\. PAGE TWENTY \ \ V Hanrb^jBtrr 1Eti:ening TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1969 ATKBge Dailj^Net Prem Run ■'w The Week IMded J'UM 28, urn Vertion pie of the fiberglass figures coming down the home The■> Weather• used in the Boston Common streteh." SarleS'Bonham Carl Silver F O tR E N T . a e a r cool tonight Low in display whicdi are sim ilar to tire SUll, the committee has to 15,459 ones the MancheMer gtm^ is decide, at a Sept. 9 meeting, 8 and It nun. Movie Fee- IE 1 ^ . Sunny, pleasant tonuarratirl Town Board Votes $6^128 jeotors—sornid or silent, also in Reic Post considering. He, will bring the which figures it will, buy, -and $8 mm. sUte projectors. 75 to 80.' / sample to the/commlttee’s next Sullivan says he must-place his WW ^ Cily o/ Fittoge C h a r n , ' For Road Sealing Process L ester (Carl) SHVer of 128 meeting. order try Sept. 16 tf the town • WELDON DRUG CO. a Lxxxvm. no. 2,8 (fobty pages- iwo SEcnoNs-TABunp) manchesteb. conn, Wednesday, adgust 20. a s . Cooper HIU St., a former Man­ SuUlyan said, "I feel a lot 767 Main St.—TeL MS4Wn Work halted two weeke ego is to receive the figures In (Cleoslftod Advertislag oo Page 88) Town Planner John McAhnont chester policeman, has been better tonight. I feel like we're time. PRICIB^ TEN CENTS on a seeling process for some said he discussed the proposals named Manchester's assistant town roads will continue. The with Lomlbardl. He noted that rec director. Board of Representatives last with regard to the Lawrence St. In making the announcement Government night approved en approipriation propo^l, Lonihardl felt that today, .Town Manager Robert JdN IN THE 2ND WEEKOFOUR Chance Meeting o t $6,128 which will be reim- the installation of a pumping Weiss said that the appoint­ North Viets Press PANACEIA, Bto. ( A ^ — A buiaed in full from town aid station to take oaire of th e ment was effective as of yes­ Changes Irk first mate who jumped off funds. limited num ber of houses In- terday. He said that Silver fin­ his boat during Hurricane The stop order on the road volved would not be financially ished on top in examinations Oamiile and his captain, work was ordered by Richard feasible. given to four qualified appli­ South of Da Nang trapped aboard the crippled Borden, director o t administra­ Lombardi told MjcAlnriont th a t cants. Protestants craft, each thought the other tion, when it was discovered he felt that the most logical Silver will fill the post vacat­ BES^AST, Northern Ireland SAIGON (AP) — North "No enemy bodies were found was dead. that funds for the project had solution would be the instal­ ed July 1, when Wally Fortin — Leading Protestants In In a sweep of the battlefield," They stumbled across each nerver been authorized. lation of a sewer line from Efoat Vietnamese troops made left the rec department tor the Northern Ireland today con­ U.S. headquarters said. other Tuesday in a street in The contract for the process, Main St. tb Law>rence, running more attacks on U.S. full-time position of senior demned sweeping concessions Later today, another sharp BUoxl, Miss. which is a new one called Slur­ pao-allel to the existing brook. troops south of Da Nang citizens’ director. fight broke out about seven The mate, 18-year-old Wil- ry Sea), was made with the A preliminary estimate of the their government to today and battled,, Ameri­ Silver was a policeman from the province’s Roman Catholic miles away, and the action was To Storm Area Oosteilo Bros. Construction Oo. coat of this installation is $86,- (Bee Page FsortoMi) December i960 to December minority. can infantrymen ti^ng to continuing at last report. Barden told the board that an 000 to $48,000. 1968. He resigned over a dis­ Bobby Seale reach the wreckage of a Another seven V jB. soldiers additional appropriaiUon of $6,- McAlmont said that both he Two former Cabinet ministers (AP) — A tide of aid pute concerning swapping of helicopter downed with and Associated Press photogka- 128 would be needed to honor and Lombardi feel that a pos­ said there would be a powerful streamed today toward a shifts. He said in his letter of dema^ for Prime AOnister eight Americans aboard. pher OUver Noonan, 29, of Nor- the contract, sibility may exist to encourage resignation that, ^beiiEiise He Mississippi coast still grog­ the devel^ment of a subdl- James Chlchester-Clarfc’s gov- Military spokesmen said 198 well, Mass., were reported Borden explained >that the must work two Jobs to support FBI Arrests gy from Hurricane Ca­ vlsloii adjacent to the existing emment to realgii. North Vietnamese had been missing after their heUcepter