Tetryzoline Hydrochloride (BANM, Rinnm) ⊗ Thebacon Hydrochloride (BANM, Rinnm) Pharmacopoeias

Tetryzoline Hydrochloride (BANM, Rinnm) ⊗ Thebacon Hydrochloride (BANM, Rinnm) Pharmacopoeias

1574 Cough Suppressants Expectorants Mucolytics and Nasal Decongestants Tetryzoline Hydrochloride (BANM, rINNM) ⊗ Thebacon Hydrochloride (BANM, rINNM) Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii) and US. Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Tolu Balsam). Oleoresin obtained from the trunk of Hidrocloruro de tetrizolina; Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride; Acethydrocodone Hydrochloride; Acetyldihydrocodeinone Hy- drochloride; Dihydrocodeinone Enol Acetate Hydrochloride; Myroxylon balsamum var. balsamum. It contains 25 to 50% of Tetrazolin Hidroklorür; Tetrizolino hidrochloridas; Tetrytsoliinihy- free or combined acids, expressed as cinnamic acid, calculated Hidrocloruro de tebacón; Thébacone, Chlorhydrate de; Theba- drokloridi; Tétryzoline, chlorhydrate de; Tetryzolin-hydrochlorid; with reference to the dried drug. It occurs as a hard, friable, Tetryzolinhydroklorid; Tetryzolini hydrochloridum. 2-(1,2,3,4- coni Hydrochloridum. 6-O-Acetyl-7,8-dihydro-3-O-methyl-6,7- brownish to reddish-brown mass; thin fragments are brownish- Tetrahydro-1-naphthyl)-2-imidazoline hydrochloride. didehydromorphine hydrochloride; (−)-(5R)-4,5-Epoxy-3-meth- yellow when examined against the light. It has an odour reminis- oxy-9a-methylmorphin-6-en-6-yl acetate hydrochloride. cent of vanillin. Practically insoluble in water and in petroleum Тетризолина Гидрохлорид Тебакона Гидрохлорид spirit; very soluble or freely soluble in alcohol. Do not store in C13H16N2,HCl = 236.7. C20H23NO4,HCl = 377.9. powdered form. CAS — 84-22-0 (tetryzoline); 522-48-5 (tetryzoline hy- CAS — 466-90-0 (thebacon); 20236-82-2 (thebacon hy- USP 31 (Tolu Balsam). A balsam obtained from Myroxylon bal- drochloride). drochloride). samum (Leguminosae). It is a brown or yellowish-brown plastic ATC — R05DA10. ATC — R01AA06; R01AB03; S01GA02. solid transparent in thin layers and brittle when old, dried, or ex- ATC Vet — QR05DA10. posed to cold temperatures. It has a pleasant aromatic odour, re- ATC Vet — QR01AA06; QR01AB03; QS01GA02. sembling that of vanilla. Practically insoluble in water and in petroleum spirit; soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether, H3CO sometimes with slight residue or turbidity. Store at a temperature not exceeding 40° in airtight containers. H Profile N O H Tolu balsam is considered to have very mild antiseptic properties and some expectorant action but is mainly used in the form of a N O NCH3 syrup to flavour cough mixtures. However, Tolu Syrup (BP 2008) no longer contains tolu balsam but is based on cinnamic acid (p.1640). (tetryzoline) H3C O Preparations (thebacon) Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii) and US. BPC 1954: Compound Iodoform Paint; USNF 26: Tolu Balsam Syrup; Tolu Balsam Tincture; Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Tetryzoline Hydrochloride). A white or almost Profile USP 31: Compound Benzoin Tincture. white crystalline powder. Freely soluble in water, in alcohol, and Thebacon hydrochloride is a centrally acting cough suppressant Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) in dehydrated alcohol; practically insoluble in acetone. used for non-productive cough (p.1547). It has actions similar to USP 31 (Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride). A white odourless those of codeine (p.37) but is stated to be about 4 times more Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Cobenzil Compuesto†; No-Tos Adultos; No-Tos solid. Soluble 1 in 3.5 of water and 1 in 7.5 of alcohol; very potent. It is given orally in a usual daily dose of 10 mg in divided Infantil; Pastillas Medex; Pectobron; Polipectol†; Refenax Caramelos Expec- torantes; Austral.: Camphor Linctus Compound; Belg.: Saintbois; Tux†; slightly soluble in chloroform; practically insoluble in ether. doses; the maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 mg. Store in airtight containers. Braz.: Agrimel†; Broncofisin†; Calmatoss†; Expectomel; Frenotosse; Fre- Preparations notossil†; Glycon; Infantoss†; Inhalante Yatropan; Iodetal; Ipecol†; Melagriao; Peitoral Angico Pelotense†; Pulmonix†; Tossanil†; Vick Pastilhas; Xarope de Profile Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Caraguata†; Xarope Sao Joao†; Canad.: Bronco Asmol; Rophelin†; Chile: Tetryzoline is a sympathomimetic with effects similar to those of Belg.: Acedicon. Elitos ET; Fitotos; Flemex Jat; Jarabe Palto Compuesto con Miel Adulto; naphazoline (p.1565). It is used as the hydrochloride for its vaso- Notosil†; Pulmosina; Sedotus†; Cz.: Solutan†; Stodal; Fr.: Broncalene Nourisson; Dinacode avec codeine†; Dinacode†; Hexapneumine; Pastilles constrictor effect in the symptomatic relief of nasal congestion Medicinales Vicks; Pastilles Monleon; Pates Pectorales; Phytotux; Theralene (p.1548). A 0.1% solution is instilled into each nostril as nasal Tipepidine Hibenzate (rINNM) Pectoral Nourrisson†; Tussipax; Hong Kong: Baby Cough with Antihista- drops or a spray as necessary, although not more often than every mine; Hexapneumine; Ital.: Stenobronchial; Mex.: Citos; Epicol†; Fen-y- 3 hours. Children aged 2 to 6 years of age may be given 2 or 3 AT-327 (tipepidine); CR-662 (tipepidine); Hibenzato de tipepidi- To s ; Port.: Broncodiazina; Lesil; Stodal; Rus.: Solutan (Солутан); S.Afr.: drops of a 0.05% solution in each nostril as necessary, although na; Tipépidine, Hibenzate de; Tipepidine Hybenzate; Tipepidini Choats Extract of Lettuce Cough Mixture; Linctus Tussi Infans; Puma Cough Hibenzas. 3-[Di(2-thienyl)methylene]-1-methylpiperidine 2-(4- Balsam; Turulington Tincture; Spain: Bactopumon; Bronquidiazina CR; Pas- again not more often than every 3 hours. tillas Antisep Garg M; Pulmofasa; Tosdiazina†; Switz.: Baume†; Dinacode hydroxybenzoyl)benzoate. Solutions of tetryzoline hydrochloride containing 0.05% are N†; Euphon N; Ipeca†; Neo-Codion N; Neo-DP†; Pastilles pectorales Типепидина Гибензат Demo N; Pectocalmine Junior N; Pectosan N†; Phol-Tussil; Pommade au used as a conjunctival decongestant (see Conjunctivitis, p.564). Baume; Saintbois; Sano Tuss; Thai.: Baby Cough Syrup Atlantic; Baby C15H17NS2,C14H10O4 = 517.7. Cough with Antihistamine; UK: Allens Chesty Cough; Chesty Cough Relief; Other salts of tetryzoline including the nitrate, phosphate, and CAS — 5169-78-8 (tipepidine); 31139-87-4 (tipepidine Modern Herbals Cold & Congestion; Sanderson’s Throat Specific; USA: sulfate have been used similarly. hibenzate). Tonsiline; Vicks Menthol Cough Drops; Venez.: Ye r b a S a n t a . ATC — R05DB24. Effects on the eyes. For mention of conjunctivitis