CI>CU1ATK>M CmCULATtON LAST •CJTDAT. "487364 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION 49,435 DoUr ««* SmmtttT,- carter itllirerr, 13 eemta imkly. Vol: XLV1II.— #0.71. ATLANTA, * GA.. WEDNESDAY MORNIN&, AtJG|rST 25, 1915.—TWELVE PAGES „ SteBle «.»!«• •• lfc*»um» •»« at ann •<••«• B etmtm. CflYlXREilPIS TEUTONS STRIKING WtBE ASSUMED INCREASEI72POI FORtLIED FORCES ON EASTMAN Kl EHEAVY BLOWS Total Collected to Date U. S. ^ ffitoi^'C56iirt Holds BYUN||STATES $214,233—Greatest in His- AT That the Concern Is in Re- REGARDING ARABIC; tory of the City—"Healthy V straint of . Washington Sends Draft of Bu8i'nessCondldbns,».Say8^ «yQptM8tic-Repoft* Given for Retbftru Evident Austro-Germans Treaty to Be Signed by T? n ^ Are in Circulation in Lon- Want to Cripple Russia So Haiti Giving This Country don in Regard to the Gal- Buffalo, N. T.,. August 24^-The East- as to, .Release Troops for man Kodak company, of Rochester,. l» DEWY IS REQUESTED Control for Ten Years. qity Marshal, Jim Fuller announced lipoli Operations. held to be a raono»ol3i in-restraint of Use on Other Fronts. Tuesday, that the city "ha" d collected trade. In Violation*of the Sherman anti- ^$214,233.23 In ad valorem, business trust law. In a. "decision today by Judg« license and street Improvement taxes -.-».» »_»~*~. John R. Hazel, of the United. State* Through Ambassador Bern- NO MORE REVOLUTIONS this-year, affalnst only $141,460.83 col-'EVEN THE TURKS EXPECT district court. The ^eelfliojn grants^th« STUBBORN RESISTANCE company an opportunity £o present a storff Berlin Asks That the lected last year up to - September, 1. ' cyo,..fT.c Vvi Of E*S>DS*m OFFICIALS OF COBB TO BE ALLOWED IN HAITI Several thousand dollars are expected I O/ KAMI i> / C/ JJU rUKlrtiMJ plan "for the .abrogation pf the-Illegal OFFERED BY RUSSIANS to be returned before, the close of Au- monopoly" on ta* tirjjt day fef the No- United States Take No Ac- gust, which, would, increase consider- vember term. ably thfe total collected. Judge Bfazel stated -that, while it ap- tion Until the German Side United States Proposes to These figures show ain increase over Meanwhile, the Allies!, Are peared that no trreinedlable hardship Czar's Forces Seem to Be SEEK CLOT of the Case Is Presented. last year of 172,782.40, jrtilch tlie rec- would result from a separation of the Take Charge of Customs Urging Balkan States to present business Into two.or more, sepa- ords prove to be the greatest increase rate companies, it-was not at this time Holding in Baltic ,Prov After the Coroner's Inquest <and Administer Finances. In taxes In the. history of the city. Enter War — Balkan Aid intended to indicate either a dissolu- Mr. Fuller reports that the total col- tion, division or reorganization. > inces, But Are Slowly Re Failed to Bring Out Infor- IF AMERICAN CITIZENS ^ lected last year was J299.132.49, o* It no doubt is possible. ,hQ said, that Over 2,000 American Ma- Wanted' Against Austria an adequate measure of relief miyht re- tiring East and South of PERISHED WITH ARABIC, which $139,000 was collected during ; mation, .Officers Pledge to the month' of December. In Decem- sult froni enjoining the? unfair, prac- rines Already in Haiti. and to Shorten Turkish tices of the terms of sale-.agreements, Kovno. GERMANY IS REGRETFUL ber, 1913, tax collection* were $137,000. and Trom a separation of, the business; Make Diligent Search. "The. city of Atlanta should feel Resistance. but the defendants /should, have an op- Port au Prince. Haiti, August 24.— proud of this 'fine showing in the face portunity 4 to prefent to the court On London, August 24.—Austro-German The American government has ad- of the business depression early in the Ant day of th^ 1915 November term armies are aiming more heavy blows "Cobb county officials are going to dressed, the government of Haiti, ex- the seastm," said Mr. Fuller. "It Is s London, August 25.—(2:22 a. m,)—A a.plan'for the abrogation of the ille- at Rassla, In- the hope o{ putting her do their utmost to apprehend the lynch- Such Loss of Life, Ambas- presfllng Its desire" that there he ac- doubtful if any southern, city can dispatch from Rome to The Dally Tele- .gal monopoly unttuly and unreasonably ers of Leo Frank. The sheriff's office restraining: interstate trade and com- on the defensive Indefinitely and per- cepted without delay , the "draft of a boast of such a record. It shows -a graph says the Balkan_ league -Is to.be mitting th« removal of some of their and the town police force have been sador Bernstorff Says, Was 1 reconstructed with a provision for put- merce, or if an appeal .from his inter- actively Investigating the tragedy since convention fgr ten years under which remarkably healthy condition In At- locutory 