July 31, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1285 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNITION OF EMPLOYEES OF Jerome B. Williams, Office of the Chief Ad- the most impressive performance of any play- THE OFFICERS AND THE INSPEC- ministrative Officer; er in the tournament. TOR GENERAL OF THE U.S. Waverly Y. Williams, Office of the Chief Ad- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of Georgia’s 11th HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ministrative Officer; Congressional District, I applaud Dansby for WITH 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO Diane E. Wilson, Office of the Chief Admin- his achievement and look forward to his future THE HOUSE AND RECIPIENTS OF istrative Officer. successes. I extend my enthusiastic congratu- THE HOUSE EMPLOYEE EXCEL- We also recognize and congratulate four lations to him on achieving the highest level of LENCE AWARD House employees for receiving the Employee recognition possible in the NCAA College Excellence Award. This is a merit-based World Series. award, given to one employee from each HON. CANDICE S. MILLER f House Officer organization, and the Office of OF MICHIGAN Inspector General. Selected employees exhib- CONGRATULATING ETHICON ON 50- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ited outstanding overall job performance and YEAR ANNIVERSARY Thursday, July 31, 2014 displayed a willingness to go above and be- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, yond the call of duty for their organization HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY Ranking Member ROBERT BRADY and I rise throughout the last year. We honor the individ- OF TEXAS uals named below for receiving this pres- today to congratulate and recognize the out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing employees of the Officers (Clerk of tigious award. Thursday, July 31, 2014 the House, Sergeant at Arms, and Chief Ad- Russell H. Gore, Office of the Clerk; ministrative Officer) and the Inspector General Joyce L. Hamlett, Office of the Sergeant at Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the U.S. House of Representatives who Arms; congratulate Ethicon, a member of the John- have reached the milestone of 25 years of Christopher Jordan, Office of the Chief Ad- son & Johnson family, in San Angelo, Texas service to the U.S. House of Representatives, ministrative Officer; on their 50th anniversary. Throughout the as well as the recipients of the House Em- Susan E. Simpson, Office of Inspector Gen- years, Ethicon has been an essential part of ployee Excellence Award. eral. the community and has grown side-by-side On behalf of the entire House community, I The House’s most important asset is its with San Angelo. extend our congratulations and once again dedicated and exceptional employees, whose Ethicon opened its doors in West Texas in recognize and thank these employees for their work, which is often behind the scenes, is vital 1964. During this time, Ethicon was a surgical professionalism and commitment to the U.S. in keeping the operations and services of the suture manufacturing site that was critical to House of Representatives as a whole, and in House running smoothly and efficiently. The the Vietnam War effort. Over the past five particular to their respective House Officers employees we recognize today are acknowl- decades, the company has expanded and and the Inspector General. Their long hours edged and commended for their hard work, modernized their production to meet the needs and hard work are invaluable, and their years dedication, professionalism, support of House of today’s world. of unwavering service, dedication, and com- Members and their staffs and constituents, Ethicon has been a global leader in pro- mitment to the House set an example for their and for their contributions day-in and day-out viding medical supplies for critical and life- colleagues and other employees who will fol- to the overall operations of the House. These saving procedures. Their standard of excel- low in their footsteps. I celebrate our hon- employees have a wide range of responsibil- lence is not only evident in the lives they have orees, and I am proud to stand before you ities and skills that support the legislative proc- saved, but the families they have impacted and the nation on their behalf to recognize the ess, ensure the security of the institution, across this nation. importance of their public service. maintain our technology and service infrastruc- The Ethicon family gathered last week to ture, and contribute to a more effective and ef- f celebrate this tremendous 50-year milestone ficiently operating House support structure. CONGRATULATING DANSBY SWAN- together. The smiles on the