Vofc. ■ LOCAL AFFA IHS. jtn escort. He left Duluth Tuesday and MEETING. writers’ exchange, substantially as arrived here Friday afternoon, being sev- (JIT? ported in The Ambrican last week. > .r:.,iriiitiiiiR»miiititiiiuaimuimtumtiHiiiiiiimmiiuiiiuttiiitfiiiiut« enty hours on the road, making only one mid the members of the oommittee > NIW AOVKRT1SKMKNTS THI» WRFK. NEW ROUTE FORPOWERTRANS ■top- in Portland over night. pleased with the improvements at > Maine Central R R -Change In time-table. MISSION LINE. Franklin street engine house, the Eastern (Jo—Fall schedule. The subject of the Unitarian Woman's Steamship in beii w i Hancock County Savings Bank, | Viuol. Alliance for the seasoruwill be “Selections eerioos deficiency, their minds, lO STATE STREET, ELLSWORTH, ME. Te> ement to let. UL OH LITTLW WORK DON* telegraphic fire alarm system. Catharine Fretz at Sentiment ana Kedecticn trom tne DloCuhoiu.., Commenced buelnem M»y 1, 1873. Mary Ausin—Notice., A contract from the New Englandr E H Grecly—Notice of foreclosure. / Poeto”. The opening meeting will be held —ROLLS OF ACCOUNTS—RK0B8S TO Exec notice—Est Edward Uinaida. A Co. was received t ** phone Telegraph —Est Hannah H Lclandv. at tbe parsonage Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 3 NKZT MONDAY. and the n; autho l —Est Isaiah Young. p. m., with selections from Shakespeare approved, mayor Admr notice—Est I»I Collins. to sxecata the tame on lie half of the Lucy and Milton. Business session at 2.30 m. Lost—Binding-chain. • p. 3h2% ! Wanted—liar wood. Monday evening’s meeting of the board It provides for a tree telephone for > -Senator Hale is on a Miss A F f ill among the passengers Hight—New millinery. of alderman waa a deal Ilka a 2,000 popolation, which entitles the oi > < a Union Trust Co. the which left Liver- good smudge steamship Lusitania, two The r begins September 1, and money deposited by that date a J A Haynes—Cush maiket. —much emoke and little Are. It was ’phones. places designate! yext quarter F, F pool, Eng., for New York Saturday. This interest at above rate. Home Banka famished Robinson—Optician. nearly 11 o’clock when the meeting ad- the free telephones an the aldem t goes on Savings § C R Cirone—City lunch room. is the second westward trip ot the Lusi- Ellsworth Greenhouse. and while there was much dis- room and the Franklin street et t when desired. tania, and she will try to clip a few more journed, • 3 Harti.and, Me: little business of reoord was hones. hours off the record. An extra force of cussion, Fu.ler-Osborn Mfg Co-Operators wanted. transacted. License was granted to Lloyd F. De c gflllllllllllMBMlBISUUMtURHIBimiHIIIIHIIIHIUIIIIIIItiiniUllinillHJtUIIIMIIIIIIO stokers has been employed, and every- Banoor, Mb: Mayor Oreely, Aldermen Stuart, Curtis to operate the steam heating plant in » Dental thing timed up for speed. Sawyer Co—Dentistry. were at First national bank Caldwell Sweet Co—Lee's liniment. Staples and Alexander present the building. Tbe Ellsworth high school on Mrs. Neviils waa voted > Boston: lyceuin, meeting. Margaret elected officen for the term as fol- Friday Chief of the Bor land damage resulting from the bail ; We will rent for you. St Lawrence River Lumber Co—Business Engineer Leonard, chance. lows: Robert P. King, president; Carrie of the new MariaviUe road. dkLL We will for Harbor A Union River Power Co., before buy you. Newport, R I: Russell, first vice-president; Arthur Fos- Alderman and < the meeting, exhibited to the board one of Btoart Street We will certify the title. ^ •M Stone man— Old articles wanted. ter, second vice-president; Harry Jordan, the fnsrrintors it is proposed to uss on the miseioner Harley were appointed as) L We write all kinds of Nkw York: Nina Fred insnrance. treasurer; Franklin, secretary; an insnla- committee to confer with Mr. Qrabai ( YOUR Standard Oil Co. po rer transmission line, with ue and we call on Fieldi, Helen Neatly, PbyUia r Write will you immediately. Macomber, tio test or 73.003 volts. Jlr. Leonard alio the Bsr Hnrbor & Union River I Herbert Foster, Alice Dresser, programme and have d. .ft V. a contract eml ACHKDUJ.K of IM Ml,* submitted a map showing the new route Go., committee. which is ing all the road and bridge change; l REAL w. AT K!., iWi.KTM •HlBt-UfriCk proposed for the power line, c. & f.TTmason. The Ellsworth schooner for th-ir construction al r is effect Oct, 7, 1907. Catherine, Capt. fro n the pbwer house to Grant street, provision First National Bank Blits-. Martin, ot Hancock, went ashore at Sul- thence Grant street end