Index OTES-I. Objects and finds of pre.Norman date are indexed under the following periods: Neolithic, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Roman, Anglo·Saxon. 2. Names of places in Oxfordshire are listed without designation of county. Abbot's Langley (Herts.), Belgic pottery from, Alien priories in England, .03 fr.; confisca. 88 tion of property of, 108 fT.; endow. Abingdon, approaches to, 134 fT.; attack on, ment of, 107 r.; personnel of, 108 f. ; during Civil War, 143. 148, 150; suppression of, 110 barges at, 152 r.; bridges at, 134 fr. ; • Alien Priory of Minster Lovell,' by A. J. corporation of, 140; ferry at, 134, Taylor, 103-117 139; ford at, 134, 139; John Taylor All Cannings Cross (Wilts.), Early Iron Age at, t 56 ; mediae"al skeletons from, 118, site at, 4, 7, 36, 39 120 fr.; navigation of river at, 134. Allen, major G. W. G., and air·photography, 139; Saxon skeletons from, 122 fT. ; 2,12; and Roman villa at Kiddington, traffic with Dorchester, 134 75 Andersey Island, see Culham Allen's pit, su Dorchester .&rough Ford, 139 Alleyn, Richard, correspondence of, 133 bridges: Allington (Wilts.), church of, pension in Abingdon, 134 ff. belonging to prior of Minster LoveU, Burford, 134 ff.; rebuilt, 138 r. 105 and n., 106 Hart, 140 Amershaw, It.·col. James, 147 Maud Hales, 135, 137, 140 Anglo·Saxon : Ock, 140 cemetery, at Frilford, 202 ; at \Vallingford, Christ's Hospital, 134, 138 ff. governors 2 0 3 of, 140 pottery, 46, 61 f. Holy Cross, Fraternity of, 139 racial type, 119 ff. Nag's Head inn, 134- sceatla, found at Tackley, 95, 99 St. Helen's church, 139 skull (?), at Islip, 203 School, 140 Animal bones, analysis of, 40, 70; worked, 4 Ste\"ens' boat·house, 134 , AnthlOpology of Mediaeval Oxford,' by L. Swift Ditch, see Culham H. Dudley Buxton, 118-128 Abingdon, earl of, 140, 185 Appelforde, John, canon of Dorchester, 204 Acland, captain, 196 Appleford (Derks.), I; canon from, at Dor· Acland, Sir Henry, and no. 40. Broad Street, chester, 204 194 fr., 199 Apports, due from alien priories to parent Acland, Miss, 196 houses, 107 and n. Adams, Richard, miller of Abingdon, 161 r. Aragon, Catherine of, and Spanish embroidery, Advocisus, Sam ian potter, 52, 72 169 Agas, Ralph, and map of Temple Guiting Arborfield (Derks.), deeds of estates in, 132 manor, 133 Arnold. Thomas, and Corpus Christi College, Air·photography, 2, 13 If., 75 130 Aisne, dept. (France), Early Iron Age pottery Arras (E. Riding,Yorks.), miniature axe from, 3 from, 9 Artois (France), Early Iron Age settlers from, Akeman Street, see Roman: roads 11 Akers, Edward, boatman, 160 r. Asthall, church of, pertains to Ivry abbey, Akers, -. wharfinger, 164 n. 105 fr.; manor of, 103; temporalities Alchester, Roman, defences of, 46; coins at, of prior of Minster Lovell in, 105 67; ponery from, 88, 92 Asthall (Esthalle), r..laster Thomas de, 116 21 3 INDEX Asthally, Akeman Street at, 81 n. Bletchingdon I-louse, besieged, 147 Astley, Sir Jacob, governor of Oxford, 145 Blomer, Thomas, ensign, 151 Aston, Sir Arthur, governor of Oxford, 141 ff., Blomfield, capt., 1.1.8 '47 Boarstall House, besieged, 143 f. Atkyns, capt. W., 148 Bodley, Sir Thomas, 152 Atlay, J. B., biographer of Sir Henry