Florentin Smarandache editor UNMATTER Combinations. Let’s note by q = quark ∈{Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, Charm}, and by a = antiquark ∈{Up^, Down^, Top^, Bottom^, Strange^, Charm^}. Hence, for combinations of n quarks and antiquarks, n ≥ 2, prevailing the colorless, we have the following unmatter possibilities: - if n = 2, we have: qa (biquark – for example the mesons and antimessons); - if n = 3, we have qqq, aaa (triquark – for example the baryons and antibaryons); - if n = 4, we have qqaa (tetraquark); - if n = 5, we have qqqqa, aaaaq (pentaquark); - if n = 6, we have qqqaaa, qqqqqq, aaaaaa (hexaquark); - if n = 7, we have qqqqqaa, qqaaaaa (septiquark); - if n = 8, we have qqqqaaaa, qqqqqqaa, qqaaaaaa (octoquark); - if n = 9, we have qqqqqqqqq, qqqqqqaaa, qqqaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaa Zip(nonaquark); Publishing - if n = 10, we have qqqqqaaaaa, qqqqqqqqaa, qqaaaaaaaa (decaquark);2011 etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The American Mathematical Society International Conference Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle University of New Mexico, Mathematics & Sciences Department Gallup, New Mexico, USA, December 2-4, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceedings of the Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle International Conference Florentin Smarandache editor University of New Mexico Mathematics & Sciences Department Gallup, NM 87301, USA [email protected] December 2-4, 2011 1 1 This book can be ordered on paper or electronic formats from: Zip Publishing 1313 Chesapeake Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43212 USA Tel. (614) 485-0721 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.zippublishing.com Copyright 2011 by Editor and the Authors for their papers Front and back covers by Editor Peer-reviewers: Dmitri Rabounski, editor-in-chief of Progress in Physics international journal. Ervin Goldfain, Syracuse, NY, USA. Tudor Paroiu, Craiova, Romania. ISBN: 9781599731827 P RINTED IN THE U NITED S TATES OF A MERICA 2 2 Contents Preface: Neutrosophic Physics – as a new research field, by the Editor … 4 Neutrosophic Cosmologies, by Larissa Borissova and Dmitri Rabounski … 11 The Surjective Monad Theory of Reality: A Qualified Generalization of Reflexive Monism, by Indranu Suhendro … 29 A New Possible Form of Matter, Unmatter – Formed by Particles and Anti-Particles, by Florentin Smarandache … 58 Verifying Unmatter by Experiments, More Types of Unmatter, and A Quantum Chromodynamics Formula, by Florentin Smarandache … 63 Causality in Kaon Oscillations and Decay, by Thomas R. Love … 72 Examples of Unmatter, by Thomas R. Love … 80 Photon-Neutrino Symmetry and the OPERA Anomaly: a Neutrosophic Viewpoint, by Ervin Goldfain … 82 3 3 Neutrosophic Physics – as a new research field (Preface) International Conference: Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle, The University of New Mexico, Mathematics & Sciences Department, 200 College Rd., Gallup, New Mexico, USA, December 2—4, 2011 The American Mathematical Society’s initial announcement website http://www.ams.org/meetings/calendar/2011_dec2-4_gallup.html was archived at http://www.ams.org/notices/201108/rtx110801170p.pdf : December 2011 2–4 Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle, The University of New Mexico, Mathematics & Sciences Department, 200 College Rd., Gallup, New Mexico. (Mar. 2011, p. 497) Description: This idea of unparticle was first considered by F. Smarandache in 2004, 2005 and 2006, when he uploaded a paper on CERN web site and he published three papers about what he called ‘unmatter’, which is a new form of matter formed by matter and antimatter that bind together. In 2006 E. Goldfain introduced the concept of “fractional number of field quanta” and he conjectured that these exotic phases of matter may emerge in the near or deep ultraviolet sector of quantum field theory. H. Georgi proposed the theory of unparticle physics in 2007 that conjectures matter that cannot be explained in terms of particles using the Standard Model of particle physics, because its components are scale invariant. Fragments from Wikipedia Papers on current trends in High Energy Physics about exotic matter, about connections between unmatter and unparticle, about Neutrosophic Logic as new research in Theoretical Physics, should be sent to the organizer preferably by email. Information: http://www.gallup.unm.edu/~smarandache/unmatter.htm For information on Neutrosophics see: http://fs.gallup.unm.edu/neutrosophy.htm Month: December 2011 Date: December 2-4 Name: Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle 4 4 Location: The University of New Mexico, Mathematics & Sciences Department, 200 College Rd., Gallup, New Mexico, USA Neutrosophic