'decree (Is taken tb the sfu- own troops to other fronts, particular- , there shall be established an effective lanta business affairs and each day ting a combined army of 1.000.000 men preme court, and. this decision is af- ly .Serbia and Italy, in the hope of re- the moment the body was discovered. If Contrary to the Intentions control of Haltlen customs as well as sees still further evidence of prosperi- in tire field. firmed, such a plan IB io be presented peating their eastern- successes. The the perpetrators are not brought to administration of finances of the coun- ty here." within sixty days from the filing of book, it will not be,the fault of the of the ^German Govern- The marshal's records show that the London, August 24.—Optimistic re- Rue si an B are encouraged, however, by try, under a receiver general and ports concerning the Gallipoll opera- the mandate. -3.' ' 4.' their naval v victory In the Gulf of Cobb county authorities." . ( taxes collected so . far this year are What tfae Bill C This was the statement of Deputy ment—Washington Is Not American employees. i $50,000 In excess of thcr total collected tions have been In circulation for the Riga, which. Has delayed Field Mar- Sheriff George N. Hicks, of Marietta, 1 Under the terms of the convention, up to November i of last year. past few days and prophecies are treely Th« bill wae filed Jiine 9, 1913. shal von Hindenbnrg's ^reat out- Yet in Possession of All both municipal and rural police are to These reports from /the marshal's alleged that from'1902 to 1$06 the East- to. a reporter for The Constitution yes- made that a few weeks will ae« -the man company, of New: York, intentj.cn- flanking' movement through Courland be natives; "under the command, how- office' lend a much more optimistic and are offering stiff resistance at terday morning at the close of the cor- ^the Facts Regarding Sink-, complexion to the city's financial out- close of the allies' most difficult task ally monopolized?the brisiness" of. manu- . oner's inquest Into the Frank lynching ever, of American officers. \ - facturing and pselling; cameras arid almost *very pofnt In the Baltic prov- look,. since Graham West, - assistant in the near east. The Turks, too, ex- which found that he came to his death The plan includes the arrangement city comptroller, has announced that a pect the Anglo-French forces to be supplies in thfl..**TTnited 'States by ac- inces. ing of Arabic. of the\ debts of Haifr to foreigners and .Quiring control -of twenty competing at, the hands of "unknown parties." -, an engagement to cede no Haiti en ter- shortage of at least $200,000 will' ob- successful, If news reaching Sofia from While the Russians are falling back tain by the end of the year if all pro- Constantinople. Is reliable. concerns which wer«r- ,a>terward dls- east and south of Kovno, It-is explaln- The deputy was giving the reporter a ritory to any foreign power except the list of the proposed grand jurors who Washlngton, August 24.—Count yon jects contemplated in the June finance It is felt here now that so far as the solved, the plants dismantled and their -*d by Petrograd that this was neces- United States. •bualtiess renaoveiS to &pchester. are being summoned to .serve upon, a Bernstorft the German ambassador, The Haitien government Is request- sheet are carried out. Dardanelles are concerned, it Is a mat- sary- to preverit them from being out- jury specially called to probe the Frank s Thrat the jBasttman -Kodak: Company J communicated to ^the state department ed to* reply not later than noon Wed- Mr. West bases his statement on the ter of indifference to the allies whether flanked. They still hold both banks case. - • " ~ ' ' * receipts In- Other city departments, the Balkans lend a hand. Their- as- of -New^ Jeraejri; acquired many stock today his government's regret and nesday. * ... ^ of the Niemen river, from Preny. Ju*t The Jury list Is eompo'sed of some of which have been showing a- decrease sistance is wanted, however, against hounes engaged In different states In sympathy If Americans lost their lives Haiti Slow in Replying over receipts of lastv year, and "from Austria and also to shorten Turkish aellingr photographic supplies manufac- south of Kovno, southward of Grodno, the best known and most substantial The Haitlen' government haa. been which the general council anticipated resistance if the straits are opened. tured by the defendants and their com- one ot the \f.ew fortresses still held by residents of Cobb county, most of them In the sinking of the liner Arabic, and r .being, farmers, with a few merchants, •low In replying;, to the communication a substantial Increase.
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