The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association November 8, 1993, Volume 30, Number 40 Dempsey the choice as new executive director By P. David Pickle of the N(:M’s primary priorities. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, THE NCAA NEWS Flanked hy NC&I Presidents (:otnmission (Ihair (ircgory M. St. (Cedric W. Dempsey, praised by I.. O’Rricrr and (Zrowley and ac- NCAA PresidentJoseph N. (Zrowlcy companird by his wife, June. Detny as “a man of integrity;’ was an- sey said the task ht. fat es as nounced as theAssoriatiot1’s third cxccutivc clirrc tor is two-fold. execurive clirecror November 5. “First, there is thr m;tn;tgemrtit of The University of ArGona ath- the \t;rff;” lie said. “I want to clr- letics direcror and NCAA srcrrtaty- vclop ;I tr;trn rclatiot1sl1ip with treasurer is rxprrtrd to ;issumt thcsc l~oplc. St-c ontl, the execu his new positiot1 January 1 but will live director must represent the spend some time on NC%4 matters Associatiorr ~xrrrnally and develop brforr that date. visiotiary idea\ and c orrc~pls: Dcmpscy affirmed his commit- Finalists interviewed mtnt to the Association’s reform agenda and said he especially Ikrttpscy was chosen hy the looked forward to the 1996 (Zen- N(:AA Excc utivr (~otnmittee and vention, when the Association will confirtnrd hy the N(XA (:ouncil consider matters penainit1g to in- and I’rrsidents (:ornmission after tegrity in intercollegiate athletics. a \rrirs of interviews with four fssncs that require- immediate finalists November l-2. The other attention, he said, are those in finalists wcrc William W. (:oheyJr.. volving gender equity, racial diver- former U.S. (Iongressman and sity and membership structure. fort11er dirrrtor of athletics at the He said he believes the Association LJnivcrsity of North <Carolina, Cedtic W. Dempsey(middle) joins NCAA President Joseph N. Crow@ (right) and Gregory M. St. L. needs to examine the ramifica- <:h;tprl Hill; Judith M. Sweet, dim tions of a Division I-A football O%Irien (l&), chair of the NCAA fiesioknts Commission, at a news ConfeTenceNovember 5 playoff, but he doesn’t see it as one See Dempsey, page 29 b announcing Dempsey’sselection as new executive director of th NCAA. Equality in salary is hot issue Joint Policy Board to By Jasmine Hightower gladly tnight have accepted a $8 million and reinstatement. lead structure study THE NCAA NEWS STAFF $96,000 per year offer regard- In August, U.S. District Judge less of what the men’s coach John G. Davies rejected Stanley’s The NCAA Joint Policy Board- Board will appoint one or more Women’s basketball coaches made. However, Marianne Stan request for reinstatement. Da- made up ofthe NCAAAdministra- representative committees to re- traditionally have received ley, the former women’s basket- vies ruled that Stanley had tive Committee and the four offic- view the ideas submitted by the lower salaries than men’s has- hall coach at the University of failed to prove sex discrimina- ers of the NCAA Presidents membership. ketball coaches. Until recently, Southrrti (:alifornia, rejected tion. The case is currently be- (:ommission ~ has decided to in- “There obviously is great interest women’s coaches accepted that, that offer, alleging discrimina- fore the Ninth U.S. (;ircuit <:OtJl? itiate a study of the NCAA mern- in further federation of the Asso- but now many are seeking com- lion in contract negotiations. of Appeals. bership structure. ciation:’ Crowley said. “I believe pensation comparable to what Stanley subsequently sued Stanley was not the only worn- The decision was made in a we will see models developed for men’s coaches receive. Southern (California and ath- special meeting November 2 in the Association as a whole and It1 the past, a women’s coach letics director Mike Garrett for See Salaries, page 32 b Kansas <:ity, Missouri. also for the various divisions or NCAA President Joseph N. Crow- subdivisions. It seems clear that ley atid Presidents Commission there will be a much more feder- Chair Gregory M. St. L. O’Brien ated NCAA in the future.” Winter-spring Top Six finalists named explained that the Joint Policy The membership will vote on a Board will launch the study by resolution at the 1994 NG4A Con Eight studrnt~athletes lroni win- Sotihall Association player of the the NCAA Honors (:omtnittre invitingthe membership to submit vention acknowledging this study let arid spring sports have beet1 year and six NC&I individu;ll from hot11 grm~ps of finalists. suggestions regarding the issues and callit1g for a discussion of the selected as finalists for this year’s champions. They and six Silver Anniversary to be addressed in the study and issues and, if possible, legislation NGAA’loday’s Top Six. Among the Fallfspotl firmlists also will be Award witmcrs will he rc( ogni/rd then to submit models that deal at the 1995 Convention, but legis- finalists ;rrnz the 19!