Adand, Bolls, cook, 178 n. 195 Bo\.... man, alderman, 148 Aubrey, John, • Lives' quoted, 160 n. Boxgrove (Sussex), alien priory of, 107 n. Avebury (Wilts.), appeal for preservation of, Braccby (Lines.), deeds of eStates in, 132 ,°9 Brasses, mediaeval, racial types on, 124- Bray, Master] lenry de, ]16 Badcock, J.,nuthorof MS. history of Summer- Breda (Holland), siege of, 144- town, 206 Brent (Som.), deeds of estates in, 133 ; manor Baden, modern skulls from, 126, 128 of Northgrove in, and Corpus Christi Baldon, 13 College, 133 Bale, John, 116 Brentford, engagement at, 146 Balfour, Sir \V., 146 Brett, col. Jerome, 142 Bampton, during the Civil War, 148; Early Brill (Bucks.), deeds of estates in, 132 Iron Age pottery from, 7 Brimptone, John de, 116 r. Banbury, during the Civil War, J43 f. Brise,lt. lIenry, 151 Barbour, Geoffrey, and Abingdon bridge, 139 Brise, John, cornet, 151 Barkston (Lines,), deeds of estates in, 132 Bristol, arms brought from, ISS, 157 Barnes, Dr. Robert, 188 Bromfield, capt. Augustin, 148 Barns, Rev. T., and Roman Dorchester, 41 , 44 Bronze Age: Bartington, D. W., and plan of excavations at beads, 201 Dorchester, 12 f. beaker, see pottery Banon (Glos.), deeds of estates in, 132 beaker-cemetery, 201 Barrone, Nicholas, canon of Dorchester, 204 burials, cremation-, I, 201 i inhumation-, Basel (Switzerland), Early Iron Age pottery 20' from, 88 cooking-hole, 201 Basing House CHants,), siege of, 143 f.,147, 150 ditches, ring-, single, J2 f., 15 ff., 40, 201 Bech, George, of Goring, 159 excavations, Dorchester, 12 ff.; Eynsham, Beckingham (Lines.), deeds of estates in, 132 201 ; Long \Vittenham, I if.; Radley, Belgic pottery, see Early Iron Age, pottery Bellingham, capt. Henry, 148 implements,'0' bronze, 201 Bennet, capt., 148 pottery, beakers, 1,201; cinerary-urns, 1; Berkshire, county council of, 134, 140; food-vessels, 201 county surveyor of, 135; Grim's racial type, in Britain, 126 ff.; in Sweden, Dyke in, 74 <26 Berkshire Downs, 13 Brown, IL, 151 Betting's Wood, see Glympton Browne, major-general, 144 Bertrand (Bartandus, Berthold, Bertoldus), Buc.kinghamshire, Grim's Dyke in, 74 priorofJ\Iinster Lovell, 109 and n., ItO Buckland, Dr. William, geologist, 195 Beverley, capt., 148 Buckle, -, and carriage of stones, 165 Bieester, excavations in King's End, 2.02. Buckley, John, boatman, '59. 165 Birinus, bp., 45 Bull, of pope Eugenius 111,48,73 Birley, E. B., notes on Samian pottery, 52 Bull, H. P., and ruins of Beaumont Palace, 206 Blackburn, Dr. K. B., anal~'Sis of charcoal from Bullingdon, quarry at, l53 Dorchester, 71 Bullingdon Green, grand review at, 143 Black Death, effects of, 127,204 Bunde, It.-col., 147 Bracke, capt., 148 Burcot, 12; and ri'-er navigation, 153 Blackthorn, Roman potsherds found at Heath Burden, W. P., drawings by, '71 n. Bridge, 202 Burford, church of, portion in belonging to Blackthorn Hi II, Belgic pottery from, 92 Ivry abbey, 105; portion in belonging Blackwood, Miss B, M., and excanltions at to prior of Minster Lovell, 105, 113 n., Abingdon (Berks.), tI8 ,,6 Blenheim Park, Ditchley gate of, 8+; Furze Burgh, capt., 148 Plat in, 78; North Lodge in, 78, 84, Burgundy (France), Early lron Age pottery 90; Grim's Dyke in, 74, 77 f., 80 If., from, 8 90 f. Burtcn, Robert, 152 214 I DEX Butley, mediaeval skeletons from priory at, 124 Commissioners, of the King, for the Thames, Buxton, L. II. D., 'The Anthropology of 155; of Oxford, for river navigation, l\lediae\"al Oxford,' 118-128 t 57 f. Byers, capt., 148 Committee of Safety for the Kingdom, letter Byron, Sir Thomas, 149 about river Thames, 155 Conisty. It.