January 7, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 255 America’s permanent peacetime military University; J. Ann Tickner, University of Roosevelt’s vision for a New Deal for the presence abroad is largely a legacy of the Southern California; Robert Tucker, Johns American people resulting in a more just soci- Cold War. It can be reduced without under- Hopkins University; Stephen Van Evera, Se- ety. mining the essential security of the United curity Studies Program, Massachusetts In- With the election of President Obama, the States or its allies. stitute of Technology; Stephen Walt, Har- The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have re- vard University; Kenneth Waltz, Columbia ADA’s mission of promoting progressive Amer- vealed the limits of military power. Avoiding University; Cindy Williams, Security Studies ican values has gained renewed momentum. these types of operation globally would allow Program, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Past presidents of the ADA include several of us to roll back the recent increase in the size nology; Daniel Wirls, University of Cali- my distinguished colleagues in this House: of our Army and Marine Corps. fornia, Santa Cruz. BARNEY FRANK, CHARLES RANGEL, JOHN LEWIS, The Pentagon’s acquisition process has re- f and JIM MCDERMOTT. Stuart Appelbaum is a peatedly failed, routinely delivering weapons proud heir to the ADA’s long and honored tra- and equipment late, over cost, and less capa- IN TRIBUTE TO STUART dition, and it is therefore entirely fitting that his ble than promised. Some of the most expen- APPELBAUM sive systems correspond to threats that are lifetime of extraordinarily effective and pas- least prominent today and unlikely to regain sionate advocacy has been recognized by prominence soon. In these cases, savings can HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Americans for Democratic Action. be safely realized by cancelling, delaying, or OF NEW YORK Mr. Speaker, I ask that my distinguished reducing procurement or by seeking less IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colleagues join me in honoring Stuart costly alternatives. Friday, January 7, 2011 Appelbaum, a great American and a great Recent efforts to reform Defense Depart- New Yorker whose life’s work has improved ment financial management and acquisition Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay the lives and working conditions of countless practices must be strengthened. And we tribute to Stuart Appelbaum, an extraordinary individuals. must impose budget discipline to trim serv- man and my good friend, who has served with ice redundancies and streamline command, f support systems, and infrastructure. distinction as President of the Retail, Whole- Change along these lines is bound to be sale and Department Store Union, rep- PERSONAL EXPLANATION controversial. Budget reductions are never resenting thousands of working men and HON. MIKE PENCE easy—no less for defense than in any area of women across our nation. Last month, Mr. OF INDIANA government. However, fiscal realities call on Appelbaum was honored by the venerable us to strike a new balance between investing Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) orga- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in military power and attending to the fun- nization at its annual Roosevelt Day Dinner at Friday, January 7, 2011 damentals of national strength on which our the Roosevelt Hotel in midtown Manhattan. true power rests. We can achieve safe savings Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably in defense if we are willing to rethink how Stuart Appelbaum became President of the detained on the legislative day of January 6, we produce military power and how, why, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store 2011 and missed rollcall vote 8. Had I been and where we put it to use. Union on May 1, 1998, and has been re-elect- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ ed to the position twice since then. He pre- Sincerely, f Gordon Adams, American University; Rob- viously served as International Secretary- ert Art, Brandeis University; Deborah Avant, Treasurer, Vice President, Executive Board RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- University of California, Irvine; Andrew Member, Assistant to the President and Coor- TIONS OF DR. BILLY TAYLOR Bacevich, Boston University; Richard Betts, dinator of Special Projects for the union. Stu Columbia University; Linda Bilmes, Kennedy School, Harvard University; Steven Clemons, Appelbaum is also an International Vice Presi- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL New America Foundation; Joshua Cohen, dent and member of the Executive Board of OF NEW YORK Stanford University and Boston Review; Carl