medium and lower-priced struc­ tures In their own sections. Honor Court ROOFING {About Town Jr. Red Cross Submarine Radioman Heard A long Main Street ■ iifc There is an Army regulation In ASBESTOS SIDING Success Here And on Some of Manche»ter*$ Side Streete^ Joo peace or war time which prohlbts Gives Awards t J-H erbert L. Tenaey, etnOrmeiirt the flying o f a tattered or jtorfi U. B;'the committee c t «n»n*emenU ■ I % S. flag. Most of the flags fldwn at INSULATION The fire at the Manchester Green • not always ppsslble to get a physi- staffs or at homes here are in good tor the annoal Loymen’e Service, Member of Troop 25 Expert workmaaahlp. All work tomorrow mernlaV et 10:45, et the 100 Per Cent in Enroll­ school brings to mind the rather fisn to home, and un- condition. Yet the wpfst example CongTCfbtionel church, of a weathered, iom ' flag we have Gets Life Scout; List guaranteed. ReaaoaaMe PHcea. ment in All Schools in impractical distribution of the fire- jo^fQ^s would priefer you didn't seen in recent years is the spec­ No obligation for aa aetUnato. wUI preelde, aira R chonie of ell Writo. mele alnceni will sine the en- Manchester. houses in Manchester. All four of j call them. tacle o f a bleached, torn, dilapi­ Of Others Honored. Jap Fighters Commit Hari-Kari theine. "A Ml»hty F o r t r ^ le f ^ r the houses In the South Manches- ■ We know one local carpenter dated flag flying over the soldier’s Plan to Smash Nazi O ot" end ••Prelee Te. Jehoveh.” ter district are located relatively who had an accident recently and pickup" . bench in front of the Jack Neibel a member of Troop Burton InsulatinK Co. Fifth Army Seizes Cherlee R. •Turner, well known Between Nov. 1 and 15, the Jun­ , . u lu _ ill ® was put in to a local doctor's Center Congregational church. The ior Red Cross all over the country close to each other. All of them , man 25, of the Center Congregational 180 Oxford St Hartford Hertford bueinees men, will grlve bleacKed flag on the seat across Phone Hartford 83-4515 the eddteee. Mr. Turner Is e popu- carried on an enrollrncnt cam­ are in congested areas and to cover could be cared for Immediately. the street has been removed. church, was presented with his all sections of the town or district Iff epeeker with men’s orgenise- paign. In Manchester, It ended in The accident happened on a Wed­ If two bright, new American Life Scout award by the local 100 per cent enrollment in all the calls for considerable travel. nesday and the doctor’s office clerk tiens, end hes frequently filled emblems fly over the scats right in Court of Honor last night at the Nazi-Held Heights; Army From 3 Sides; pidplts on Leymen’s Sundey. public schools, and in the seventh The Manchester Green area is told the fellow he could have an ap­ center of town on Monday morn­ within the South Manchester dis­ and eighth grades of St. James pointment the next Tuesday. Of ing, rasidents of Manchester will South Methodist church. This trict but the distance from the An members of the choir end school, plus three Bolton schbols. courso, when the doctor's assistant know that ''Anon’’ cannot further award is made to a scout aftet he The total enrollment Is 3,788. Manchester Green schoolhoiisc to was told it was an accident case, has obtained ten merit badges or FOR SALE those who teke pert in the Christ- There was collectid, in com­ stand the sight of ti)l* abuse. Reach Moro River mes pley, to be given by the Chil- the nearest firehouse is a.mile and .<the told him to com\ down to the more and it is the next rank in bined enrollment fees and contri­ a quarter. The distance from any iSmi of Mery Sodelity of St. officp right away. We may laugh about people with scouting to that of an Eagle Scout Selected Peace Era Charted butions to the scr\i'ce fund, a total one firehouse in the South. Man­ iemee’s perish, will meet for .e But, the same thing applies t ljuperstitlons, but neverthele.ss which is the highest. Niebel also dnee reheersel Sundey, December of *227.72, of which *66.62 came chester Fire district Is at least that doctors’ -sjcrviccs as applies to received badges in Fircmanshlp, Awiericans By-Pabs L o S S from the pupils of the high school. far. A fire can get a pretty good there are - super.slitious people; XMAS TREES • at S o’clock in S t Jemes’s hell. milkmen. They are doing their This was proved rather strikingly Athletics, and Live Saving. Thanksglvtng Trays Btait in the outlying areas before very beat under the circumstances. Other awards Were: Marshall AI.SO WREATHS man Strongpoints on; . ( Ritofipvehi, Churchill aiul For the Thanksgiving trays in any sppsratiis ean get to the the other day at the local bank Rev. James A. Young, pestor of Yet there are man.v folks who be- building. The wood trim was be­ Davis, Troop 47. cooking; Reynolds Made of Balsam. the hospital at Bradley Fields the scene. 