ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH SYDENHAM ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 2019 1 St. Bartholomew’s Annual Report 2019 CONTENTS 1. Agenda 3 2. Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Parishioners & Annual Parochial Church Meeting of St. Bartholomew’s held at 11.15am on Sunday April 19, 2015 3 3. Electoral Roll 8 4. Report of the Chair of the PCC 9 5. Curate’s Report 11 6. PCC Secretary’s Report 14 7. Accounts – Financial Summary for the Year ended 31 December 2012 16 Financial Statements 17 Total Giving Summary 27 Additional Information 28 8. Church Fund 29 9. Church Wardens: Goods and Ornaments of the Church 29 10. SABRE 31 11. Prayer Forum 31 12. Wednesday Group 32 13. Music 32 14. Stewards 33 15. Servers 33 16. 8am Service 33 17. Pastoral Team 34 18. West Lewisham Deanery Synod 34 19. Safeguarding 35 20 Children’s Church 35 21. Creche 36 22. Brownies 36 23. Premises Bookings 37 24. Sydenham Life 38 25. Social & Fund Raising 40 26. Mother’s Union 41 27. Flowers 42 28. Coffee Rota 42 2 St. Bartholomew’s Annual Report 2019 1. AGENDA Annual Parochial Church Meeting of St. Bartholomew’s, Sydenham SE26 on Sunday 28th April 2019 in the Church. Annual Meeting of Parishioners for the Election of Churchwardens for the Year. This meeting immediately precedes the APCM. 1. Apologies for Absence 2. MINUTES of the Annual Parochial Meeting held April 2018 3. Presentation of the new Electoral Roll and Report from the Electoral Roll Officer 4. REPORT from the Secretary of the Parochial Church Council 5. Presentation of the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2018 6. REPORT on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church 7. REPORT of the Chair of the PCC 8. Election of Representatives of the Laity to the Parochial Church Council 9. Election of Stewards 10. REPORTS from the Organisations and Associations of the Church 11. Any Other Business NB Immediately after the closure of business for the APCM the new PCC is asked to meet briefly at the front of the church. ______________________________________________ 2A. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISHIONERS HELD ON APRIL 23RD 2017 FOR THE ELECTION OF 2 CHURCHWARDENS FOR THE YEAR 2018-19: Father Michael thanked both Churchwardens – Paddy Moon and Violet Elliott-Mahoney for their support, advice and hard work during the year. For health reasons, Violet Elliott-Mahoney was stepping down, temporarily, from the role of Churchwarden. The following had agreed to stand as Churchwardens for the coming year: Paddy Moon Proposed by: Molly Wickert Seconded by: Jean Clark Nick Lloyd Proposed by: Gill Daly Seconded by: Lesley khatibi Consequently, Paddy Moon and Nick Lloyd were duly elected (nem. con.) as Churchwardens for the year 2018-2019. This concluded the business of the Annual Vestry Meeting. 3 St. Bartholomew’s Annual Report 2019 2B MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 29TH APRIL 2018 Present: Rev. Michael Kingston (Chair) and 33 parishioners. A list of those who were in attendance is available from the PCC Secretary. Gill Daly was thanked for producing the church Year Book; Jean Clark for helping to collate it. 1.Apologies for Absence: Kenlyn Fleary; Lis Adams; Claire Adams; June Forbes; Nick Lloyd; Jane McCartney; Robin Dawson; Stella Dawson; Samantha Miles; Violet Elliott-Mahoney 2. Minutes of the Annual Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meetings held on 23rd April 2017 and Matters Arising: The Minutes were agreed as an accurate record and they were duly approved. Proposed by: Liz Pritchard Seconded by: Molly Wickert There were no Matters Arising. 3. Presentation of the Revised Electoral Roll The revised Electoral Roll was presented. This had been compiled by Samantha Miles. Her report is included in the Church Year Book. There had been a net increase to the Roll of 9 electors so that the total figure stands at 180 with 35% being resident in the parish; 59% resident outside the parish ‘but habitually attending worship in the parish over at least a six- month period’ and 6% members of another church which ‘subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as well as of the Church of England and habitually attends worship in this Parish’. The meeting approved the adoption of the revised Electoral Roll – Proposed by: Paddy Moon Seconded by: Molly Wickert. A Vote of Thanks was passed to Samantha Miles for her work in compiling the Roll. It was noted that next year, 2018-2019, a new Electoral Roll will need to be compiled ‘from scratch’ rather than a revision, as this year, of the existing Roll. 4. Report from the Secretary of the Parochial Church Council: Note: all reports referred to in the Minutes had been made available prior to the Annual Meeting in the Church Year Book (attached) Thanks were offered to Nick Lloyd for the report. There were no questions. 