Report, Kashmir, Part I, Vol-XX

Report, Kashmir, Part I, Vol-XX

CENSUS OF INDIA, 1911 VOLUMB xx KASHMIR PART I REPORT BY lIi[l). BIATI1I1'-UZ-ZAm:AN KHAN, B. A. OF THE PROVlNCIAL CIVIL SERVICE, UNITED PROVlNCES SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, JAMMU AND KASHMIR STATB LUCKNOW PRINTED AT THE NEWUL KISHORE PRESS 1912 Price :-Indian Rs. 4. Englisn 6s TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGS III I l'ocluaUon, fJ.·· i-iv . CHAPTER I-DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION 1. General descript:on: 1. Situation and boundaries-2. Natural divisions-So HiUs- 4. Plains-5. Rivers and lakes-6. Historical notice-7. Administrative divisions- 8. Political status-9. Admin·istration-lO. Land tenuro .and Revenue system- 11. Means of communication-12. Rainfall-IS. Temperature-H. Seasons nnd climate-15. Soil and ~griculture-:i.6. Irrigation-17. Famines, floods IIond earth­ quakcs-IS. Epidemics-19. Calenda.r and Courplanguage. 1- U II. A rea:, Population and Density: 20. Statistical reference-21. Area-22. Inter-terri­ torial comparisons-2S. Comparison amongst the internal divisions-24. Population -25. Territorial distribution of the population-26. Comparison with other states, Provinces and Countries-27. Relative sizes of districts with reference to areil. nml population-2S. Density~29. Real state of density-SO. Intra-territorial density- 31. Comparison with neighbouring districts-32. Distribution of population according to density-33. Density with reference to cultivated 6reo.-34. Pressure in districts-· 35. Pressure in tehsils, etc. -36. Density and land available for cultivaiion':"-37. Density and irriga.tion-S8. Density and rainfall-39. Density and crops-40. D~nsity viewed from other standpoints~41. Res1.lme. 14- 22 III. Towns and "Vlllagu: 42. Reference to ta.~les~43. Definition of towns-44. Their number and size-45: rast and present....:..46. Citi('s-47 ~ Villages-48. Definition-49. Number of villa.ges-50, 51. Character of :Village sitos";_52. Size of villages-53. Average area nnd population in villtr:golS-54. Comparative distribution of villages among gro.des- 55. Uninhabited .villages-56. Proportion of rural and m:bliil popUlation- :-57. Life in village and in town-58. Sex proportion in towns-:-59. Religion in to'vns-60. Den­ sity in to\VIIs-6J. GracIes of towns-62. Variation in urban population-GS,64,6;") anll 66. Docay and growth of towns, and the causes therQof-67,68,69,70 nnd 11. City sta~i.tics-7::!. Houses and house-room in citius. 22- 36 IV. IIIJIt81!1I and HOltlle-room: 73. Architecture-74. Types of houses in Sllbmontane and Semi-mlN.IOtainolls Tract-75. HOllses in the Out~r IIilIs-76. In Irashinir-77.· In the Fronticr-78. Style of houses in citics-19. Censlls ' lIDuse '-80. House stlltistics and thch accuracy-81. Unoccupied houBes-82. House-rODm-S3. Joint-family system. .. .. .,. 36- 41 Subllidiarj; Table. '0 Cl&aptef" I 42- 4G Ap1'1t~DICE!! I TO III 47- 4!l CHAPTER II-MOVE~IE'XT OF POPULATIO~ 84. Scopo of the chapter-85. Reference to statist~cs-S6. Previous cnumerations- 87. CompDrison of general totals-S8. Administrative changes-SIl. Forces governing va!"iations-IlO. Vital statistics-Ol. Natural populntion-92. Conditions of dccadu (1901-10)-93. Adverse circumstances-1l4. Improvements-95. Sanit:lry and :Uedica.l-96. Economical deve!opment-ll7. Prices current and wages-98. DetRilelt discuseion-99. Frontier-IOO_ Kashmir-IO!. Forests and their influence on popula­ tion-102. Effect of migration in Kashmir-lOS. Jammu-104. Variations by tehsils according to density-I05. ,.ariations with reference to religion aDd age-lOS. General conclusions. 