-col. Robert, 148 Callow Hill, su Stonesfield Cooke, John, president of Corpus Christi Campion, Sir William, 144 College, 130 Carre, capt., 148 Corp, br. Peter, prior of Minster Lovell, 113, Carriers, from Henley and Wycombe, 157 i "5 of Oxford university, 154; robbed, Cosne (COte d'Or, France), Early Iron Age 158 pottery from, 8 f. Cartere, John Ie. 116 Coueour, br. Vincent dc, prior of Minster Cassington, Early Iron Age site at, 38, 40, 89 Lovell,112f. Castile, lsabella of, bones of. 123 Court of Wards Deeds. 166 Celebourne, fro John, of Dorchester, 204 Court-Sr.-Etienne (Belgium), Early Iron Age Cephalic indices, 119 ff. pottery from, 8 If. Chalford (Glos.), deeds of estates in, 132 Coutances, Walter de, bp. of Lincoln, 103 Chalgrove, battle of, 144, 146 aod n., 104. 115 Champagne (France), Early Iron Age pottery Cowley. archaeological finds at Rose lIi11, from, 8 202; deeds of estates in, 132 Charcoal, analysis of, 71 Cox, Nicholas, boatman, 159 f. Charlbury, Grim's Dyke at, 74 f., 77 f. Cozens, William, as coin-colleclor, 67 Charles I, Kin~, 141, 144 f.; and Corpus Cmwford, O. G. 5., and Grim's Dyke. 75, 90 Christi College plate, 129 ; Oxford and Crompton, major John, 148 Tower mints of, 101 f. Cromwell, Oliver, 142, 145 , 147. 150 Charles II, KinS, 147. 150; visits Oxford,208 Crandall (Haots.), deeds of estates in, 132 Charlton, J., notes on mediaeval pottery, 60 ff. Crop-marks, 13 ff., 85. 201 Charter, Saxon, of Appleford, 1 Croflfield, Thomas, diary of, 154 Charter-boxes, in Corpus Christi College, 166 j Crosse, Dr. Joshua, Thames commissioner, lining-papers of, 166 ff. 159 n. Chastleton, Early Iron Age camp at, 28 Crossland, capt., 148 Cheltenham (Glos.), deeds of estates in, 132 Cuddesdon, canon from, at Dorchester, 204; Cherv.. ell, ri .. 'er, 147,202,207 f. manor house at, 149 Chesterton, excavation of Akeman Street (?) Culham, Andersey Island, 134, 163 n.; river­ at, 203 traffic at, 162; S ..... ift Ditch, 140, 160, Chilham (Kent), deeds of estates in, 133 162 ff. Chiltern Hills, 13 Culham bridge, 134, 139 f.; attempt on,during Chimney-stacks and fireplaces, e'mlution of, Civil War, 143; rebuilt, 137 173 Culle, Thomas, boatman, 159 f. i and carriage Chipping Norton, brasses in church at, 124 of stones, 164 Clanfield, church of, portion in belonging to Culley, -, and carriage of stones, 165 prior of Minster Lovell, lOS, tt3 n., Culmeston (I Iants.), deeds of estates in, 132 ,,6 Curry, Peter, see Urry, Peter Clark, G. N., and mediae"al brasses, 124 Clarke, Thomas, of Sutton, 159 f. , Dance of Death,' painting of, 182 f. Claymond, John, obit of, 203 Daniell,]. A., photographs by, 17J n. Coal, brought to Oxford, 160, 163 Darcy, John, Ie Fitz, and properties of lvry, Cobbled tracks, in Blenh~im Park, 83 ff.
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