St. Paul Lutheran Church January 2018 The Epistle We Three Magi… Epiphany & Incense That’s right. Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. You read the title of this article correctly: We Three Magi. Contrary to the popular hymn, “We Three Kings of Orient Are,” the three wise men who followed the star over Bethlehem and visited Jesus weren’t kings! Magi comes from the Greek word, “magos,” as they are identified in Matthew 2:1-12. According to Mat- thew, the three ma- gi weren’t Hebrews: they were astrolo- gers from the East who journeyed a long way to honor Jesus because their study of the stars helped them to rec- ognize the special nature of the star over Jesus (Mt. 2:2, 9). In the church, the festival which celebrates the arrival of these three magi is called Epiphany. Epipha- ny means “revelation,” and the festival is so named INSIDE THIS because Jesus’ identity as God is revealed to the three ISSUE magi, who symbolize that Jesus Christ is savior for all people of the earth. The magi brought three gifts to the baby savior: gold, Exercise Classes .... 3 frankincense, and myrrh (Mt. 2:11). Each of the gifts Social Concerns ...... 4 had a special theological purpose: as the star revealed Jesus—God the Son—to the magi, so their gifts reveal Nativity Photos .. 4, 5 Prayer Requests ..... 6 (Continued on page 2) Schedule ................... 7 New Members ........ 8 Valley Inter- We Three Magi… Epiphany & Incense faith Resource (Continued from page 1) Center: Janu- ary Donations God the Son to us. Gold shows that Jesus is King (Rev. 19:16). Myrrh is a resin used for anointing and em- balming and so foreshadows that Jesus will be cruci- fied and his body will be prepared for burial with myrrh (John 19:39-40). Frankincense is incense, and it shows that Jesus is God. Folks at St. Paul have asked me why we use incense during worship. Great question! Here’s the biblical his- tory: frankincense is a fragrant gum-resin which was Epiphany means “revelation,” and the festival is so named because Jesus’ identity as God is revealed. burned as incense in the temple in Jerusalem in an- Please bring tooth- cient Israel’s worship to accompany sacrificial offer- brushes and ings (see Leviticus 2:1; 15; 6:8; Isaiah 43:23; Jeremiah toothpaste to 17:26 and 41:5). The incense proclaimed to the people place under the Israel through smell that God received their offering Giving Tree in Jan- and forgave their sins. The biblical basis for the use of uary. Thanks for incense in worship also comes from Psalm 141:2, “Let your generosity! my prayer rise up like incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” The rising smoke of incense proclaims to us visually that God hears our prayers. The scent of the incense proclaims to us through smell that God forgives us our sins. The thurifer, that is the person who carries the thurible with the incense in worship, wafts the smoke over the lectern, the altar, and all of us to proclaim to our sens- es that God is present in the Word of Scripture, in the wine and wafers of the Lord’s Supper, and in us, the living dwelling places of the Holy Spirit. In short, as the frankincense given to baby Jesus testi- fied that Jesus is God, incense in worship proclaims that our God forgives us, hears our prayers, and is with (Continued on page 3) 2 We Three Magi… Epiphany & Incense Nursery Volun- teers Needed us. We taste God’s mercy in Holy Communion. We touch God’s mercy in our neighbor when we pass the peace and in the water at the font. We smell and see God’s mercy through incense. If you are interested in learning how to be a thurifer— the one who carries the incense into worship—then please let Pastor Emily know. For all of these reasons, we will celebrate Epiphany on Saturday, January 6 at 3:30 pm this year, with incense. St. Paul’s newest Come with the three magi to worship the Savior of the generation of Chris- world! Children are especially encouraged to come as tians needs you! In they can participate in the processional and dress up order to provide a as the three magi! Come to the adult forum on Sun- safe, fun space for day, January 7, to learn more about the magi and the our youngest kids Old Testament Scriptures which they fulfill. on Sunday morn- Pastor Emily Beckering ings, we need vol- unteers to help su- pervise the nursery during the worship Stewarding Your Whole Self service. We cur- rently have several Stewardship is the man- excellent volun- agement of all of life teers, but could use with Christ at the center. several more to This month, the Stew- lighten the work- ardship focus is on car- load. ing for the bodies God has given us. The A background themes of the Adult fo- check will be per- rums the last