50- 6!) Subsidiary Tables to Chapter II 70- 71 ApPENDIX IV ••• 72- 73 (ii) CHAPTER III-DIRTHPLACE-(:\I1GnA.';IoN) 107. Nature of the subjl"ct-108. , R~feren~e to tables-109. Types of migration­ ItO. Inherent defect in bi:rthplace' 8ta.~istics-l11. Immigrntion.....::112. Internal immi­ gration-ll:l. .Emigration-114"· lnternn.l emigration-115. Extent of migrBtion- 116. Sex and migro.tion-117.. Religion and migrntion-118. Qompara1.i ve notice of 'internal migration-119. Of external migration"':"'120. Migration botwee~ the 8tate 'and other Rarts of IndiB-121 ~ AiigrBtion tested with variations in loca] born and actual population-122. Gains and Losses. ..... .,. 14- 8:1 Bz,bsidiary Tables t~ (Jh(l.pte1· III... 84.- 86 CHAPTER IV-RELIGIO~ 123. Introdnetory-:-Pa .. t· I.-Statistical: 121: Reference to tables....,..125 GenerAl distri­ bution of religions-126. rrerritorial distribution of religions-127. Animists-128, The depressed clILSBes-129. Other Don-Brahmo.nio.communities-130. Aryas-131. Ja.ins and Parsis-132 Sikhs-ISS. Budbists...... i34. Hindus-135. Muso.lmnns-136. Shias nnd , . 8unni6-137. Christians-laS. Religions of urban and rural population-Part LI.- D6Sc .. ipei"6~ 139. Gcneral-140. Hinduism-141 Fairs 'and fcstivals-142. Shivnism a.nd Vishnavaism-143. Hinduism contrasted with Arya SamBjism-144. Budhism- 1.45, Islam-146. Constitution of flhe Mohamedan population in the 8t&to-147. 'Old practices and oustoms-14~. MO}lllmedan sccts....,..149. Ca.uses of convarsion-psst nnd pf'csont-150. Extcrn&1.a.ppeo.ranoes of tho various communities. 87-10G Subsidiary Tablcs ~o Chap.ter Il-- 107-109 CHAPTER V~AGE 151. Object of .tho ohapter-152. Age statistics-l53. MeaDS of, remembering' age and measures· ]~caUy used"'_'154. Instructions for recording age-155. VuIue. of 'age figures-loG.' Age distribution by.· annual age-periods-l57. 'By quinquennial age­ periods-15S. By roligion-l59. By cI;I.5te-160. Distribution of ago i~ cities~ 161-. Fecundity IIDd longevity-162. Married females at.:ohild-bearing age-.!163: Vari~ ations-164. Mean age. ... ._. itO-llG Subsidiary, T.bl6s to Chapt6r V 117-121 ApPENDIX V . 121 CHAPTER VI- SEX ~65. Sex' statistios-l&a. Acouracy of tbe' sox return-167. A few preliminary observa­ tions-1GB. Gtlnl"ral distribution-169. Territorial distributicn....:.170. Sex and mig~;'_­ tion-171. Sex and sge-17l:!. Sex and religion-173. Sex snd csste-174. Sex. in cit,ie6-17~3" Sex proportions at birth-176. Compal'ison with prcviou~ cens~s~~ -.t77.·Abortion, infanticide and .neglect of female chihlren-178. Causation of scx- 170. 'Fdmale morta.lity and its etiology-ISO. 8ocia.l ,Position of WOlDen-lSI. \Vomnn as worker-182. Conclusion. •.• ~.~ .•:. , ... .' •.• 122-131 Sl£bs;'diary 'I'ablfJs to Chapter V I 132-1~4 ApPENDIX VI ..• V14 CHAPTER VII-CIVIL COXDITiOX-OiAR&U,GE) I Pal"t I.-DescriptiL'(!J: 183. Introductory remarks-lS4. Promisouity-180. 