Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 CHAPPEL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 11TH MARCH 2019 IN CHAPPEL AND WAKES COLNE VILLAGE HALL, AT 7.30 P.M. *************************************************************************************** In the Chair: Cllr. S. Chamley Present: Cllrs. A. Cox, P. Dent, B. Knights, A. Langley Clerk: Mrs. H. Cook Also Present Four members of the public & Cllr Chillingworth *************************************************************************************** 19/040 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Chamley opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed everyone to the March Parish Council meeting. Cllrs Ingram & Neubauer had sent their apologies due to family commitments. 19/041 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS No declarations were made. 19/042 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION WITH RESPECT TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND OTHER MATTERS THAT ARE OF MUTUAL INTEREST No resident wished to raise any items. 19/043 WARD & COUNTY COUNCILLORS TO ADDRESS THE MEMBERS IF PRESENT WARD COUNCILLOR PETER CHILLINGWORTH /NIGEL CHAPMAN / COUNTY COUNCILLOR ANNE BROWN Cllr Chillingworth spoke briefly on the following: The budget for Colchester Borough Council had now been set. The average band D property in Chappel would have a Council Tax of £1803.00 comprising of Colchester Borough Council, Essex County Council, Essex Police, Essex Fire Service and the Parish Precept. Colchester Borough Council Elections will take place in May. 19/044 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th February 2019 were a true record of the 19014 meeting. Proposed: Cllr. Langley. Seconded: Cllr. Dent. For: All. 19/045 UPDATE ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 1) LANNING PPLICATION PPEAL RIDGEWICK ALL HE TREET HAPPEL P A A : 181804/181805. B H , T S , C , CO6 2DD. The Clerk confirmed that no further news had been received. 2) PLANNING APPLICATION 190279. CBC LAND A) WEST OF NO 37 AND B) EAST OF NO 10 SWAN GROVE, CHAPPEL. Cllr Chamley confirmed that an email had been received from the Planning Office confirming that the th application would be going to Planning Committee on the 4 April. The single space is likely to be withdrawn with only the double space remaining to be considered. Cllrs discussed their disappointment at only 2 additional spaces now being considered 3) PLANNING APPLICATION 183046/7. LAND TO THE NORTH OF MILL BUILDINGS, WAKES COLNE Chairman’s Signature Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 MILLS, COLCHESTER ROAD, WAKES COLNE, COLCHESTER, CO6 2BY. Cllr Chamley confirmed that no decision had yet been made by Colchester Borough Council. The Clerk confirmed that she had emailed the Planning Department for an update and was waiting for a response. 4) PLANNING APPLICATION 171396. DIRECT MEATS, KNIGHTS FARM, SWAN STREET, CHAPPEL, CO6 2EE. Cllr Chamley confirmed that no liaison meeting had taken place since January. Cllr Chamley had spoken to Direct Meats and they had no news to update the Parish Council with. Condition 22 regarding cladding had just been approved on the Colchester Borough Council website. 19/046 HIGHWAY 1) SPEED WATCH Cllr Dent confirmed that in addition to his written report three shifts had taken place last week and another three were planned for this week. 1) TRUCAM Cllr Chamley confirmed that an email had been received from Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Office confirming that there is a proposal for a new pilot scheme in Harwich for Community Speed Watch Groups to be trained in using the TRUCAM. Cllrs agreed that this was a step in the right direction and they would be interested in how the pilot scheme goes. 2) VAS Signs Cllr Chamley confirmed that a VAS sign could be purchased by the Parish Council but would need to be agreed by a Cabinet Member. This is currently outside the officers recommendations at the present time due to the improvements required with regards to the signage. 3) Local Highway Panel update regarding improving the existing signage on the A1124. Cllr Chamley confirmed that the funding was now in place and once the design had been completed by Essex County Council this would be installed within the first 2 quarters of the new financial year. 19/047 MERGE WITH WAKES COLNE PARISH COUNCIL Cllr Chillingworth raised the suggestion as a way for both of the Parish Council’s to cut costs due to one Clerk, less duplication, one insurance policy. It was suggested that the separate villages was due to Historical reasons rather than practical up to date thinking. Cllr Chamley confirmed that the Parish Council had asked the Monitoring Officer at Colchester Borough Council for their view and the only way forward would be for both Parish Councils to want to merge and then a Community Governance review would be undertaken