Physics. Let <A> be a physical entity (i.e. concept, notion, object, space, field, idea, law, property, state, attribute, theorem, theory, etc.), <antiA> be the opposite of <A>, and <neutA> be their neutral (i.e. neither <A> nor <antiA> but in between). Neutrosophic Physics is a mixture of two or three of these entities <A>, <antiA>, and <neutA> that hold together. Therefore, we can have neutrosophic fields, and neutrosophic objects, neutrosophic states, etc. Neutrosophic Physics is an extension of Paradoxist Physics, since Paradoxist Physics is a combination of physical contradictories <A> and <antiA> only that hold together, without referring to their neutrality <neutA>. Paradoxist Physics describes collections of objects or states that are individually characterized by contradictory properties, or are characterized neither by a property nor by the opposite of that property, or are composed of contradictory sub-elements. Such objects or states are called paradoxist entities. Applications. There are many cases in the scientific (and also in humanistic) fields that two or three of these items <A>, <antiA>, and <neutA> simultaneously coexist. Several examples of paradoxist and neutrosophic entities: - anions in two spatial dimensions are arbitrary spin particles that are neither bosons (integer spin) nor fermions (half integer spin); - among possible Dark Matter candidates there may be exotic particles that are neither Dirac nor Majorana fermions; - mercury (Hg) is a state that is neither liquid nor solid under normal conditions at room temperature; - non-magnetic materials are neither ferromagnetic nor anti-ferromagnetic; - quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a phase formed by quasi-free quarks and gluons that behaves neither like a conventional plasma nor as an ordinary liquid; - unmatter, which is formed by matter and antimatter that bind together (Smarandache, 2004); - neutral kaon, which is a pion & anti-pion composite (Santilli, 1978) and thus a form of unmatter; - neutrosophic methods in General Relativity (Rabounski-Smarandache-Borissova, 2005); - neutrosophic cosmological model (Rabounski-Borissova, 2011); - neutrosophic gravitation (Rabounski); - qubit and generally quantum superposition of states; - neutrino-photon doublet (Goldfain); - semiconductors are neither conductors nor isolators; - semi-transparent optical components are neither opaque nor perfectly transparent to light; 5 5 - quantum states are metastable (neither perfectly stable, nor unstable); Etc. Etymologically, neutro-sophy [French neutre < Latin neuter, neutral, and Greek sophia, skill/wisdom] means knowledge of neutral thought. It started in 1995. Neutrosophic Physics is derived from Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Neutrosophic Statistics. The goal of this research is to find out any pattern that might be common to all neutrosophic entities: we mean specific physical laws or physical theories that can describe all neutrosophic entities. Papers on current trends in High Energy Physics about exotic matter, about connections between unmatter and unparticle, about Neutrosophic Physics (about physical entities that have contradictory properties, or have neither a property nor the opposite of that property) as new research in Theoretical Physics, should be sent to the organizer preferably by email. It is an electronic conference and there is no fee for submitting your papers. Each author receives 5 free copies of the published Proceedings on paper. The book will be also put online. The publication is non-profit. Deadline: December 1st, 2011. Prof. Florentin Smarandache, Ph D University of New Mexico 200 College Road Gallup, NM 87301, USA Tel: 505-863-7647 Fax: 505-863-7532 (Attn. Dr. F. Smarandache) E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] URL: http://fs.gallup.unm.edu/physics.htm Telesio - Galilei Academy News, Florentin Smarandache. Electronic Conference and Call for Papers on Neutrosophic Physics, As a new research field, Tuesday 1st November 2011, http://www.telesio- galilei.com/tg/images/stories/documents/Academy_News/neutrosophic%20physics%20conferen ce.pdf Proceedings of the Neutrosophic Physics International Conference. The editor would like to thank Dmitri Rabounski and Ervin Goldfain for their support in reviewing and selecting the papers in this Proceedings. 6 6 We have included papers by Larissa Borissova, Dmitri Rabounski, Indranu Suhendro, Florentin Smarandache, Thomas R. Love, and Ervin Goldfain. And Comments on Neutrosophic Physics by Dmitri Rabounski, Thomas R. Love, Ervin Goldfain, Diego Lucio Rapoport (Argentina), Armando Assis (Brasil), and Russell Bagdoo (Canada). Comments on Neutrosophic Physics. Dmitri Rabounski: Neutrosophic Relativity:
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