1\Iatri­ l1.rcitate-186: P()Iyandry~187. Promuritl.l.l:mn IJltramaritlll communism-lS.S. Poly­ gamY_:':189. Entl()gamy,·cxogamy nrid prohibited ·degrees-190. COI;sin IIlnrriag~-:­ Hll. Hypergamy-192. Somo CUl'iOUB marriage customs-Hmo Effeot of (liviJjz~- 'ti;;n on morality-19.J.. DivOl·cc-196. Ago of 1l1,arriagc-lDS. !lInrriage seasons"'_';' 191. l\:[arriago cerelllonies-19S .. Bird,l cu.stoms--19!)' CirclI·mclsion-200. TIlrU;s Oof. relationship. '" 135-14t1 PQl': 11.~SttJti8ttcal: 2()1. Marriage tnbles-202. Uni.... ersslity 01:- Iria'rrilige--20!f :Early mnrriage~2b4 .. \Vidow marriagc-205. Civil condition by'10I'ality-20fJ" Civil condition in cities-207. Civil cODditi()]~, ,by scx-20B. By rt:ligion....... 209. By . caste-21~. Variations. -... •.• 14(>-152 Subs:dia7'U Tables to VII 153-157 ... AJ';PJUUJIX VII 11)8-159 (iii) CIIAPTER VIII- E.DUOATIO:N "!11. I~itcrncy tnbles-212. Extent of litcracY_":213. Education by Jocnlity-214. Edu": cntion and age-! 15. Educntioft by reIigion-216. Education by ·cnste-217-Literacy -in cities-218. Female education-219.' Script in vogue-220. English cducation- 221. P:-ogress (if cducadon-222. Statistics of Education Departmcnt-223. Books and n(lwspapers-~24. Ways and means. Hio-167 Subsidiary Tables to Chapter VIII 168-171 .ApPENrux. VIII AND IX ... 172-1'76 CHAPTER IX-LANGUAGE :225. Opening remarks-226. OlassifiC'oation of Janguages-227. General distribution of language-228. Scientific distributioD":":"(IJ) Languages of Europe-(b) Languagcs of Asia-(c) Lang·uagos ()f India-229. Languages of the State-230. Odds and ends ~231. Languages of the Frontier Itaqall-232. Gypsy ,languages-23B. Dialects -234. Lingua franca-235~ Comparison-236. Literacy activity. 177-184 #;ou'bsidisiry Tables to Chapter I~; - 185-188 CHAP'l'ER X-INFIR1\UTIES 2~1. Sta.tistiC6-238. Their accuracy-239. General comparison-I.· IU$anit'J: 240. Local distribution-241. Insanity by age and se:l:-242. By ca.ste-II. Deaf­ mllCtism 243. Local extClSt-244. Age and sex with reference to' deaf-mutism -245. Deaf-mutes by caste-III. Blinaness: 2~6. Blindness distributed 10cl111y- 247. ~y age and 86x-248. Caste of tbo blind-IV Leprosy: 249. Leprosy by locality-250. Lepers by age and sex-251. Leprosy and cRate-General: 252. Infir- mities and reJig.ion-253. Local views as to causation and cure-2M. Meaical relief .•• 189-HIG .:Bub8itliary Tdbles to Ohapter X 197-i98 . CHAP'I'ER·XI-C.AS.TE , ~55. PrelimiDar1-256. flt&'l:isticalreference-257. Accuracy of caste-return_;__258. Prin~ ciples of cla.ssHica.tion-!59. Caste system-260. Ethnologicit.l distinctions of Jammg -(a) .Dugar-(b) OkibhlJt-(c) East6rn Hills-(d) Weatern HillB-261. Of Kashmir-262.o'f.Laddakh-263. Of Gilgit-264. Caste in ~ther religionfl (1) SiTch --(02) Jain ana (3) Parsi-(4) Indian OhriBtian-265. Europeanraces-266. Nomadic tribes-261. Caste rules and restrictions-26B. Caste government-269. Subcaste .and functional groups-270. Transitions of caste-271. Local distribution of castes, 'tribes, 000.-272. Compaii8oD-273~ 1\IeJanog]oslIia and Menda,lian Law.-274. Cades cill.ssificd occupationally. •.• ..~ 199-216 Subsidiary T.ables to O!~apter Xl 217-219 .APPENDIX X . ••• 220-223 CHAPTER XU-OCCUPA.TION 2:1.3. OccllpattQii" statistics-276. Their accuracy:-277.

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