Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:178 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . JANUARY 26. 2016 -Dalwa 06, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 Afghan peace process: Karzai leaves for China to attend conference KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani al consensus, and a region with the “just one component” of a wider AT News Report has promised to “bury” Daesh inheritance of previous animosities war that also encompassed Paki- (also known as the Islamic State) and short-sighted behaviour is some- stan. “The problems... are interre- KABUL: The former president militant group, whose local off- thing that is going to require effort lated [and] cannot be solved by use Hamid Karzai on Monday flew shoot has clashed with government and focus.” The US state department of force in one country. He sug- to China to attend a conference forces and Taliban fighters. In a said last week that it had designated gested Pakistan should take action on the Afghan peace process, his BBC interview, Mr Ghani said the IS offshoot in Afghanistan as a against Taliban groups that did not office said in a media statement. Daesh (IS) was “not an Afghan terrorist organisation. It said the agree to talks. “We need to see that According to the statement issued phenomenon” and its atrocities had group had formed in January last we have common interests and we here, the ex-president was invit- “alienated the people”. “Afghans year and was made up of former need to act together to preserve ed by the Shanghai Institute for are now motivated by revenge,” he members of the Pakistani Taliban and the state system and consolidate International Studies to attend the said. “They [IS] have confronted Afghan Taliban. In other comments, it,” he said. Asked what message conference on Afghan peace pro- the wrong people.” Mr Ghani also Mr Ghani warned that if peace talks he had for Afghan migrants arriv- cess. Accepting the invitation, called for anti-IS action at regional with the Taliban did not start by April ing in Europe, Mr Ghani said: Hamid Karzai left for China. The and international level. “There is the conflict would intensify, with “What I say to them is that you former president of Afghanistan will address the conference on the no denial that we are dealing with consequences across the region. have no future in Europe. Europe Afghan reconciliation drive. Ha- very significant risks,” he said, “Time is not a friend,” he said. “We is shutting down its borders. mid Karzai is accompanied by the during a visit to the World Eco- all understand that February and “You’ve just had an interview with former national security advisor nomic Forum in the Swiss ski re- March are crucial.” The Afghan pres- the French prime minister - broad- Rangin Dadfar Spanta and former sort of Davos. “A lot of my diplo- ident said observers should under- cast that to them. The future is culture minister of the country macy has been to create the region- stand that the war in his country was Afghanistan.”(BBC) Karim Khurram. On January 23- 24, Pugwash, the Canadian No- bel Peace Award-wining NGO, organized an unofficial dialogue China considers larger role in Afghan peace process on the Afghan peace process in Doha. The event was also attend- BEIJING: As a bloody offensive even in the capital. Afghanistan ed by the Taliban representatives. by the Taliban spreads in Afghan- shares a border with China, so in istan and with American combat this case China must get involved operations there officially ended, to promote the talks and to secure Afghan-Tajik anxious Chinese leaders find them- the stability in the region.” Yet if selves under pressure to take a China is to play a productive role trade plummets more active role in the long-stalled in peace talks with the Taliban, the DUSHANBE: Deterioration of sit- peace process, according to schol- officials and scholars say, it will uation in Afghanistan has affected ars and current and former diplo- have to convince its ally Pakistan transit of goods into Tajikistan mats. For observers of Chinese di- that an Afghanistan at peace and through the Afghan territory, Abd- KABUL : A two-day meeting on tion within a framework of legiti- plomacy, that kind of commitment engaged politically and economi- ufattoh Ghoib, the head of the Cus- peace and stability in Afghanistan macy established by an appropri- is surprising since China often tries cally with all regional powers, in- toms Service under the Government in Doha has called for an immediate ate constitution. Foreign troops to take a hands-off approach in cluding India, is in Pakistan’s in- of Tajikistan, told reporters in Dus- end to military confrontation mus- must eventually leave Afghanistan. regions and nations at war. “The terests. The Afghan foreign minis- hanbe on January 25 “Over