VOLUME 48 No 11 South Amboy, N. J., Friday, June 19, 1926. Price Four Cents. TWENTY-THREE PUPILS AWARDED THE VOTE IN THIS CITY MAYOR OPPOSES "CLOSED" BIDDING 1 REPUBLICAN N DIPLOMAS AT ST. MARY'S LAST NIGHT 1st Ward 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th Ward Tot .. ID 2D ID 2D ID 2D ID 2D UPON PROPOSED $5,000 CITY TRUCK For Governor— Address Delivered By John Joseph Vail, A. B., Former Cornelius Doremus - 4 30 6 23 ' 0 12 21 38—134 Specifications Not Prepared By City Engineer For Tues- Arthur Whitney 8 C5 21 17 4 13 22 99—239 Craduate Of St. Mary's—Miss Mary Kerwin Awarded Thomas F. McCran -.63 31 14 39 15 24 38 56—270 day Night; Declares Mayor—Also Issued Privately And For Member of Homo of Repretentativei- Highdst Honors Among Graduates. Frederick C. Schneider 58 74 24 50 14 34 58 119—431 Restricts Bidding To Sellers Of Federal Truck Claimed. Stewart Appleby 7 42 16 23 2 13 19 68—190 St. Mary's High School pupils held For Member of the General Assembly— According to Mayor Hoffman, who their annual Commencement Exer- Thomas L. Hanson 69 107 33 65 13 45 64 170—566 has opposed the purchase of a ?5,000' ' cises last evening at eight o'clock and SMALL VOTE HERE Edna B. Martin 26 49 13 35 3 22 29 68—275 PAY TRIBUTE truck for the use of the street de- diplomas were awarded to twenty- Wilton T. Applegate ~~4G 106 33 62 12 40 60 145—504 partment, the Common Council is three graduates of the school, A PRIMARY DAY Douglas M. Hicks 60 69 24 27 10 28 48 108—364 TODR. GRIFFIN planning to purchase a truck under unique feature of the evening's pro- Joseph S. Petty 9 11 6 7 2 5 21 36— 97 closed bidding next Tuesday night. Interest Centers on Republican Par- Pariihonert Honor Paator on 20th The specifications for the truck, ac- gram was the Processional of the For Members of tlie Board of Chosen Freeholds) graduates, led by Miss Mary Gund- ty—Weber Defeats Hackett. AnniverMrjr in Priesthood. cording to the Mayor, were not pre- Clarence M. Haight 46 110 33 67 "11- 44 69 140—510 pared by the city engineer to meet rum, B. S., and Mr. John Joseph Vail, General apathy on the part of the Louis J. Bello« 49 101 32 64 12 43 68 145—504 On Wednesday evening the parish- A. B. voters marked the observance of the oners of St. Mary's Church and a the general needs of the city, but the first spring primary in South Am- For State Committee— very large number of friends assem- bids will be asked upon specifications An eloquent address was delivered Charles Forman 52 105 32 69 14i 72 167^-533 bled in St. Mary's Auditorium to identical with those that appear upon by John. Joseph Vail, A. B., * former boy. Interest was centered in the Republican primary, Democratic en- Elizabeth D. Oliver 68 104 30 67 13 41 67 138—508 celebrate and pay tribute to Dr. page 6 of the S. P. folder issued by graduate of St. Mary's; who, in glow- thusiasm being chiefly manifested Councilman— Edward C. Griffin in honor of his the Federal Motor Truck Company, ing terms outlined for the graduates, in giving "Tom" Layden, candidate Richard Neiltopp Sr .63 111 —174 twentieth "anniversary to the Priest- and under these specifications the- their duties and obligations as ideal sellers of the Federal truck will be for the Board of Freeholders, and a Andrew N. Kvist _. 73 181—254 hood. Catholics,and worthy citizens. He the only ones who can successfully- prime favorite locally, a practically County Committeemen—Charles Freeman 55;. R. Baird 109j V. Newell The affair was arranged by Rev. :was introduced by Dr. Griffin, who 1'V. Lunnery, assisted by Rev. Fr. bid upon the job. unanimous complimentary vote. Jam«9 31; John Patterson u3; Joseph Primpka 14; Wiuium Preston 39; also made a few remarks befitting- \ Schneider Sweeps City Faber, -.Sister Mary Aloysda and The Mayor expresses the opinion- the occasion. James Hacket^46, A. Weber 101; F. Deibart 72. Sister. Mary Pascale. The entertain- that closed bidding ia contrary to the Although -defeated in the district, County. Committeewomen—Nellie Watson 56; Anna Oliver 106; Mary ..The following program was render- Frederick C. Schneider, former State ment and dinner came as a complete best interests of the city. It appear- Price 33; Anna Perkins 56; Anna Primpka 14; Jane Nichols 43; Mary J. surprise to Dr. Griffin, as the scheme ed during the week that the speci- ed: Republican Committsjeman, whose Bastedo 147; Bertha L. Deibert 72. • v ' Overture ._•- Orchestra candidacy