SERVICE OPTIONS At the meet,ing of the Council held on May 10, 2005, the attached cornmittee reporE was referred to the ffi8d 68fir8*cE&TouRrsM ffr"J" kry% City Clerk jr e€)o AN EQUAL ETPI.OYiIENT OPPIORTUNT.rY - AFFIR}IATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER & Ill s/r; File No. 04-2468 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES Your PUBLIC SAFEW Committee reports as follows: Yes No Public Comments: XX PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Los Angeles World Airports public safety/security and law enforcement service options. Recommendations for Council action: 1 NOTE and FILE the joint Chief Legislative Analyst (CLAyCity Administrative Officer (CAO) report dated Apnl22,2005 relative to Los Angeles World Airports (l3WA) public safety/security and law enforcement service options, inasmuch as this report is submitted for information and no Councilaction is necessary. 2. INSTRUCT the CLA and CAO to commence a Task Force, to include General Services Department, Los Angeles Police Department (I.APD), IAWA and the future ffice of Public Safety, to investigate and review the various issues related to this matter. FiscallmpactStatement: NeithertheChief LegislativeAnalyst(Cl.A) northeCityAdministrativeOfficer (CAO) has completed a financialanalysis of this report. Summary: ln a joint report dated Apn!22,2005, the CLA and CAO state that, in February 2005, the City Council approved a measureto be placed on the May2005 GeneralMunicipalElection Ballot, toamendtheCity Charter to provide the City Council with the authority to enact changes to the methods of providing public safety securityflaw enforcement services at the various City airport facilities. At an earlier meeting, the Public Safety Committee also requested information regarding the cpsts, implementation issues and anticipated time line for implementing improvements to the cunent method of providing public safety, security and law enforcement services at the airport facilities and to consider the establishment of a single City public safety securityflaw enforcement service agency with responsibility over Cityowned airport facilities. The CAO/CIA report indicates that the first step in developing such information was the ompletion of a study by the l3WA, entitled "Los Angeles lntemational (l3X) United Command Study,'which was prepared by the Counter Technology, lnc. (CTl) group. On April 5, 2005, the Public Safety Committee considered the CTI study and a report from the CtA. At that meeting, the Cl.A re@mmended that this matter be continued and that the CI.A and CAO work with the I-APD and LAWA to review the CTI study and report back to Committee. The April 22,2005 joint report summarizes the CLA and CAO proposed approach for evaluating the various airport public safety security/law enforcement service options and the status of the requested review. a At its regular meeting on April 25,2005, the Public Safety Committee discussed this matter and cpncurred in the CLNCAO recommendation to Note and File the joint report and to request that the CLA and CAO commen@ a Task Force to include General SeMces Department, IAPD, |SWA and the future Offie of Public Safety, to investigate and review the various issues related to this matter. This matter is now being fonrarded to Council for consideration. Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Y'h.e MEMBER VOTE MrscrKowsKr YES fu,w1 REYES ABSENT PARKS ABSENT WEISS YES MAY 1 c zoos - ?eFQtA@ ry qffi ZINE YES innu,rpivF*r mJ. AB 4-25-2005 , T *l , S 'f loor ab*s r7ull) sIo1ro?tBmoO ?I.AroE rrrooa Io lrrpo8 (ooa'do,rs timt €: fp urqmdpo Isn dots zTBr, eleuo? PEB 3YHT3E lslr'dloqs r?,') erlr5,DuD .grryptfne Eo ,ldeb do:ie o lgor rrE r), . B:lelrofss}liEoD..Boflrmg?lt TDEFTT Jo praoB lgor dols t' Tlr]1) upfaetirfeq 1ery{t ,o ilraua.erBdeg lo5? dtoes fTE f) E.:lsuoTs9Turlto' ?d!