Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-10-1980 The Summer BG News July 10, 1980 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The Summer BG News July 10, 1980" (1980). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3764. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3764 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. a-. '.. the summer B*G Hews ■Bowling "Green Stale "University July 10, 1980 Tenure suit filed against University by David Drake pired is in effect fired. things as his dress and religion. He been denied tenure during fall editor Bergman contends that he was believes that these reasons, and not quarter, however, he waited until denied tenure on purely personal professional qualifications, were the June 24 before filing the suit. He said A University professor has filed suit grounds, mainly stemming from his basis for denial. he waited because the matter was still against the University, claiming religion. He describes himself as a Bergman said he hoped filing the suit on appeal within the University. religious discrimination after he was fundamental Christian and a former would make the court look at denied tenure. Jehovah's Witness. academic freedom. Bergman said the "I was certain I would get justice Gerald Bergman, an assistant pro- "I don't think they followed due pro- present system favors those in- through the appeal process," fessor in the education foundation and dividuals that conform to majority Bergman said. "However, it just turn- cess," Bergman said. "I never receiv- ed out to be a rubber stamp of the inquiry department of the College of ed written letters of progess like I am ideals. Education, is seeking $200,000 in supposed to." This is not the first time Bergman decision." damages from the University. To receive tenure, a professor must has had problems with employment Bergman said he was uncertain The suit, filed in the federal receive approval from two-thirds of practices at the University. Several about what his future plans would be, District Court in Toledo, names the the department. The voting is done by years ago his employment was ter- noting that the denial of tenure, University, President Hollis A. Moore secret ballot which, Bergman said, minated. At that time, he said the only followed by his filing suit, would make Jr. and Provost Dr. Michael Ferrari, prevents him from knowing the reasons given were personal ap- finding another teaching position dif- as defendents. grounds for denial. pearance and that he had not com- ficult. Under University regulation, any Bergman said he has received a pleted his doctorate. He has subse- Both Moore and Ferrari declined professor that is denied tenure great deal of negative comments from quently received that degree. comment on the matter because it is after his probationary term has ex- others in his department about such Berman was notified that he had still pending in court. Title IX: seeking athletic equality by Sara Beth Ringle plementing regulations in December copyeditor 1979," said Kumler. The policy interpretation, designed Section 901(a) of Title DC of the specifically for intercollegiate Education Amendments of 1972 pro- athletics, clarifies the obligations that vides that, "No person in the United recipients of Federal aid have under States shall, on the basis of sex, be ex- Title IX to provide equal opportunities cluded from participation in, be in athletic programs. denied the benefits of, or be subjected The University Title IX Committee to discrimination under any educa- was created by James Hof, vice presi- tional program or activity receiving dent for development and alumni af- Federal financial assistance." fairs, and members were appointed to This 37-word statute, created by the the committee last fall before the final Department of Health, Education interpretations were published. and Welfare (HEW), covers every "We weren't certain when we would aspect of discrimination on the basis get them (the policy interpretations), of sex, including several policies but we knew they were coming, and regarding intercollegiate athletics. we knew that we had to be on the The regulations, known as Title IX, move," said Kumler. went into effect on July 21, 1975, and "We were asked to study our Title the HEW proposed that all re- IX situation as it applied to athletics quirements be completed within three at Bowling Green, and detem.ine years. whether or not we were in compliance "They were definitely not com- with the regulations, and, if not, we pleted," said Dr. Marvin Kumler, were to recommend steps to be taken Rosemarie Basile shows a selection of art pieces at the newly opened chairman of the University's ad hoc to comply." Hephastus studio and Fine Art Gallery located at 210% N. Main St Title IX Athletics Study Committee Besides Kumler and Mullins, other photo by Tim Westhoven and associate professor of Title IX Committee members are psychology. James Lessig, University athletic "The HEW, in creating those director; Carole Huston, associate Galleries bring art to town regulations, failed to explain precise- athletic director; Kathy Bole, head ly what was required for com- women's basketball coach; Mickey by Geoff Haynes September, James A. Tudor pliance," he added. Cochrane, associate professor in the statt reporter recently closed his Northlight Art "Title IX was supposed to phase-in School of HPER; Myron Chenault, Studio, located adjacent to his over a three-year period in 1972," said assistant vice president for institu- While large metropolitan cities Tudor photographies store at 141 Beverly Mullins, University director tional contracts; Dr. Terry Parsons, in the United States are attempting W. Wooster. of Equal Opportunity Compliance and professor in the School of HPER; and to revitalize downtown areas by Tudor said the current poor Title IX Committee member, "but Faith Jackson, associate professor in transforming them into the cultural economic conditions hurt business there was a lack of understanding of the School of Speech Communication. centers they once were before the at his gallery, and also said that exactly what the provisions were. The "The committee met all year, about invention of the suburb, a similar many art buyers are going out of HEW felt that there was a need to once a week," said Kumler. "We met movement is fledging in Bowling town to buy their art instead pur- clarify the regulations, and so they set and discussed Title IX and our Green with the opening of art chasing it in Bowling Green. He up guidelines to follow." athletic program at the University. galleries downtown. said the prestige of owning an art The guidelines were in the form of a "We began interviewing people Since September 1979, three art work bought in large city like policy interpretation, and were from the athletic department, from galleries have sprung up in the city. Toledo or Chicago is what art originally published in March, 1979. the administration, and student However, art in Bowling Green buyers want He said art collectors But because of further confusion over athletes. We tried to touch bases does not enjoy the same success normally buy art as a conversation the rules of compliance, the inter- wherever we could identify someone that it enjoys in large cities or other piece or decorative piece and that pretations were again revised. in the athletic program." college towns. they are concerned with the "The HEW published their 'Final Kumler said that he hopes to have After being open since contlnux) on pagt B | Policy Interpretation' and its im- continued on page 3 opinion Networks ready for 'really big show' Art Buchwald "Walter wants to know when he can "Bill, there's something going on in "Hey, Bill. Greer Garson has just talk to Alf Landon." the Mississippi delegation. Everyone grabbed the mike on the platform and WASHINGTON-The theme for this "Tell him after we show the ex- is standing up. Lesley wants to talk to she's doing a scene from 'Mrs. year's Republican Convention, accor- cerpts from 'Bedtime for Bonzo' with you." Miniver.'" ding to California's Lt. Gov. Mike Reagan." "Come in, Lesley." "Switch to Walter, He's seen 'Mrs. Curb, who is in charge of the show, "Oh my God, ABC has talked "Bill, Mississippi has a barbershop Miniver' three times." will be "nostalgia." Since there is no Esther Williams into taking a swim at quartet, and they're singing 'Sweet "Barbara Walters has Joe DiMag- contest, and not even an expectation the YWCA with Barbara Walters." Adeline.' The chairman is trying to gio in the booth." of a fight, the networks will have to "Get a camera crew over there gavel them down. Florida is pro- "Chancellor is now talking to cover 15 hours of entertainment. right away." testing because they were told no Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire." The biggest burden will be on the TV "What happened to Harry James? barbershop quartets would be permit- "Does anyone know where Mary anchormen and the floor reporters in Weren't we going to have a medley of ted on the floor." Pickford is sitting?" Detroit, who will have to create the songs from the '40s?" "She's dead, Bill." excitement in order to keep their "He follows Ethel Merman." "Great work, Lesley. I'll send over "Oh yeah. I guess we better go to listeners.
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