Partly dandy May. Mgb » Ifean It ae charge at oMtara <>•«•. Fair teaigbt ud ». ia me Red Bade parUaf lad after t p. at. Wednesdays and •arrow. Uw toalght, »*. Fridays, Red Baak'a. twe ship- High tomerrew, «|. See pace 2. */ tffal Regist An lnd.pe.ndW Ntwspapcr Under Sam* Ownership 4/ Sine* 1078 VOLUME 82, NO. 132 lam* sun. Moafer oma Mtor.mun* — a*m* Out Mu*t 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE •t tt» IM sun it 1U4 auk. H. J.. later (to M •< MarcM. ISIS. RED BANK. N. J-. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, I960 Nazi-Klan e Youth Tie-up Reported Pulled Seven VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Po- lice have arrested five person* False Alarms they say are leaden of a secret Nad underground group which has doe* finks with the Ku Krai Dew Tetn Ager Han in the United States and Is Councilman part of a worldwide network of AMgaa Vaa Barea'a HDear anti-Semitic and neo-Naii groups. Te—Afc" beak to ae. page Hurt on Way The police aaid they had raided 1 today. a local printing pUnt and seized If yea are a member af the •Sj^svaaaw#ajaw *j^*> ^ ejaaaSje^^"*aaaaeev To Fire Call MMQtf (MMfMiMBt sW.MM9 I*) '" from the United VPW OmCSt HONOUD- Edward A Duva ef Eatt Keansbiirg. center. |uMer vie* States and Sweden. read (Ms arUde! And thea be commander ef the stale Veterens of Foreign Wen, receives congratulations of ne. • to read each testahmeat FREEHOLD—This bor- Part' of the material carried daty Jar the aest twe week*. ough's plague of false the imprint "Ku Khut Man of tional junior vice commander In chief, Robert E. Hanion, at testlmenial dinner lest America," a spokesman said, night in Buck Smith's, East Keamburg. Others looking on are Mayor John T. Lew. alarms, which caused a while some was marked "Printed ley, Middletown: Charles E. Klnnsy. Inspector general of the netional VFW, and state serious accident Sunday by the White Brotherhood," The First in War, Senator Richard R. Stout. , • . ; : morning, may be solved W MOM 'MQHQW-As her children look on. MM. police said it was a European branch of the klan. with the arrest last night Louis Brown, 19 Irown La., Fair Haven, receives from But Last In Other books and pamphlets Today ' . of an 18-year-old Freehold well-groomed "George Washington" (Robert Dickerson were printed in Malmo, Sweden, Maintenance Township youth. ': i of Krldofs! an envelope containing a silver dollar, and by the fascist "Social European In WMUngton Raritan Police identified him as Information that it could be sport for twice its value In Movement," the spokesman aaid. BALTIMORE (AP) - It looks Thomai Culnar, Rt. 79. He i* By Tbe a Red Bank Ratail Trade Board store during tha Washing, Two aeo-Nasb) who allegedly like a big piece of hard candy being held in $10,000 bail in the headed the Austrian organla- SENATE Bid Termed Suicide left oa a shelf to gather dirt. county jail for a hearing torrior. ton's Birthday Sales Saturday and today. Tha children too, Leopold Windisch and Fred Continues debate on dvit The note to almost gone. The row morning before Magistrate are Holly, Meredith and David Brown. Distribution of Borth, wen arrested last month rights legislation. 1 eyes are so weathered they are Samuel S. Sagotsky. the silver dollars continues today. on ehsrges of Inciting public ua- No major committee meetings, Redmond Sayg *Dump Seamen hardly perceptible. ' Aaether false alarm waa HOUSE The area around the mouth palled after the youth's arrest, Holds routine session. Move Has Destroyed Club looks chipped. There are dark bet police have reaaaa to be- No major committee meetings stains in the folds of the cloth- Itove that the yonth wu re- RARITAN TOWNSHIP ing.' ' . •• •;, •- •••'-.•• i spaaslUe far the previous false Eisenhower Starts Middletown SUPREME COURT This Is a statue of George In recess until tomorrow. James W. Redmond, Garden alarm*.,.' • ,. ' •••••• -''.v Parkway, Haiiet, declared yester- Washington in Baltimore, the Jaycee Unit New Scandal town which likes to call itself Freehold Asaittaiit Fire Com- 'GoodPartner'Tour day that "It would now be suici- The Monumental City. Standing mlnloner and Councilman De- Meyner Still dal" for any RepubUcan to seek In Druid Hill Park, it is probably Witt Lott and three pwenger* WASHINGTON (AP) - Pres- Gets Charter Hits Chicago the office of township committee* the most Ignored atatue of Wuh <*' another car'were' injured in an . automobile accident early Hunters Win ident Eisenhower flies south to- MIDDLETOWN - The Middle- Opposed To _ la the city. day on a four-nation, ltday At the same time, Mr. Red- It has been spared only, oneSunday- morning as the commis- iwn Junior Chamber of Com- Policemen sioner answered a false alarm. "Good Partner" minion