'come Impatient and think that Deacon. Troop 98, Metal work and Road to Rome; Brit- S o O i l M a d e Stalin Agree Complete­ the Church of the Nezerkne, hes Junior Red Cross, through the art ing painted and there wa.s a lad- Time for Invasion The Manchester department has Leathercraft; Bruce Vanderbrook, returned from Portlend, Me., classes, made 500 individual can­ Rdwin 4. M. Bollnsky their cases have some sort of ler up over the entrance to the ish Forces 10 Miles ly on ‘Scope and Tim­ two companies, both housed in the priority. They not only complaui Troop 2,'i, Music, Landscape Gar­ Carl Johnson srhere he ettended e ministers’ dy boxes. same location. The fli-emen in that bank. Persons who chanced to pay Beyond Sangro; Try Into Boats convention of the Church of the The Juiiior Red Cross in the Edwin J. M Bolinsky, 19, radio­ when a doctor is unable to come to attention noticed that a good many dening and Gardening. 145 We.st Center Street ing 4)f Operations' to r HeBarene, New Englend District, district face an even more difficult their homes right away but they high school is cooperating in the man. son of Mr. and Mrs. BoUn- task than those In the south end. people going In and out of the Phone ,3215 To Halt Allied Drive. of which he Is en officer end on sky, 15 Norman street, Manches­ get insulting. Folks should re­ building avoided going in under Fix^d by Leaders Defeat Nazis; All Na- f: clothing bundles for children cam­ There is no automatic alarm sys­ t ■ the District Church School Board. paign. which is going on in ter. has completed basic training member that Manchester has lost the ladder. Some would start in Read Herald Ad vs. Army Releoses Story of ' ^ ■■ — , — ■ “ The conference began Nov. 30 and tem at the north end and the time several of its physicians and those Allied Headquarters, Al-, tiitns to Be Inviteil V churches and organizations all at the Submarine School. Sub­ consumed in turning in an alarm under, then turn back and go Conversion of Lum­ continued through Dec. 1 and 2. over town. marine Base, New London. Conn., remaining are doing their utmost around. We can’t figure out why To Join Family of Wettaesdey morning Rev. Young is a handicap. To run from the to care for the town.speople. giers, Dec. 6.— (/P) — Roosevelt. Churchill and . Turks’ Future There is constant activity in the for duty with our growing fleet of north end firehouse to a fire at anybody with money In the bank American Fifth Army, by-i ber Mill into Shipyard led a discussion on "The Spirit- ranks of the Junior Red Cross, underseas fighters.- should be superstitious. Democratic Nations. tilled Min'ster,” end "Leading the extreme end of the district passing German strongpomts, Stalin Also Apparent and, during the course of the Radioman Bolinsky will be en­ You probably never knew, or To Build Tugboats. Others Into the Experience.’’ The takes a considerable amount of has captured new heights school year, a great deal of work titled to wear the twin dolphin in­ time. else you had forgotten, that the Re.sldent.^ on Clinton street who ly Agree on Secondary Role Siibj ect Caiio. Egypt, Dec. 6.— (/P. ■pedel speaker was Dr. Louis A. is accomplished. From kindergar­ chanced to read a story in the Reed of the First Church of the signia of the submarine service Naturally, when the firehouses town can go into the ice biiaineas commanding the road to Toledo, Ore., Dec. 8—{Jf)—Giant Assault from South. — President Roo.sevelt, Primi ten through high school, there is after further experience aboard a were built they were placed ade­ any time a town meeUng votes Hartford Coiirant about a local Rome west of Mignano, whi e Hanarene, Chicago, HI. a job for every member. farmer the other day are probably 10-foot logs enter a sawmill here Minister Churchill and Pre­ submarine during which he must quately. But the expansion of the to. About 15 years ago through the British Eighth Army s Of Guessing demonstrate to hia commanding town was not foi-eseen and now the the urgency of Mathias Spiess and wondering where the farm is on and emerge as Army tugboats.
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