induced by ATC Vet — QR05DB24. ophthalmic decongestant preparations containing tetryzoline, see under Phenylephrine, p.1568. Tramazoline Hydrochloride (BANM, USAN, rINNM) ⊗ Preparations S Hidrocloruro de tramazolina; Tramazoline, chlorhydrate de; USP 31: Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride Nasal Solution; Tetrahydrozoline Tramazolin-hidroklorid; Tramazolin-hydrochlorid; Tramazolini hy- Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution. drochloridum; Tramazolino hidrochloridas; Tramazoliny chlo- Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) rowodorek. 2-(5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-1-naphthylamino)-2-imidazo- line hydrochloride monohydrate. Arg.: Bano Ocular; Chiosan; Octilia†; Ocudiafan†; Piam; Austral.: Murine S Sore Eyes; Optazine Fresh†; Visine Original; Belg.: Visine; Canad.: Eye Трамазолина Гидрохлорид Drops†; Visine Original; Chile: Murine Plus†; Visional Gotas; Cz.: Rhinal; Tyzine†; Vasopos N; Visine; Denm.: Tyzine; Fin.: Oftan Starine; Visine; Fr.: C H N ,HCl,H O = 269.8. N 13 17 3 2 Constrilia; Ger.: Caltheon†; Diabenyl T†; Ophtalmin N; Rhinex mit CAS — 1082-57-1 (tramazoline); 3715-90-0 (tramazoline Tetryzolin; Rhinopront†; Sanopinwern T†; Tetrilin; Tyzine†; Vasopos N; Vi- CH sine Yxin; Yxin†; Gr.: Ursa-Fin; Visine; Hong Kong: Optizoline; Visine Orig- 3 hydrochloride). inal; Hung.: Tyzine; Visine; India: Visine; Indon.: Braito; Insto; Isotic Clearin; ATC — R01AA09. Visine; Visolin; Visto; Israel: Azoline; Stilla; V-Zoline; Visine; Ital.: Demetil; (tipepidine) Octilia; Stilla Decongestionante; Vasorinil; Visine; Malaysia: Visine; Mex.: ATC Vet — QR01AA09. Eye-Mo; Tetrazol; NZ: Visine; Philipp.: Eye-Mo; Sinutab NS; Visine; Visine Advanced Relief; Visine Cool; Pol.: Berberil; Starazolin; Tetryvil; Visine; Pharmacopoeias. In Jpn. Port.: Visine; Rus.: Octilia (Октилия); Tyzine (Тизин); Visine (Визин); Profile S.Afr.: Visine; Singapore: Octilia†; Visine; Spain: Azulina; Vispring; Switz.: H H Rhinopront Top; Visine; Thai.: Visine; Turk.: Burnil; Eye-Visol; Visine; Tipepidine hibenzate is a cough suppressant used for non-pro- N N Zenkain; USA: Eye Drops; Eye-Zine; Geneye Extra†; Mallazine†; Optigene ductive cough (p.1547) which is claimed also to have an expec- 3; Tetrasine†; Tyzine; Visine Original; Venez.: Cusibel†. torant action. It is given orally as the hibenzate but doses are ex- N Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Antiflogol; Biocortin†; Efemolina; Larsimal; Pro- pressed as the citrate; tipepidine hibenzate 22.2 mg is equivalent visual Compuesto; Toflam; Visine Plus; Visubril; Austral.: In A Wink Aller- to about 20 mg of tipepidine citrate. A usual dose is the equiva- gy†; Visine Advanced Relief; Visine Allergy†; Visine Revive†; Braz.: Fenidex; lent of 20 to 40 mg of the citrate 3 times daily. Mirabel; Vislin; Visodin; Visolux†; Canad.: Visine Advance Triple Action; Visine Allergy; Visine Cool; Chile: Spersallerg; Cz.: Spersallerg; Ger.: Aller- Epileptogenic effect. Generalised convulsions associated with therapeutic oral doses of tipepidine hibenzate have occurred gopos N; Berberil N; Efemolin; Spersadexolin†; Spersallerg; Gr.: Spersadex- (tramazoline) oline†; Spersallerg; Hong Kong: Efemoline; Spersadexoline†; Spersallerg; in some patients.1 Visine AC; Visine Moisturizing; Hung.: Spersallerg;

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