by Colchester Borough Council. Cllrs discussed this matter and the following points were raised: Less of an identity. Not huge cost savings. Takes away double representation from the area. Not understanding the current financial position of Wakes Colne Parish Council. Residents already using shared assets. Both villages using the same roads, footpaths, village shop, school. Save money with only one Clerk. How many Cllrs would be able to present on a joint Parish. Can use cash reserves on projects. Greater representation for both villages. Difficulty getting volunteers in own village, greater difficulty finding volunteers for another village. Dilutes rural representation. Not understanding costs to the Parishes or Colchester Borough Council with a Community Governance review. Chairman’s Signature Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 Cllrs asked the Clerk to write to Wakes Colne Parish Council to obtain their current views on merging. The Clerk was also asked to contact the Monitoring Officer to find out how much a Community Governance review would cost. It was agreed to discuss this matter at the June meeting after the Elections. 19/048 BROADBAND Mr Walkden the County Broadband Champion for Wakes Colne confirmed that in order to reach the 30% requirement for County Broadband Chappel needed 4 houses to sign up and Wakes Colne needed 2. A drop in sessions has been arranged for the 23rd March from 2pm-4pm at the Swan Pub and both Mr Walkden and also Mr Herskind the Broadband Champion for Chappel would be there to answer any questions that residents may have. A representative of County Broadband would also be present at the drop in session. Cllrs thanked both Mr Walkden and Mr Herskind for all their effort and help with Broadband. 19/049 POPPY TRAIL Cllr Knights confirmed the final draft would be circulated to Cllrs in the next couple of days and quotes for the information boards should be available at the April meeting. 19/050 PLAYGROUND MAINTENANCE Cllr Ingram circulated a report confirming that as the ROSPA inspection was due in May, this item should be deferred to the June meeting. Cllrs were happy to review this item in June. 19/051 PARISH FIELD Cllr Langley confirmed that the trees on the parish field needed to be staked. RESOLVED that Cllr Knights purchase two packs of tree stakes at a cost of no more than £12. 19015 Proposed: Cllr. Langley. Seconded: Cllr. Dent. For: All. Cllr Langley confirmed that self-set poplar trees were starting to take over and block the gaps in the windbreak. It was agreed to obtain a quote in order to clear them and bring this to the April meeting. 19/052 TREES 19016 RESOLVED that after considering the four quotes received that the tree survey would be undertaken by J F Tree Specialist Ltd at a cost of £300 plus VAT. Proposed: Cllr. Chamley. Seconded: Cllr. Knights. For: All. 19/053 ASSETS Cllr Knights agreed to have a meeting with Cllr Chamley to produce an asset map for consideration. 19/054 FOOTPATH Cllr Chamley confirmed that the Council has received an email from Colchester Borough Council confirming that the proposed footpath at the back of the school would fall under permitted development rights. The Clerk was asked to obtain quotes in order to bring back to the next meeting. 19/055 TREE IN RIVER COLNE Cllr Chamley confirmed that the Environment Agency would not be carrying out any work on the tree growing between the two bridges. Their view is that the tree is not a flooding risk to people or property. Cllr Langley confirmed that he would trim back the tree but not remove the tree itself in line with the advice given by the Environment Agency. 19/056 ALLOTMENTS The Clerk confirmed that plot 1 was now vacant and payments had not been received from plot 3 and 4. Plot 5 was in the process of being rented. 19017 RESOLVED that the allotment driveway and track be cleared by Jack Perfect Brown at a cost of £165 plus VAT. Chairman’s Signature Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 Approved Minutes – Full Council March 11th 2019 Proposed: Cllr. Chamley. Seconded: Cllr. Dent. For: All. 19/057 FINANCIAL MATTERS 1) FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The four invoices including the Clerks’ Salary and Pension were passed around for Councillors present to vet and agree. Cheque No Description Supplier Net VAT Total Clerk's Salary H Cook 410.22 0.00 410.22 Clerk's Pension Essex 109.20 0.00 109.20 Pension Fund 701613 Expenses H Cook 18.86 0.00 18.86 701614 Allotment Water Anglian 12.10 0.00 12.10 Water Business Ltd (National) 550.38 0.00 550.38 19018 RESOLVED that after further consideration the four payments detailed on the schedule be authorised for payment. Proposed: Cllr. Chamley. Seconded: Cllr. Cox. For: All. 2) MONTHLY BUDGET INFORMATION The Clerk had circulated this prior to the meeting no questions were asked.
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