Wyre Forest District Council KIDDERMINSTER CENTRAL AREA ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT FINAL SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL REPORT JULY 2012 Contents 1 The SEA Directive Requirements and Where They Have Been Met 3 2 Summary and Outcomes 4 2.1 A Statement of the Likely Significant Effects of the Plan 4 2.2 Statement of the Difference the Process has Made to Date 5 2.3 How to Comment on this Report 7 3 Background 8 3.1 Purpose of the SA and the SA Report 8 3.2 Plan Objectives and Outline of Contents 8 3.3 Compliance with the SEA Directive 9 4 Appraisal Methodology 10 4.1 Approach Adopted to the SA 10 4.2 When the SA was Carried out and by Whom 12 4.3 Who was Consulted, when and how 12 4.4 Appropriate Assessment 13 5 Sustainability Objectives, Baseline and Context 14 5.1 Links to Other Policies, Plans, Programmes and Sustainability Objectives and How they Have Been Taken into Account 14 5.2 Description of the Social, Environmental and Economic Baseline Characteristics and Future Predicted Baseline 19 5.3 Difficulties in Collecting Data and the Limitations of the Data 21 5.4 Main Social, Environmental and Economic Issues and Problems Identified 22 5.5 The SA Framework, including Objectives, Targets and Indicators 24 6 Plan Issues and Options 34 6.1 Main Strategic Options and How They Were Identified 34 6.2 Comparison of the Social, Environmental and Economic Effects of the Options 35 6.3 How Social, Environmental and Economic Issues were Considered in Choosing the Preferred Options 48 6.4 Other Options Considered and why these were Rejected 49 7 Plan Policies 52 7.1 Introduction 52 7.2 Significant Social, Environmental and Economic Effects of the Preferred Policies 52 Wyre Forest District Local Development Framework Kiderminster Central Area Action Plan Final Sustainability Appraisal Report (July 2012) Contents 7.3 Secondary, Cumulative and Synergistic Impacts of the Preferred Options 59 7.4 Proposed Mitigation Measures 68 7.5 Uncertainties and Risks 69 8 Implementation 71 8.1 Links to Other Tiers of Plans and Programmes and the Project Level 71 8.2 Proposals for Monitoring 71 A Links to Other Policies, Plans, Programmes and Sustainability Objectives and How they Have Been Taken into Account 74 B Baseline Data and Trends 106 B.1 Baseline Data for Key Sustainability Issues 106 B.2 Baseline Data for Objectives and Indicators 124 C Site Testing Tables 132 D Policy Testing Tables 166 E List of Consultees 235 F Consultation Responses and How They Have Been Addressed 236 G Cumulative Impact Assessment 251 Wyre Forest District Local Development Framework Kiderminster Central Area Action Plan Final Sustainability Appraisal Report (July 2012) The SEA Directive Requirements and Where They Have Been Met 1 1 The SEA Directive Requirements and Where They Have Been Met Table 1.0.1 The SEA Directive Requirements and Where They Have Been Met SEA Directive Requirements Where they have been met (Kidderminster Central Area Action Plan DPD) (a) an outline of the contents, main objectives of the plan or programme and relationship Section 5.1 Appendix A with other relevant plans and programmes; (b) the relevant aspects of the current state of the environment and the likely evolution Section 5.2 and Appendix B thereof without implementation of the plan or programme; (c) the environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected; Section 5.2 and Appendix B (d) any existing environmental problems which are relevant to the plan or programme Section 5.2, 5.4 and Appendix B including, in particular, those relating to any areas of particular environmental importance, such as areas designated pursuant to Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC; (e) the environmental protection objectives, established at international, Community or Section 5.1 and Appendix A Member State level, which are relevant to the plan or programme and the way those objectives and any environmental considerations have been taken into account during its preparation; (f) the likely significant effects on the environment, including on issues such as biodiversity, Section 7.2 and Appendix C & D population, human health, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic factors, material assets, cultural heritage including architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and the interrelationship between the above factors; (g) the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any significant Section 7.4 and Appendix C & D adverse effects on the environment of implementing the plan or programme; (h) an outline of the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt with and a description of Section 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 7.3 how the assessment was undertaken including any difficulties (such as technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) encountered in compiling the required information; (i) a description of the measures envisaged concerning monitoring in accordance with Article Section 8.2 10; (j) a non-technical summary of the information provided under the above headings. A separate non-technical summary has been produced. Wyre Forest District Local Development Framework Kiderminster Central Area Action Plan Final Sustainability Appraisal Report (July 2012) 3 2 Summary and Outcomes 2 Summary and Outcomes 2.1 A Statement of the Likely Significant Effects of the Plan 2.1.1 This section sets out a summary of the sustainability implications of the Plan policies and the extent to which they would support or achieve the sustainability objectives. 