the agreed npou verbally by the city go Maim Htbibt. Me. by proposed Ei.lswobth, WAltS RECt-TVEO. livan in- the and of the r ESTATE. gale yesterday. Particulars ne road on the western tide of the river raent representatives j From Wkbt-7.i1 a m. -MPami «.08 pm. FOR SALE have not been received here, but it is un- to the Dovie bridge road, thence to the compdny. From East—if 07 « n», its oa, 6.55 and 0.62 p 11 Icet of land situate on south side and at foot of Sea street. Northeast derstood she will be a total Iobs. She was A recess was then taken until next 1 is.210 Havbor, MAIL CLOSr.0 AT t>Sl.,»NlCR. old Bangor road, which it follows through This lot of land Is on the shore aud title to low*water ma't. Maine. given one of the oldest of the Ellsworth a uew GOING East—6.30 H 4 and 6.8u u< fleet, th" Flood district to the Bangor road, day evening. W. Carr Water Me. a., p II. property. street, Kllsworth, schooner of tons built Going YVkm—11.4 lUO a :.80 and seventy-eight net, an 1 thence the brook road to a Farm with buildings In guod repair. East Dluehlll. Me. u,, Opm. by Boggy at Belfast in 1833. Capt. J. M. Higgins, of it near the where it CHURCH NOTES. 7 Acres Sue shore property. East Blueblll, Me'. i No Sunday r. all. po: McCartney place, is tbe owner. The 3 Acres of Land west slds High Street Ellsworth. Me. Ellsworth, principal cm. across to the and then fol- railroad, ROMAN CATHOLIC. One 11-2 bouse shingled and New stable 28x32. New 13x42 steam yacht owned by D. T. Timsycnic, c luv. s the railroad to Brewer. story aewly painted. hennery Dr. lies. J. six acres of laud more or less all free from rocks, with well ot water at the J. H. Patten, of Amherst, is in Ella- D. O'tirien, pastor. with never-failing summer resident of Sullivan, also dragged '! he map was not accompanied by the 4eor. Wo.al-house aud carriage-house connected with the house; cuts live tons ol hay. This worth Oct. .3 mass and to-day. and was Sunday, High ha desirable location for summer home, or for a market garden, being acesaihle aahora badly damaged. W.ial so no formal action could very easily petition, mon Bar Harbor markets. Situated at uncut two ml'es from is. t S. L. Lord is still confined to the at 10J). to Lainolne, Maine, V, oaling Capt. The Ambursen Hydraulic Construction be taken by the board. The route eras in- nation. Apply to C. W, ft P, L. Mason. house illness. COKORRC1ATION.U.. by Co. la running in tbe engineer- formally discussed by the board, however. principal See. R. R. Mathews, pastor. Terence B. Towle, of Bangor, is in Ells- ing publications in the country a fall page While there is leas serious objection to Sunday, Oot. 13 — Morning yerv!- t worth to-day, attending court. advertisement of the Ellsworth dam. It this route than to the one Amt proposed, FOR BALE. 10.30. Sermon by pastor. Sunday i Senator Sumner P. Mills, of Stonington, show* six views ot the dam, from a cut there is somo objection from reeldenta of at 11.46. A on Central St., one on Main two on School and one property St, St., is in attendance at court to-day. ot the site with the old mills standing, the Flood district, particularly from A. E. at 7.27. on Franklin St.—all at reasonable Prayer meeting Friday evening prices. through various stages ot construction. It Flood, who objects to the sacrillcing of I also hare Insurance or all kinds for sale—some securities, and Dr. Harry C. Mason of Stonington, is METHODIST EPISCOPAL. good invites and some beautiful shade trees in front of bis are visiting his parents in Ellsworth. engineers, capitalists operators Use. V. F. Sendee, pastor. prices right. secured to visit the dam and Inspect it in course ot place. The power company has Oct. 13 — service at Harold C. Smith is visiting his grand- Sunday, Morning construction. The ot the con- options from property-owners all along 10.30. Sunday school at 11.46. Ju dor o. W. TAPLEY Lord wife. object 1 parents, .Capt. S. L. and at 2JO. service st 7.3). struction company, of to call the' line up to the Flood place, which league Evening is, course, and bible Frit Mrs. F. 8. Smith is in Ellsworth, called attention of and wonld allow it to back from the Prayer meeting study y engineers capitalists to keep evening at 7 JO. here by the illness of her father, Capt. 8. but Mr. it is W© this style bf dam, in tbe hope of future highway, Flood, understood, UNION ELLSWORTH PALLS. represent L. Lord. OONO’L, contracts, bat such an advertisement can- will not give an option, and objects to its sixteen ol the Rev.
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