To: Members of the Organisational Improvement Professor Steven Broomhead and Development Policy Committee Interim Chief Executive Councillors: Town Hall Cllr J Kerr-Brown - Chair Sankey Street Cllr L Murphy - Deputy Chair Warrington Cllrs P Kennedy, L Ladbury, D Price, P Walker WA1 1UH and T Williams, S Wright, T Wood 2 September 2013 Organisational Improvement and Development Policy Committee Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 6.30pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH Agenda prepared by Louise Murtagh, Democratic Services Officer – Telephone: (01925) 442111 Fax: (01925) 656278 E-mail: [email protected] A G E N D A Part 1 Items during the consideration of which the meeting is expected to be open to members of the public (including the press) subject to any statutory right of exclusion. Item Page Number 1. Apologies for Absence To record any apologies received. 2. Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached. Item Page Number 3. Minutes 1 To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of 26 June 2013 4. Residents’ Survey Briefing note and presentation to the Committee by the Assistant Director Partnerships and Performance 5. Customer Service Strategy Briefing note to the Committee by the Assistant Director Partnerships and Performance 6. Living Wage To Follow Report of the Chair of the Organisational Improvement and Development Policy Committee 7. Co-operative Councils & Services and Mutual Councils Report of the Chair of the Organisational Improvement and Development Policy Committee 8. Quarter 1 2013/2014 Performance Report Verbal report of the Performance, Policy and Partnerships Manager 9. Work Programme 2013/2014 Report of the Chairman of the Organisational Improvement and Development Policy Committee Part 2 Items of a "confidential or other special nature" during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972. NIL If you would like this information provided in another language or format, including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language, please call 01925 443322 or ask at the reception desk in Contact Warrington, Horsemarket Street, Warrington. Agenda Item 3 ORGANISATIONAL IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY COMMITTEE 26 June 2013 Present Councillor J Kerr Brown (Chairman) Councillors P Kennedy, L Murphy, D Price and S Wright Also Present Kathryn Griffiths - Assistant Director Steve Park - Managing Director Warrington & Co Gareth Hopkins - Assistant Director Human Resources Louise Murtagh – Democratic Services Officer OID 1 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Williams and Wood OID 2 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest made. OID 3 Minutes Decision, That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2013 be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Chair OID 4 Council Motion Referral – Customer Contact with Warrington Borough Council The Managing Director of Warrington and Co. briefed the Committee on a matter referred to them at Council on 4 March 2013. The Motion proposed by Councillor Bob Barr and seconded by Councillor Keith Gleave was as follows - This Council: Welcomes the trend towards greater ‘self-service’ by the public using the Council’s website and notes the statement by the Leader that Warrington is going ‘digital by default’. • Agrees that wherever appropriate, the website or the Contact Centre should be used to report complaints, which has the benefit of normally providing the complainant with an incident reference number. • Regrets that there is usually no direct feedback to residents or Councillors when a complaint has been dealt with, or there is a delay in dealing with it. Agenda Item 3 • Requests that, in the interests of openness, transparency and cost efficiency, website access to an incident log will be made available to Councillors and the public so that the progress on complaints can be directly tracked on the internet. • Requests that where a complaint relates to a specific location, e.g. a pothole, lamp fault, fly tipping or fly posting, that both the request, number of reports, and the actions taken to deal with the request be accessible through a map based application on the web site similar to, but more functional than, ‘FixMyStreet.com’. It was resolved that these facilities were to be implemented no later than the end of the calendar year 2013 and that a progress report was provided to the September 2013 Council meeting. In summary it was expected that the provision of a service request reference number and the ability to track the progress of the request online, including the use of map functionality would be available for the following services by March 2014: • Highways (potholes, pavements, drains and gullies), • Street lighting, • Street cleansing (litter, general street cleansing issues, leaves/weeds, dead animals, dog fouling), • Missed bins, • Public protection (abandoned cars, fly-tipping, noise/smell complaints, flyposting, graffiti), • Pests, • Complaints/praise, • Misc (bus stop, traveller reports, football pitches etc). Decision - That the Committee considered the plans for the work under the Council’s Digital Strategy in addressing the points raised in the Full Council Motion and agreed that these should be presented to the Executive Board at their meeting on 15 July 2013. OID 5 Employee Engagement Survey Action Plan The Committee received briefing note from the Assistant Director of Human Resources in relation to the action plan developed since the running of the Employee Engagement Survey of September 2012. The Strategic Management Team and Directorate Management Teams had developed and agreed an action plan in order to address concerns raised in the survey. The steps listed in the plan included the many ways in which information was communicated to employees; review the way in which PR&Ds and team meetings were held; to improve methods of staff engagement through schemes such as a staff suggestion scheme, involvement in the responses to the survey and continued involvement in the Employee Engagement Forum; and promotion of training courses. Agenda Item 3 Later in 2013 the Council will be running a ‘You said, We did’ campaign which will highlight the improvements made since the survey. Follow-up sampling surveys will also be undertaken to monitor the changes in employee engagement. Decision - That the Committee noted the briefing paper and requested that the results of the follow-up survey be presented to them at a later date. OID 6 2012/2013 Quarter 4 Performance Report The Assistant Director Partnerships and Performance presented the Committee with the 2012/2013 Quarter 4 Performance Report along with the Executive Board covering report as presented at their meeting of 17 June 2013. The report set out an overview of the Council’s performance for quarter 4 of 2012- 13 (January to March 2013) and provided details the on progress made towards the pledges contained in the Corporate Plan for 2012-2015. The Executive Board Report also provided an overview of progress against the council’s corporate health measures relating to finance, staff and customer service. The reports were provided to the Committee for the purpose of understanding the operating context of the Council and to assist in Horizon Scanning. The section of the report of specific interest to the Committee was in relation to Corporate Health and the Strategic Risk Environment. Decision - That the Committee noted the 2012/2013 Quarter 4 Performance Report OID 7 Work Programme 2013/2014 The Committee received a report from the Chairman, Councillor J Kerr-Brown, the purpose of the report was to ask the Committee to consider items for inclusion on the work programme for 2013/2014. Members were provided with a summary of work undertaken during 2012/2013 and this had included consideration of the Digital Strategy and Customer Gateway, Staff Sickness Absence and the Energy and Water Policy. The Committee had established two Working Groups of Co-operatives and Mutuals as a delivery model for Council Services; and Living Wage. Both of these working groups were still meeting and it was hoped that they would be in a position later in the municipal year to report their findings to the Executive Board before presentation to full Council. From the discussions held during the meeting, Members requested that a number of items were added to the Working Programme including the follow up sampling surveys to monitor changes to the Employee Engagement Survey and the Customer Service Strategy. These were in addition to the already listed Residents’ Survey, Sickness Report and Intranet Project; and the existing two Working Groups. Agenda Item 3 Decision - That the Committee noted the report presented and requested that additional items be added to the Work Programme as discussed. Chairman ……………………………………… Date …………………………………………… Warrington Borough Council Residents Survey – Headline Results Summary Presentation – Organisational and Improvement Policy Committee Prepared by Lake Market Research Presented by Partnerships and Performance 10th September 2013 This report complies with ISO:20252 standards and other relevant forms
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