state will reimbuiue the town his large family, the Inability crashed in tliejirea Tuesday. mille’s fury and haunted for the money but the state will stream, as such a proposal Some Catholic leaders were slain In tour days of fighting would help appreciably in off- to swap shifts would cause him near Hlep Due, a district capital Two companies of American by an aura of death. not contract., therefore the board financial hardship. more favorable, but hard-liners Black Leader Infantrymen ran into a flreflght would have to give him the au­ aetilng the total cost of the stuck to their demands for dls- 36 miles south of Da Nang. Six­ The highway patrol project. A IB-year part-time employe THE FABRIC CUPBOARD teen American soldiers were at dawn when they moved into thority to expend the money of the rec department, he has of Chichester-Clork's the rugged area to search tor counted 162 killed along eUher by taldng it from the Concerning Cold Spring Dr., un*be P rotestant - dominated In Slaying known dead and another 06 Mi-ssissippi's devastated McAlmont said it would seem been handling alt sports activi­ wounded. the ntissing men. Moving behind budget or by a special appro­ ties since last December. For­ government and negoUations to a shield of artlUery, they had Plaquemines Parish (coun­ priation. He explained that the that the most logical solution Northern Ireland with the (Cath­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Firing machine guns and ri­ would be development of n plan mer rec director l^llam Boyle CHENEY HALL • 177 Hartford Rd. • Manchester fles, the North Vietnamese at­ advanced only half a mils- by ty) pushing the total to Slurry Seal process, being new. ACROSS FROM MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE olic Irish Republic. FBI agents arrested Bobby tor a sewer extension tor the had resigned his post on Oct. Seale, national chairman of Uve tacked b^ore dawn today, kill­ midaftemoon and still had an­ 170. Is non-competlUve and there­ 81, and Fortin and Silver spilt ^British Prime Minister Harold other half mUe to the wreckage fore the state will not contract entire area which would In­ OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M.-6 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY Black Panther party, Tuesday ing one American Infantryman "Some people estlmale the clude also Deerfield Dr., Trout the dytles until Jtme 9, when j Wilson and Oilchester-Clark night on a fugitive warrant and wounding 14 others before of the helicopter. -The going was death rate could go up abova 800 for it. mangled in London for six Stream Dr. and Tumble Brook Mel Slebbid was appointed new OPEN M O N.-FRI. 9:30 A.M..9:30 P.M. charging flight from a murder withdrawing. and ivvialbly reach 1,000," aald Andrew Tricarloo, director of hours Tuesday nl^t before (See Paga Twenly-Two) Dr. rec director. charge in the torture klllii^ of a Gov. John Bell Wltllama tn Im­ public works, said thiat the seal­ It ts Lombardi’s opinion that apeeing on a five-point peace ing process is a good one and former Black Panther in New posing Umfled martial law on to approach a project Involving plan designed to end Uie reU- Haven, Conn. th enrea. may be the answer to the end Slous warfare between Northern Cold “Spring Dr., only, at this Nativity Fund Seale, 32, waa surrounded and o t having to tar txnds. Ireland’s Protestant majority Vice President Spiro T. Ag- time would not seem to be feas­ taken Into custody without resis­ new (uid George Romney, sscre- T h e board also voted to ask ible or loglaal. Reaches $2^29 told its Catholic minority. A. Rlchand Loonbardl, engineer tance as he rode In an automo­ Indians Elect Giri, tary of housing and urban devsl- The board also approved a The five points; bile with other members o t the opment, were to Join WUlloma with Andenon-Nichals Asaod- recommendation of the Plan­ F in a n c e committeeman 1. The British arm y takes con- militant Negro organization in on an aerial Inapectlon of the sJteB, to make a more thorough ning Commission that sewer Charles Plrie went out of or­ tool of all Northern Ireland's se­ the nearby university city o t devastated area In which the study of a proposal tor sewer lines be extended to Mary Lane der last night and gave his re­ extensions on upper Lawrence port first at a meeting o< the curity forces. The force of Pro­ Berkeley. Win for Mrs. Gandhi governor predfeted total dam­ and Christopher Dr. The peti­ PERCALE GOnON PRINTS St. and Cold Spring Dr. Manchester Nativity Scene testant police reserves known as Charles W.
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