was backed by Mayor vraa perfected by Father Lannery in fications could not be secured at the- Chorus, "Hear Us, O Lord" Mozart Harold Hoffman, went out of South a very able manner. office of the City Engineer, but that • , High School Pupils Amboy with practically a three to DEMOCRAT About six o'clock, dinner was they were in the hands of the chair- man of the street committee. Salutatory Catherine Rue one vote over Stewart Appleby, of served at the Rectory, where about 1st Ward 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th Ward Tot. twenty-five clergy friends of Dr. I am opposed to the purchase of Conferring of Graduating Honors Asbury Park, son of the former Con- ID 2D ID 2D ID 2D gressman. Schneider carried every ID 2D Griffin's were seated about the this truck. The benefits to be deriv- by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Norris. For Governor— . * table, which was very tastefully dec- ed from its use will not, in my opin- John Coakley poll in the city, running over eight Valedictory to one in the first poll of the first A. Harry Moore __ 11 10 16 19 IB 7 13 5— 96 orated for the occasion. ion be commensurate with its cost," A Japanese Romance:.... Fann,ie Ab- ward. Although he received this For Member of House of Representatives— At eight o'clock the guests pro- declares the Mayor. "The public has ibatiello, Anna Manion, Eleanor heavy vote in South Amboy, and an' J. Lyle Kinmouth 10 11 16 18' 16 7 11 5— 94 ceeded to the Auditorium where been told that the truck will be used Monsghan, Senior & Junior Girls. almost unanimous vote in New For Member of Ike Goner .I Assembly— Sheehy and His Gang from Perth to cart coal for the water works. At The Surprise of 1925 - Brunswick, indifference to the spring Charles V. L. Booraem 4 8 0 16 13 5—70 Amboy rendered a pleasing and ap- the same time we are assured that Margaret Dewan & Junior Girls primary in other sections of the C. Raymond Wicoff 5 6 7 13 10 6 4— 56 propriate program as follows: Over- the council is going ahead with its Address „ John Joseph Vail, A. B. county gave the Middlesex man a Harry R. Cook 13 '7 7 11 9 6 6— 61 ture by Orchestra, "How Do You plans to electrify the water works.. Closing Chorus lead that was easy to overcome In Martin J. O'Hara 13 6 10 10 10 6 1— Bg Do"} Solo, "Yearning," Miss Marie If the-water works goes under elec- Good Bye, Sweet Day Monmouth and Ocean counties by Raymond P. White 12 10 it) 13 10 8 2— 68 Galassl; Violin Solo, S. J, Rogan; tric current, there will be no coal to- The Gold Medal awarded for the the Asbury Park favorite. For Members of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Solo, "Mud Pie Days", Master Joseph cart—so why the truck? Its use will- -highest average was -won by Miss William M. Hallahan 8 3 5 8 6 1 10 2— 43 Miller; Monologue, Louise LaMont;, necessitate the services of a driver,, In the Gubernatorial race Thomas Selection, Orchestra; Solo, "Pale! and an endless chain of bills for gas- Margaret K«rwin, who has the honor F. MeOran carried South Amboy, but Klemmer Kalteissen -^ 7 10 13 18 13 8 6 4— 79 of having led her class for four years Thomas Laydcin 15 12 14 27 16 13 6—113 Moon", Chester Savitsky; Dance,' oline, oil, and repairs at a time when g he lost in the county by nearly 3,000 Arthur Scully; Vocal Duet, "West of the taxpayers of the city ore already* in scholarship. votes. For State Committee- class' numbers the Great Divide", Savitsky and Je- staggering under o load of unneces- 'The ggraduating g Weber New Committeeman Thomas H. Haggerty 11 13 15 19 15 7 13 5— 98 vosky; Solo, "A Perfect Day", Rev. sary municipal expense." fifty per cent of thosh e who entered Republican activity was chiefly Ethel M. Kirkpatrick 11 13 14 18 14 6 11 6— 92 Fr. Larkin; Solo, "In the Garden of centered in the first district of the "If a truck is to be purchased,, High School four years ago. Councilman— Tomorrow", Miss Grace O'Brien; however, the city should get the best- The graduates were as follows: fourth ward, where Alfred Weber Eugene Forman , .'.13 13 — 26 S0I9, "When My Sugar Wallks Down became the new Republican commit- possible value, and this can be done- Kathle.en Virginia Cheesemari, John County Committeemen—Reuben Forgotson 12; James W. Rea 12; Wil-the' Street," Vincent Higgins; Solo, only upon open and fair bidding. Th& Raymond Cleary, John Joseph Coak-1 **eman.
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