STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Argyle Mine ...........................................................42 The Republic ................................................................42 MINERAL RESOURCES The West Republic.......................................................45 BY The Columbia Mine ......................................................45 CHARLES. D. LAWTON, A. M. C. E., The Fremont Iron Co....................................................46 COMMISSIONER OF MINERAL STATISTICS. The Milwaukee Mine ....................................................46 BY AUTHORITY The Wheeling Mine ......................................................47 The McComber Mine....................................................47 LANSING: The Manganese Mine ..................................................48 THORP & GODFREY, STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. Bay State......................................................................48 1886. Saginaw Mining Co. .....................................................48 The Salisbury Mine ......................................................48 The Pittsburgh And Lake Superior Iron Co..................49 Contents The Wheat Mine...........................................................50 The Taylor Mine ...........................................................51 INTRODUCTORY NOTE .................................................. 1 The Swanzy Mine.........................................................51 THE IRON INDUSTRY...................................................... 2 The Menominee Range Mines.....................................51 The Jackson Mine, ...................................................... 13 The Agogebic Iron Range. ...........................................70 The Cleveland Mine..................................................... 18 Furnaces. .....................................................................80 The Lake Superior Mine. ............................................. 21 The Hematite Mine ...................................................... 23 INTRODUCTORY NOTE The New Barnum......................................................... 25 The New York.............................................................. 26 I was pleased to learn from the secretary of the Executive that the Report of the Commissioner of The Lake Angeline....................................................... 27 Mineral Statistics was in active demand; not only do The Winthrop. .............................................................. 29 applications come to him from all parts of our own The Mitchell Mine. ....................................................... 29 country, but hundreds of volumes have recently been The National ................................................................ 31 sent abroad in answer to requests emanating from every The Foster Mine .......................................................... 31 quarter of the globe. The magnitude of the products of our mines, the wide-reaching influence which they exert The Saginaw Mine....................................................... 31 in the markets of the country, have naturally awakened The Goodrich Mine...................................................... 31 among those who are interested in mining matters a The Cambria Mine....................................................... 31 desire for full and reliable information regarding the The Lillie Mine ............................................................. 33 mines and mineral deposits of our State. In preparing Forest City Mine .......................................................... 33 this volume I have endeavored to relate the facts Detroit Mine, ................................................................ 33 pertaining to our great mineral resources in such a manner as should meet the demand of the public for The Boston Mine. ........................................................ 34 definite information and as should best promote the The Sterling Mine ........................................................ 35 important industries represented. While adhering strictly The Dexter Mine. ......................................................... 35 to facts, as I have understood them, I have borne in The St. Lawrence Mine,............................................... 35 mind that the interests dealt with are largely of a private Mesnard....................................................................... 36 character and that these individual and corporate rights The Jim Pascoe Mine.................................................. 36 should be properly regarded, and I have thus sought to convey all needful information, while careful to avoid The Dalliba Mine.......................................................... 36 making any unmerited criticisms or statements regarding The Northampton Mine................................................ 36 mines or mineral properties which would result in injury The Marine .................................................................. 37 to private interests. The Wetmore............................................................... 37 Under the law as amended in 1883, increasing the The Webster Mine. ...................................................... 37 appropriation to $2,500 a year, the commissioner is The Beaufort Mine. ...................................................... 37 required to furnish the report at his own expense; or, in The Titan Mine............................................................. 38 other words, that the appropriation must cover all Spurr Mine ................................................................... 38 expenditures of the office, including the preparation and Michigamme Mine, ...................................................... 39 cost of publication of his report. Obviously, if viewed only in the light of economy and indulgence from labor, it The Champion Mine .................................................... 40 would seemingly be for the interest of the commissioner The East Champion Mine............................................ 41 to make the volume as brief as possible. However, The Humboldt Mine ..................................................... 42 aside from the fact that the purposes of the law could not Mineral Resources, 1885 / Iron – Page 1 of 84 thus be met, I too fully appreciate the magnitude of our mining interests and am too strongly impressed with the desire to serve them, to be willing to subscribe to a THE IRON INDUSTRY. report in the preparation of which every reasonable effort When Crœsus, the Lydian king, displayed his heaps of has not been exerted to make it fitly represent the treasure to Solon, the philosopher told him that whoever important interest which the office was designed to had more iron than he would soon be master of his gold. promote. Thus wisely intimating to the vain and pretentious No doubt the report contains many shortcomings and monarch that his gold was but the semblance of power, mistakes; but I have earnestly endeavored to avoid the tinsel, pomp and display of royalty, while the real them. When it is remembered that there is so much to forces, which constitute the strength of a nation, which be done, so many different mines to be examined and form the basis for permanent prosperity and durability, described in so short a time, it is but natural that some find their representative and instrument in the rude and errors should occur, however familiar one may deem more common metal. himself with the subject considered. A careful study of the history of past and of current I have deviated very little from the plan of previous events verifies the underlying truth expressed in the law reports, but have mainly sought to present as many new giver's words: gold is but the semblance; iron is the real facts as possible and to avoid repeating what has representative of power; the essential material upon heretofore been written in former reports. There are which, beyond all others, the prosperity of the world is some subjects treated more fully than has been done based. heretofore,, among which the chapters on blast Without it the marvelous progress which has furnaces, soils, and Upper Peninsula railroad extensions characterized the career of those nations that have will be found to possess interest. availed themselves of its utility and abundance was The chapter in which the mines of the Agogebic Range seemingly impossible. It is the symbol of war and of are described was written by Hon. Chas. E. Wright, peace; it equips the soldier and the husbandman—it State geologist; as Mr. Wright has spent much time in forms the musket and the plowshare; the destroying that district and has made a special study of the geology cannon and the saving reaper; the bristling ironclad and of the region and become familiar with the details of the the peaceful ocean steamer. explorations and mining work thus far accomplished, he Over it is everywhere flashed the world's hourly is thus unquestionably more competent to impart happenings. It bridges our rivers, and, stronger than the information regarding them than anyone else. His report bonds which diplomacy weaves, are the ironways of upon the mines of this range herein contained will be trains, binding states and nations together in the likely to meet the approbation of the mining men indissoluble bonds of friendship and interest. The neigh interested, and be also received with confidence by the of the iron horse as it advances into the remote public. wilderness is
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