5. Presentation of the Audited Accounts (attached) for the year ended 31st December 2017: Peter Stubbs- Hon. Treasurer reported: As last year, the Accounts had been inspected by Simon Taylor, the Treasurer of St. George’s, Perry Hill, and passed as representing an accurate record of our finances. 4 St. Bartholomew’s Annual Report 2019 Income and Expenditure were both down compared to the previous year, however, the predicted small surplus had been realised. On the Buildings Fund – in addition to the usual costs of Repairs and Renewals, there had been expenditure to replace a section of the Hall Floor that periodically ‘bulged. The SABRE fund had seen additional donations of £34,000. £138,000 of work had started mainly involving replacement of the Choir Vestry & Sacristy roofs and works to complete the refurbishment of the drainage system. We had recently changed our Insurers from Ecclesiastical to Trinitas (owned by Aviva Ltd.) since there was a large saving in cost for virtually identical Cover. Peter said that we now hoped to move on from a position where we simply covered our costs and ongoing commitments to funding the agreed mission and ministry targets of the church. Father Michael asked for a breakdown of the sources of the monies spent on the recent roof works. Page 10 of the Accounts showed that we had raised just over £34,000 ourselves and had received just under £67,000 or 70%, so far, of the grant from the government’s Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund. Peter thanked Molly Wickert for managing the Church Fund, the Churchwardens for counting the monies each Sunday and Lesley Khatibi and Jane Somers for their sterling work as Premises Manager and Sydenham Life Advertising Manager, respectively. The Accounts for 2017 were formally adopted by the Annual Meeting. Proposed by: Peter Stubbs Seconded by: Lesley Khatibi. Carried unanimously. Peter Stubbs was once again thanked for all the work he does as our Treasurer and for the clarity of his presentation of the Accounts. Molly Wickert was thanked for her work with the Church Fund – our regular giving scheme (see page 27). A small increase on the previous year was very welcome but once again Molly pointed out the need for those who had not increased their monthly donation for some time to act soon so as to offset the fluctuation in income caused by the sums donated by those leaving the Fund not being matched by the income gained from those joining the Fund. 6. Churchwardens’ Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church (page 30) This year the report formed a separate item from that of the Buildings Issues Group with which, in previous years, it had been combined. There were no questions on the report. The BIG report itself appears on pages 28 and 29 of the Year Book. The meeting’s attention was drawn to the new section of the Hall Floor which appeared to have solved the problem of its periodic ‘bulging’; the works carried out to the North and South Porches; repairs to the Organ and the planting of six new fruit trees in the churchyard under the auspices of the ‘Trees for Sacred Spaces’ scheme. 5 St. Bartholomew’s Annual Report 2019 7. Vicar’s Report as Chair of PCC: This occupied pages 7-10 of the Year Book. Father Michael pointed out the fact that there had been no weddings and fewer funerals during the past year. This seemed to be a continuing trend. He also alluded to his forthcoming retirement. In response to a question from Pauline Ryall as to whether Father Stephen would be moving from St. Bart’s at approximately the same time, it was hoped that Father Stephen would be at St. Bart’s through Christmas and on to next Easter but this depended on a decision by the Bishop. Father Stephen’s own report, as Curate, occupies pages 10 -12 of the Year Book. Joan Forbes, on behalf of members of the congregation, presented very best wishes to Father Michael for the future and stated that he would be sorely missed. 8. Election of Representatives of the Laity to the Parochial Church Council: This year there were four vacancies on the PCC. In addition, Kenneth Green was standing down as a member of the Deanery Synod so creating a casual vacancy. The following were duly proposed and nominated to the vacancies on the PCC: Hilary-Anne Buckhurst Proposed by: Gian Brown Seconded by: Pauline Lloyd Kenneth Green Proposed by: Paddy Moon Seconded by: Peter Stubbs Jane Somers Proposed by: Molly Wickert Seconded by: Hazel Carcas To the casual Vacancy on the Deanery Synod: Lesley Khatibi Proposed by: Paddy Moon Seconded by: Charlotte Kingston In the absence of any further nominations, all were declared elected to serve.
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