Ik TREATY SERIES, 1950. No. 4. AGREEMENT ' ' f V \ 1950 between the A GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN REGARDING MUTUAL AID AND EXCHANGE OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION Dublin 11th May, 1950. Presented to Dáil Eireann by the Minister for External Affairs. DUBLIN : PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased directly from the GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE, 3-4 COLLEGE STREET, DUBLIN, or through any Bookseller. Price Ttvopence. (Pr. 16). TREATY SERIES, 1950. No. 4. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN REGARDING MUTUAL AID AND EXCHANGE OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION Dublin 11th May, 1950. Presented to Dáil Eireann by the Minister for External Affairs. DUBLIN : PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased directly from the GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE, 3-4 COLLEGE STREET, DUBLIN, or through any Bookseller. Prie •■ Twopence. (Pr. 16). AGREEMENT ON MUTUAL AID AND EXCHANGE OF METEOROLÓGICA INFORMATION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF IRELAND AND SPAIN. The Governments of Ireland and Spain, desirous of establishing a coordinated system of exchanging meteorological information with a view to the increase of safety in aerial navigation, have resolved to draw up an Agreement concerning mutual aid and exchange of meteorological information and, to this end, have appointed Plenipotentiaries, as follows :— The Government of Ireland, Mr. Sean MacBride, Minister for External Affairs ; His Excellency the Chief of the Spanish State and the Generalissimo of the Land, Sea and Air Forces, His Excellency Don Alonso Alvarez de Toledo y Meneos, Marques of Miraflores, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Spain in Ireland, who, having produced their Full Powers, which were found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows :— ARTICLE 1. EXCHANGE OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION. 1. The Meteorological Services of Spain and Ireland will main- tain continous liaison for the mutual exchange of Meteorological information. Such exchange will include :— 1.1. full details (including time table, content, index num- bers, co-ordinates and altitudes of stations, codes, etc., and any amendments thereto) of Meteorological broad- casts made from either country, or from ships of either country or from Spanish foreign Possessions and Protectorates of— 1.1.1. synoptic weather reports from fixed or mobile stations and ships 1.1.2. aerological observations, whether made from air- craft, or by means of pilot balloon, radiosonde, radar or other method 1.1.3. weather observations or forecasts, intended for Jt<¿d the use of aircraft in flight ulffl 1.1.4. other meteorological data. ^Egg 1.2. official meteorological publications of either country, andr Pk&y in particular, weather bulletins, summaries of climato- l^â logical data, descriptive memoranda on meteorological jÊêM conditions at international aérodromes, and research WEE publ ic ation s. ¿^^1 1.3. any other normally available meteorological data or in- fsÊÊ formation relating to either cbuntry, which is requested WEE by the other country. WÈÈ 2. The information exchanged under the terms of clauses 1.1.1. sÊÈÊ ». to 1.1.4. of this Article will include details relating to meteoro- WÊÈ HI logical data originating outside Spain or Ireland, which are WÊÊ II included in the Meteorological broadcasts of either of the mj| m Countries. Any required amendments or additions to the inform- WÊÈ ation exchanged under the terms of these paragraphs will be WÈÈ * issued as early as possible before the date of implementation so WÈÈ as to permit of timely internal circulation by the recipient. Notice WÊÈ of at least 15 days will, whenever possible, be given. WÊÈ ARTICLE 2.—RETURN OF SALVAGED METEORO- WE | LOGICAL UPPER AIR SOUNDING APPARATUS. ¡|| Any meteorograph, radiosonde or other Meteorological Upper P$f$ ^ Air sounding apparatus of either country which comes to earth in fß'0 the territory of the other will be returned as found without delay. WÊÊ ARTICLE 3.—AGREEMENT ON PBOCEDURES AM) WE METHODS. WÊ 1. The Meteorological Services of Spain and Ireland undertake W«M to take steps for the drawing up of an Agreement regarding ¡sal operational procedure and methods, including systems of units pj|| and instruments used. Such Agreement will take due account of %$&;] any previous Agreements made by either country with other states io^A'J or with International Organisations. &ÊÈ 2. The Agreement will be subject to review from time to time ¡§|al at the request of either Service when, in the opinion of that Sei- WÈÈ vice, it is desirable or convenient to make substantial modifications WÊÈ in the agreed methods, units or instruments employed. ||m ARTICLE 4.—METHODS OF CONTACT BETWEEN THE §9 TWO METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES. gl 1. Technical discussion will be normally carried on by mean? ||£| of direct correspondence between the Directors of the two ggj Meteorological Services. ■ |¿*ja 2. If the normal method of discussion proves inadequate, or if, in the opinion of either of the Meteorological Services, exceptional circumstances so require, arrangements will be made for the hold- ing of a joint technical representative meeting at a time and venue to be mutually agreed. ARTICLE 5.—DURATION OF THE PRESENT AGREE- MENT. The present agreement will remain in force indefinitely,unless denounced, with one year's»prior notice, by either of the contract- ing parties. DONE in Dublin in duplicate this eleventh day of May, nineteenhundred and fifty, in the English and Spanish languages, both texts being equally authentic. For the Government of For the Government of Ireland Spain (Signed) (Signed) Sean MacBride. Marques de Mirafloes. B.940.J.1420.Wt.880—1607.3.750.9/50.A.T.&C^.,Ltd. G.I. U/ll Pa'iPÉIR ATA LE TÍOLACADHDON DÁIL AGUS DON TSEANAD PAPERS TO BE PRESENTED TO THE DAIL AND SEANAD. lb 1. An Roinn ata ag déanamh an tiolactha Department making presentation DEPARTMENTOF. EXTSM^L.MEALRS. t /^TABl. 8 -NC71950 2. Teideal an Pháipéir ata le tíolacadh ... S V Title of Paper to be presented TOSATY..SERIES..1950 _T.o...h.EXCHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN IRELAND AND SPAIN REGARD- ING MUTUALAID AND EXCHANGEOF METEOR- OLOGICAL..IlffiORMATI QN-.. 3. Más do réir Reachta ata an tíolacadh á dhéanamh, luaitear Teideal agus Alt an Achta a údaraíonn an tíolacadh ... ..ARTI.OLE..29.. 5 .1.. OP..-THE. -CONST-ITUTI ON. If presented pursuant to Statute, state authority for presentation, giving Title and Section of Act 4. Más gá é blieith ar taspáint ar an mBord ar feadh tréimhse áirithe, luaitear : If required to be on the Table for a specified period, state : (1) An tréimhse Period (2) Ce acu tréimhse de laethe siosóin no de laethe suí í Whether days of session or sitting days 5. An gá tairgsin ag lorg aontuithe gach Tighe? If motion of approval by each House NOT NECESSARY necessary 4&Leireach na Dala 6 coip Sinithe Signed G Ceann na Head of Department. 36)F3017.Wtl381.D6440. 2,000. 8-47. F.P.—628. $ *$-[\~ nfû.
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