eiBtoriral et. NutnrillNranris iBturtrut enrirtg'nrirtg -- 42354235 South South Nicholson Nicholson Avenue Avenue St.St. Francis, Francis, Wisconsin Wisconsin 53207 53207 (414)(414) 481-2300 481-2300 NEW ‘N ETTER ** ** * * SUMMER* SUMMER 1987 1987 * * * ** * * * 11■1111•11■1111111111=1•111111■11111111111111111111111111•11111=1•11•111111111M1111■11111•1111111111■1=1•11■11111 11111111■11■111 11 NEXT GENERAL MEETING JUNE 2929 Thanks to toAdele Adele Lenz, ourLenz, publicity our chairperson, publicity the chairperson, the word is is out outabout aboutthe Society's the upcomingSociety's meeting upcoming on Monday, meeting on Monday, June 29, 29, at 7:30 at p.m.7:30 at thep.m. Community at the Center, Community 3476 E. HowardCenter, 3476 E. Howard Ave. The The subject subject is "The isMilwaukee "The ofMilwaukee the 1880s." of the 1880s." The slideslide show show is a sedentary is a sedentarywalking tour of walking downtown tour of downtown Milwaukee as theas citythe began. city to emergebegan.to as a metropolitan gmerge as a metropolitan center in thein late the 19th late century. 19th The showcentury. will be presentedThe show will be presented by a arepresentative representative of the Milwaukee of the County Milwaukee Historical County Historical Society. Featured Featured will be businesses, will be government businesses, buildings government buildings and Victorian Victorian mansions mansions as members as and members their guests and see their guests see informative and entertainingand entertaining slides about theslides early history about the early history of Milwaukee. Milwaukee. The slideslide program program will begin will after begina short businessafter a short business meeting. Refreshments Refreshments will be served.will Loisbe served.Neubauer andLois Neubauer and John Heidenreich Heidenreich have arranged have thearranged details of the meeting. details of the meeting. "ST. FRANCIS FRANCIS DAYS" DAYS" FAST FAST APPROACHING APPROACHING St. Francis Francis Days willDays be heldwill Friday be throughheld Sunday,Friday through Sunday, September 4 through 4 through 6, at Memorial 6, at Park.Memorial The Society Park. will The Society will again have have a game a boothgame at booth the festival. at Patthe Witz festival. and Laura Pat Witz and Laura Staats are theare co-chairpersons the co-chairpersons for our booth and for they our would booth and they would love to hearto hearfrom you from about you the timeabout you canthe volunteer time youto can volunteer to work in in the booth.the booth. Pat can be Pat reached can at be482-2164, reached evenings, at 482-2164, evenings, and Laura's Laura's phone phone number numberis 481-9849. is 481-9849. OUROUR REGIONALREGIONAL CONVENTIONCONVENTION The Bay Bay View View Historical Historical Society is Societythe host for isthe the host for the SeptemberSeptember 26, 198726, regional1987 regional convention forconvention our Society. Thefor our Society. The conventionconvention will bewill held bein the held Avalon in Theater, the Avalon one of the Theater, one of the mostmost interesting interesting buildings buildings in Bay View. in Thp Bay building View. was Thp building was constructedconstructed in the inlate 1920sthe lateand is still1920s in use. and is still in use. TheThe convention convention will include will theinclude showing ofthe films showing which of films which documentdocument the the history history of Bay View.of Bay There View. will also There be a will also be a concertconcert on theon Avalon's the Avalon's theater organ. theater Lunch will organ. be served Lunch will be served atat the the South South Shore ParkShore Pavilion. Park For Pavillon. more information For aboutmore information about thethe regional regional convention, convention, contact Kathy contact Schwingle, Kathy 744-0873. Schwingle, 744-0873. IT'SIT'S NEVERNEVER TOOT00 EARLYEARLY TO PLAN TheThe 10th10th annualannual ArtsArts && CraftsCrafts FairFair sponsoredsponsored byby ourour SocietySociety willwill bebe heldheld Sunday,Sunday, NovemberNovember 8,8, 1987,1987, atat thethe CommunityCommunity Center.Center. TheThe tabletable feefee forfor sellerssellers willwill remainremain thethe same:same: $10.