the last tvia political cooperation within a 3. Some participants believe that big backdrop is that the United ter, Salahuddin Rabbani, begins an three months of last year, transit of legitimate framework. Organised by the Constitution should be amend- States will have withdrawn most official four-day visit in Beijing on goods into Tajikistan through the the Canadian Nobel Peace Award- ed, while others believe that the of its troops from Afghanistan with Monday, and the topic of bringing Afghan territory has practically winning NGO Pugwash, the non- constitution should be substantial- the antiterrorism mission unfin- Afghanistan’s warring factions to been stopped,” Ghoib said, noting official event on January 23-24 was ly rewritten. Concrete proposals ished, which is leaving the coun- the negotiating table is expected to that unstable situation in the neigh- attended by approximately 55 par- should be discussed in detail in try a mess,” said Du Youkang, who be the priority in his meetings with boring country is continuing to af- ticipants, who discussed the shared future meetings. 4. Outside forces worked in Islamabad, Pakistan, as Chinese leaders. Mr. Rabbani’s China’s engagement is that a stable Afghanistan could become a critical fect transit of goods into Tajikistan. goal of peace and reconciliation. All should not control the politics of a diplomat and is now the director trip signals that China has a stake transportation hub and market for Chinese goods, and, eventually, an- According to him, the daily number participants expressed appreciation Afghanistan. Instead, internation- of the South Asia Studies Center in the resumption of peace talks, other investment opportunity for President Xi Jinping’s grand econom- of vehicles loaded with transit goods for the government of Qatar for al- al technical, economic and cultural ic plans for Central Asia. Yet security concerns loom alongside the for Tajikistan crossing the Afghan- at Fudan University in Shanghai. which are still at an early stage and Tajik border has decreased from 20 lowing the meeting to take place and cooperation should be promoted. “Bombings have never stopped, stalled months ago. One reason for economic motive. (New York Times) providing support in this regard. 5. The freedom for all parties to to 3. There was a consensus that these discuss the path to peace needs to meetings should continue on a reg- be ensured from now on. The high- ular basis. Discussions showed that est priority in this regard is en- there were many shared concerns, abling all sides to sit together. SEVEN KILLED, 5 INJURED areas of commonality that can cre- Blacklists should be eliminated and ate opportunities for progress. Giv- freedom of movement should be en below is an 18-point statement guaranteed. Visas should be facili- IN KANDAHAR ATTACK issued by the Pugwash secretary- tated for those to attend such dis- general: 1. Peace is an urgent need. cussions. All agreed that the Tali- AT News Report ghanistan Times. He said that two Decades of war that have been im- ban should have an office and an policemen were also “martyred” ANA strengthened KABUL: Seven people were killed and five others were injured in the posed on Afghanistan, have had a address. 6. To foster dialogue Monday and five other injured to fight militants: devastating impact on all Afghans. among all parties, some partici- gun battle withthe Taliban fight- when a group of Taliban fightersat- ers. The injured policemen were People are waiting impatiently for pants invoked Afghanistan’s long- tacked a police outpost in south- US official peace. If progress is not made soon, established tradition of the Jirga. shifted to hospital and were in ern Kandahar province, a provin- good health condition, he said. A AT Monitoring Desk many fear the country may face A peace Jirga of credible, impartial cial official said. The attack took other threats that might further com- Afghans could be convened, per- Taliban spokesman claimed their KABUL: The head of public af- place in the Spin Boldak district, fighters wearing suicide vests en- plicate the process. 2. Military con- haps drawn from participants at bordering Baluchistan province of fairs for the US-NATO mission tered a police building after killing Wilson Shoffner on Monday said frontation must end. The sovereign- this conference. Other institutions, Pakistan. The fiveattackers tried to ty of Afghanistan and the desired such as Pugwash, could also pro- seven policemenat the entrance. that Afghan National Army (ANA) enter the outpost after they killed Provincial officials rejected Tali- which is being engaged in a fierce peace and stability will ultimately vide a forum, but Afghans must the guard at the entrance, said Zia be achieved via political coopera- lead...P2 ban’s claim.
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