Acta chir belg, 2007, 107, 84-85 Ovarian Ligament Adenomyoma : A Case Report L. Choudhrie, N. N. Mahajan, M. V. Solomon, A. Thomas, A. J. Kale, K. Mahajan Padhar Hospital, Padhar, District - Betul, Madhya Pradesh, India. Pin 460005. Key words. Ovarium ; ovarian adenoma ; uterine adenomyoma ; müllerian duct. Abstract. Background : Adenomyoma is a benign tumour composed of smooth muscle and benign endometrium. These tumours typically originate within the uterus. An extra-uterine adenomyoma is a rare entity. Case : We report a case of extra-uterine adenomyoma of the ovarian ligament, which was an incidental finding during a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for a benign ovarian tumour in a postmenopausal woman. The mass was round with uterine-type smooth muscle and scattered functional endometrial glands and stroma. Discussion : Only seven other cases of an extra-uterine uterine-like mass are reported in the literature. There have been no cases of adenomyoma in the ovarian ligament reported until now. Conclusion : It is most likely that this uterine-like mass arose from the tissues of the secondary müllerian system. Introduction At laparotomy, a right ovarian tumour measuring 25 ϫ 22 ϫ 24 cm in size was present with a normal sized Extra-uterine adenomyomas may arise from the uterus, uterus and left ovary. A small 0.8 ϫ 0.8 cm nodule, from within the broad ligament, from the fallopian tube, weighing 10gms, was seen on the left ovarian ligament. or from the ovary. Adenomyomas, benign tumours com- Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo- posed of smooth muscle and non-neoplastic endometri- oophorectomy was done. Histopathological examination um, typically originate within the uterus. An adenomy- of the right ovarian tumour revealed a mucinous cys- oma presenting outside the uterus is uncommon. Seven tadenoma. Cut section of the ovarian ligament nodule cases of uterine-like masses, exterior to the uterus, have showed grayish white areas and on microscopic exami- been reported. Of these, 3 have been described as ade- nation it showed whirling bundles of smooth muscles nomyoma with uterus-like features (1-7). This report strewn over with endometrial stroma and glands. documents a fourth case of an extra-uterine adenomy- The differential diagnosis of the ovarian ligament oma. There have been no cases located in the ovarian tumour included endometrioma, leiomyomatosis peri- ligament reported until now. A review of the literature, tonealis disseminata, and extra-uterine adenomyoma. to further understand the frequency and etiology of this The prominent smooth muscle component distinguished unusual finding, is presented. this mass from an endometrioma. Leiomyomatosis peri- tonealis disseminata was also excluded because of the Case presence of cycling endometrial tissue and the lack of a recent or current pregnancy. The mass was diagnosed as The patient was a 57-year-old postmenopausal woman an extra-uterine adenomyoma. who presented complaining of a lump in the lower abdomen and supra-pubic and pelvic pain. An abdominal Comment examination revealed a palpable 25 ϫ 25 cm cystic mass arising out of the pelvis. Pelvic examination revealed a Seven cases of an extra-uterine uterine-like mass have normal sized, retroverted uterus with a cystic mass aris- been reported in the literature, of which 3 were describ- ing from the right fornix. The left fornix could not be ed as a uterine adenomyoma with uterus-like features evaluated properly because the uterus had shifted to the (1-7). Four masses involved the ovary, with one adjacent left due to the mass. Work-up included abdomino-pelvic to the broad ligament, one was attached to the lower ultrasound that showed a huge well-defined cystic mass uterine segment and another had been removed follow- measuring 25 ϫ 22 ϫ 24 cm, filling the entire pelvis and ing hysterectomy 22 years before. Although only the last lower part of the abdomen. The right ovary was not visi- three were described as extra-uterine adenomyoma, the ble in the scan whereas the left ovary and uterus were histologic findings in all were strikingly similar. The normal. CA-125 was normal. An intravenous urogram microscopic descriptions of each mass included func- showed bilateral, normally functioning kidneys. tional endometrial glands and stroma within a muscular Ovarian Ligament Adenomyoma 85 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Gross photograph of a uterus with round mass on left ovarian Microscopic photograph (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifi- ligament. cation ϫ 10). Thick myometrium-like smooth muscle compo- nent surrounds prominent endometrial glands and stroma. structure resembling a uterus (1-7). There have been no adenomyoma/uterus-like mass of the ovarian ligament cases located in the ovarian ligament reported until now. arose from the tissues of the secondary müllerian system, Two theories have been offered to explain the etio- which was derived from the sub-coelomic mesenchyme. logy of the uterus-like mass : the müllerian duct fusion defect theory and the sub-coelomic mesenchyme trans- formation theory. Pueblitz-PEREDO et al. (4) and References ROSAI (7) postulated that these uterine-like masses result 1. REDMAN R., WILKINSON E. J., MASSOLL N. A. Uterine-like mass from a müllerian duct fusion defect. with features of an extra-uterine adenomyoma presenting 22 years The müllerian duct fusion defect theory is based on a after total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorec- developmental abnormality occurring during the forma- tomy : A case report and review of the literature. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2005, 129 (8) : 1041-3. tion of the female genital tract. Initially, male and female 2. JUNG W., S HIN B., KIM I. Uterine adenomyoma with uterus-like embryos have two pairs of genital ducts : wolffian features. Int J Surg Pathol, 2002, 10 : 163-6. (mesonephric) and müllerian (paramesonephric). Lack 3. COZZUTTO C. Uterus like mass replacing ovary. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1981, 105 : 508-511. of fusion of the müllerian ducts in a localized area, or 4. PUEBLITZ-PEREDO S., LUEVANO-FLORES E., RINCON-TARACENA R., throughout the length of the ducts, may explain various OCHOA-CARRILLO F. J. 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Langman’s Medical Embryology. 6th ed. Baltimore, early müllerian and wolffian ducts (8). In the adult, the Md : Williams and Wilkins, 1990 : 270-83. sub-coelomic mesenchyme is represented by “…an 9. LAUCHLAN S. C. The secondary Mullerian system. Obstet Gynaecol Surv, 1972, 27 : 133-46. inconspicuous layer of flattened cells that blend imper- 10. KURMAN R. J. Blaunstein’s Pathology of the Female Genital Tract. ceptibly into the subserosal stroma of the uterus, ovaries, 5th ed. New York, NY : Springer-Verlag, 2002 : 745-78. tubes, and uterine ligaments”. Proliferation of the sub 11. RHOLFING M. B., KAO K. J., WOODARD B. H. Endomyometriosis : possible association with leiomyomatosis disseminata and adjacent mesenchyme may give rise to mesenchymal endometriosis. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1981, 105 : 556-57. lesions composed of endometrial stromal-type cells, 12. SCULLY R. E. Smooth-muscle differentiation in genital tract dis- decidua, or smooth muscle (9-12). orders. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1981, 105 : 505-7. In this case, it is unlikely that the patient had a struc- tural uterine abnormality consistent with a müllerian Dr. N. N. Mahajan, M.D. Padhar Hospital fusion defect, because she had a normal uterus, cervix, Padhar, District – Betul fallopian tubes and ovaries and was also without any Madhya Pradesh, India. Pin 460005 renal abnormality. It is most likely that this extra-uterine E-mail : [email protected].
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