_l p:eog Io 'a losa ioes TTun) a.uwt:tdaO .arlg tool dpeg . rftafrl srtolsdpcuoo Foftoa fo txrrog (oor dloes 11E t, Aua{rllnr8ao eoT?odl a Itss ltoab 1;Dtri auoua:rdleO prnrbarag {eer doas fTE t) . ecltorauiccl lesr do1g.gar! PrIIry p^ftDTlelgeZ roTllD (oir does rT"r) -Ee{s: art/n Ltny ,rt/ Ieurottt .lafC loer.dtoag 11q1t) reoTrto o^TAIII8TuTEDV JBTTO' (oat dotg ITtl, lctrl lnotaTl,/q;ifa) .lorlDlt (e)epqnqf tTounog ro:teil?"ffisr 'oll DIr8.Irilnco. a f( I a , FORtli OEN. l@ (Rov.6{0) CITY OF LOS ANGELES ..., ER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDE...,E DATE: April 22,2005 TO: Honorable Members Public Safety Committee trR.OM: cerry F.Nliltg;ffitl William T Fujioka Sr Chief Legislativ-e Analpt City Administrative Offi cer Airport Public Safety Security/law Enforcement Service Options In February 2005, the City Council approved the placement of a measure on the May 2005 General Municipal Election Ballot to amend the City of Ips Angeles Charter to provide the City Council with the authority to enact by Ondinance changes to the methods of providing public safety secnrity/law e,nforcement senrices at City airport facilities (CF# 04-2468). The Fublic Safety Committee requested information regarding the costs, implementation issues, and anticipated time line for implernenting improve,ments to the curre,nt method of providing public safety security/law enforcement services at the various City airport facilities, including potentially establishing a single City public safety security/law enforcement agency with responsibility over City-owned airport facilities within City boundaries. The first step in developing such information was the completion of a studyby the Ios Angeles World Airport (I-AWA). On March 24,2005,LAWA released the report prepared by CTI Consulting entitled "Los Angeles Intemational (LAX) Unified Command Study'(CTI Report). With release of the CTI Report the Council directed the City Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) to comprehensivelyreview the Report and evaluate other information and report back to the Public Safety Committee with recomme,ndations on how best to improve the efficiency of LAWA Police Deparfinent (LAWAPD) and Ios Angeles Police Departrnent (I-A'PD) operations at airport facilities and for implementing improvements to the current method of providing public safety securityflaw enforcement services at the various City airport facilities while maintaining the current level of seryice or enhancing it. This report summarizes the CLA and CAO proposed approach for evaluating various airport public safety security/law enforcement service options and the status of the requested review. RECOMMEITTDATION: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. APR 2 6 2000 2 CCI&IfuIEBCE E$IGY & NAT RES C.B[,B[IC SAFEIY 'i) ( ilir/'f ;t. r:r ,',I,!\trr lLr, : Clfri, ,": II ,t).,:r:,,_,_ ,..,i :(./f tr05 {t& ?d Atr 6: 0g i"IHK DISCUSSION As previously reported, the CTI Report identifids several specific issues that are important to consider in any proposed airport security command structure changes, such as the role and resporsibilities of the Airport Security Coordinator mandated by the TSA. The CLA and CAO are firther reviewing the CTI Report and developing a list of requested clarifications, questions, and supporting documentation for submittal to LAWA and CTI forresponse. Upon review of that information, the CI-A and CAO will determine whether ornot additional inforrration in those areas covered in the CTI Report are required. At this time it is anticipated additional clarifications in costs, and roles and responsibilities of dispatch/communication, and canine unit operations may be needed. In addition, the CLA and CAO have identified several areas that we believe are important to defining and evaluating airport public safety security/law enforcement senrice options dhat are not discussed in the CTI Report. Therefore, to supplement the information provided in the CTI Report, the CLA and CAO are working to obtain informatioq review, and evaluate the following areas forboth LAWAPD and LAPD operations at arport facilities within the Cityboundaries (I-AX and Van Nuys Airport): o Deplolanent o Roles, responsibilities, duties, qualifications, and fraining of various security/law enforcement positions (Security Officer, Special Officer, Police Officer, Communications Specialist, Police Service Representatives) o Documentation of all LAPD operations at the airport (narcotics and organized crime investigations, etc.) and current Departnent of Airport funding responsibilities for those operations. o Review of other airports in the areas specified above. o Review of liability issues. Four (4) general operational options are curre, rtly anticipated to be reviewed: o All LAWAPD.
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