A / ) uttcraT % J v I SCRIPTA I A I HAUET § FEDE lEGISTER VO LU M E 2 2 ^ O N n t o ^ NUMBER 16 Washington, Thursday, January 24, 1957 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Oklahom a— C ontinued CONTENTS Average Average Chapter III—-Farmers Home Adminis­ C ounty: value C ounty: value Agricultural Marketing Service ^ tration, Department of Agriculture Pus lima- Tillman ___ $40,000 Proposed rule making: t a h a ____ $20, 000 T u l s a ___ 30, 000 Oranges, grapefruit, and tanger­ Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans R o g e r s ____ _ 30, 000 W agon er __ 30,000 ines grown in Florida; han- [FHA Instruction 428.1] S e m in o le __ 20, 000 W a s h in g - Sequoyah _ 25,000 t o n ____ _ 30, 000 dling__________________________ 476 Part 331— P o l i c i e s a n d A u t h o r i t i e s S t e p h e n s __ 30,000 W a s h i t a __ 40,000 Rules and regulations: Tomatoes grown in Florida; ap­ AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS,’ H AW AII AND (Sec. 41 (1 ), 60 Stat. 1066; 7 TJ. S. C. 1015 (1 )) proval of expenses and rate of OKLAHOMA Dated: January 17, 1957. assessment__________________ - 471 On December 20,1956, for the purposes [ s e a l ] H. C. S m i t h , Agriculture Department of Title I of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Acting Administrator, See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Tenant Act, as amended, average values Farmers Home Administration. ice ; Commodity Stabilization of efficient family-type farm-manage­ Service ; Farmers Home Admin­ ment units for the counties identified [F . R. Doc. 57-526; Filed, Jan. 23, 1957; istration. below were determined to be as herein 8:46 a. m.] set forth. The average values hereto­ Alaska Game Commission fore established for said counties, which Proposed rule making : appear in the tabulations of average Alaska Wildlife protection-------- 478 values under § 331.17, Chapter III, Title [FHA Instruction 443.3] Alien Property Office 6 of the Code of Federal Regulations, are P a r t 333— P r o c e s s in g S u b s e q u e n t L o a n s Notices: hereby superseded by the average values Vested property, intention to set forth below for said counties. MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS return: In § 333.1 of Title 6, Code of Federal Jellinek, K arl_________________ 489 Haw aii Regulations (21 F. R. 10447), paragraph Moneta, Gemma Barelli______ 489 Average Average (b ) ( 2) is amended, paragraphs (d ) to Prisker, Emil__________ 489 County; value C ounty: value (i) are redesignated as paragraphs <e) Rotter, Anna_________________ 489 Hawaii ____ $30, 000 K a u a i ______ $30,000 to (j), respectively, and a pew paragraph Honolulu_ 30,000 M a u l _______ 30, 000 Business and Defense Services (d) is added, as follows: Administration Oklahom a § 333.1 General. * * * Rules and Regulations: Adair.. $25, 000 Kingfisher _ $35,000 (b) The subsequent credit needs of a Defense materials system; how Alfalfa__ _ 40,000 K i o w a ______ 40,000 borrower with a direct Farm Ownership to identify certain author­ Atoka_ 23,000 Latimer ___ 23, 000 ized controlled m aterial Blaine ___ loan may be met in one of the following 35, 000 L e Flor§ __ 23,000 orders: Bryan . 28,000 Lincoln ___ 25, 000 ways, provided the loan is otherwise Caddo ___ Basic rules___________________ 475 35, 000 L o g a n __ _ 30, 000 sound and proper; Canadian _ Construction___________ 475 35,000 L o v e ______ 26,000 * • * « * Carter___ 28,000 M c C la in __ 25,000 Priorities system, basic rules; Cherokee_ 25, 000 M cC u rtain 25, 000 (2) A subsequent direct Farm Owner­ notice of acceptance or rejec­ Choctaw __ 25, 000 M cIn to sh _ 23,000 ship loan may be made in accordance tion of DX rated orders and of Cleveland - 25,000 Marshall 26,000 delayed shipment of certain Coal _ with § 333.2 to a borrower with a direct 20, 000 M a y e s ____ 30, 000 DO rated orders_____________ 474 Comanche „ 30,000 M u r r a y ___ 25,000 Farm Ownership loan whose subsequent Cotton ___ 28, 000 M uskogee _ 27,000 credit needs cannot be met by a Farm Civil Aeronautics Administra­ Craig____ 30, 000 N o b l e _____ 35,000 Housing loan or by a subsequent insured tion Creek _ 20,000 N o w a t a __ 30, 000 Farm Ownership loan where a lender is Rules and regulations: Delaware_ 25,000 Okfuskee __ 22,000 Standard instrument approach Garfield 40, 000 O klahom a _ 30, 000 available. In case a subsequent insured Garvin__ _ 30, 000 O km ulgee . 