two Sun- formed on all vol- days of the month will unteers working be on what Scripture with children. says about our bodies Please see Pastor and how to take care of Emily if you are them. All are invited to a able to help. free low-impact begin- ners’ aerobics class on Thursday, January 4 and 11 from 6:00-6:45. Stay for Bible study after so that we might love the Lord our God with our minds and by taking care of the bodies he has given us. 3 Annual Meet- Social Concerns Committee News ing Jan. 21 WARMING HEARTS, HEADS, AND HANDS, HERE AND ABROAD Besides our usual monthly donation items, the Giving Tree is also available for do- nations of hats/caps, scarves, and gloves/mittens. The congregation’s These items will be taken to Annual Meeting will Valley Interfaith for distribu- be held after wor- tion to those who need the ship on January 21, warmth and protection during the winter. The tree 2018. We will vote will stay up through the month of February. Also, if on the proposed you or a family member are in need of warm clothing, constitutional please feel free to take an item from the tree. We amendments dis- don’t want anyone to suffer in the cold weather. cussed at a series The tube of quarters in the narthex was emptied and of meetings in the netted $150. This amount is being sent to the Heifer summer of 2017 Project to purchase an alpaca for a family or village in and during Adult a needy area of the world. Thank you for your quar- Forums in the fall. ters! If you would like another copy of the proposed new con- stitution, please Live Nativity contact the church office at 513-821-0987 or mail@ stpaulreading.org. It’s probably warmer in Nazareth, Judea than in Reading, Ohio 4 this time of year... Live Nativity “Are you traveling for Christmas? Alpaca your bags!” Beautiful luminaries welcomed visitors. "I, said the donkey, shaggy and brown; I carried His mother up hill and down; I carried Birthdays in January her safely to Bethlehem town." 4 Jack Moorhouse, 21 Sherry Bronner, 29 Chandler Clem- Erin Detzen Janet King mons 10 Rick Hedges 23 Ali Truax 30 Jamie Hirt, 14 Michelle Flege 24 Christian Robyn Reed Hollon Lohmeier 18 Jeff Ford, Chris 28 Mathea Har- Geiger baugh 5 Our Life Together For emergency pastoral care, -nephew); Scott Songer (friend of please call Pastor Emily Beckering, Jean Winkle); Crosley Spelman 513-760-5884. (Spelmans’ grandson); Walter If you have requests for the Prayer Sprenger (Portmanns’ friend); Chain, call Penny Huber, 513-931- Swafford family; Britney Jean 6420. To remove people from the Teems (Jean Winkle’s granddaugh- list, contact the office. ter); Randy Thaman (friend of Marie Calhoun); Richard Thompson We pray for Mary and her grand- (friend of Marie Calhoun); Sherman daughter Kyra (friend of Paul Pie- and Mike Waddle; Jane Weather- per); Berkeley (Carol Curless’s great- ford (Donald Harris’s mother); Su- grandson); Jimmy Bertheaud san Winkle (Jean Winkle’s daughter- (friend of the Portmanns); Merle in-law). Buck; Kathy Curless; Debbie, Ste- ve, Jessica Davis (friends of Holly We pray for those with ongoing Ford); Julie Dietrich (Ginny Pape’s health concerns who are unable to daughter); Jeremy Doan (Jean Win- come to church every week: Bernice kle’s grandson); Jerry Doan (Jean Baglien, Dottie Bangert, Louise Winkle’s son-in-law); Rita Edwards; Barry, Bus Faulkner, Mary Jane Bus Faulkner; Larry Faulkner (Bus Flege, Carol Leonard, Jack and and Freda’s son); Justin Feldman Barbara Moorhouse, Jean Nolte, (Bess Sturgill’s father); Jim Forst; Heather Segar, Edna Willet. Hannah; Bill Harris and Cheryl Har- We pray for our armed forces mem- ris (relatives of Donald Harris); Mat- bers: Paul Cordes (Elinor Schie- thew Harrison (Seals’ neighbor); man’s grandson); Jared Forst (Jim David Hill; Les Helmich; Matt Hu- and Loretta’s grandson); John Gar- ber (Penny Huber’s son); Jay King brecht (Carolyn Koehl’s nephew); (son of Jamie King, who cleans the Beau Glenn (Karen Koehl’s son-in- church); Loretta Kombrink (Marilyn law); Kylie Hahn (Gretta Hahn’s Portmann’s aunt); Charlotte Lange- granddaughter); Donald Hosea feld; Barbara and Jack Moorhouse; (Karen Koehl’s son); Jobeth Jean Nolte; David Oaks (Bus Faulk- Ramirez (friend of Karen Koehl); ner’s son-in-law); Ken Pape; Ray Joshua Rodriguez (friend of Karen Pape; Don Pflieger (Kings’ brother- Koehl); Trent Schwegman (cousin in-law); Linda Perin (Moorhouses’ to the Erbecks and Fords); Dustin cousin); Paul Pieper; Faith Pirr- Silvey; Mack Thompson (Freda and mann; Nick Pirrmann; Sarah Ru- Bus Faulkner’s grandson); Alex pert (Carolyn Koehl’s sister); James Wisecup (son of Nadine and Barry Savory (Jean Winkle’s great- Wisecup).
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