$10. AA tabletable willwill bebe reservedreserved forfor youyou whenwhen thethe feefee andand aa descriptiondescription ofof youryour productproduct isis receivedreceived byby co-chairpersonco-chairperson MargieMargie Heidenreich,Heidenreich, 37213721 S.S. ArcticArctic Ave.,Ave., St.St. Francis,Francis, 53207.53207. (Please(Please includeinclude youryour phonephone numbernumber andand informationinformation aboutabout whetherwhether youyou needneed electricity,electricity, handicappedhandicapped access,access, aa preferredpreferred location,location, etc.)etc.) GeneralGeneral informationinformation willwill bebe mailedmailed toto lastlast year'syear's exhibitorsexhibitors sometimesometime inin August.August. ThisThis isis justjust advanceadvance notice!notice! - OH, -YOUYOU -BEAUTIBEAUTIFUL-FUL - DOLLADOLL! Old dolls, children's books and Christmas tree ornaments were displayed at the March general membership meeting by Joyce Kuehl ofof thethe DollDoll Collector'sCollector's Club.Club. CharacterCharacter dollsdolls were displayed by Lorraine Sordahl and Rose Lerath showed her collection of Barbie and Ken dolls from such countries as Canada, JapanJapan andand Germany.Germany. HerHer displaydisplay alsoalso includedincluded an IndianaI ndiana JonesJones dolldoll andand aa ShirleyShirley TempleTemple doll.doll. AA collectioncollection of dolls from Hawaii, Denmark and Nassau was shown by Dolores Kleczka. Her Her collection collection ofof whimsicalwhimsical kewpiekewpie dollsdolls werewere displayed by Mildred Hansen.Hansen. OLD WORLD WISCONSIN: ONE OF OUR FAVORITE PLACES The Historical Society is sponsoring a return visit to Old WorldWorld WisconsinWisconsin inin September.September. A A busbus willwill bebe charteredchartered for the trip whichwhich isis usuallyusually heldheld thethe thirdthird oror fourthfourth SundaySunday of that month. The necessary details about the day trip will be provided when they are available. — -- — -- - - — - - IfIf yóyou ü wouldwould Fikei tot o-- suggestgugle-s-t a atour tourforthe for the -Society, contact Diane Johnston atat 483-5883,483-5883, weekdaysweekdays afterafter 55 p.m.p.m. Your ideas about any activities for the Society are always welcome and are encouraged! NEWNEW MEMBERSMEMBERS ALWAYSALWAYS WELCOMEWELCOME RonRon TessmerTessmer isis thethe Society'sSociety's membershipmembership chairman.chairman. IfIf youyou knowknow ofof someonesomeone whowho wouldwould likelike toto joinjoin us,us, havehave thatthat personperson contact Ron Tessmer at 483-5100 oror writewrite toto himhim inin carecare ofof thethe D-FD-F Corporation,Corporation, 25172517 E.E. NorwichNorwich Ave.,Ave., St.St. Francis.Francis. (This(This isis aa goodgood timetime forfor aa gentlegentle reminder.reminder. IfIf youyou havehave notnot yet paid your dues for 1987, they can be sent toto Ron.Ron. DuesDues areare $5$5 forfor familiesfamilies andand $4$4 forfor singles.)singles.) SHERRY ISIS ONON HERHER WAYWAY TOTO MOSCOWMOSCOW Sherry Biedrzycki, Biedrzycki, 12, and 12, her parents,and her Tom parents, and Judy, Tom and Judy, are on on their their way toway Moscow to Moscowas of Sunday, as ofJune Sunday, 28. All of theJune 28. All of the activity started started when Sherry when composedSherry Wecomposed Can Walk "We In Peace"Can Walk In Peace" several years years ago. Toago. make To a longmake story a longshort, Sherrystory and short, Sherry and her family family developed developed a friendship a friendship with a Moscow with radio a Moscow radio representative after Sherry'safter tapeSherry's tape of herher music music was was acknowledged by Sovietby Soviet leader Mikhailleader Gorbachev. Mikhail Gorbachev. A peacepeace poster contest contest ensued, ensued, five Wisconsin five children Wisconsin won the children won the contest and, and, in the in way the of a prize,way ofthose a fiveprize, children, those five children, along with with Sherry Sherry and her and parents, her areparents, on their wayare to on their way to Moscow. There There will willbe an exhibitbe an inexhibit Moscow atin an Moscowart museum at an art museum of the the posters posters of the fiveof Wisconsinthe five winners, Wisconsin to include winners, the to include the posters ofof other other American American schoolchildren schoolchildren who were who were semifinalists in the contest.in the contest. History is inis the in making. the makin5.. and Sherry lives. and in St.Sherry lives in St. Francis. GOODBYE, LAKESIDELAKESIDE POWERPOWER PLANT PLANT The LakesideLakeside Power Power Plant, Plant, long a landmark, long a islandmark, being is being demolished. The The site, site, when cleared, when willcleared, make way will for a make way for a planned condo-hotel-marina condo-hotel-marina development. development. Our CityCity seal seal includes includes the three thesmokestacks three ofsmokestacks Lakeside of Lakeside as part part of itsof logo. its The logo. logo will, The presumably, logo will, have presumably,to be have to be redesigned. It will will most most likely belikely a city-wide be aevent city-wide when those event when those smokestacks, which which have guidedhave lakeguided travelers lake for travelersyears and for years and years and and years, years, are taken are down taken section down by section. section by section. „. 1,., 4 • c SI° \ c. ANTE HISTO OLD WORLDWORLD WISCONSIN WISCONSIN
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