+3 Margaret srlcctcd this year and 111crr thr with those issues. lation it1 any event not later than Wade Trophy winner, the Amateur Today’s Top Six will be selected try See Finalists, page 26 b Once that occurs, the Joint Policy the 1996 (;onvention. n In the News n On deck Championships previews n The NCAA Special Committee to Study Rules November 10 Special Advisory Committee for Federation by Sport, chaired by David B. Keilitz Women’s Corporate Marketing, Football statistics of Central Michigan University, plans to develop Washington, D.C. Administrative Review a survey for use at the 1994 Convention: Page 3. November 12-14 Committee on Infractions, Kansas City, Panel actions n In a guest editorial, a sports publicist at the Missouri Institutional University of Notre Dame urges journalists to November 21-22 Division I-AA Football Committee, secondary infractions 23 consider their role in promoting gender equity in Kansas City, Missouri Presidents intercollegiate athletics: Page 4. Commission minutes 25 November 30- Division I Men’s Basketball Committee, n The NCAA Olympic Sports Liaison Committee December 2 Seattle Administrotive recommends use of a standardized form for Committee minutes Keilitz determining the amateur status of foreign student. December 5-6 Executive Committee, Kansas City, athletes: Page 5. Missouri The Market - Paqe 2 The NCAA News November 8, 1993 A weekly summary of major activities within the Association Staff contactsz ~r;tttk 1). L:I~;Is/ ((It ttg tc’st- ing) ;md Kichattl K. Hilliartl (st;ttc laws). Arizona’s Dempsey new executive director ~Ckhle OfICeJ da+eS for November an December 1993 (ktlric W. I)c~nf)scy, atli1ctic.s clilcc tar aI Special committee the. 1 :iitvct~sity ofAti/ott;i, will Ix tltc ttcw t’x- plans to develop survey 1.1 tttivc. tlircctc,t of‘ 111,. N(:IZA. ‘l‘hr it,,- ,,0,,lI~t’lll~‘1l, was lllaclc Novrrlll~c~r 5 a1 tltc N(:AA n;tliott;tI of’lice; ;I cotttplr~r axmut~t .tppt’:trs stxtittg ott Ixtgr I of tltis issue. .l‘hr (il-year~olti vctcr;ili ;ithletics aclmin~ istt ;ttor will rtpl:tcc Kich;tt d D. SC httllz, who ;tltt1ou11u~1 his rc%~n:ttioti May 1 I ‘l‘lie cotiititittcc tttcl Ot tol)~r- ?5-t’fi in Otht~r Iitialiscs ti,r lhr position wcrc (:lticitgo. A c~otnpletr rcvicw of its tiicctittg Willi;ttri W. (:olxyJr., fomtct dircc tor of ath Irtics :t( thr Uttivrlsity of North <:;troliii;t, :lppe:ll~s 011 pgc 3. (:h;~pcl Hill (1!)71i-1!)80), attd forrnrr srcre~ The t ornmitlrt- coiititiut~d tliscussiotts Iitty of the North Gttolin;t I)rl>:ittll’etlt of Ett- NOVEMBER DECEMBER Iron, its Junr ntcctitlg, whctt it h~g;~t~ t‘c- vironntcttt, Hc;tlth and N;ttur;tl Kcsourcrs RECRUITING RECRUITING virwitig the txtionnlc ofhyl;tws t cg;trclirig rc- Men’s Division I basketball ( 19X0-l!)!IS); Judith M. Sweet, dirt-c tor of ath- Men’s Division I basketball cruititig, cli~l,ilily, ;lll~ill~Ul‘iSlll, pl:tyinfi :tncl l-1 1 .._.___.._...__._._...... .._.. Evaluation penod Ictics ;II ttte Ilniversity of (:;tlifotxli;t, Sari l-8 (8 o m.) _. _. Quiet period prxticc sc;tsotts, ;tttd coxltittg ;ittcI lx’t s011- 8 (8 o.m.)-12 (8 o.m.) Dead period. 1 2-3 1 __...__.___..___.___.__... ..___.._. Quiet period. Diego, ;itttl irittnctliatr pxt-prcsidctit of the ttcl ill ill1 rll0rl lo irlt.nlify tltosc rh;tr could 1’2 (8 o.m.)-30 _...._........_.._._._ Quiet period. Women’s Division I basketball’ N(:AA, and K. (;cr;tltl Tttrnrr, chancellor at Ix ;ttnc~~dctl to ;tpply clitfi~retttly to clilf~~rcqtt Women’s Division I basketball* l-5 ._.___.__._._.__._. .______. Quiet period. 111~. IJnivcrsity of Mississippi itttcl imtnediatc l-8 (8 a.m.) .._...._.._._.._._._.__._ Quiet period. 6-l 1 _.__...._._.._.._._.__._._. Evoluotion period. sports. lxtst-(.h;tir of the N(:AA Ft csidciits (:ointnis- 8 (8 o.m.)-1 2 (8 a m.). _._ _..__ Deod period. 12-l 3 ._............._..._....__..._... &et period. .l‘hc. c ollilnitlee is to repot3 to tlic IO!),1 14-l 8 .._....__.._._._..._..._._ Evoluotion period. sion. Trirttrt~ withdrew his ti;tt~ic front con- 12 (8 a.m.)-30 ._.._._.__._.____._.__ Quiet period. (:ott\ctt(iott iil~out Ilit- possil~tltty oftlc~vcl~ 19-26 _._._.._._..____._._____.____.__._.Quiet period.
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