25, 000 Farm Ownership loan is made, the initial procedures; procedure altera­ Grady _ 35, 000 O s a g e ____ _ 35, 000 direct Farm Ownership loan will be re­ tions_________________________ - 472 Grant 40, 000 O t t a w a ___ _ 35, 000 Haskell financed in accordance with § 333.3. Commerce Department 23, 000 P a w n e e ___ 30, 000 • * * * * See Business and Defense Services Hughes __I 26, 000 Payne - ___ _ 30, 000 Jackson Administration; Civil Aeronau­ 40, 000 P ittsb u rg _ 25,000 (d ) A direct Farm Ownership loan will Jefferson 28, 000 P o n t o t o c __ 26, 000 tics Administration; Federal Johnston_ not be made to an insured loan borrower Maritime Board; Maritime Ad­ Kay _ 26,000 P o tta w a - 40, 000 t o m i e ___ 25,000 (Continued on next page) ministration. 465 466 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Maritime Board Pas® Wage and Hour Division Page FEDERALWREGISTER Notices: Rules and regulations: '»3« ¿y Pacific Coast-Puerto Rican Con­ Learners, employment; luggage, ference; agreement filed for small leather goods and ladies’ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, approval______________________ 480 handbag industries___________ 471 and days following official Federal holidays, Federal Power Commission by the Federal Register Division, National CODIFICATION GUIDE Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Notices: ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Hearings, etc.: A numerical list of the -parts of the Code thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Manufacturers Ligh t and of Federal Regulations affected by documents approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Heat Co____________________ 482 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Western Kentucky Gas Co___ 481 opposed to final actions, are identified as tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ such. mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Foreign Claims Settlement Com­ the President. Distribution is made only by mission Title 6 Page the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Chapter HI: m en t P rin tin g Office, W ash in gton 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: Part 331_________________________ 465 T h e Federal Register will be furnished by Claims, filing and procedures Part 333_________________________ 465 m ail to subscribers, free of postage, fo r $1.50 th erefo r; miscellaneous 475 Part 364—— --------------- 466 per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in amendments____ ____________ _ advance. The charge for individual copies 475 Title 7 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Hearings; basis for hearing------ the size of the issue. Remit check or money Subpoenas, d e p o sitio n s and Chapter VII: order, made payable to the Superintendent oaths; enlargement»_________ 475 Part 727__________________ 470 of Documents, directly to the Government P a rt730 (2 documents)!_____ 470,471 P rin tin g Office, W ash in gton 25, D. C. Food and Drug Administration Chapter IX: The regulatory material appearing herein Proposed rule making: Part 933 (proposed)_____________ 476 Is keyed to the Code of Federal R egulations, “Coal-tar color”, definition____ 477 Part 945_________________________ 471 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant FD&C Yellow Nos. 1 through 4__ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as 478 Title 14 am ended A u gu st 5, 1953. T h e Code of Fed­ Health, Education, and Welfare Chapter n : eral Regulations is sold by the Superin­ Department Part 609— ...................... 472 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements vary. See Pood and Drug Administration Title 21 There are no restrictions on the re- Interior Department Chapter I: publication of material appearing in the P a rt9 (proposed) (2 docu­ Federal R egister, or the Code of Federal See Land Management Bureau. ments) ____________________ 477,478 R egulations. Internal Revenue Service Title 26 (1954) Rules and regulations: Chapter I: CFR SUPPLEMENTS Income tax; taxable years be­ Part 1___________________________ 473 ginning after December 31, (As of January 1, 1956) 473 ™ e 29 1953; interest___________ ____ - Chapter V: The following Supplement is now Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 522________________________ 471 available: sion Title 32A Titles 1-3 ($0.75) Notices: Chapter VI (BDSA) : Fourth section applications for BDSA Reg. 2, Dir. 8____________ 474 All Supplements and revised books are relief_________________ ___.____ 482 DMS Reg. 1, Dir. 10___________ 475 now available except the revised General Increased freight rates, eastern DMS Reg. 2, Dir. 4____________ 475 Index and western territories, 1956. 486 Title 45 Motor carrier applications____ _ Order from Superintendent of Documents, 482 chapter V : Part 501_________________________ 475 Government Printing Office, Washington Justice Department 25, D.
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