the 1.4 million-member United Food and Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Conetta, Project on Defense Alternatives; mercial Workers International Union. He is the Owen R. Cote Jr., Security Studies Program, President of the Jewish Labor Committee, and Friday, January 7, 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mi- an officer of two global union federations: the Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, it brings me chael Desch, University of Notre Dame; Mat- International Union of Food, Agricultural, sadness and honor to pay final tribute to Dr. thew Evangelista, Cornell University; Ben- Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Al- Billy Taylor. He died Tuesday, December 28, jamin H. Friedman, Cato Institute; Lt. Gen. (USA, Ret.) Robert G. Gard, Jr., Center for lied Workers’ Associations and Union Network 2010, of heart failure in Riverside, New York. Arms Control and Non-Proliferation; David International. He is a Vice President of the He was 89. Gold, Graduate Program in International Af- Consortium for Worker Education. For eight decades, Dr. Taylor remained vig- fairs, The New School; William Hartung, Mr. Appelbaum has also served as a Vice orously dedicated to nurturing jazz and cre- Arms and Security Initiative, New America President of the national AFL–CIO, a member ating new forums and opportunities for the art- Foundation. of the federation’s Executive Council from ists who perform it. He encompassed that rare David Hendrickson, Colorado College; Mi- 1998 until 2005, vice president of the New combination of creativity, intelligence, vision, chael Intriligator, UCLA and Milken Insti- York State AFL–CIO and of the New York City commitment and leadership, all qualities that tute; Robert Jervis, Columbia University; Sean Kay, Ohio Wesleyan University; Eliza- Central Labor Council. An honors graduate of made him one of our most cherished national beth Kier, University of Washington; Charles Brandeis University and Harvard Law School, treasures. Knight, Project on Defense Alternatives; he previously served as Chief House Counsel Dr. Billy Taylor began his career in New Lawrence Korb, Center for American of the Democratic National Committee and as York City in 1942 in Harlem playing with Ben Progress; Peter Krogh, Georgetown Univer- Executive Assistant to the Secretary of the Webster’s quartet at the Three Deuces along- sity; Richard Ned Lebow, Dartmouth Col- State of Connecticut. side Webster, Big Sid Catlett and Charlie lege; Walter LaFeber, Cornell University; A skilled and tireless political activist who Drayton opposite the Art Tatum Trio. He im- Col. (USA, Ret.) Douglas Macgregor; Scott has dedicated his life to progressive causes, mersed himself in the jazz scene over the next McConnell, The American Conservative; John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago; Stu Appelbaum was elected a Delegate to the few years, playing with many jazz greats of Steven Metz, national security analyst and 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 Democratic Na- the day, such as Slam Stewart, Eddie South, writer; Steven Miller, Kennedy School, Har- tional Conventions and an Alternate Delegate Stuff Smith, Coleman Hawkins, Jo Jones and vard University and International Security; to the 1992 Democratic National Convention. Roy Eldridge. Janne Nolan, American Security Project. In 2008, he served as a member of the Elec- 1949 marked the beginning of his two-year Robert Paarlberg, Wellesley College and toral College as an Obama elector from New stint as house pianist at Birdland, the leg- Harvard University; Paul Pillar, Georgetown York. endary New York City jazz club. He played University; Barry Posen, Security Studies By honoring Stuart Appelbaum last month, with everybody—Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gil- Program, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology; Christopher Preble, Cato Institute; ADA is upholding its finest progressive tradi- lespie, Miles Davis, Oscar Pettiford, Art Daryl Press, Dartmouth College; Jeffrey tions. Founded by Eleanor Roosevelt, John Blakey, Milt Jackson, Zoot Sims, Roy Haynes, Record, defense policy analyst and author; Kenneth Galbraith, Walter Reuther, Arthur and Kenny Dorham. He often played opposite David Rieff, author; Thomas Schelling, Uni- Schlesinger, and Reinhold Niebuhr, the ADA such bands as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, versity of Maryland; Jack Snyder, Columbia seeks to promote and preserve Franklin D. Stan Kenton and Lennie Tristano. Birdland VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:13 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E07JA1.000 E07JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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