design- merce Chapter received its char- mond, who last;week was. men-humiliation: A niche protects it Reversal On Income Tax CHICAGO (AP) - Mora talk- «"»«d by a "dumpSeamen" fac-from passing pigeons, It.wat the borough'* seventh ed to strengthen U. S. relations ter from the state organisation fatse'alarm since Jan. 1. at an executive meeting Friday NEWARK (AP) - Gov. Robin- g burglan have jolted the j»«» of the Republican Clul with Latin America. one of four possible OOP ceadi- Mr; Lott, South St., received fa Paterson. i ert B. Meyner yesterday said scandal-scarred Chicago Police In a pre-departure speech, New Jersey could raiae money dates, took verbal pokes at sev- severe, cuts, around the. face and Joseph Cahilf. president of the y Department anew with, fresh era! of his fallow Republican*, Boy's Dream FREEHOLD — The conviction striking at critics of Ma defense — IotI a of fIt —It b iincome head and was treated at'Fitkin pollciei, he declared last '~ZM Middletown unit reported the toe- :the" governor •• said he charges that more than M po- u the weal OOP headed for Hoipital,. Neptune, and released. of three Matawan bomber •> sroup bad received 8 paid- charges of trespassing on posted that this ration's nuclear' 10 was elected on a pledge against licemen were involved with a Saves Lives Mis* Janice Conine. Ailenhunt, strength and developing missile memberships by Thursday a broad bated tax and he's The whole thing started last and Mn. Lawrence Donahay of property was reversed by Coun- , night. The minimum required for gang spsdallxlngia swank Cold ty Judge John1 C Giordano hen power constitute "a trustworthy sticking to It. Monday when Fred F. Iveraon Stewart St.. Howell Townshipp. shield of peace" beyond Russia's chartered resigned u club president in pr>Of Family Friday.- - -'. * "Tha only concsrshni Acttng an reported in fair condition in The three men, C. Randolph ability to destroy by sudden at-*- for a change of teet of ,wbet,he described as DEAL-A abw-ycaT4iM bo/i FiUfa-with' cut* and possible Heusar aad User— Ptoiato. bom dab movemaat to dump- Com-dreaream about "eating aomethini fractures. of Mam St, asdr ttaaJey/.R. Jones. RaviaeDr., bad beta con- «f Inrtag victed, la Manelapaa Township •*, Ms wife, C4ga, and staadlag men m ma state organ!- head of Ike bargUry detail, Itok- .. aad lelsasae. i court of tnspsating on the prop- HasVany QowvWv^kmtJ JP HM psanmce today « the "Covet- 1 ponccaMB •• HUstrto In Ua stitttosat. Mr. Redmond ttMr three children as fire swept AtU:»Wm.Saadayafalss MMM 4BJ tflwMhTfwHaTe HtlOB Bert Report" erty of Ernest Snyder, Lafayette id by the tergeonlng said, to part: malr threiStoiy frame home at alarm w,u pauad at a fire bag _ The charter,will be offldally He Freder- "Mr. Iversoa's eye-opening ar- at'NsptoneAve. ' ,,- , Mills Rd., oa NoV. ». It enables the United - to the rftfy • ; at Raayssi aad Schivena Avas. The men testified they wen on aad its Allies, including the oth-praaantad to the chapter at local (See RARITAN, Pg. «) Mr., Bookstaber, a lawyer, told Phelaniaakl no Isrnstlgatiea the property, but claimed they er American nations, to istand ceremonies toe n«t two of Ike New Jeney Educatlen Aa- gfeob hi* son/Richard, I, awoke South St. toward me tire saw no signs warning trespasser* "resolute and unafraid" la the moons. IOCIIMOB, WRV MB CflUCUQ S a. aa. to discover the oft. Mr. Snyder said signs wen face of continuous threat, Eisen- Lloyd Hatsfdm. Trenton, na- aefa ISSMI budget as aot mast- ofHeersallea*d|y Out smoke wu mom a reality than hower said. tag a aesd for m mfnaa deUan - st Isast oae d a dream. ' Mr. Lott swerved to avoid a posted around the property. They tional director for the New Jar car coming out of Institute St asid they left tha property when The President arranged to asy Jaycee*. saM, "0« behalf of The boy alerted Ms parents and Hpp saM be ttaagbt New Jer- aW Debate, Ins older sMtn, Ruth and Hinda, and struck the southbound Don- Mr. Snyder ordered them off. take off from Andrews Air Force the state Jaycees, I am vary ahay ar headon. ', In ravening tbe conviction and Base and make his first stop pleased* Mb aiahth sVMs^s^LaUtowMak Ijalaai say • www 'would all escaped from their s voiding their fines of $25. Judge at San Juan, Puerto Rico, tax "if tbe real laa, were attached to the Sam- The Donahay car wu pinned be-th_ e_ Jtyctt ofg^is^tiiilOmV WNh Morris Says Police said the family was able between a tree.and Mr. Lett's Giordano said hunters could not fore going on to Ramey Air their enthusiasm sad drive; they •buy worn toM of oarmerdal* district, scene, of „ early scandal, sad the burajary RIO- BArJK-ReptibUcan U,S, to salvage only a few items of car.
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