JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 111, D01302, doi:10.1029/2005JD006149, 2006 Uncertainty in a chemistry-transport model due to physical parameterizations and numerical approximations: An ensemble approach applied to ozone modeling Vivien Mallet and Bruno Sportisse Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Environnement Atmosphe´rique, E´ cole Nationale des Ponts et Chausse´es– E´ lectricite´ de France Recherche et De´veloppement, Champs-sur-Marne, France CLIME, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique–E´ cole Nationale des Ponts et Chausse´es, Champs-sur-Marne, France Received 29 April 2005; revised 19 September 2005; accepted 20 October 2005; published 14 January 2006. [1] This paper estimates the uncertainty in the outputs of a chemistry-transport model due to physical parameterizations and numerical approximations. An ensemble of 20 simulations is generated from a reference simulation in which one key parameterization (chemical mechanism, dry deposition parameterization, turbulent closure, etc.) or one numerical approximation (grid size, splitting method, etc.) is changed at a time. Intercomparisons of the simulations and comparisons with observations allow us to assess the impact of each parameterization and numerical approximation and the robustness of the model. An ensemble of 16 simulations is also generated with multiple changes in the reference simulation in order to estimate the overall uncertainty. The case study is a four- month simulation of ozone concentrations over Europe in 2001 performed using the modeling system Polyphemus. It is shown that there is a high uncertainty due to the physical parameterizations (notably the turbulence closure and the chemical mechanism). The low robustness suggests that ensemble approaches are necessary in most applications. Citation: Mallet, V., and B. Sportisse (2006), Uncertainty in a chemistry-transport model due to physical parameterizations and numerical approximations: An ensemble approach applied to ozone modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D01302, doi:10.1029/2005JD006149. 1. Introduction [3] These models have usually been ‘‘tuned’’ in order to deliver satisfactory model-to-observation statistics. Also [2] Chemistry-transport models are now widely used in while the ‘‘validations’’ give the error of the simulations, air-quality applications ranging from impact studies to daily they do not give information on the uncertainty associated forecasts. To date, they perform satisfactory simulations, with these simulations. The origin of the uncertainty is both in basic cases such as passive tracer tracking [e.g., threefold: the underlying physical parameterizations (bio- Nodop, 1997] and in complex cases involving photochem- genic emissions, deposition velocities, turbulent closure, ical mechanisms. The reliability of the models is partially chemical mechanism, etc.), the input data (land use data, assessed through comparisons with measurements and nu- emission inventories, raw meteorological fields, chemical merous statistical measures (as those defined by the Envi- data, etc.) and the numerical approximations (mesh sizes, ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) [1991]). These time step and number of chemical species). The best comparisons are performed with intensive observation peri- characterization of the uncertainty would be the probability ods from specific campaigns or with daily measurements density functions of the simulation errors. Computing a from regular monitoring sites. A large set of comprehensive probability density function (PDF) for given model outputs and reliable 3D Eulerian chemistry-transport models has (such as forecast error statistics) is in practice a difficult been ‘‘validated’’ this way, such as Chimere [Schmidt et al., task primarily because of the computational costs. 2001], Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) [Byun [4] There are specific techniques to assess uncertainties. and Ching, 1999], Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model The first-order derivatives of model outputs with respect to (DEHM) [Christensen, 1997], European Monitoring and model inputs can give ‘‘local’’ estimates of uncertainties Evaluation Programme (EMEP) [Simpson et al., 2003], [e.g., Schmidt, 2002]. Monte Carlo simulations based on European Air Pollution Dispersion (Eurad) [Hass, 1991], different values for given input parameters or fields can Long Term Ozone Simulation (Lotos) [Builtjes, 1992], and provide an approximation to the probability density functions Polair3D [Boutahar et al., 2004]. if the number of simulations is large enough [Hanna et al., Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union. 2001]. An alternative approach, which is now widely used in 0148-0227/06/2005JD006149$09.00 meteorology [Toth and Kalnay, 1993; Houtemaker et al., D01302 1of15 D01302 MALLET AND SPORTISSE: CHEMISTRY-TRANSPORT MODEL UNCERTAINTY D01302 1996; Buizza et al., 1999] and which is a promising method in the results. A model may be tuned to fit the observations air quality modeling (e.g., Delle Monache and Stull [2003] (and all models are improved this way), which leads to low for photochemistry or Galmarini et al. [2004] for radio- errors. Nevertheless, if this model is used with different nuclides), is the so-called ensemble approach based on a set parameterizations (assumed to be valid physical parameter- of models supposed to account for the range of uncertainties. izations), other data or alternative numerical schemes, then [5] This paper uses an ensemble approach to provide it could lead to very different results, including those far estimates of the uncertainty in photochemical forecasts due from the measurements, with the magnitude of spread to the parameterizations and some data associated with depending on the actual uncertainty. This is, of course, a them. It also deals with numerical issues such as mesh size. strong limitation of the models, and the uncertainty has to [6] The study is performed with a four-month European- be estimated in order to assess the ‘‘robustness’’ of the scale simulation, from May to August 2001. A comparison models. One may refer to Russell and Dennis [2000] for an between the reference simulation and a similar simulation overview of the strengths and limitations of photochemical but for one change in a parameterization enables us to models. estimate the impact of this parameterization. For each [11] It is impossible to compute the error in all meteoro- modified parameterization, the reliability of the simulation logical conditions, at every point in a given simulation is checked with comparisons to measurements, which domain (even at ground level), for all chemical species, allows us to assess the robustness of the whole modeling and at every time. In the absence of observations, an system. The same experiment is finally performed with a set estimation of the uncertainty is essentially the only means of simulations in which several parameterizations may be to assess the quality of the results. In an operational context, changed (at the same time, in the same simulation). This the models may be used for risk assessment. The reliability allows us to study the robustness of the system with respect of the results is then a crucial issue and, if available, the full to cumulated uncertainties. PDFs associated with these results would be highly valu- [7] This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly able. For instance, in prospective or screening studies (e.g., summarizes the relevant methods to estimate uncertainties, impact studies related to different emission scenarios), the details the specific aims of this paper and describes the models may be used with uncommon input data (e.g., methodology. Section 3 details the model, the reference strongly corrected emissions) and without any available simulation and the involved parameterizations. In the last observations with which to tune the models. From the section, the results are analyzed with intercomparisons of research point of view, an estimate of the uncertainty is the simulations and comparisons to observations. necessary for other communities to assess the feasibility and the relevance of given applications. For instance, the effect of pollution on health may or may not be effectively 2. Methodology estimated, depending on the accuracy of the underlying 2.1. Definitions air-quality models. For each model, the development is also [8] We define the following: (1) The error is the discrep- oriented to improve the description in the parameterizations ancy between model outputs and field observations. (2) The responsible for the main uncertainty. uncertainty is the range of values in which the model outputs may lie with a high degree of confidence. In this 2.3. A Review of Existing Methods paper, we only deal with a priori uncertainties, i.e., uncer- [12] There are several methods to estimate the uncertainty tainties estimated without taking into account observations. and to identify its sources. As for the uncertainty due to the (3) Hereafter we refer to the variability of an ensemble as its input data, one can compute first-order derivatives of the spread. The spread is a measure of the uncertainty and it can model outputs with respect to the model inputs [e.g., be quantified by a standard deviation. (4) Herein the Schmidt, 2002]. This provides ‘‘local’’ sensitivities from variability solely refers to the spatial or/and temporal which the uncertainty in the outputs can be derived, taking variabilities of a concentration field. For the sake of clarity, into account the
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