2.1.2 The Kidderminster Central Action Plan (KCAAP) Development Plan Document (DPD) allocates land and sets out policies which will meet the vision and objectives set out within the Adopted Core Strategy. The vision and objectives were tested against the SA Framework during the development of the Core Strategy. The site allocations have each been tested against the SA Framework. 2.1.3 The KCAAP DPD has identified a large number of positive effects in terms of both the policies which its sets out and the preferred sites for allocation. However, a small number of negative sustainability effects have been identified and they can be summarised as follows: Some of the sites have raised issues in relation to flood risk. This is an issue which will need to be considered on a site-by-site basis. Mitigation measures will include flood alleviation and appropriate design solutions. A number of sites involve the retention and conversion of Listed Buildings. These sites may not be able to meet the renewable energy requirement set out within the Adopted Core Strategy. This will be considered on a site-by-site basis and developers will be required to meet targets. Some sites have raised issues in relation to increased noise and light pollution, particularly in sensitive locations next to the river and the canal. Mitigation measures will be required to reduce the impact on new development and balance the need for increased activity and natural surveillance with environmental considerations. Some sites has raised issues relating to employment land switching and a resulting loss of training and employment opportunities. However, policies are in place to ensure that this is balanced and employment opportunities continue to be provided at accessible locations. Some sites have identified a loss of a public open space or playing pitches, however, policies are in place to ensure that in such instances adequate compensatory provision is provided. Monitoring Indicators 2.1.4 The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report sets out a number of indicators that have been drawn from those set out within the SA Framework. These indicators are proposed for monitoring the impacts of the DPD on a number of issues. Broadly the the indicators cover the following topics: Health and leisure Access to key facilities i.e. Schools, medical, post office Housing provision Design and Conservation Community involvement Sustainability Travel and transport Pollution, including noise and light Flooding Wyre Forest District Local Development Framework 4 Kiderminster Central Area Action Plan Final Sustainability Appraisal Report (July 2012) Summary and Outcomes 2 Educational attainment Economic growth and business Nature conservation 2.2 Statement of the Difference the Process has Made to Date 2.2.1 The SA process has investigated the likely significant environmental, social and economic impacts of the policy options and specific sites considered during the development of the DPD. At each stage of the DPD each of the options, objectives, policies that have been put forward have been testing against the Sustainability Objectives in order to assess the likely positive and negative impacts. The results of this testing has informed what options and policies have been taken forward to the next stage and have ultimately shaped the selection of the Publication version of the KCAAP. Reasons for selecting the alternatives 2.2.2 The options and policies taken forward into the Public KCAAP were selected as, in general, the the testing against the Sustainability Objectives demonstrated a positive impact. Some of the options taken forward did demonstrated negative impacts, but where this occurred it was felt that appropriate mitigate measures could be taken as detailed below. 2.2.3 The options progressed generally supported the the regeneration of Kidderminster adding to its vitality and vibrancy and contributing to economic growth. The options demonstrated a positive impact on the natural and historic environment of the town and in increasing peoples quality of life. 2.2.4 There were a number of options tested throughout the development of the DPD that were rejected. In some cases this was due to the guidance set out in the Adopted Core Strategy to ensure that the KCAAP met its objectives. However, in the majority of instances these options were rejected as they demonstrated a overall negative impact on the Sustainability objectives that could not be mitigated against.
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