faces of their 450 They have accomplished many great things in SON, 2014 COLLEGE WORLD SE- employees, their families, and friends said it a wide range of activities, and the House of RIES’ MOST OUTSTANDING all. They have provided opportunities and in- Representatives and its Members, staff, and PLAYER spiration for their people. This company is so the American public is better served because much more than a job or a shift to its employ- of them. HON. PHIL GINGREY ees or this community; it is a source of pride. We recognize and honor the individuals And I am proud to have Ethicon located in the OF GEORGIA named below for 25 years of dedicated serv- 11th District and honored to be part of their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice to the House. Collectively, this group has joyous occasion. provided 325 years of service to the U.S. Thursday, July 31, 2014 Again, I congratulate Ethicon on reaching House of Representatives: Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, such a distinguished marker in their company David E. Bailey, Office of the Chief Adminis- today I rise to honor Marietta native, Marietta history. I wish them many more in the great trative Officer; High School Alumnus, and Vanderbilt second town of San Angelo, Texas. Cephas L. Carter, Office of the Clerk; baseman, Dansby Swanson, on his accom- f Antoinette P. Freeman, Office of the Chief plishments in the 2014 NCAA College World Administrative Officer; Series. IN HONOR OF JOHN PISTO Anthony T. Howard, Office of the Chief Ad- Swanson was awarded the College World ministrative Officer; Series’ Most Outstanding Player Award and HON. SAM FARR Carlos Leon-Campos, Office of the Chief was an incredible asset in helping Vanderbilt OF CALIFORNIA Administrative Officer; clinch its first College World Series Champion- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Michael P. Mallon, Office of the Chief Ad- ship. ministrative Officer; Throughout the 2014 season, Swanson be- Thursday, July 31, 2014 William B. Plaster, Office of the Clerk; came one of the key players on Vanderbilt’s Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Vincent H. Plowden, Office of the Chief Ad- tremendously talented roster and was key in honor the life and career of a remarkable ministrative Officer; Vandy’s 3–2 victory over the University of Vir- American who has spent the last half century Wallace A. Simpson, Office of the Sergeant ginia in the final to cap off a landmark 50 win helping to turn food into public art. John Pisto at Arms; season. is one of the original celebrity chefs. He is part Susan E. Sneden, Office of the Chief Ad- Just a sophomore, Swanson batted .323 of the cutting edge group of restaurant profes- ministrative Officer; with five runs scored and two RBI in Omaha— sionals who have brought the creativity, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:52 Aug 01, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.001 E31JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 31, 2014 artisanship, art, and excitement of America’s sion of his retirement from Green Diamond of the Sequoias and began his legacy in jour- best professional kitchens to the attention of Resource Co. Dr. Diller’s commitment and pio- nalism. After working in the radio and tele- the general public. And in doing so he has neering approach to scientific research and vision industry for a short time, he started his helped make his hometown of Monterey, Cali- monitoring of fisheries and wildlife has been of remarkable career at The Fresno Bee. Eli fornia, one of the world’s finest culinary treas- tremendous benefit to California’s North Coast worked at The Bee for 41 years. He started ures. and the United States. out writing a weekly column, and later in his Chef Pisto was born in Syracuse New York, Dr. Diller earned bachelors and masters de- on October 16, 1941. His Italian immigrant career, he was writing three columns a week. grees in zoology from Oregon State University In 2002, Eli retired, and the contributions he parents, Santo and Santa Pisto, soon moved before serving in the U.S. Army from 1970 to made to the paper and the field of journalism to Monterey, CA where Santo worked as a tai- 1971, with a tour in Vietnam. He then at- were highly commended. Eli was a very in- lor for the Naval Postgraduate School. After tended the University of Idaho, where he graduating from Monterey High School, Pisto earned a Ph.D. in zoology with a focus on her- sightful journalist, and his writing was both began work as a line cook at a fish house on petology. witty and humorous. His way with words could Fisherman’s Wharf, adjacent to Monterey har- In 1990, Dr. Diller was hired by Simpson go unmatched. bor.
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